Read Quest of the Demon Page 29

  Suddenly, without warning, the back row of Dashagi soldiers opened fire. Darci closed her eyes, her hands gripped into fists, as she awaited certain death. Like a swarm of deadly bees, the bolts flew towards her.

  Maledorian jumped in front of them all with his head held high. Perhaps the others would be able to flee, but without him, he knew they could not defeat such a force. Regardless, if they got to fight another day, his sacrifice would be worth it.

  An instant passed before he realised he had not been hit, metal bolts pausing in mid-air before falling harmlessly to the ground before him.

  All in the hallway snapped their attention towards Taslessian. The young wizard stood with his hand stretched out in front of his body as if he had simply caught the bolts. His blank eyes appeared to leak mystical green tears that did not fall, but rose towards the heavens before they dissipated. His staff gripped tightly in the other hand, was also encompassed in the same eerie green, floating like an electric mist around his body. With a deep breath that echoed like the wind through the hallway, Taslessian let his hand drop.

  Realising that their crossbows were useless, the Dashagi warriors drew their sabres as one with a sickening, metallic scrape. Before the first weapons touched, three of the Dashagi were dead; Lief and Defyance wielding their weapons with deadly efficiency. Another flash of magic and a fourth fell to his knees with a golden arrow protruding from his chest. Others fell to the blade of a well-thrown dagger, yet they still came, like an ocean eager to reclaim its sand. Maledorian stepped forward with a wild battle cry to meet them single-handedly, shield and now mace at the ready. His entire body tensed as he gladly answered the onslaught.

  “This is what I was born for,” was the last thought that passed through his mind before the calm of a trained warrior overtook him, a knight standing ready to face his fate.

  The next two Dashagi rushed in with their swords at the ready. It may have been brave, but it was also foolish. With one great swing of his mace, Maledorian swung with all his considerable might. A normal mace would have broken the ribs and it might have bitten into the flesh. But to the young knight’s macabre delight, his weapon tore through the first enemy with sickening crunch as his chest exploded with gore. Barely pausing for breath, he moved onto the next.

  With a deft flick, Maledorian removed his mace from that which once was man, ready to face his next challenger. Standing three abreast, the Dashagi warriors had to bustle through their own men to reach the fight, unaware that they were rushing towards their demise.

  There seemed to be no end to their attackers, and one by one they fell at the knight’s feet. With a grunt of effort he dispatched yet another enemy, almost decapitating the man. Sweat was beginning to run down his face underneath his helm as he took a powerful hit to his shield, jarring his shoulder into numbness. No matter how skilfully he dogged and weaved, the enemy were beginning to score hits. He was not being injured severely, but the clang of swords meeting armour was clearly audible. With the mounting dead, the advancing Dashagi were both hindered and protected by their own injured and dead as those unfortunate enough to be in the way were used as human shields.

  Darci had to think fast. She knew that Maledorian could not continue like this indefinitely, as it was, the pile of bodies was beginning to force them back. Lief and Defyance also had their hands full as even more Dashagi burst forward.

  Amongst the sound of metal against metal and with the stench of blood beginning to fill her nostrils, Darci suddenly remembered her dreams: a ball of magic that was supposed to mean her early demise. In her dream she had thrown a ball of magic back to Domati… her gauntlet was only limited by her imagination… She was supposed to be the hero, and now was the last chance she was ever going to have to live up to this expectation.

  She squeezed her eyes shut tightly and blocked out the sounds of battle, focusing her thoughts on her gauntlet. As she concentrated, she pictured it holding a ball of green flame. Thinking of nothing else, she willed it into being, starting as a speck of light, which gradually grew larger in the palm of her hand. Finally the familiar surge of power began to course through her veins.

  Maledorian dispatched yet another Dashagi with a skull-crushing blow. His movements were becoming more blunt than skilful, no longer bothering to waste effort dodging and parrying the oncoming attacks, instead opting to crush the enemy under his magic mace. Yet it seemed that he was trying to swat away a swarm of bees, often getting stung by those that he managed to kill, while being pressed sorely by the others.

