Read Pure Lust Vol. 3 Page 12

  The silence that stretched out for the next ten seconds seemed so much longer.

  Blood rushed to her face, turning it splotchy.

  I could count off the very beats of my heart.

  Then she laughed. It was harsh and false and the sound was so sharp, I almost flinched. “Really, Gabriella. What makes you think I’m looking down my nose? You’re so sensitive.” She reached over and touched Edward’s hand, gripping it tightly. “Sure you know I didn’t mean any offense, Edward.”

  “Of course.” He patted her hand before looking at me. “Darling—”

  “Don’t.” I pushed back from the table, feeling my cheeks heat up with anger. How dare he try to defend her? “I’m not a child, Edward. I know when someone intends to be offensive. You always want to believe the best of people, Edward, and I love that about you, but please don’t tell me that I’m not hearing what I know I heard.”

  He lapsed into silence, looked at the table instead of at me while Stacia gave me a cool, glittering stare. At least he’d tugged his hand from hers.

  Looking down at Stacia, I spoke softly, “You’ve mocked my accent, and I barely have one. You’ve asked if my family walked around barefoot or if they wore overalls for formal events. But you meant no offense. Then you claim you asked simply because you know so little about my kind of people. Maybe that’s true. Maybe you aren’t cruel, just ignorant. And if that’s the case…well…” I smiled and then unleashed one of the southern woman’s most cutting insults. “Bless your heart.”

  I doubted she or Edward understood just how much I’d insulted her just then. And I didn’t care.


  I was still awake when Edward came in.

  Not much time had passed, but it had been long enough for me to know he hadn’t simply told her to leave and come after me. I feigned sleep. I was too scattered to turn to him, too angry with Stacia and his blindness towards so many things.

  And I was angry with myself too.

  She had been there solely to flirt with him. I’d known that. I’d seen it all through the evening and while Edward had been oblivious, I definitely hadn’t been. I’d noticed, but it hadn’t affected me the way it should have and I’d known that too.

  I was more pissed off about the constant jabs she’d made at me and my family than the way she’d stroked her hand down Edward’s arm. Or the way she’d reached up to touch his shoulder or lean in to give him a premium view of her cleavage. I should have been furious. I should have told her to keep her hands to herself, demanded that she respect the fact that Edward was engaged.

  Yet I was more pissed off about the fact that I didn’t care about it nearly as much as I knew I should’ve.

  When he laid down behind me and smoothed a hand down my hip, I kept my eyes closed, my breathing level. His touch warmed my skin, but couldn’t touch the ice inside me. Even when he kissed my shoulder and softly murmured my name, I didn’t react.

  I was too torn inside and the turmoil of the day kept me from turning to him.

  Because he knew I’d been hurt, he’d be sweet and loving and gentle, but the only answer to the chaos inside me was the opposite. I needed ferocity, passion, something so intense that it drove everything out of my mind, everything but our two bodies moving together...

  A face loomed in my mind.

  Immediately, I blocked it out.

  I can’t stop thinking of you…

  No, I told myself. No.

  Chapter 15

  Guilt and frustration chased me through the night, darkening my dreams and even when I woke up, they cast a shadow on me.

  I needed to talk to Edward.

  If he’d already left for work, then I’d just have Paul drive me into see him.

  I hadn’t been angry with him last night, but I didn’t like leaving things so unsettled, and I needed him to understand that I wasn’t comfortable with Stacia. I couldn’t control the people he was friends with, but I had a bad feeling that if he brought her into our home too often, it might damage what we had. I wasn’t going to be one of those women who didn’t like any of her husband’s friends, but Stacia...she didn’t just want to be Edward’s friend. I wasn’t reading into it. I knew that. He needed to know.

  People in relationships had to talk.

  That was what he’d say, so that was what I’d tell him.

  That decided, I climbed out of bed feeling a little clearer. But when I moved to my dresser to dig out some panties and a new bra, I found a note.


  I’m going to be out of touch most of the day. We’ve had a problem with a small design line we’ve been buying out and I have to personally oversee the resolution. I may be tied up in meetings for the next day or two, most likely working late. I’m sorry. I’ll call you tonight, sooner if possible.

  I love you.


  I read the note twice over and then slumped against my dresser, defeat flooding me.

