Read Quentin Durward Page 5


  Full in the midst a mighty pile arose, Where iron grated gates their strength oppose To each invading step--and strong and steep, The battled walls arose, the fosse sunk deep. Slow round the fortress roll'd the sluggish stream, And high in middle air the warder's turrets gleam.


  While Durward and his acquaintance thus spoke, they came in sight ofthe whole front of the Castle of Plessis les Tours, which, even inthose dangerous times, when the great found themselves obliged to residewithin places of fortified strength, was distinguished for the extremeand jealous care with which it was watched and defended.

  From the verge of the wood where young Durward halted with hiscompanion, in order to take a view of this royal residence, extended,or rather arose, though by a very gentle elevation, an open esplanade,devoid of trees and bushes of every description, excepting one giganticand half withered old oak. This space was left open, according to therules of fortification in all ages, in order that an enemy might notapproach the walls under cover, or unobserved from the battlements, andbeyond it arose the Castle itself.

  There were three external walls, battlemented and turreted from spaceto space and at each angle, the second enclosure rising higher than thefirst, and being built so as to command the exterior defence in caseit was won by the enemy; and being again, in the same manner, itselfcommanded by the third and innermost barrier.

  Around the external wall, as the Frenchman informed his young companion(for as they stood lower than the foundation of the wall, he could notsee it), was sunk a ditch of about twenty feet in depth, supplied withwater by a dam head on the river Cher; or rather on one of its tributarybranches. In front of the second enclosure, he said, there ran anotherfosse, and a third, both of the same unusual dimensions, was led betweenthe second and the innermost inclosure. The verge, both of the outer andinner circuit of this triple moat was strongly fenced with palisades ofiron, serving the purpose of what are called chevaux de frise in modernfortification, the top of each pale being divided into a cluster ofsharp spikes, which seemed to render any attempt to climb over an act ofself destruction.

  From within the innermost enclosure arose the Castle itself, containingbuildings of all periods, crowded around, and united with the ancientand grim looking donjon keep, which was older than any of them, andwhich rose, like a black Ethiopian giant, high into the air, while theabsence of any windows larger than shot holes, irregularly disposedfor defence, gave the spectator the same unpleasant feeling whichwe experience on looking at a blind man. The other buildings seemedscarcely better adapted for the purposes of comfort, for the windowsopened to an inner and enclosed courtyard; so that the whole externalfront looked much more like that of a prison than a palace. The reigningKing had even increased this effect; for, desirous that the additionswhich he himself had made to the fortifications should be of a characternot easily distinguished from the original building (for, like manyjealous persons, he loved not that his suspicions should be observed),the darkest coloured brick and freestone were employed, and soot mingledwith the lime, so as to give the whole Castle the same uniform tinge ofextreme and rude antiquity.

  This formidable place had but one entrance--at least Durward saw nonealong the spacious front, except where, in the centre of the firstand outward boundary, arose two strong towers, the usual defences of agateway; and he could observe their ordinary accompaniments, portcullisand drawbridge--of which the first was lowered, and the last raised.Similar entrance towers were visible on the second and third boundingwall, but not in the same line with those on the outward circuit;because the passage did not cut right through the whole three enclosuresat the same point, but, on the contrary, those who entered had toproceed nearly thirty yards betwixt the first and second wall, exposed,if their purpose were hostile, to missiles from both; and again, whenthe second boundary was passed, they must make a similar digressionfrom the straight line, in order to attain the portal of the third andinnermost enclosure; so that before gaining the outer court, which ranalong the front of the building, two narrow and dangerous defiles wereto be traversed under a flanking discharge of artillery, and threegates, defended in the strongest manner known to the age, were to besuccessively forced.

  Coming from a country alike desolated by foreign war and internalfeuds--a country, too, whose unequal and mountainous surface, aboundingin precipices and torrents, affords so many situations of strength,young Durward was sufficiently acquainted with all the variouscontrivances by which men, in that stern age, endeavoured to securetheir dwellings; but he frankly owned to his companion, that he did notthink it had been in the power of art to do so much for defence, wherenature had done so little; for the situation, as we have hinted, wasmerely the summit of a gentle elevation ascending upwards from the placewhere they were standing.

  To enhance his surprise, his companion told him that the environs ofthe Castle, except the single winding path by which the portal mightbe safely approached, were, like the thickets through which they hadpassed, surrounded with every species of hidden pitfall, snare, and gin,to entrap the wretch who should venture thither without a guide;that upon the walls were constructed certain cradles of iron, calledswallows' nests, from which the sentinels, who were regularly postedthere, could without being exposed to any risk, take deliberate aim atany who should attempt to enter without the proper signal or password ofthe day; and that the Archers of the Royal Guard performed that dutyday and night, for which they received high pay, rich clothing, and muchhonour and profit at the hands of King Louis. "And now tell me, youngman," he continued, "did you ever see so strong a fortress, and do youthink there are men bold enough to storm it?"

