Read Purple Magic Page 5

  “I don’t believe you,” Jolene rasped through clenched teeth.

  “It’s true.” His hand slid down her to her hip, leaving a trail of goose bumps behind. A satisfied smile played on his lips. “She enjoys the pleasure we bring her.” He paused. “Just as you do.”

  “No. I . . . I don’t believe that.”

  “Yes, you do,” he said, slipping his fingers into the dark triangle between her legs. “You aren’t ready to admit it, but you like it here, too.” Drago flicked her clit and she gasped. “You like it a lot.”

  “I want to see Carrie.” The words came out with effort, as Drago teased her body, assaulting her senses.

  “The path to seeing Carrie is an erotic one, Jolene. One you must travel freely.” His voice dropped low. A whisper. “Forget everything but you and me. Just get lost in the desire we share.”

  She squeezed her eyes shut. Carrie. She wanted to find Carrie. But what Drago asked was too much. Jolene had thought she could do this but she couldn’t. Coming here was one thing. Getting lost in it was another, much more frightening thing. Because if she did, she had the most horrible feeling she might never come back.

  “I can’t,” she said. “I can’t.”

  Cupping her face with his hands, Drago forced her to look at him, gentleness in the action. “You can, and you will.”

  She swallowed and closed her eyes. “No.” Jolene shook her head, ever aware of her arms at her side, her nipples jutting forward, begging for more of his touch.

  A slow smile turned up the corners of Drago’s mouth. “I’ll make you forget.”

  Her lashes lifted abruptly. “By drugging me?”

  For several seconds he held her stare. “I don’t want you drugged. I want your surrender.” He paused. Then his hands slid down her sides, over her hips. When his fingers found her thighs, her breath caught in her throat. Suddenly, he was on his knees and her legs were being pressed apart. He looked up at her as his finger slid along the silky wet proof of her arousal. “And I don’t like to be kept waiting.”


  Drago slid to the floor, between Jolene’s legs. He desired her as he had never before desired a woman. Arousal pulsed through his limbs, heat flooded his cock, which pressed uncomfortably against his zipper. He didn’t dare undress. Not yet. He felt as though he might snap at any moment.

  Though there was no logic to his need, he ached for Jolene to offer herself to him freely. To know he hadn’t forced her submission. Yet saving her life could well mean demanding submission from her. With the intensity of the attraction they shared, he knew it was possible to entice her physical response. But he would have to have more. He’d have to have her complete, utter submission . . . her trust.

  Again and again, he had tried to enter her mind, tried to tell her he had to behave in certain ways, had to say and do things Alex would expect of him. But each time, she shoved him away. Each time, he resisted forcing his presence in her mind. He had to take so much from her tonight. He would offer her the free will he could, for as long as he could safely allow.

  His fingers slid into the tangle of dark curls between her legs, touching the silky wet folds of her core. The desire to take her called to him with a deep hunger, demanding to be fed, threatening to fog all thinking. She was beautiful. A carnal roar screamed in his body, in his cock; his urgency to claim her was overshadowed by only one feeling . . . possessiveness. A thought formed in his mind. Mate. It rang in his head over and over, screaming to be noticed. The implications of such a thing were many. He shoved aside the complicated thought, focusing on the here and now, on Jolene’s pleasure, on her submission.

  Drago drew a line up and down her core, and a soft, sexy whimper escaped her lips. He smiled at the sound, loving how responsive she was to him. He could only imagine what she would be like in a different setting. Alone with him. Feeling safe and secure, free to explore her wants and needs.

  The word mate screamed in his head again, refusing to be dismissed. Holy hell. Who was he kidding? He knew it was true, knew she belonged to him. The idea of Alex touching Jolene brought near fury. Watching the other males fondle her had damn near burned a hole in his gut. A necessary evil to ensure he didn’t arouse suspicions, but damn near poison to his nerves.

  There was no room for anything like duty in his life but still Jolene had taken him by storm. Duty, he reminded himself. And right now, fucking Jolene was part of that duty and possibly a life or death equation.

