Read Quest of the Demon Page 7

  A warning from Afradities interrupted Darci’s observations. They were going to have to stand next to the wall inside the cave because she was about to land.

  Taslessian got up from where he was sprawled on the plateau, his eyes fixed determinedly on the ground in front of him, concentrating on placing one foot in front of the other towards the solid security of the cave. Darci stole a glimpse of the view before going inside. What she saw took her breath away. Beneath them, other mountain peaks had broken through the soft cloud cover, looking like giant stepping-stones in a mist-covered pond. Off into the distance where the cloud cover cleared, there was a small shade of green. She assumed it was the Jungle Dragon that had been so close only moments before. Off in the other direction, were more peaks leading a broken trail to a rounded, blue horizon.

  Afradities landed inside the large cave with a grace that belied her size. Wriggling her wings much like a bird, she folded them in close to her body so she could move around without knocking anyone over.

  “Well then,” she sighed, “I believe it is time for you to meet my father; follow me into his lair.” With a flick of her tail, the great dragon waddled past the two young travellers, not looking back to see if they were following.

  They both quickened their pace to chase after the disappearing snake-like tail, and without further word, followed her inside the mountain peak.

  As they left the light of the entrance and the violent winds of the sky, a strange musky smell began to permeate the air. Looking around, Darci realised that despite the absence of sunlight, she could still see. She also found the source of the bizarre smell. On the walls grew glowing, yellow fungi that magically lit their way, filling the air with a bizarre yet comforting scent. She reached out to touch one of the plants. As her finger touched one, it made an indignant yelping noise, making her jump almost a foot off the ground. She then quickly ran after the others.

  As Darci caught up to her friends, the passageway ended, opening into a large, well-lit cavern. The worn path they had been following continued along the smoothed rock floor, leading to the end of the cavern where the most wonderful beast Darci could have ever imagined rested quietly. On the far side of this cavern lay a dragon on a bedding of not just pine but whole pine trees. His scales were a multitude of colours, yet it gave the overall appearance of being orange. Some type of inner illumination united them all under a mystery umbrella of ginger. Lying upon his bed of trees, there was a slight movement, revealing the tip of his tail that seemed to curl in and around itself, making it impossible to follow. As he craned his neck to face the group, the dragon’s green and intelligent eyes bore into the newcomers. It was as if he could look into the depth of their very minds.

  “Welcome,” he said in a deep, resounding voice. “I am Grisham. One of the last Great Dragons.”

  Taslessian solemnly stepped forward. “We are honoured, Great Dragon. I am Taslessian, the apprentice wizard, and this is my ward, Darci, the Offworlder.”

  “Well met,” laughed another voice. It was then Darci noticed there were other people in the room. Standing near Grisham was a young, broad shouldered man who stood what seemed to be near seven- feet tall. He had a large sword belted around his waist that stuck to his belt as if it was an extra appendage. His outfit looked like that of a medieval hero, as he was wearing a chain mail byrnie over a pair of worn leather fighting pants, ready for action.

  Next to him stood a blond Amazon-like woman who looked to be in her mid-twenties. Her athletic physique was covered by armour of a different kind. Under her cloak, her shins and arms were protected with contoured pieces of what appeared to be light metal. Her gaze met the newcomers without hesitation, facial expression stoic, giving no hint of any opinion or emotion.

  The young man continued. “I am Maledorian, sir knight and protector. This is Defyance, the bearer of daggers.” The lady inclined her head at the introduction. “Now that you are here,” continued Maledorian. “We will find out why we have all been summoned.” The knight gave a solemn mock bow as he stepped back next to his friend.

  Taslessian and Darci exchanged a confused look. They had not been summoned; they were here to ask for Grisham’s help. Darci was about to mention this when Afradities stopped her with a no nonsense tone of voice.

  “I am afraid nothing is going to be explained until the two youngsters have rested.” The dragon gave a pointed look at Maledorian, waiting for him to protest, with the only acknowledgement being an exaggerated roll of his eyes.

  Thinking about it, Darci was surprised to find out how hungry and tired she was. They had not eaten since they had stopped for lunch at the Frary City, and they had not had any sleep for at least twenty-four hours. Since she had been on this bizarre planet, all she had experienced so far was danger, excitement and fatigue.

  A man who resembled the Monk Man motioned for them to follow. Darci hesitated, not enjoying her experience with the first of Grisham’s servants, but her nerves were eased by an overwhelming sense of protectiveness from Afradities. Darci looked at the dragon, who flashed her teeth in a smile before taking a step to gently push the young girl with her head to encourage her.

  The servant led them down a previously unnoticed tunnel to a room furnished only with makeshift beds. On the beds lay fresh clothes that looked as if they would fit each of them perfectly. The entire experience since entering the cave was like a foggy dream to the two weary travellers, lit only by the glow from the living fungus on the walls.

  With a sigh of relief, both glad to be rid of their travel-worn clothes, they eagerly changed into the fresh outfits. Taslessian made a minimal effort not to look at the almost naked form of Darci, but both of them were too tired to care. The servant seeing that they were fine together, left to get them some food, but by the time he had returned, both teenagers had fallen asleep. He sat the food down beside their inert forms before tiptoeing quietly away.

