Read Quest of the Demon Page 19

  * * *

  Time passed slowly for everybody after leaving the forest. Behind them was only the brightness of sun reflecting off snow. Ahead, each snow dune looked the same as the next. Off in the distance, it was difficult to tell where the ground ended and the sky began, causing Darci to marvel at the skills of their guide.

  When night time finally came, it was a tame affair. A small fire was used to defrost some snow to combine with the dry food that they had brought with them. That was its only purpose though; there was not enough firewood to keep a constant fire unless there was an emergency. To keep warm during the long dark night, everybody slept in the same tent, because not even the hardiest of persons could survive the cold alone.

  The next two days and nights were the same. The same snow, the same sights and the same bone chilling cold. During the day, they only stopped for lunch. The Dahnaga could pull the sleighs for hours on end, not needing any form of rest.

  * * *

  Half way through the third day, the guide pulled them over at the top of an unusually large snow dune. Snow jumped out of the sleighs path as he expertly skidded his to a sideways halt. Behind them, and to the side, there was nothing to see but their own tracks off into the distance. With steam rising from his face, he pointed his finger forward. It was the view before them that had captured the guide’s attention.

  Facing them lay a deep valley made entirely of ice. A long, gentle slope of snow led down to the centre of the valley to be stopped by an unrelenting cliff of frozen water that formed the other side of the ravine. Centuries of harsh weather and icy winds had smoothed the face of the ice to make a flat, mirror-like surface. The midday sunlight, as if on cue, peeked out from behind its cloud covering to shine on the cliff before them, reflecting a bright rainbow of colours on the surrounding area. Yellow, red, light purple, blue and soft green glittered along the ice as Darci held her breath to watch the brilliance of the rainbow as it danced around the valley to nature’s forgotten tune. Tiring of its game, the sun returned behind its covering of clouds again, turning the valley back to its ordinary cold greyness.

  For some reason, this sight unsettled the guide. He became fidgety, making sure that all his supplies were secure and that his Dahnaga were fastened correctly; turning back to the sleigh yet again to make sure his supplies were secure. He had a quick word with Maledorian, pointing to one of the larger caves in the ice cliff, and then without so much as a farewell, he was off; pushing with his own feet to gather speed. Wanting as much to get away from Sahat’s cave as the travellers wanted to get there, the guide urged his Dahnaga back the way they had come. The group of five had to fend for themselves now if they were to go any further.

  By previous agreement with their guide, two of the sleds were to travel with their group. If they managed to return to Menarik, he would give back the deposit on the sleighs that Maledorian had been kind enough to pay.

  Maledorian led the way, and Darci was forced to cling for dear life as the sleigh began to slide down the snowy slope of its own accord. Enjoying the speed, the Dahnaga did not even have to pull, only having to run fast enough to avoid being run over by the sleighs behind. Darci’s woollen hood flew back, sending her hair flying behind her. Tears streamed down her face as the cold stung her eyes, yet the speed sent a thrilling spike into her heart.

  Defyance let out a warrior like whoop as she urged her own sleigh onwards. To try to catch up to her friends, the warrior woman ran, pushing her sleigh until she could keep up with it no longer. With her knees bent she crouched down to cause less wind resistance. Taslessian did the same, caught up in the race, while Lief ran alongside at a startling pace. Yet soon, not even the elf could match the speed of the two sleighs. In no time, they reached the bottom of the valley, coming to a halt near the entrance of the largest cave.

  The entrance to Sahat’s cavern looked exactly the way that Darci expected an ice cave to look like. Pointy ice teeth gave the entrance the look of an open-mouthed, salivating beast frozen forever in a constant but silent roar. This time, Darci did not feel any evil premonitions; there was no prominent danger here, aside from freezing to death in the icy winds.

  Chapter 9

  Darci exhaled a silent breath of fog as they took their first tentative steps inside the entrance of the cave. Everyone paused for a moment, ears straining at a distant sound. The outside light seemed locked away behind them, out of reach from this new world. Smooth icy walls surrounded them, grotesque reflections staring back at those who had entered this new world.