  With a lurching movement, one of the knight’s feet appeared to slip to the side. Only barely managing to stay upright, Maledorian kicked off the hand that had almost caused his downfall and almost certain death.

  Time was running out. Darci knew Maledorian could not hold them much longer. She readied her arm for the throw with no time to think. The Dashagi had spotted their weakness. More of the maimed stretched forth their hands to grasp at Maledorian’s feet. He dispatched another by crushing his collarbone with an overhead swing of his mace, at the same time, kicking at the hands scrabbling at his boots. If the Dashagi could trip him over and restrain him with sheer numbers, all would be lost.

  Darci let loose her ball of fire.

  The sight of the flying flame made everyone on both sides of the battle pause. So far, the only visible magic had come from Taslessian. This new attack was unexpected.

  Floating past Maledorian, as if it had been thrown in slow motion, the ball of magic reached the first of the enemy. By the time the Dashagi had realised that this ball of fire could be harmful, it was too late. The green orb of fire exploded around its intended target with a brightness that forced all to close their eyes.

  For an instant, Darci felt her power, immense energy pushing against the power of another. Agonising screams of death filled the hallway and Darci almost gagged as the rancid stench of burnt flesh filled the air. Her stomach sinking, she suddenly realised that she had done something horrific. Blinking to regain her focus, she could only stare in horror at the carnage she had caused.

  Twisted and charred bodies littered the ground around them. Maledorian kicked one of them with the tip of his steel boot, glad for the moments rest. “That’s one way to stop them, Taslessian,” he said. Even the battle hardy knight seemed to be slightly taken aback by the ferocity of the attack.

  “It was not me,” the young wizard replied in plain tones. “It was Darci.”

  All four of them looked at the young teenage girl, but Darci did not notice their wide-eyed stares. She was still starring at slaughtered bodies, eyes wide and unmoving.

  Lief placed his hands on her shoulders and she collapsed into his embrace with a tearless sob. How could she kill so easily? Despite her pain, there was no time for regrets. The Dashagi soldiers obviously knew they were here and it would not be long before more were sent against them.

  “Can you clear a path for us?” Maledorian quietly asked Taslessian. The knight did not particularly wish to climb over the pile of burnt bodies and he was pretty sure that he would not have been able to make Darci do it either, short of carrying her, something he did not have time for. The sheer look of horror on her face told him that. Even he had felt troubled when dealing with his first kill, and that had been in a fair, one-on-one contest. Darci’s first encounter with death at her own hands had not been a single life but a massacre.

  The young wizard nodded. His eyes were filled with compassion for what Darci was going through, his expression momentarily showing true sorrow before snapping himself back to the task at hand. With some quickly chanted words and a moment of complete concentration, combined with a swift, commanding motion with his staff, Taslessian forced the bodies up against the walls, clearing an ash-filled path for the group to walk through.

  Lief held Darci’s hand as they jogged past the smouldering gore that clung unnaturally to the walls. She had set her face in a hard mask of concentration as she attempted to mentally block out what she
had done. The only feeling she allowed herself was the sensation of Lief’s hand holding tightly to hers as she struggled not to shake. She was in shock and she knew it, yet there was nothing she could do. Her only hope was that this strange and detached sensation would last long enough for her to complete the task at hand.

  One deserted hallway twisted and changed into another. As if in a dream, they appeared to be going nowhere, the smoke in their eyes and the beating of their hearts the only sense of reality. Darci was soon lost in the confusion. All she could do was follow the metallic back of Maledorian and continue to clutch Lief’s hand.

  Slightly puffed, the group of five turned around their last corner to be confronted with two large, closed doors blocking their way. Maledorian, not being one for subtlety, did not break his stride. He simply put his shoulder down, bursting through the obstruction with a loud, resounding bang as the wood splintered against the inside wall.

  An immense room greeted them with an eerie silence. Signs of a hasty retreat were evident – half-eaten meals, overturned tables and deserted weapons – but whatever it was that had been controlling the Dashagi’s mindless onslaught had loosened its hold. Those who would have killed them had fled despite their overwhelming advantage. Perhaps Darci’s magical attack had succeeded on more than one level, or perhaps another trap was being set.