  “Why didn’t you just talk to him last night?” I asked the question out loud even though there wasn’t anyone there to answer me.

  I moved back to the bed and picked up my phone, hoping there’d be a message from him. Something sweet and personal, something that proved he felt bad about not being around.

  There was a message.

  From Flynn.

  I deleted it without reading it and then sent Edward a text of my own.

  I saw your note. Hope to hear from you soon. I love you too.

  The day didn’t get any better from there.

  Not that I was expecting it to since I was set to spend the day going over music choices and wedding songs with Estelle.

  At least Claire wasn’t there when I arrived. She had some sort of charity function that simply couldn’t be put off, not even for a wedding. She called off and on throughout the day, because clearly, my choices couldn’t be trusted. Not that she said that directly, but there was no doubting the message.

  “You want a father/daughter dance, I’m sure,” Estelle said.

  It was the first thing today that made me smile. “Yes.” I could already see my big, grizzled bear of a father blushing at the idea of it. He’d danced with Suzanne at her wedding despite his obvious embarrassment. When Jennifer, who’d been only ten at the time, had asked why he’d done it, he’d said it was every father’s responsibility. I wanted it even more than I wanted the plums and purples and golds and oranges for my colors. “Dad used to dance with us around the living room at night. I definitely want a father/daughter dance.”

  I glanced up at Estelle at that moment and saw a fleeting smile on her face. It was the first real one I’d seen from her in a while too. Maybe ever.

  “Any idea what song you’d like?”

  I bit my lip. Since Claire wasn’t here, I knew I could voice my opinions without fear of being made fun of or ignored, but I was still hesitant. Estelle was nice enough, but she was still high class. “There are two songs I’ve always liked. One’s called, I Loved Her First and the other one is I’ll Always Be Your Baby. Both seem kind of perfect for a father/daughter dance.”

  Estelle made a note without a word of discouragement, though I did see her eyebrows go up just a fraction.

  We went through the important upcoming dates: cake tasting, meeting with the caterers, going over the menu. I made sure to note every one of them in my phone and then sent them all in a text message to Edward. I didn’t expect a response and didn’t get one, but at least I knew he had the dates now.

  “I hear that all the invitations are addressed and ready to send out?” She gave me a narrow look.

  “Ah, yes.” Knotting my hands in my lap, I waited for her to launch into me like Claire had done.

  She just nodded. “Just make sure they’re mailed. You remember the dates, right?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “Ma’am?” She laughed and then, to my surprise, she laid her planner down and studied me for a moment before asking the last thing I ever expected. “Is this the wed
ding you want, Gabriella?”

  I opened my mouth, then closed it. I couldn’t tell her the truth. After a moment, I shrugged. “It’s the one I’m planning, isn’t it?”

  It seemed a lame sort of response, but I didn’t have another one. Not when the truth wasn’t an option.

  Less than thirty minutes later, my Claire reprieve ended. She came into the room in her usual sweeping way, announcing it was time to start working on seating charts.

  I could have smashed my head against the table. I’d thought we were done, that I could get out of here, find someplace to grab a slice of pizza and work on one of my projects – most likely the finding a job one – and have some time to think.

  “Oh, good…you’re still here.” Claire didn’t look thrilled by the idea at all, really, but she still smiled and snapped her fingers at the young woman following along behind her. The woman lifted a heavy bag and placed it on the table, retreating out the door without another word. “Seating charts are tremendously important, you realize.”

  She looked at Estelle. “Are you free?”

  Estelle gave her a gracious smile. “For you? Of course.”


  “You will make sure they’re dressed appropriately for the rehearsal dinner as well as the wedding, won’t you, Gabriella?” Claire’s gaze rested on the bohemian top I’d paired with a short skirt and her lips compressed as though she wasn’t sure I understood what appropriate meant.

  “Of course. My father has already pressed his best overalls.” Those words popped out of my mouth in a bright, cheerful tone and even as I heard myself saying them, I knew I should stop.

  Except…I didn’t really want to. For the past hour – no, from the first moment I’d met her – it had been one jab after another and lately, the insults were getting more and more cutting and I’d reached the end of my patience. I was done.

  So as she gaped at me, I smiled brilliantly at her.