  Taking a deep breath, lifting his head and squaring his shoulders, Maledorian made a move to go deeper into the darkness, giving his rope an experimental tug to make sure that the Dahnaga were following. There was a peculiar tingle in the air that caused their hair to stand on end. The animals began to make small grunting sounds, pulling gently on their harnesses as the big claws on their forepaws scratched the frozen floor.

  All of a sudden, there was a whoosh of air as torches that nobody had noticed, lit up along both sides of the cave. Everyone jumped, Maledorian reaching for his sword and Lief ready to string his bow. Yet, nothing else happened. The torches simply illuminated their immediate area, but whatever remained in front still lay in the darkness.

  “It’s because the spell has cast itself,” Taslessian explained to everyone with a quiet sigh of relief. All turned to his direction, Darci with one eyebrow raised. “The tingle… It’s a precast spell set to activate when someone or something is present. We could sense the magic in the air, but I for one couldn’t figure out what it was.” Standing next to Darci, he gave her hand a slight squeeze of reassurance, letting it linger there for just a moment more than was necessary before stepping ahead.

  Confident that nothing was attacking them, they continued downwards into the depths of the cave. The natural light behind disappeared. All were comforted by the company of the fire though they were still somewhat unsettled by the foreign magic; Maledorian’s hand on his sword with Defyance carefully watching their backs. Deeper and deeper into the frozen earth they walked, following the torches until the passageway finally opened up into a large cavern.

  All the torches behind them suddenly flickered out, leaving them in total darkness momentarily before a brilliant light began to illuminate the cavern. It appeared to come from everywhere, and yet nowhere at the same time. From soft white light to blinding brilliance, everybody had to shield their eyes from its growing brightness. Maledorian and Lief were forced to tighten their hold on the Dahnaga as they bucked and jumped in alarm, trying to get away from the unknown. When everyone finally opened their eyes again, the light had refocussed itself from them, to the centre of the chamber.

  Even Defyance, a person who was not easily impressed, had to gasp in awe as they beheld the vast mountain of riches that lay before them. There were bags of coins in all shapes and sizes and overflowing chests of precious stones and metal. Where there was no more room, the treasures simply lay on the ground. Buried among the fortune, various other valuables could be seen: golden cutlery fit for royalty, jewel- encrusted helmets, various weapons, and lavish material in the form of clothes, rugs and cloaks.

  Suddenly, the whole cavern began to shake around them. Coins jingled and fell to the ground before a shattering crash caused Maledorian to jump in front of Darci, lest she be hit by one of the deadly icicles hanging from the ceiling above. Then, with a deafening roar that almost knocked the group over, an unbelievably large dragon leapt onto the mountain of gold to hold purchase at the very peak of its riches.

  This icy being was larger than the great dragon Grisham, his head alone the height of Maledorian and twice as wide. Light blue horns protruded viciously from the top of his head accompanied by smaller tusks on the side of his face. Spikes like an echidna’s, stuck out of his back, from his neck down to the tip of his tale, which was swishing around like an agitated serpent. Covered in dark, ice-like scales, he would not have been noticed had he not wished it so.

sp; Lifting his forepaw to reveal his harsh and sharpened talons, the dragon before them appeared to pose for effect. His grey wings spread wide, looking as if he was ready for flight.

  “Who dares enter the cave of Sahat!” he bellowed, his great voice reverberating around the cave and through to the very spines of all those present.

  Defyance placed a hand on Maledorian’s shoulder to push him aside as she stepped forward to the front of the group. She was not in the mood for the protocol that prophesy-fulfilling usually required. The warrior woman had not been able to bathe since they had arrived in the city of Menarik; she also did not like the cold, and the last few nights she had not slept well because Maledorian snored and Taslessian fidgeted in his sleep. Her clothes smelled, her hair was oily and these new boots for cold weather rubbed her frozen feet raw. Woe betide the first thing to really piss her off.

  “Oh leave off, Sahat!” she yelled so that he could hear her clearly. “You know who we are and you know why we’re here. I am dirty, I need a bath and I want some sleep. If you wish to continue with these stuffy formalities, so be it, but you can do it without me.” She put her hands on her hips glaring a challenge at the great dragon to defy her.