  The young man looked long and fixedly on the place, the sight of whichinterested him so much that he had forgotten, in the eagerness ofyouthful curiosity, the wetness of his dress. His eye glanced, and hiscolour mounted to his cheek like that of a daring man who meditates anhonourable action, as he replied, "It is a strong castle, and stronglyguarded; but there is no impossibility to brave men."

  "Are there any in your country who could do such a feat?" said theelder, rather scornfully.

  "I will not affirm that," answered the youth; "but there are thousandsthat, in a good cause, would attempt as bold a deed."

  "Umph!" said the senior, "perhaps you are yourself such a gallant!"

  "I should sin if I were to boast where there is no danger," answeredyoung Durward; "but my father has done as bold an act, and I trust I amno bastard."

  "Well," said his companion, smiling, "you might meet your match, andyour kindred withal in the attempt; for the Scottish Archers of KingLouis's Life Guards stand sentinels on yonder walls--three hundredgentlemen of the best blood in your country."

  "And were I King Louis," said the youth, in reply, "I would trust mysafety to the faith of the three hundred Scottish gentlemen, throwdown my bounding walls to fill up the moat; call in my noble peers andpaladins, and live as became me, amid breaking of lances in gallanttournaments, and feasting of days with nobles, and dancing of nightswith ladies, and have no more fear of a foe than I have of a fly."

  His companion again smiled, and turning his back on the Castle, which,he observed, they had approached a little too nearly, he led the wayagain into the wood by a more broad and beaten path than they had yettrodden. "This," he said, "leads us to the village of Plessis, as itis called, where you, as a stranger, will find reasonable and honestaccommodation. About two miles onward lies the fine city of Tours,which gives name to this rich and beautiful earldom. But the villageof Plessis, or Plessis of the Park as it is sometimes called, fromits vicinity to the royal residence, and the chase with which it isencircled, will yield you nearer and as convenient hospitality."

  "I thank you, kind master, for your information," said the Scot; "but mystay will be so short here, that, if I fail not in a morsel of meat, anda drink of something better than water, my necessities in Plessis, be itof the park or the pool, wi
ll be amply satisfied."

  "Nay," answered his companion, "I thought you had some friend to see inthis quarter."

  "And so I have--my mother's own brother," answered Durward; "and aspretty a man, before he left the braes of Angus [hills and moors ofAngus in Forfarshire, Scotland.], as ever planted brogue on heather."

  "What is his name?" said the senior. "We will inquire him out for you;for it is not safe for you to go up to the Castle, where you might betaken for a spy."

  "Now, by my father's hand!" said the youth, "I taken for a spy!--ByHeaven, he shall brook cold iron that brands me with such a charge!--Butfor my uncle's name, I care not who knows it--it is Lesly. Lesly--anhonest and noble name."

  "And so it is, I doubt not," said the old man; "but there are three ofthe name in the Scottish Guard."

  "My uncle's name is Ludovic Lesly," said the young man.

  "Of the three Leslys," answered the merchant, "two are called Ludovic."

  "They call my kinsman Ludovic with the Scar," said Quentin. "Our familynames are so common in a Scottish house, that, where there is no land inthe case, we always give a to-name [surname]."

  "A nom de guerre [the war name; formerly taken by French soldierson entering the service. Hence a fictitious name assumed for otherpurposes.], I suppose you to mean," answered his companion; "and theman you speak of, we, I think, call Le Balafre, from that scar on hisface--a proper man, and a good soldier. I wish I may be able to helpyou to an interview with him, for he belongs to a set of gentlemen whoseduty is strict, and who do not often come out of garrison, unless in theimmediate attendance on the King's person.--And now, young man, answerme one question. I will wager you are desirous to take service with youruncle in the Scottish Guard. It is a great thing, if you proposeso; especially as you are very young, and some years' experience isnecessary for the high office which you aim at."

  "Perhaps I may have thought on some such thing," said Durward,carelessly; "but if I did, the fancy is off."

  "How so, young man?" said the Frenchman, something sternly, "Do youspeak thus of a charge which the most noble of your countrymen feelthemselves emulous to be admitted to?"

  "I wish them joy of it," said Quentin, composedly. "To speak plain, Ishould have liked the service of the French King full well; only, dressme as fine and feed me as high as you will, I love the open air betterthan being shut up in a cage or a swallow's nest yonder, as you callthese same grated pepper boxes. Besides," he added, in a lower voice,"to speak truth, I love not the Castle when the covin tree bears suchacorns as I see yonder."

  [The large tree in front of a Scottish castle was sometimes called so.It is difficult to trace the derivation; but at that distance from thecastle the laird received guests of rank, and thither he conveyed themon their departure. S.]

  "I guess what you mean," said the Frenchman; "but speak yet moreplainly."

  "To speak more plainly, then," said the youth, "there grows a fair oaksome flight shot or so from yonder Castle--and on that oak hangs a manin a gray jerkin, such as this which I wear."