  He slid a finger inside her and felt her tense. But he didn’t try to calm her or ease her, didn’t try to offer comfort as he had before. Instead, he demanded her submission, slipping another finger inside her and starting a pumping action. To get her out of this place, he had to have her complete trust. Had to. Understanding this, he pressed her forward, mimicking sex with his movements, demanding she give him all she had, all she could be.

  When she began rocking against him, he blew on her clit, his cock thickening with the anticipation of her sweetness on his tongue. With the anticipation of spreading her wide and burying himself deeply.

  With a lap of his tongue he teased her nub and felt her shiver in response. Oh yeah, she wanted him all right. She was practically dripping, she was so wet. And this pleased him. No matter how he tried to make this about work. To justify taking her, he could not shake the desire to please her. It remained important she not look back on this and feel he’d done anything but offer her satisfaction. It really shouldn’t matter. He was saving her from Alex, from the rest of this place. Saving her from a life as a slave. He reached for the anger of only seconds ago, but already that emotion had faded, lost in other unfamiliar feelings only Jolene evoked.

  He suckled her nub, his tongue working with delicate strokes that slowly built into a frenzy of faster licks. When he felt her knees begin to buckle, Drago slid his hand around her perfect, round ass and offered support.

  He lapped at her, drinking in the essence of her arousal and lifting her leg over his shoulder to allow himself better access. Pleased she wasn’t fighting him, he drove onward, his tongue sliding inside her, imitating what he soon would do with his cock.

  She moaned and panted more loudly now. Sounds that drove him wild with their soft, sensual play along his nerve endings. With a low growl he lost himself in her, licking her up and down, side to side. Faster. Harder. His tongue thrusting deeper. His fingers playing along with the motion. In. Out. All around.

  She cried out and then stiffened, signaling the moment before release. With one last roll of her clit, he drew her orgasm from her. Her body tightened around his fingers, and he sunk them deeper inside her, massaging and pleasuring. Fast at first, giving her as much intensity as possible, and then slowly easing . . . easing . . . bringing her down.

  With a deep breath, he eased her leg to the ground and willed his raging body to calm. He wanted to take her now, wanted to take her in a way he’d never wanted another female. Screw Alex. He’d give him a show, but he was going to enjoy this his way.

  Drago’s mouth pressed against Jolene’s flat stomach and she shivered in response, his nostrils flaring with her sweet feminine scent. He kissed the spot again, silently vowing that before this night was over, he’d kiss every inch of her lush body. And she’d be begging for more. He’d make sure of it. He wanted all of her. What that meant exactly, he didn’t know right now. He’d figure it out later. Right now, he simply wanted every last moan of pleasure she had in her.


  Jolene couldn’t believe she had just come with such intensity. For God’s sake, people were watching. And she was chained to a wall. Part of her had begun to actually feel relief over the shackles. Those pieces of metal wrapping her wrists were all that had kept her from completely losing herself in Drago. It was hard enough to know this man took her places within herself she didn’t even know existed, but to go there with an audience unnerved her. The craziness of her desire for this man had her aching to touch him. No doubt, if she were free of restraints, she’d
forget Alex and his people and be doing that and more.

  Even now, as Drago’s lips brushed her stomach, the unmistakable rise of desire roared to life again. Desire that made no sense. She’d just had the most intense orgasm of her life. How could she want more? How could she even have allowed herself to be turned on under such circumstances?

  Was this part of being a vampire? Had her mother sheltered her from this, raising her as a human for that reason?

  The flicker of Drago’s tongue in her navel, gentle, enticing, sent a rush of molten heat through her limbs. Drago drove her wild. Drago did. No one else. This couldn’t be about this place or about her vampire side. This was about him. About her. About something unique they shared, and it confused her.

  Her gaze dropped to his dark head, wishing she could slide her fingers through his hair, watching as he trailed kisses along her skin. Gentle kisses. Tender kisses. Kisses that held the promise of more than sex. When she’d expected Drago to take from her, he seemed determined to give. Ah, but he had taken. He’d taken her orgasm, her pleasure, and damn near brought her to submission, despite her best efforts to avoid giving it.