  All thoughts of fear and trepidation left the group as Darci stifled a laugh at her friend’s straightforward manner. It was so bizarre seeing someone so small talk like that to a being so much larger. If he had so chosen, Sahat could have swallowed the irate woman with one bite – armour, daggers and all. Looking at Sahat however, the dragon’s demeanour had changed. Instead of being the huge gruff and intimidating beast that had leapt out at them, Sahat had shrunk back into himself, folding his wings around his body as he exhaled, contemplating what to do about this outspoken mortal.

  Finally, the dragon leapt from the top of his treasure to land gracefully in front of them. With movement that somewhat resembled a curious child, the dragon swung his head down so he could look almost eye-to-eye with the warrior woman. His nostrils flared as icy- cold breath hit the ground, causing an eerie mist to roll around their feet. He inhaled again, ruffling the warrior woman’s hair and clothes, yet Defyance held her ground.

  “I think that I like you,” he said after a lengthy pause. His face changed then, showing his teeth in a dragon’s smile. “Do forgive me if I get a little carried away. You see, my cave of treasures is always a part of somebody’s quest, and when that somebody gets here, they’re always, ‘Oh, great dragon, please have mercy on my soul…’ or ‘Aid me if I am worthy, wondrous being…’” Darci did laugh now. Sahat did a great impersonation of someone fawning before his greatness, yet the great dragon’s complaints did not end there. The massive beast sat down on his haunches to be more comfortable.

  “Whinge, whinge, whinge! They may have all been brave and worthy at some stage in their sad little lives, but none of them really had any… balls,” the cave filled with a rippling merriment as Sahat laughed at a private joke.

  He continued the explanation of his unprecedented behaviour. “But of course, you don’t have any balls, you’re a woman. Ah, what a breath of fresh air your attitude is,” Sahat lifted his forepaw to scratch under his chin.

  Out of the corner of her eye, Darci caught a flicker of movement. Turning her head to get a better look, she saw the strangest sight. Five little snowmen, whose height barely reached her shoulder, were making their silent way towards them. Not snowmen as in a carrot nose with coal for eyes, but mini big-foots or yetis. They wore no clothes for there was no need, and except for their hands and faces, their entire bodies were covered with soft, clean, white fur. Their facial features were akin to the faces of a monkey aside from the colour; white leathery skin wrinkled around innocent eyes with a squashed little nose almost hidden by the size of the mouth.

  Turning his head to acknowledge the strange little men, Sahat introduced his little friends. “These are the native people of the snow dunes. Unfortunately, there are not many of their kind left on this world and the people who once covered the entire expanse of the dunes now live only in this vast network of caves. As payment for my hospitality, they willingly attend to any guests that drop by. That’s you. Now if you will each follow one of them, you will be taken to a room where you can bathe to your hearts’ content.” Sahat nodded in defeat to Defyance, inclining his head in a mock bow. She acknowledged him with an insolent flick of her head that sent her blond hair behind her ear. She folded her arms as she began to tap her foot on the solid ice floor. After a snowman had motioned for her to follow, she turned her back on everyone else. She was not in the best of moods and the delay was beginning to get on her nerves. She wanted her bath ten minutes ago.

  Following her attendant, Darci soon found that the snowmen did not talk as humans did; instead, they conveyed their feelings or intentions with hand motions and a form of humming. It was like someone trying to talk to you with a mouth full of toffee. After a few patient attempts, Darci’s snowman finally made it clear to her that his name was “Hmm- mm.”

  Turning into another icy hallway and then into one carved from both stone and ice, followed by the mysterious magical torches, before she knew it, Darci found herself standing at the mouth of a cave that opened up into a large bedroom. Standing in the doorway, she marvelled at the human comforts so unlikely found in such a non-human dwelling. The large, comfortable-looking bed was the centrepiece of the room. It was made entirely of large, soft and squishy pillows of all colours and sizes, and like the roast on Christmas day, everything else revolved around it, unnoticed.