  Beyond the upturned tables and deserted stools stood two figures. Robed in black was the solid form of the wizard Domati, his hands on his hips, regarding their entrance with an evil glare. Next to him, almost blocking the door on the other side of the room with its sheer size, crouched Trolog. The massive, goat-like monstrosity was wearing a shiny black chest plate and metal thigh protectors, waving his modified scythe menacingly as he too set his sights on his prey.

  “You,” the word slid like gravel out of Taslessian’s lips. His eyes, full of hatred, had turned from mystical green to a malevolent red. They locked on Domati as if this alone could destroy the diminutive yet powerful wizard. Adrenalin boiled in Taslessian’s veins, allowing his emotions to rise to the surface almost unhindered by common sense. The pain and guilt suffered after the murder of his master seemed to burn like an eternal fire in his heart, fuelled by the need for revenge.

  “Yes, me,” replied Domati, his voice echoing unnaturally across the room. “That was a neat little trick that you pulled on me, boy. I must admit that I underestimated you. But believe me… I will not make the same mistake again.”

  Taslessian inhaled deeply stretching to his full height as he struggled to keep himself under control. With a voice no longer his, he challenged Domati. “You have no comprehension of what I have become, wizard. Your sick abuse of magic ends here and now! I shall taste the sweetness of revenge.” The young wizard raised his hand, appearing to crush whatever he held as he made a fist. His entire body glowed with a barely visible light.

  “Really?” Domati took a few paces forward and with a clap of his hands a circle of soft red mist encircled him with such force it cracked the stone floor beneath feet. “Allow us to depart to one of the magical planes, where I shall utterly destroy you, leaving your friends to amuse my pet.”

  Domati began to chant, and out of the corner of her eyes, Darci could see that Taslessian was doing the same. Yet her friend no longer looked like the young man she had once known. Somewhere along the way he had changed; evolving into something greater, beyond anything remotely human. Suddenly, with an blinding flash of lightning, both wizards disappeared, leaving only two smouldering circles on the floor.

  Darci was sure that with his newfound powers and self- confidence, Taslessian could handle himself against the evil wizard, but their problems were far from over. The monster was in the way and even should they defeat the beast, still, she did not know what to do. With a blood-curling growl, Trolog called them to battle.

  Lief was the first to react. He drew his bow, firing an energy arrow directly at Trolog’s chest. When the arrow hit, to everyone’s astonished disbelief, Trolog did not even flinch. The magical arrow bounced off his armour, shooting into the far wall with a bright flash.

  Trolog beat his fist loudly on his chest. “You not only ones with magic,” he said. “I gunna hurt all you and then I eat you while you watch.”

  As an act of intimidation, Trolog grabbed the sharp blade of his strangely curved sword, squeezing his hand until a small trickle of blood began to drip down the handle. Smiling, he lifted the bloodied sword to his mouth, licking one side of it clean.

  Maledorian began making his way towards his foe, throwing chairs out of his way until a single table stood between them. He stood battle ready with both hands on his mace. Somewhere along the way his shield had been discarded, too damaged to be of any use. With a final splintering crash, the battle began.

  “You two get moving!” Defyance said to Lief and Darci. “Go and find the demon,” she ordered. “Maledorian and I can handle this thing.” She pushed Lief aside as a large piece of wood whistled past his ear. Turning, the warrior woman drew her weapon of choice. She now held two daggers. Stepping to the side she let go with both, one bouncing harmlessly of the magical armour, the other barely nicking Trolog’s uncovered arm. As the daggers hit the ground, they faded away into nothingness.

  Lief did not need to be told twice. He tugged on Darci’s hand, taking her the long way around the impending battle towards the door at the far end of the hall. The last thing they saw before they raced off into the hallway was Maledorian swinging his mace overhead with a wispy trail of green magic chasing after every swing.

  Darci dragged her attention away from her friends, placing her gauntleted hand out before her. For an instant, Darci took the lead as Lief hesitated for just a moment, his senses working overtime as the hairs rose on the back of his neck.