  Over to my left, Estelle made a strange choking sound under her breath. I couldn’t tell if it was a laugh or a sound of disapproval, and I didn’t care. It crossed my mind that I might have been in the middle of a nervous breakdown. I’d have to research that. It could make for an interesting story.

  Egged on by the shocked look on Claire’s face, I leaned closer. I didn’t even have to feign excitement. I almost felt giddy as all the things I’d been thinking and feeling came rushing out in a wonderfully sarcastic diatribe.

  “And Mama has the perfect dress. It was her homecoming dress in high school. She’s still the same size eight she was back then. And after six kids. Do you believe that?” I let my drawl come through. “The dress is orange too, just like my wedding colors. Perfect for fall. Bright orange. The same orange the Volunteers wear.”

  As Claire stared at me blankly, I gave her a look of feigned surprise. “Tennessee. It’s the Volunteer State. You know that, right? Maybe we should put that on the programs.”

  Her pale face flushed with color.

  That did it. I watched as she pushed her chair back from the table, her hands curling over the edge as she stood up.

  I knew I should’ve felt bad, and I knew I still might after this was all over, but a girl could only handle so much.

  Her throat worked. I could almost hear the disgust layering her tone as she opened her mouth to lay into me.

  Before she could, the door flew open, bouncing off the wall with a clanging echo. All of us turned to stare as Cody came running in. His face was white, his eyes huge. He looked like he’d run for miles and the expression on his face had the bottom of my stomach dropping out.

  “Cody.” Claire flicked a dismissive look at him, brushing a hand through the air as if that would wipe away whatever had brought him here. “Whatever it is, it can wait. Please go.”

  I should sit down, I thought, only vaguely aware of anybody else at that point. I could only stare at Cody, waiting for the horrible news. Sit down…

  Except I was already sitting down, clutching at the arms of the chair.

  Estelle moved forward to put a hand on Claire’s arm as Cody took a deep breath.

  I covered my mouth with one hand to stifle the noise I could feel building in my throat. I didn’t want to hear it. I wanted to tell him to stop, to not say it. If he didn’t say it, it wouldn’t be real.

  “It’s Edward,” he said roughly. “Something’s happened.”

  Don’t miss Vol. 4, the thrilling conclusion to Pure Lust, release July 24th. Click here to get an email as soon as it’s available.

  All series from M. S. Parker

  Casual Encounter Box Set

  Sinful Desires Box Set

  Twisted Affair Box Set

  Club Prive Vol. 1 to 5

  French Connection (Club Prive) Vol. 1 to 3

  Chasing Perfection Vol. 1 to 4

  Pleasures Series

  Exotic Desires Series

  Serving HIM Series

  Pure Lust Series

  Connect with the authors on Facebook:

  Cassie Wild:

  MS Parker:


  First, we would like to thank all of our readers. Without you, our books would not exist. We truly appreciate each and every one of you.

  A big “thanks” goes out to all the Facebook fans, street team, beta readers, and advanced reviewers. You are a HUGE part of the success of the series.

  We have to thank our PA, Shannon Hunt. Without you our lives would be a complete and utter mess. Also a big thank you goes out to our editor Lynette and our wonderful cover designer, Sinisa. You make our ideas and writing look so good.

  About The Authors

  MS Parker

  M. S. Parker is a USA Today Bestselling author and the author of the Erotic Romance series, Club Privè and Chasing Perfection.

  Living in Southern California, she enjoys sitting by the pool with her laptop writing on her next spicy romance.

  Growing up all she wanted to be was a dancer, actor or author. So far only the latter has come true but M. S. Parker hasn’t retired her dancing shoes just yet. She is still waiting for the call for her to appear on Dancing With The Stars.

  When M. S. isn't writing, she can usually be found reading– oops, scratch that! She is always writing.

  Cassie Wild

  Cassie Wild loves romance. Every since she was eight years old she’s been reading every romance novel she could get her hands on, always dreaming of writing her own romance novels.

  When MS Parker approached her about co-authoring the Serving HIM series, it didn’t take Cassie many seconds to say a big yes!!

  Serving HIM and Pure Lust are only the beginning to the collaboration between MS Parker and Cassie Wild. Another series is already in the planning stages.



  M. S. Parker, Pure Lust Vol. 3



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