  Hmm-mm walked into an adjoining room where Darci soon followed, heaving a sigh of disappointment in having to leave the presence of the bed. To her profound delight however, she found her host filling up a huge bath with steaming hot water. Amazingly, the bath had been carved out of a rock wall. Whoever had done the job must have taken the utmost care because the entire bath was as smooth as any old ceramic bath back on Earth, without a single imperfection.

  Darci’s coat hit the floor in an instant. She was fiddling with the tie on her bulky pants when she realised Hmm-mm was still behind her, fidgeting around with some scented rocks, putting them in the steamy water with delightful little plops. She gave a small cough to get his attention. Looking at the inviting bath, his leathery face crinkled up into a smile. He hummed something at her as he promptly left the room; drawing closed a previously unnoticed curtain behind him.

  It was pure heaven to slide down into the depths of the sweetly scented water. As the liquid and its bubbles surrounded her body, all of the accumulated dirt and sweat from their snow-filled journey melted away. Even the feelings of fear and doubt seemed to disappear, leaving her thoughts of quiet safe nothingness. Fatigue overcame her as she slipped gratefully into the realms of sleep.

  * * *

  Someone else was in the room with her. Darci awoke; trying to sit up with a start, she covered her top half with her arms in an attempt to hide her nakedness. Water splashed as she scrambled into a sitting position. She looked frantically around to see who it was. Much to her relief though, it was only Hmm-mm. He had his comically large hand covering his eyes whilst he was blindly trying to hand her a large fluffy towel, almost twice his size. She gingerly stepped out of the bath taking the towel to wrap around her body, not noticing that Hmm-mm had one eye peeking through his hand. Quickly, the young girl dried herself, but before she could ask Hmm-mm about what was going to happen, he had gone again.

  Darci hopped from foot to foot making her way towards her room and the now crackling fireplace. The uncovered parts of the stone floor were sapping away the warmth of her hot bath. Jumping directly onto one of the pillows, she looked around the room for where she had thrown her clothes, but they were not where she thought she had left them. Instead, on the bed of pillows, she found they had been replaced with some lighter, more elegant clothing. Ignoring them for the moment, she threw another pillow next to the fireplace. Hopping towards it, she basked in the flame’s raw heat until she was prepared to remove
the towel.

  Looking back towards her bed, she jumped in surprise as she saw her naked reflection in the smooth ice wall before her. What lay before her was not the girl she had once been. Her body had hardened through the rigours of travel. What little fat she once had was gone, leaving only muscle in its wake. Slowly she ran her hand over her shoulder, bumping over the still angry wounds.

  The cold soon interrupted her thoughts, and she quickly remembered the new clothes on the bed. Throughout her entire life, Darci had been used to wearing pants or shorts. Dresses and skirts always appeared to get in the way, and they were never practical for sport. However, the dress lying in front of her was the only clothing in sight and she was not about to go out in front of her friends wearing one of the blankets or a pillowcase. She had no choice but to put it on.

  Unlike any other piece of clothing that she had ever worn, this dress felt strangely fuzzy as she rubbed it between her fingers. The felt-like material gently caressed her naked form as she pulled it somewhat awkwardly, over her head. It was a dark blue dress with a light green fire pattern seemingly burning around the bottom with every slight movement. Although the dress design was simple – V-cut neckline with three-quarter length sleeves – Darci had to admit that it did not look too bad, as far as dresses went.


  She turned around to see Hmm-mm looking her up and down. His fur-covered feet had made no noise on the stone floor. She then looked down at the bottom of her dress, hands brushing down the material until she was as comfortable as she could be.

  “Do you think it looks okay? I know that it fits, but… I don’t look good in dresses.” Hmm-mm nodded his head and then pointed to the bed for her to sit down as he pulled out a hairbrush. Darci could not even remember the last time she had given her hair a good comb. Back on Earth. she usually kept it shoulder length so that it did not get in her way, but now it had grown into a loosely tied unruly mass, three inches longer than usual; her fringe now even getting in her eyes unless tucked or brushed behind her ears.