  Her eyes darted around the room, looking for cameras. She couldn’t stop thinking about the people watching. Lord help her, it didn’t change how aroused she felt. How hot. Sizzling hot. So on fire, she could do nothing but moan at the rough caress of Drago’s tongue, biting back the plea that almost escaped her lips, feeling as if it would be the final demise of her will.

  But in her mind, she begged for her freedom. “Drago,” she murmured, his lips trailing her hip now. Drago. In her mind, she pleaded to have him inside her.

  As if he heard her thoughts, he stepped away, leaving her cold without his touch, without his mouth. His eyes met hers; the look in his, the fire and desire, could have scorched her skin.

  Slowly, he reached upward and began unbuttoning his shirt. With a flutter of her stomach, heat darted up her thighs. She wanted to do it for him, she realized. To undress him. To explore his body. Her thoughts were free of guilt, free of reprimand. Full of anticipation.

  Her eyes followed his fingers, savoring every inch of skin as it appeared. Dark hair covered his tawny skin. He was the rich color of warm brown. European maybe. The color of milk chocolate, creamy and rich. Addictive even. She gobbled up the sight of him. She’d never been this attracted to a man. Never. It frightened her to desire a man who was holding her prisoner, but at the same time it thrilled and enticed.

  He toed off his shoes and kicked them away. Then he reached for his belt. Only moments later, he stood before her naked. Perfect. Erect. Big. She swallowed then, as the ache between her legs intensified to near unbearable intensity. She was beyond want. She needed him inside her, on top of her. She just needed . . . him. Her captor. She should be thinking of ways to fight. Instead, all she could think about was giving herself to him.

  With a hungry stare, she traveled his body; biting her lip, she took in his long, powerful legs. Thighs like steel. Abs rippling with deliciously defined muscle. And as her gaze slid back to his cock, she felt the fire of urgency. She was locked in this room with Drago, a man she had wanted before this night.

  She wanted him. He wanted her. The sex already in play and inevitable. Alex expected nothing less. She wanted nothing less. He was her only hope of getting out of this place. To trust Drago might be dangerous, but she had to. Not trusting him left her alone, and without hope. Something she desperately needed. Reaching deep, she studied her instincts and the connection she felt to this man—to this vampire.

  And she found her answer. She had to gamble on Drago.

  She fixed him in a stare, searching his eyes for the truth. For a reason to believe that her next words, her next actions were the right ones.

  “Take off the chains,” she said, her voice strong as she gave what he’d demanded, what Alex would expect before Drago freed her. “I surrender.”

  Then, she dared to let down her mental barrier, reaching for Drago’s mind, not completely sure she even remembered how to do such a thing. It had been years since her father had spoken to her in such a way or her to him.

  She repeated her words in her mind, relaying them for Drago alone to hear. I surrender.


  The sweetness of Jolene’s arousal still flavored his tongue; the scent of her lust floated in the air, calling to him like a soft whisper. He wanted to fuck her. No. Needed. He needed to fuck her. Perhaps that would destroy the hunger gnawing at his gut. A quick release would give him back control.

  The reality of just how on edge he was, how near losing control, agitated him. Her words repeated in his head, as if she thought he hadn’t heard them.

  I surrender.

  He’d heard them, all right. Finally, he was in her head, past her barriers and he couldn’t think of anything but burying himself inside her body. Her surrender sent flames licking at his body. Set his blood on fire. Worse, it had roused his hunger for her. He could feel his cuspids elongating, feel the depths of his turbulent need. To claim her. To claim his mate. He could not longer deny she belonged to him, and him to her. The depth of his thirst, his desire to taste her and claim her, persuasive in its demand for satisfaction, stole all doubt.

  Which meant he had a problem beyond the many others he was juggling. If he drank of Jolene, their bonding would be one step closer to permanent, one step closer to an eternal seal. He wasn’t prepared to do that without some serious soul searching, not to mention Jolene’s consent. A Slayer led a dangerous life, and every step she took with him would put her in harm’s way.