  "Ay and indeed!" said the man of France--"Pasques dieu! see what it isto have youthful eyes! Why, I did see something, but only took it for araven among the branches. But the sight is no ways strange, young man;when the summer fades into autumn, and moonlight nights are long, androads become unsafe, you will see a cluster of ten, ay of twenty suchacorns, hanging on that old doddered oak.--But what then?--they are somany banners displayed to scare knaves; and for each rogue that hangsthere, an honest man may reckon that there is a thief, a traitor, arobber on the highway, a pilleur and oppressor of the people the fewerin France. These, young man, are signs of our Sovereign's justice."

  "I would have hung them farther from my palace, though, were I KingLouis," said the youth. "In my country, we hang up dead corbies whereliving corbies haunt, but not in our gardens or pigeon houses. The veryscent of the carrion--faugh--reached my nostrils at the distance wherewe stood."

  "If you live to be an honest and loyal servant of your Prince, my goodyouth," answered the Frenchman, "you will know there is no perfume tomatch the scent of a dead traitor."

  "I shall never wish to live till I lose the scent of my nostrils or thesight of my eyes," said the Scot. "Show me a living traitor, and hereare my hand and my weapon; but when life is out, hatred should not livelonger.--But here, I fancy, we come upon the village, where I hope toshow you that neither ducking nor disgust have spoiled mine appetite formy breakfast. So my good friend, to the hostelrie, with all the speedyou may.--Yet, ere I accept of your hospitality, let me know by whatname to call you."

  "Men call me Maitre Pierre," answered his companion. "I deal inno titles. A plain man, that can live on mine own good--that is mydesignation."

  "So be it, Maitre Pierre," said Quentin, "and I am happy my good chancehas thrown us together; for I want a word of seasonable advice, and canbe thankful for it."

  While they spoke thus, the tower of the church and a tall woodencrucifix, rising above the trees, showed that they were at the entranceof the village.

  But Maitre Pierre, deflecting a little from the road, which had nowjoined an open and public causeway, said to his companion that theinn to which he intended to introduce him stood somewhat secluded, andreceived only the better sort of travellers.

  "If you mean those who travel with the better filled purses," answeredthe Scot, "I am none of the number, and will rather stand my chance ofyour flayers on the highway, than of your flayers in the hostelrie."

  "Pasques dieu!" said his guide, "how cautious your countrymen ofScotland are! An Englishman, now, throws himself headlong into a tavern,eats and drinks of the best, and never thinks of the reckoning till hisbelly is full. But you forget, Master Quentin, since Quentin is yourname, you forget I owe you a breakfast for the wetting which my mistakeprocured you.--It is the penance of my offence towards you."

  "In truth," said the light hearted young man, "I had forgot wetting,offence, and penance, and all. I have walked my clothes dry, ornearly so, but I will not refuse your offer in kindness; for my dinneryesterday was a light one, and supper I had none. You seem an old andrespectable burgess, and I see no reason why I should not accept yourcourtesy."

  The Frenchman smiled aside, for he saw plainly that the youth, while hewas probably half famished, had yet some difficulty to reconcile himselfto the thoughts of feeding at a stranger's cost, and was endeavouringto subdue his inward pride by the reflection, that, in such slightobligations, the acceptor performed as complaisant a part as he by whomthe courtesy was offered.

  In the meanwhile, they descended a narrow lane, overshadowed by tallelms, at the bottom of which a gateway admitted them into the courtyardof an inn of unusual magnitude, calculated for the accommodation of thenobles and suitors who had business at the neighbouring Castle, wherevery seldom, and only when such hospitality was altogether unavoidable,did Louis XI permit any of his court to have apartments. A scutcheon,bearing the fleur de lys, hung over the principal door of the largeirregular building; but there was about the yard and the officeslittle or none of the bustle which in those days, when attendants weremaintained both in public and in private houses, marked that businesswas alive, and custom plenty. It seemed as if the stern and unsocialcharacter of the royal mansion in the neighbourhood had communicateda portion of its solemn and terrific gloom even to a place designedaccording to universal custom elsewhere, for the temple of socialindulgence, merry society, and good cheer.

  Maitre Pierre, without calling any one, and even without approachingthe principal entrance, lifted the latch of a side door, and led theway into a large room, where a faggot was blazing on the hearth, andarrangements made for a substantial breakfast.

  "My gossip has been careful," said the Frenchman to the Scot. "You mustbe cold, and I have commanded a fire; you must be hungry, and you shallhave breakfast presently."

  He whistled and the landlord entered--answered Maitre Pierre's bonjour with a reverence--but in no respect showed any part of the pratinghum
our properly belonging to a French publican of all ages.

  "I expected a gentleman," said Maitre Pierre, "to order breakfast--hathhe done so?"

  In answer the landlord only bowed; and while he continued to bring,and arrange upon the table, the various articles of a comfortable meal,omitted to extol their merits by a single word. And yet the breakfastmerited such eulogiums as French hosts are wont to confer upon theirregales, as the reader will be informed in the next chapter.