Read Purrfect Chaos Page 2

  “Fine. What are you doing here?” I said as I pushed past him to unlock the door.

  “I was worried about you because you weren’t answering my calls.” He followed me inside and sat his briefcase down on a chair.

  “Well, as you can see, I’m just fine. You can go now.”

  “Jacy, don’t be like that,” he said as he put his hand on my shoulder.

  “Look Daddy, I’ll do it, okay? Isn’t that why you’re really here? I’ll go to work for Calico for the sake of Majestic, even if it means having to deal with Tom Puma. Okay, are you satisfied?”

  “Good,” he sighed. “You start tomorrow morning.”

  “Tomorrow morning? Are you insane? What last name did you give me?”

  “The sooner, the better, and it’s Jordan.”

  “Jacy Jordan, seriously. Even I could have done better than that,” I said as I raised my eyebrow at him.

  “Oh, and Jacy,” he said as he turned to leave. “Absolutely no magic. If we’re going to win this, we’re going to win it fair and square.”

  “Yes, Daddy,” I said, flashing him my wickedest smile.


  On Monday morning, I woke up to my alarm, stretched and got out of bed, excited to start my day. As much as I didn’t want to work with Puma, the idea of playing the spy game sounded like fun.

  I had heard about Tom and his womanizing ways, so I decided that conservative was not the way to go. Instead, I dressed in my sexiest low-cut blouse, with a tight black skirt, and a pair of red stilettos. I figured that the sexier I looked, the more info I would be able to get.


  When I walked through the glass doors of Calico Enterprises, everyone stopped what they were doing and stared. I just kept on going. When I got to the main desk, I asked for Mr. Puma’s office and was let inside.

  “What the hell was that?” I heard someone ask.

  “Our new Vice President,” a woman answered.

  I sat in a chair in Mr. Puma’s office, eagerly awaiting his arrival. It didn’t look like the office of an evil man by any means. The walls were painted a peaceful shade of blue, and brightly colored paintings hung on the wall. Glancing around the room, I was starting to think everything I’d ever heard about him was wrong. And then he came walking in.



  “Good morning, Sarah,” I said as I walked past her desk. “Is she still in my office?” I asked, hoping she had decided not to wait.

  “Yes, she is, sir.”

  “And what would her name be?”

  “Jacy Jordan.”

  “Good, nice and professional sounding, perfect,” I said under my breath on my way into my office.

  I walked over to my desk, put my briefcase on the floor, and laid my jacket over the back of my chair before I even turned to look at her. As soon as I did, I shook my head and leaned backwards.

  “Is something wrong?” she asked.

  “No,” I stammered. What was I supposed to say, oh, you’re that witch from the woods? No, it was better not to let her know I knew. I had my secrets, and she had hers. Besides, I’d rather not be turned into a mosquito anytime soon.

  “I understand we’re having a meeting this morning,” she said. “Is there anything special you need me to do?”

  “You could start by grabbing me a coffee, cream and sugar,” I said as I grabbed some files out of my briefcase.

  “Excuse me, but coffee is not in my job description,” she said as she placed both of her hands on my desk and towered over me.

  She looked even more gorgeous this close up than she did in the woods that night. Her voluptuous breasts threatened to peek out of the top of her blouse, and I wanted to reach out and touch them.

  “Mr. Puma, my eyes are up here, if you don’t mind. Now get your own damn coffee.”

  I almost wanted to laugh out loud at the little spitfire who stood in front of me. How dare she talk to me like that.

  “Very well,” I said as I got up to grab a coffee from the machine across the room.

  “Wanna grab me one too?” she said as she flashed me a cheeky grin. “Make mine black.”

  The nerve of that woman, I thought to myself. I started trying to plot ways to get rid of her, but I knew it would be impossible. If the rest of the Board of Directors had voted unanimously, my one vote wouldn’t make a difference. She was here to stay whether I liked it or not.

