Read Quala - The Plush Planetary Takeover Page 1




  Mark Richmond

  Co Written by

  Robert Watts

  Illustrated by



  Quala – The Plush Planetary Takeover

  Copyright © 2010 by Mark Richmond

  All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  Mark Richmond would like to thank.

  My Mom and Dad for all their support and not thinking that I am crazy for doing this! Sulan Dussault, for putting up with my late nights, and for strenuously editing my writing into something enjoyable to read. Robert Watts, for the many hours of discussions with Rum and Cokes in hand, and honing this story into something epic and spectacular. The sculptures are also insane to look at!

  This story will continue on a monthly basis so please return to the website each month to get the next chapters.

  * * * * *

  November 24th, 2012

  the prime time show KNOW NOW


  F&BNN interview - Sir Bristol Bennington,


  The newscaster, a ravishing Asian female named Yumiko, with short black hair, brown eyes, showing a little cleavage and flashing a wicked smile, introduces a very distinguished and respected person.

  “Hello again everyone this is Yumiko and I am here via satellite with one of the most interesting people in the world, if not the richest - by the way I am single… wink, wink, ha, ha...” - “4 time Nobel Peace Prize winner, Knighted by the Queen of England, Pharmaceutical, Military Technology and Computer Software Mogul, numbers 1, 2 and 3 on the Fortune 500 list, and the Chief Executive Officer and President of his latest genius mega billion dollar PLUSHEMZ TOY COMPANY - none other than SIR BRISTOL BENNINGTON - welcome and thank you so much for appearing on our show!!”

  BB – “You are most welcome. No other than the queen herself could have been quite so eloquent with such an introduction. I am flattered, and please call me Sir Benny.”

  Y – as she flips her hair back and blushes… “Sir Benny, in the 1960’s starting your first company at age 14, you have built many mammoth companies, and now have come out of retirement to start up this new company PLUSHEMZ! Why did you do this?”

  BB – “Well Yumiko, I have made $trillions from my companies, paid back the U.S. debt to China, brought peace and good fortune to the Middle East, and established free worldwide health care. After doing all of this, I’ve decided to finally give back to all the children in the world - every single one of them - it’s the last humanitarian accomplishment I wish to fulfill.” Pausing, “... Actually one of two final accomplishments…, the second is the introduction of my new plan to put an end to Global Warming. The first being to endow children with modern technology and internet access all over the world through my new toys PLUSHEMZ.”

  Y – “That is simply amazing! Is there anything you cannot do? Or, won’t do for the benefit of the world?” ... “Well, we are very excited to have one of your PLUSHEMZ toys right here in the studio, which I will eagerly be broadcasting live for the auto release of my PLUSHEMZ favorite, as my favorite animal is the Panda Bear.” “Along with these cans of FEEDEMZ - by the way, it’s great you thought that children should have the responsibility for feeding their own toy! Now that brings up the question, why do you have a specialized, unbreakable package that is also time released for precisely on Christmas Eve, exactly one month away?”

  BB – “There’s a very specific reason I have gone through painstaking hours developing the most technologically advanced toy. I’ve developed a very intricate intranet system ran through my very own satellites which will all activate at the same time. Each toy has it’s own IP address and each owner will have their own login page to view video feeds and recordings from their toy; therefore, I needed to make sure that not a single head start is made by any single toy or it may accidentally activate some toys while still inside the packaging. You see, each toy will automatically bond with it’s new owner, it’s family, pets, and every little aspect to their lives. It will be the most constructive part to the family unit. It’s the same love and respect you get when you have a pet dog or cat for example. It can even take care of your real pet, help the child with their homework, monitor their health, make sure Mom and Dad cook healthy meals, as well as help cook those meals. Imagine the ability a parent will have to tune in to their child’s daily life, knowing they won’t be bullied, and that they make it home safe from school. The toy will protect that child to the utmost.”

  Y – “Is the toy dangerous to any human?”

  BB – “Not the slightest! It purely observes and protects - if there is any eminent danger, the toy will contact the authorities and also broadcast it’s whereabouts via GPS tracking and telecommunicating, while at the same time recording and broadcasting video of it’s entire surrounding… Every child, and adult for that matter, will be absolutely safe from harm, short of the worst type of situation involving weaponry and so forth, but then no one is safe in that situation. However, for the first time, video and digital photographs would be taken - the ultimate deterrent to a criminal.”

  Y – “This is absolutely genius! I have one for each of my children, as well as I have one here in the studio for myself. It is just amazing, this is a BIGGER RESPONSE BY THE CONSUMERS OF THE WORLD THAN THE CABBAGE PATCH KID AND TICKLE ME ELMO COMBINED!! Already 1.5 billion toys have been sold, and that means that you have equally donated that same amount to all the unfortunate children in the world. Why have you done this?”

  BB – “It’s very simple... The better the education of the youth of the world, the better the outcome. Imagine getting rid of the idea that there is any youth out there that would be considered ignorant or following the wrong idealism simply because they had to rely on someone else’s false information. That will now fade away into a past memory; like people’s memory of slavery or the effects of the atomic bombs that were dropped.”

  Y – “Wow! We eagerly await the release of this amazing new toy! It will surely be revolutionary in its own right - one of the greatest feats in human history. But what happens next? And how does this involve the solution to Global Warming? Give us a little hint Sir?”

  BB – “Simple. The first step is education - the end of the worry to public or private schooling. The toy will make up for what is not gained through education elsewhere. The second step, toward the riddance of Global Warming, will be announced at my very own exclusive LAUNCH