  Lief swallowed the unusual lump of fear was forming in his throat as both he and Darci sprinted away.

  Both girl and elf rammed the door at the same instant; a jarring blow that resonated through every bone as they surged forward. The large door splintered off its hinges as they burst into a new part of the fortress.

  Firelight roared its greeting as the torches on the wall nearest them flamed up towards the ceiling. Blinking, they both tried to focus their eyes, each raising an arm to shield themselves from the singeing heat that threatened to set their clothes alight.

  Smooth, white marble walls entwined with veins of red reached up towards the darkness above. Intricate patterns like twisted and dark peacock feathers covered the floor, broken only by a black tiled path, outlined in red. At the end of the path before them, waiting on his massive throne, was the demon, Demolish.

  Veins ran like rivers through dry red skin, stretched tight over muscle-bound shoulders, broken only by scars that told of many battles. Horns protruded menacingly from the top of its head, guarding hairless eyebrows and flaming yellow eyes that now studied the two intruders.

  “What kept you?” the demon asked, standing up, his voice seeping out a fang-filled mouth like poisonous honey. His eyes settled upon Darci, flicked to Lief and then back to her.

  For once Lief was unable to react. The massive beast that stood before them emanated the very essence of all that was evil and wrong. Bile rose up in the back of his throat as he tried to control his heightened senses. For the first time, he was glad that Darci was not trained in the ways of magic. For if she was, the simple sight of this fifteen-foot beast would have sent her incoherent with fear to the borders of insanity. For a moment he wondered what lay in the mind of his young friend for her to even be able to face such a beast.

  “A young girl and an elf who looks like a girl have come to destroy me, or so I am told.”

  Darci found and squeezed her friend’s hand for an instant before letting it go. The simple touch brought him out of his fear-induced stupor. The young elf stepped forward to meet his final challenge.

  “Whomever told you that spoke the truth.”

  The great demon laughed then, his voice exp
loding like thunder around the room.

  “I am Darci, the Offworlder, brought to this place to destroy you. You have already wasted the lives of many with your futile war, but it ends now.” Much to her relief, Darci’s voice remained steady, revealing none of the fear she felt inside.

  With Darci standing tall next to him, Lief again drew his weapon of choice to fire another bolt from his bow, directly at the heart of the monster that lay before him. In his heart he knew that it was a futile gesture, but he had to try.

  Demolish raised a giant hand to take the blow. The electric arrow hit with a sizzle, leaving a black mark. He turned it towards himself, casually blowing at the smoke that had arisen from the minor burn. In his eyes, he seemed more amused at the sensation of pain than anything else.

  Without so much as a challenge, the demon drew back his arm and let loose an unseen weapon, aiming straight at them.

  I can deal with this, Darci thought as she braced herself. She set one foot behind the other, sticking out her hands with the gauntlet foremost, ready to catch the projectile and throw it back, but Lief was too quick for her. The young elf took a single leap to place his body between her and the oncoming wave of darkness.

  “Noooo!” Darci shouted, trying to pull her friend from harm’s way. The bolt struck, sending a violent jolt through both of their bodies. Darci stumbled backwards to land on her knees, just in time to catch the falling form of her friend.

  “Lief,” was all she could say, but he did not respond, his eyes were full of pain, unseeing. His mouth opened once, twice, trying to say one final thing or perhaps a silent scream, yet he was not able. The light in his eyes began to dim. His life was gone; the final breath had been taken. In an instant that would haunt Darci for the rest of her days, Lief, the Elf Wanderer died in her arms.

  Tears flooded down Darci’s cheeks as she held her friend’s lifeless body. Wisps of smoke rose from the charred hole in the centre of his chest where the bolt had struck. Taking hold of her rage and confusion, drawing it into herself and focusing it into the gauntlet, she tried to imagine Lief coming back to life. She concentrated with all her might… yet nothing happened. She hit her fist on the ground in frustration leaving cracks in the marble floor. Taslessian had said there were no limits! Why did she have to find out only now he had been wrong?