  * * *

  Warmth and comfort surrounded their tired bodies until a gentle hand touched both figures on the shoulders. They were awoken some time that evening, and even though they had only had around five hours sleep, both Taslessian and Darci felt wonderfully refreshed. Rubbing their eyes and yawning collectively, they were told by the servant that they were required in the centre room where everyone had assembled. Grisham the Great was going to explain all over a great feast.

  Darci wondered who else had come to this dream-like gathering. She was also anxious to find out when this Grisham was going to send her home. She did not want her parents to think she was missing without a trace, never to be found.

  In the middle of the great cavern now stood a large wooden table. Placed on top, were a wide variety of exotic foods that Darci did not recognise; yet the tantalising smells of the unknown cuisine made her mouth water nonetheless. Grisham’s head took up the end of the table with his massive body still curled up on its bed of trees. The others sat on the sides of the table, drinking and chatting among themselves. Everyone fell silent as they entered. Aside from Maledorian and Defyance, there was another unknown person seated across from the knight who they had not seen previously. He was a slightly built man with long blond hair and pointy ears. His soft, childlike features seemed to possess an enchanting beauty, yet his eyes were surprisingly wide. He rose from his seat to introduce himself.

  “I am Lief, the elf wanderer.” He bowed slightly as he introduced himself. Taslessian again introduced Darci and himself in the same formal way, an action that brought another big smile to Maledorian’s face.

  “Come friends,” said the boisterous knight, cutting off any further conversation. “Eat your fill before I finish everything off. Be merry whilst Grisham tells us why we are all here.”

  This reminded Darci she needed to ask Grisham if he could send her home. She was afraid for her parents and what they would think of her. What could she tell them when she returned? She cleared her throat with an uncomfortable cough.

  “I, Darci, the Offworlder, wish to as
k a favour of the great Grisham.” She paused to swallow in an attempt to remove the dryness from her throat. When no one did or said anything she continued. “Would you be able to send me home back to my world please, for I do not belong here.”

  Maledorian, who had been trying to control his mirth, began to laugh uproariously, making Darci turn red. She wondered what she had said that was so wrong.

  “You have picked up these unnecessary formalities wonderfully,” he explained, smiling as he offered her a drink. “Only being a knight for a few moons, I personally still haven’t got the hang of it.” One smell of the pungent ale told Darci it was a strong harsh alcohol that she would be best to stay away from. She declined the beverage politely, looking around to see if there was anything else that she could drink.

  “Could you please all sit down,” asked Grisham in a friendly tone, “then I shall explain everything.”

  Darci sat next to Taslessian, across from Maledorian. He was still smiling at her, something that was beginning to tell her how light- hearted his personality really was, yet she was not in the mood to share in his good humour.

  Ignoring the antics of his guests, Grisham heaved a great sigh, causing all to place their drinks down in anticipation as he began his explanation. “Recently, there has been a disturbance within the magical balance on this world, and in that of every dimension.” The dragon’s voice had the attention of all in the room, including the wide-eyed, mouth slightly opened concentration of Maledorian.

  The dragon continued. “Something evil has been brought into this world from another realm, and although it is of no threat at the moment, it draws evil to it and it is growing.”

  Darci shifted uncomfortably in her chair while the others began to eat the great feast, its splendour going unnoticed. This dragon was not talking about her was he? Grisham interrupted her thoughts.

  “I apologise,” he said, “for I am not talking about you dear child. I am talking about a demon by the name of Demolish. The magic for raising such monsters was thought forgotten, yet I, among many other noted beings, was mistaken. An uprising Ork Necrolite has stumbled across such knowledge and like all of his brethren, he desired power. He raised one of the hated hell-spawn. He was going to use it to conquer, but the demon he summoned was one of the masters of its dimension and it was too powerful for him. After breaking the spells that the Necrolite cast, it devoured its supposed master’s soul.

  “Now there is going to be a great battle between the north and the south of this world. Demolish is quickly gaining control over most of the southern races. The land of Nahaba, hearing about the gathering of Orks, Ogres, Trolls, Gremlins and the Dashagi, saw it as an act that is leading up to war, so they are preparing armies also.

  “The evil is essentially alone; it may have many pawns to do its dirty work however, in the end it will have no one. The good has five agents of Light. To balance the fact that the evil is not something from this world, someone good had to be brought in from another world.”

  Grisham looked at Darci and she realised in her heart what he was going to tell her. “I am not able to send you home, Offworlder, for that magic is unknown. It seems that your life has been chosen for a greater purpose. You and the other agents of the Light will need to stand together to defeat Demolish. I shall not lie to you; your quest will be thwart with danger and not everyone will return alive. If you prevail, things will be as they were, however, if you fail, dark and evil shall reign in all dimensions and life, as we know it, will be doomed.”

  After a short silent pause, Maledorian was the first to speak. “You mean that we’re going on a quest to save life as we know it?” His voice held an awe inspired tone, almost as if going on a quest was his life’s ambition.

  The dragon nodded and Maledorian continued. “We’re going to have to fight our way to where this demon is so that we can destroy it?” The young knight’s hand went reflexively to the large sword that remained at his side.

