Read Pursuer Page 5

  Chapter 5- The Others

  They had been living with Alwahi’s people for over a month. All of the survivors from the plane crash had found a place in their new society. Although they were not held captive or treated like prisoners, they were all stuck, nonetheless. The majority of them had accepted their lives in the village; however, a few had decided to venture off on their own, only to be found dead later on. The villagers’ only answer for why they were brought here was that Alwahi had called them. That seemed a simple explanation for the villagers, and they gave it no further thought.

  Zanas saw her sister little. Asenya was very often busy with Panrrela and the sisters, Surrena and Lasarra. Zanas was not at all surprised when she found her sister dressed in a black skinned dress, cut just above the knees. She was also not surprised to find Asenya’s dark eyes were once again outlined in black. When Zanas asked about the makeup, Asenya laughed and explained that an ember from a recent fire made great eyeliner. It might seem odd for Zanas not to see very much of her sister, but they had always led separate lives. They were each like bright stars shinning in the great expanse of space, needing their own plane in which to exist.

  To Zanas’s surprise, Arrelia had decided to take her under her wing, explaining the knowledge of the forest that Zanas, not being a native, did not possess. Zanas learned how to look for the tiny clues as to when a plant might be poisonous, or even worse, carnivorous. Arrelia explained the seasonal changes of the beautiful and dangerous plants around them.

  She received her first tattoo on the side of her face, a graceful swipe that reminded her of a falling autumn leaf. The ink was mixed with the essence of Alwahi, which made the design glow softly in the dark. The tattoo signified her first kill, and the link would continue for every extraordinary hunt that she wished to signify. Killing a wether beast on her own was considered a great feat, but her first kill as a clan member was even greater.

  She and Arrelia had gone on solitary hunts, and Zanas had been learning how to work with a group. Zanas found it hard to control her instinctual need to attack an animal. This growing nature was a little unnerving, yet she still got a rush of excitement when it surfaced. She may have been able to tame the need to spring, but she still found herself emitting a low growl that vibrated the very center of her ribcage. Zanas always knew when her prey was close, as her vision began to sharpen and tinge red, all movement in the forest becoming intensified. Her body moved with a grace of its own, as it stalked its prey.

  She made many kills for the village and began to notice a deferring reverence that she was shown by the natives. After she amassed a collection of beautiful soft furs, she asked Arrelia where she could find a bow maker.

  “There’s Asrra; he makes the best bows,” Arrelia replied with an amused smile. “It doesn’t surprise me that you know how to use a bow. Your long body almost seems to mimic the shape of one,” Arrelia added. Zanas had quickly begun to like the small, merciless girl.

  Arrelia, Zanas believed, was probably around the age of fifteen, although it was somewhat hard to tell, as the entire Pursuer clan had a youthful appearance. However, this did not distract from the fact that Arrelia was a hard and seasoned warrior. Her body was small, but there was a definite lethal presence that she exuded. There was no doubt that the deadly blades that she carried would soar like eagles as she slashed them through the air. Her small frame seemed to flow through the forest, her beautiful dark eyes always scanning for prey, she was a true Pursuer. The small girl was deadly, short tempered, and ruthless at times, but she was also surprisingly loyal and tolerant to those of her clan. The two were soon inseparable.

  … … …

  They were on a hunt in the eve of the night, Zanas and Arrelia, running through the forest at a deadly pace, their strong athletic legs flying through the underbrush. Their steady breathing was the only thing that could be heard as they gracefully streamed through the green. On and on they ran, each feeling a strong, wild need to fly through the night, to run next to the tall trees of the forest, and among the noises of the creatures of the dark.

  They stopped at a creek, cupped the cool water into their hands and drank deeply. All around them Zanas could hear the chirping of crickets, and the sound of the stream splashing against its tight banks. It was peaceful as the two of them stood beneath the stars, drinking in the night. She felt a few splashes on her face and looked up at the sky as it began to open and spill its liquid. They stood there for a moment and then, with big grins, began to race through the forest once again.

  The cool earth on their feet was like a soothing bath. Zanas felt her muscles relax as they splashed through the pools of water. They ran on and on, and Zanas found herself running in a part of the forest she had never been in before. The exotic jungle seemed to continue forever, never ceasing in an outreaching stretch of green. The rain began to ebb, and the true beauty of the night began.

  They slowed to a stop as the Pangerra flowers began to open. Zanas remembered the first time she had seen them opening after the rain, glowing in radiating bright colors. Reaching around their necks, they pulled up on the cloth they had tied, covering their mouths and noses. Arrelia had been the one to explain to Zanas that these plants gave off a low-level toxic pollen. A large amount of pollen would need to be inhaled in order for it to be fatal, but it still irritated the lungs. Zanas walked past the first flower and was rewarded with a puff of air, as bright iridescent powder jettisoned towards her face. They ran through puff after puff of the brilliant toxic dust of colors, through the glowing valley of pigment.