  Lord help him, though, because Alex would expect him to drink of Jolene. A female vampire had mental control a human did not. Alex would never allow Jolene to leave without absolute confidence that Drago could contain her.

  Drago drew a deep, calming breath and spoke to Jolene through their mental connection. I must show complete dominance this night, Jolene, or Alex will not allow you to leave. He must feel I own your mind and body.

  Her eyes flashed with concern. How do you know he will let me leave at all?

  Jolene didn’t hide their conversation well, her expression far too readable. No more talk. Trust me if you want to live. I’ll explain everything later. I promise.

  Drago firmly cut off their mental path. If he didn’t leave her somewhat unsettled, if there wasn’t the appearance of a true battle to submission, Alex would know something was wrong. He strode forward, intentionally appearing to stalk her.

  Jolene bit her bottom lip at his approach, her eyes sliding down his body, fixing on his arousal, heat flaring in her eyes. Her gaze jerked upward, as if she realized her distraction and reprimanded herself.

  He stopped in front of her now, his body raging beyond their words, lust pulsing through his body like hot lava. He stood close. So close that another step would allow him the sweet bliss of sliding his rock-hard cock along her slick folds.

  To admit his role as a Slayer broke a code of silence, but this woman was his mate. She would have to know about his world, and they would have to discuss the implications of being together or turning away from each other.

  “Are you willing to prove your surrender?” he challenged.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “Please. Just set my hands free.”

  His gaze dropped to her breasts, watched her nipples tightening beneath his stare. She had beautiful breasts. Full and high, and incredibly sensitive. He wondered if he could make her come just by stimulating them. The thought intrigued him and he decided to explore it. Just not now. Later. Once he’d spilled himself in her and regained his composure.

  His eyes lifted to hers. “And if I do? How will you prove yourself worthy of that freedom?”

  A flash of uncertainty passed through her eyes. He leaned forward, his nostrils flaring with the sweet scent of woman and roses. Unable to stop himself, he took another step and pressed his body against hers and slid his cock between her thighs. The wet heat of her core brought both a feeling
of relief and urgency. He took a moment to simply enjoy the feel of skin against skin.

  His lips pressed close to her ear, but he knew Alex could hear. “What will you do?”

  “Anything you want,” she said, so low he barely heard her words, but there was no hesitation in her voice. In fact, she seemed to melt against him as she spoke, her hips grinding ever so slightly against his.

  The wet heat of her arousal surrounded him, pressing him over the edge. A low growl slid from his lips as he reached behind her and filled his hand with her ass, lifting her. In a matter of seconds, he’d positioned her for access and slid inside the tight, warm heat of her body and thrust deep. She gasped and then cried out his name. The sound rocketed fire through his veins.

  Blinded by pure lust, by physical demand, he began to pump his hips, hands still wrapped around that sweet ass for leverage. While Drago moved in and out of Jolene’s lush body, her breasts bounced, her muscles grabbed and squeezed. He ground his teeth and pumped harder, faster. Jolene arched into him, moaning and panting, and then cried out. A second later, she tensed, spasms milking his cock, squeezing him with so much pleasure he could barely catch his breath.

  She arched hard against him and he felt his body shudder and shake. He reared back, driving into her with all the force he owned, hitting her core with an explosion that rocked him from head to toe.

  He took only a moment to recover, burying his head in her neck. Vampire males had dry releases, which fed the intensity and hunger of their sexual need. He was still hard. Still ready to take her again. One release only began the process of complete satisfaction.

  Inhaling, Drago forced himself to back away from her, and somehow managed to retract his cuspids. He turned away from her and walked to the corner. He felt the heat of her gaze follow him as he shoved a piece of red silk aside to display a small compartment. Grabbing the key he needed, he returned to Jolene’s side, avoiding eye contact. Afraid she might see the hunger he felt, the bloodlust. He removed the first cuff, intent on finishing his task before he lost himself again to desire. When he unlatched the second cuff, he pulled her hard against his body, fighting the primal part of himself that simply wanted to take her again.