  I handed her her coffee on my way back to my desk. “You might want to take a few notes before the meeting so you know what we’re talking about,” I said.

  “Of course,” she said as she reached into her briefcase and pulled out a notepad and a pen.

  “Majestic Industries is run by Ronald Sumner. They’re our main competition right now. We’re looking for ways to put his company out of business so we can take over the market. I want you to come up with three ideas before the meeting. You have ten minutes.”

  “Ten minutes?” she asked, wide eyed. Her blue eyes sparkled like sapphires as she stared back at me. “Ten minutes from when?”

  “Ten minutes from now.” When the hell did she think? Ten minutes from lunchtime? If she wanted to make it in this company, she was going to have to get with the program.

  Her pen flew out of her hand and danced across the carpet to the other side of the room. I was just getting up to get it for her when she told me to stay where I was. Whatever, I thought as I stuck my nose back in my files.

  But when she bent over to pick it up, I couldn’t help but take a peek. Her curvy hips sent chills up and down my spine, and the wild beast in me went into a frenzy. I started salivating as I thought about pouncing on her delicious body.

  She saw me staring when she stood up. “Is everything okay?” she asked.

  “Yes, everything’s fine,” I said as I pretended to read over my files.

  “I just wondered because you were staring at me. I thought maybe something was out of place or something.”

  “Oh no, trust me. Everything’s in the right place,” I said, trying to keep a straight face. There was something bewitching about that girl, and it had me mesmerized from the get-go.


  ~ Jacy~

  Who did that dickhead think he was, asking me to get his coffee? I’d get him coffee alright. If he wasn’t careful I’d grind him up with some coffee beans and make a delicious brew out of him.

  I knew I had him right where I wanted him when I caught him staring at my ass while I picked up my pen. It didn’t take long, either. Within the first twenty minutes of knowing me, he already wanted me. I’d be playing him like putty in my hands before the day was over.

  “Jacy, you have your list ready?” he asked from across his desk.

  “Been done for a while now,” I said, staring him down.

  “Let’s go,” he said as he stood up. I got up, and he led me from his office, down the hall to the boardroom. I sat my papers down on the table at the first available spot and started pulling the chair out.

  “That’s my...” he started.

  “That’s your what?” I sneered.

  “I was going to say that’s my chair, but ladies first,” he smiled.

  Grrr... Under any other circumstances, I would have been happier than a pig in a mud pile to steal his chair. But he had to go and use a reference to me being a woman, and that didn’t fly with me.

  “Oh, no, you take it. I insist,” I said as I moved to the next available chair.

  I sat down with my papers in front of me and waited for everyone else to enter the room. When the meeting was ready to start, Puma stood up.

  “Everyone, I’d like you to meet our new Vice President, Jacy Jordan,” he said, pointing to me. I nodded and smiled. “We’ve already met,” I said as I scrunched up my nose at him.

  “Jacy has a few ideas for how we can put Majestic Industries out of business,” he said, turning the floor over to me. I hadn’t expected him to
turn the meeting over to me quite so quickly. In fact, I didn’t know he was going to do that at all. I just figured he had me write them down for points of discussion.

  I shook my head at his audacity. What a jerk, I thought. He could have at least given me a heads-up. I stood up and smiled at everyone. As I laid out my three points, I couldn’t help but think about how strange it felt to be giving them ideas for taking over my daddy’s company.

  Fortunately, in my opinion they all sucked. Besides, if they decided to move forward with any of them, I’d be able to warn my dad ahead of time so he’d be able to plan a counterattack.


  “I’m heading off to lunch now,” he said. “Would you care to join me?”

  And what are you going to eat today, small children or a few of your employees? I thought to myself. “That’s okay, I have things to do,” I said.

  “Whatever floats your boat,” he said as he grabbed his jacket and headed out of the office. His golden green eyes looked disappointed, and I felt sorry for refusing him.