  Ahead Zanas saw movement. She glanced over to Arrelia, who nodded that she had seen it as well. Zanas motioned that they would circle the beast, and they split off into two. She found herself running down a ravine and realized that she would be cut off from Arrelia. She hesitated for a brief moment, and then saw movement again and quickened her pace. She raced down to the bottom of the streambed, a slow trickle of water making its way over the rocks. There was movement near the water. Zanas made one final jump and she was face to face with it. With him.

  He was tall with razor sharp black hair. He stood there shirtless, his muscled abs tense. She stared at him, her breaths coming in heaves. He was covered in pollen, his body aflame with luminous color. He wore no mask, and as she watched, he grinned at her, his teeth pointy. Zanas heard the low growl at the back of her throat begin as he stepped forward. He was inches away, his breath on her neck. She noticed the long trail of softly glowing tattoos that started at his right temple, edged its way down his neck, across his chest, and disappeared into his pants. His eyes burned into hers, the most brilliant green she had ever seen, an amused smile stretching his lips as his eyes took in her single tattoo. She heard a low rumble echoing her own. Zanas realized it was coming from him, and she watched as his lips began to move.

  “Who are you… young one?” he hissed, his breath hot on her face. He leaned forward and inhaled her scent, close to her neck. “You smell so tasty,” he whispered.

  Zanas felt the hairs on the back of her neck raise. There was a soft voice deep inside her that told her she should be afraid, that she should fear for her life. But that voice was overwhelmed by the beating of her heart, and the rush of excitement that ran through her veins. She stared back into his glowing eyes. Unafraid. Unflinching. His grin grew wider.

  She heard movement behind him and glanced over his shoulder, seeing a girl. The girl pulled back her mouth, revealing her overly sharp teeth, and hissed at Zanas, a wild animalistic look about her. He stared at Zanas for a final moment, his eyes seeming to gleam in the dark, and then he turned and strode confidently towards the girl, who seemed to melt into the forest behind him. Zanas watched his taut back move as he followed the girl, and then he stopped. He turned, his eyes staring into hers. All she could hear was the pounding of her heart, and then he was gone.

  … … …

  She was sprawled out in the tree that she shared with Arrelia. Arrelia was frowning, her blac
k eyes narrowed. Zanas explained the chance encounter that she had experienced that night. Arrelia remained quite throughout the tale. Zanas could tell that Arrelia knew more to the story, but the girl waited patiently until Zanas was finished before speaking.

  “If he had the marks of Alwahi then he was a Pursuer,” Arrelia rushed. She pursed her lips and then frowned. “But I know of no such boy,” she paused, her voice quieting. “He must be from beneath.”

  Zanas frowned, her brow wrinkling. “What do you mean beneath?” Zanas asked. Arrelia was quiet for a moment, as though she was thinking hard on what she was about to say. She looked up at Zanas.

  “There is another half of our people. They are the ones beneath. We were once one great clan, but we fractioned apart when our leaders wanted different things. Most wanted to remain beneath, but others wanted to venture above. Those beneath felt we were abandoning Alwahi by coming so far away. But she still speaks to us.”

  “Do you interact at all?” Zanas asked and Arrelia shook her head.

  “Those beneath essentially disowned us when we went above, they are not usually seen here. I cannot think of any reason they would,” Arrelia finished.

  Zanas thought back to the excitement in his eyes and the wild look in the girl’s, and suddenly she knew why they had come above.

  “To run free in the rain…,” she whispered. Her eyes grew heavy, and Zanas felt them closing. She stretched out in the warm furs, and she was soon fast asleep

  ... … …

  Zanas awoke to panic in the air. She looked across the tree and saw Arrelia rising up, still looking half-asleep. They could hear rushing in the walkways. Zanas knew that something was wrong, and she was not at all surprised when Surrena called out her name from outside. Pulling back the fur, she came face to face with the red-eyed girl. She felt her heart skip a beat as Surrena grabbed her firmly by the wrist and pulled her towards the clearing.

  Panrrela was waiting for them on the grass. Zanas noticed the same blank stare she had seen on Asenya’s face reflected in the old woman’s eyes. Lasarra sat next to Panrrela, a cup half filled with Klah stood at their feet. The old woman began to shake slightly, and then started to speak.

  “They have taken her beneath. She is to be their new Dreamer, they see the great power within her, and they will have her as their own,” she gasped, her voice slightly monotone.

  Zanas knew immediately who they were speaking about, but still she rushed into Panrrela’s tree and searched for Asenya. There was no sign of her. The space that she had spent so much time in recently, felt empty, as though she was long since gone. Zanas sank to her knees, grief washing over her. She felt that grief turn to anger, a hot boiling fury. She could use anger. Anger would get her to her sister. Anger would tear down every piece of their world to find her.

  She exited the tree and looked up as the sky began to spill over onto her. It was suitable it should rain, as though Alwahi herself mourned for her daughter. Zanas smiled, a plan already forming in her mind.