  “I was getting to that,” replied Grisham taking another deep breath, this one longer and more laboured than the first. He seemed to be tiring. “On your dangerous quest you will need to travel north and across the ocean to the cave of Sahat. There you will each receive your prophesied weapon of choice. After that, you will need to travel south to Antara. There, if you have survived, you shall find Demolish. It is then the true battle shall be won or lost.” He took another deep breath with his eyes almost closed, ready for sleep. It was as if, in telling this story, he had used up all of his strength. His voice was more like a whisper now and Darci had to strain to hear his words.

  “You all shall rest here tonight, and the night after that. Tomorrow we shall prepare you for your journey as best we can, and then the following day, we shall see you on your way.” Without another word, Grisham promptly fell asleep.

  Darci was bewildered. She had to check that her jaw was not wide open with shock. If this entire story were true, what would she be able to do against an army and a demon? Why would some bizarre force choose her of all people from her world when there would have been many others who would have been more suited to the task? She was, after all, only a basketball-playing schoolgirl.

  Taslessian put his hand on her shoulder. If he felt dazed at the story that Grisham had told them, how would his new friend feel?

  “I know it’s a bit of a shock,” Taslessian said, finally speaking his thoughts. Lost for any other words, he looked to Darci with what he hoped was an assuring smile. He felt for her, yet he knew there was nothing he could do to soften her obvious shock. Hopefully though, he could at least try to make it easier to bear.

  “We should sleep on it,” he decided. “We’re still tired from our ordeal with Fritrence. Maybe after some rest our minds will be better able to tackle what has been placed before us.”

  He looked at the others seated at the table. Maledorian was staring into the space before him, a wide grin on his face, while Defyance and Lief were looking at them both with sympathy in their eyes. At least, that is what he hoped Defyance was feeling, with the rest of her expression set in a stoic, indecipherable look, he was not sure.

  Darci was too confused to argue. Eating only a small amount of what she had put on her plate, she could not make herself take any more. With the others smart enough to have already eaten their fill, they began to make their way towards their makeshift beds. It turned out that the five of them were sleeping in the same room; three other makeshift beds had gone previously unnoticed. It was Lief who first approached them.

  “Are you okay?” he asked Darci with his melodious voice, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. “I know I cannot comprehend what you are feeling, but I just know that we will be okay. Now, if you have any problems, I want you to know I’m here for you.”

  Darci smiled half-heartedly while Taslessian took a step towards his bed. The young wizard found he needed to stifle a small spark of jealousy as he told himself that Lief was only trying to help. Anyway, he did not even know this girl he had accidentally brought into this world.

  Finally, they all tucked themselves under their blankets. Wriggling around in her bed, Darci was too concerned to close her eyes. She tossed and turned until finally her question-filled mind relented, allowing her to succumb to a deep and dreamless sleep.

  * * *

  Still with many questions to ask, Darci woke up feeling tired and confused. Looking over at her newfound company, she was too distraught to smile. Lief and Defyance slept fitfully, curled up in the blankets, while Taslessian snored with his mouth open. Maledorian was the only one active in his sleep, tossing and turning with the occasional “ha” and “have at thee” mumbled into his pillow or blanket.

  As no one else was awake for her to talk to, Darci decided to wander around the cave, hoping she could find some answers. If she found Grisham awake, maybe he could tell her more. She walked into the centre room where Grisham was snoring softly on his bed of small trees. Staring in awe at the hulking figure of the great dragon, she
jumped a mile high when he spoke to her.

  “I sense that you are confused, my child.” His great head lifted from its rested position as he exhaled, his breath a wondrous and magical scent.

  “Sorry if I woke you,” she mumbled. Now that she was here in his presence, she did not actually know what to ask.

  Grisham lips turned up, revealing his magnificent array of teeth in what Darci assumed to be a smile. Perhaps her visit was expected? Finally she managed to find some words. “I don’t understand. I’m just a teenage girl from a world where there isn’t even any magic, so why should I be chosen?”

  Grisham heaved a great sigh, blowing her hair askew. “First and foremost, there is magic on every world and inside everyone. Secondly, we are all chosen by fate,” he explained. “You were chosen because there is something only you can do and no one else. As to what that is, you’ll know when the time is right.”

  Darci was still confused. What could she do that no one else could? Grisham’s eyes closed and his breathing slowed as he returned to the rhythmic throws of sleep, obviously still tired from the previous night which made her wonder how old he was. But how could one tell?

  A large hand on her shoulder startled her. It was the young knight, Maledorian, dressed still in his long johns with his broadsword hanging from a mismatched belt, his hair in such a state that it reflected the dream battle that Darci had witnessed. He had another smile on his face, except this time he did not seem to be laughing at anyone.

  “Do not worry, Lady Darci,” he said quietly. This time it was Darci’s turn to be amused. No one had ever called her a lady before. Maledorian appeared oblivious to her reaction. “I will make sure that you are not harmed, for I am the winner of many tournaments of courage and strength. Do not be worried about me being a knight with no quests to his name because as of yet I am undefeated.”