  The next couple of weeks at the office went by quickly. The longer she was around, the more she grew on me. But the more I tried to get to know her, the harder she pushed me away.

  There was nothing I loved more than a woman who played hard to get, but this woman was something else. She wasn’t just hard to get, she was impossible to get. Somehow, some way, I would get her attention. I had to have her if it was the last thing I did.


  “Jacy, what the hell,” I said when I saw her. She walked into the office looking dishevelled. Her red puffy eyes were full of tears, and she held a tissue in her hand.

  “You wouldn’t understand,” she sobbed.

  “Try me,” I said as I sat on the edge of my desk. Dammit, this woman was softening me against my will.

  “It’s Willow, my cat. She’s missing.”

  My mind immediately went back to that night in the woods. All I could picture was that flea-bitten thing hissing at me through the long grass and the bushes.

  “It’s okay,” I said as I tried to comfort her. “I’m sure she’ll come back. How long has she been gone?”

  “Three days now. I let her out the other night and she just never came back. She’s never been gone this long before. I just... I just... I told you, you wouldn’t understand.”

  I didn’t understand at all. It made no sense to me how a loving human being could confine a beautiful animal and keep it locked up in their house like a cage. It was no wonder to me why her cat took off and ran free at its first opportunity.

  “Jacy, I do understand. Pets are like family,” I said as I rested my hand on her back, trying to comfort her. “Do you need to take the afternoon off?”

  “No, I’ll be fine,” she choked back.


  As the day picked up, so did her mood. She seemed to bring a breath of fresh air into the place most of the time. Other times, she was just a pain in the ass with all of her questions about the Majestic takeover.

  I got up from my desk and went over to the coffee machine. “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Grabbing us a coffee, what did you think I was doing?”

  “I’ll get my own, thanks,” she said as she came over and tried to snatch the cup out of my hand. I held firmly onto the cup while she tugged and pulled.

  “Stop. You’re going to...” Coffee flew up into the air and landed all over her white silk blouse, revealing the white lacy bra that lay underneath. I dabbed at her chest with a napkin I grabbed off the stand.

  “What the hell are you doing?” she gasped in horror as she tried to snatch the napkin out of my hand.

  “Just copping a feel. Was it as good for you as it was for me?” I said as I walked back to my desk.

  “Ass,” she said under her breath while she dabbed away at her blouse. Watching her poke away at her round bosom was making me hard with excitement. I was just glad I was sitting on the other side of the desk. She would have really freaked out had she seen the size of the tent her tits made in my pants.

  I had to find a way to get close to her, to find out what made her tick. She was the one woman I couldn’t have, and that made her the one I wanted most of all. Sooner or later, she’d give in to me.

  “Can I leave a little early?” she asked.

  “Yes, of course. As I said, take the rest of the day off. I know you’re going through a rough time.”

  “Thanks, Puma... I mean, Tom,” she said as she started gathering her things.

  After she left, I came up with the perfect plan to get to know her better. If she wouldn’t give me the time of day, I would make her. They didn’t call me the old Tomcat for nothing.



  Oh, Willow, where are you? I thought when I got back home. I couldn’t understand why she’d just leave me like that. I loved her so much, and now my kitty was gone. I threw myself down on the couch in a heap and turned on the TV. All I could think about was Willow curling up beside me and purring me to sleep.

  Finally, I gave up and went for a walk to clear my head. I scouted the entire neighborhood as I’d done every day for the past three days looking for her. There were still no signs of her. I feared someone else had taken her in, thinking she was a stray.

  When I got home, I sat down on my front step feeling defeated. After a few minutes, I saw something black and furry out of the corner of my eye. At first, I thought it was my Willow.

  But when I turned to look, I noticed this black cat was slightly larger and fluffier than she was. “Hey little guy,” I said as I coaxed the cat over to me. It came over and started rubbing itself against my legs while it purred.

  I stroked its soft fur, and giggled as it tickled my calves. It kept nudging my arm as if it wanted something. Finally, I picked it up and stared it in the eyes. “Who are you, you cute little kitty witty,” I cooed.

  “Someone must really miss you,” I said as I set it down in my lap, where it curled up into a little ball. “Do you want something to eat?” I said. Its ears perked up, and it lifted its head, almost as if it understood what I said.

  “Okay, you can come in, but just for a few minutes. My Willow won’t like it if she comes home and finds you here.” I carefully lifted the cat out of my lap and sat it back down on the step while I stood up. As I walked toward the door, the cat followed me, rubbing against my legs every step of the way.

  “Are you getting fresh with me, Mister?” I teased as I poured a saucer of milk and sat it on the floor. The cat eagerly lapped it up and sat staring at me like it was begging for more. With a heavy heart, I poured it a bowl of Willow’s cat food and sat it down.

  The cat looked back at me, and I could have sworn I saw a sense of sadness in its eyes, almost as if it understood what I was feeling. “Don’t worry, little guy,” I said as I patted him on the head, “everything’s going to be okay.” I just wished I believed it.

  I went and sat down in the living room while it finished eating. A few minutes later, I heard it trotting along the floor looking for me. Before long, I saw it peeking its little head around the corner. As soon as it saw me, it came running and leapt on the couch beside me.

  “Well, if you’re going to be spending much time here, we’re going to have to give you a name,” I said. I was almost afraid to name it in case it belonged to someone else, but I knew I couldn’t keep calling it “the cat” or “kitty.”

  “So, what should we call you? Thunder?” The cat looked away. “What about Princess?” It started to walk away. “I suppose before I name you, I should check to see whether you’re a boy or a girl,” I said, as I picked it up and flipped it over.

  “Definitely a boy,” I said, sitting him back down on the couch. “How about Pharaoh?” He came over to me and nudged my arm with his little head. My heart melted. Then he moved his little head closer to me and put his l
ittle nose up to my lips, almost as if he was giving me kisses.

  “Pharaoh it is,” I said as he climbed up onto my lap and started purring.



  Well, at least she finally acknowledged I was a King, I thought to myself when she named me Pharaoh. The only problem was, now I was stuck in her house, with no hope of escape until she fell asleep.

  I waited and waited, hoping she’d get tired out. The problem with witches is, they’re night owls. As the time wore on, I was starting to wonder if I’d ever get out of there. Finally, at three thirty in the morning, she yawned. “You ready for bed, Pharaoh?” she said as she picked me up and carried me to her bedroom.

  Thank God she wasn’t making me sleep in some stupid frilly cat bed that belonged to Willow. I looked around her room when we got in there. It was everything I thought it would be and more.

  Wine-colored draperies and bedding, with dark wooden antique furniture. It was a girl’s room, and it smelled exactly like her, heavenly. I hopped up and claimed my spot on the bed.

  “Oh, you think so, do you?” she laughed as she started undressing. This was getting better than anything I had imagined. “You know,” she said as she turned to face me while she was unbuttoning her blouse, “I’m going to have to take a picture of you tomorrow and put posters out around. I really hope you don’t belong to anyone, though. You’ve kind of grown on me in the last few hours.” I thought I was going to drool all over the place when she dropped her blouse to the ground and started unhooking her bra.

  As I stared at her bare breasts, I wished that for just one second I could be in her bedroom in my human form. All I wanted to do was reach out and touch them, just once. I purred and started kneading the bed sheets as she stepped out of her skirt and panties.

  Dear God, she had a beautiful body. I loved her bodacious curves and wanted to run my hands all over them. Hell, I wanted to bend her over her dresser. The beast in me was running wild with desire, when she reached into her closet and pulled out a nighty, and covered herself back up again.

  The only thing that kept me content was that she curled up in bed right beside me. I snuggled up tight against her so that my head was nestled against her breasts. She put her arm around me, and I purred her to sleep.