Read Quiet Action Page 3


  Four o'clock came and went and the girls waited, and waited, and waited. They were quickly becoming bored from watching the video feeds from Alex's computer. After a while, Charley turned on the television and started to watch cartoons.

  "Alex, while we're waiting, let's make sure that your father's transmitters work."

  "That's a good idea, Elsie. Here, place this behind your ear and walk into the kitchen." Alex handed Elsie a really small circular and sticky device. "You should be able to hear me and talk to me."

  Elsie placed the device behind her ear and looked at her friend. "Okay, it's on?hey Alex, I'm sorry for what I said earlier."

  "You said it, Elsie, and you sounded serious, like a maniac or something."

  "I know, Alex, but you're my best friend and I wouldn't do anything to hurt you. This operation has to be flawless and I need you to be at your best."

  "Why is this so important to you?"

  "It should be important to you too. Our lives are boring. All we do is go to school, study, and go to school. We never get to do anything wild and crazy. That's probably why you did what you did with Mister Bender."

  "That was different, Elsie."

  "In what way, Alex?"

  Alex didn't respond to Elsie. She covered her face with her hands and then rested her head on the desk. "Okay, Elsie, I get where you're coming from but you're the only person who knows about that, at least you were the only person."

  Alex, with her head still resting on the desk, raised a finger and pointed it towards a slumbering Charley.

  Elsie looked at Charley and then looked back at Alex. "Don't worry about Charley. She won't say anything. I have something on her too."

  Alex immediately sprang upright. "You do? Elsie?you're horrible. Just how long have you planned this?"

  "For three years?hey listen, I hear a lot of cheering.

  Elsie ran to the big window and peered down to the street. It looked as if the whole town was outside the hotel. Everyone, including the local news station, was gathered around a stretch limousine that Elsie knew belonged to her target.

  "Charley, wake up," said Elsie as she shook her friend back to consciousness.

  "Is he here?" asked Alex.

  "Yes, it's show time, get ready."

  They watched Jordan Rich check into the hotel from their computer monitor and Elsie and Charley finished their preparations. Elsie packed her tools into a backpack and fitted Charley with work belt made to hold mace and a small tazer.

  "Hey, we still have to check those transmitters," said Alex.

  "You're right but let's make it quick," said Elsie as she ran into the kitchen.

  They spoke to and heard one another well and Elsie ran back into the main room and gathered everything. Alex remained at the desk while Elsie and Charley walked to the connecting doors.

  "Why are you smiling, Charley?" asked Elsie.

  "Because this belt is cool?I kinda feel like Batman," she said while moving her hands all around her waist.

  "Cool, Charley," said Elsie with a smile.

  They knelt by the door and waited for the magic word. Before long, both girls sat on the floor.

  "Elsie, I have to pee," said Charley as she fidgeted around like a ten year old.

  "Okay, Charley, but make it quick. We can't miss our window of opportunity."

  "What if I have to do a number two?"

  "Charley, just do what you have to do and get back here quick."

  Charley scuttled into the bathroom and Elsie continued to listen with her ear plastered on the connecting door to the other suite. "How many people are in that room, Alex? It sounds like a party."

  "Looks like about twenty and they're all over the place," said Alex.

  "Hmm?I was hoping that this wouldn't happen but we're still in good shape."

  "I don't know how you can figure that, Elsie. Please explain."

  "Based on what I've read about Jordan, he likes to be alone to meditate before big concerts. We'll wait until he's alone."

  "If that's the case, then we're running out of time. His concert starts in two hours."

  "Look at it this way, Alex, we'll either wait for him to be alone or we'll have to think of something else."

  "Like what Elsie?"

  "We haven't got to that point yet, so we stick to our original plan."

  "Oh?oh, some of the people are starting to leave," said Alex as she anxiously hopped up and down in her chair.

  Elsie sensed that Alex's earlier reluctance about the whole affair had turned into impatience for its end.

  "Hold your horses, Alex, and let me know when he's alone."

  "He's going into his room. He's yawning. He's undressing. Damn, he has great abs."

  "Alex. Focus," said Elsie. "Come on Charley, it's time. Put on your mask."

  Elsie and Charley donned their ski masks and once again camped out by the connecting door waiting for Alex's word.

  "Oh my God, is he? Yes, he is," said Alex.

  "Calm down Alex; yes, he sleeps in the nude. Just close your eyes if you're bothered," said Elsie.

  "Okay, he's in the bed and closing his eyes but there are two big guys still in the suite. They look like bodyguards. They're not in Jordan's room but they're right outside of it."

  "Good thing we have our stuff. Charley, you have to pay attention once we go in," said Elsie.

  Charley shook her head.

  "Be quiet you guys," said Alex.

  "We're okay, Alex, just keep your eyes on the bodyguards."

  Elsie and Charley waited patiently for Alex's signal. Elsie didn't feel any sense of nervousness. She was confident that everything would go off as planned and even beamed with pride that she had garnered enough courage to engineer this mission. She didn't know what Charley was thinking because she was looking off in space again. Elsie just hoped that, if needed, Charley's Mixed Martial Arts skills would come through with flying colors.

  "Okay girls, you're on. He's fast asleep," said Alex.

  "We know. We can hear him snoring; even through these doors."

  Elsie carefully turned the knob on door as if she were cracking a safe. She opened the door even slower and glanced at Charley to ensure that she was ready and quiet. They crept into Jordan's room and stood still for a few seconds. Elsie looked at Charley and held up three fingers. She lowered the first finger to signify their countdown then continued with the other two.

  Charley tip-toed to the bedroom door and stood watch. Elsie jumped on the slumbering star and immediately slammed a chloroform filled cloth onto his face. Jordan raised his head and grabbed Elsie around her shoulders. He was close to overpowering her but Elsie was determined to keep the cloth over his nose. She was happy that he was a slightly built teenager no bigger than her because she was able to match his strength.

  Elsie's pressure ebbed slightly and Jordan was able to eke out a slight yell but after that, his resistance started to wane and he passed out.

  "Elsie, you guys have to move now, I think the bodyguards heard noise from the room," said Alex, speaking into Elsie's ear.

  Elsie turned to Charley and pointed vigorously at the door.

  "It's one of them and he's coming now," said Alex. She sounded like she was losing her composure.

  A large bald man wearing shades burst into the room and started running towards Jordan's bed once he saw Elsie on top of him. In his haste, he didn't see Charley and she tripped him. Once on the ground face down, Charley pulled out her tazer and shocked the man until he stopped moving.

  "Good job, Charley," Elsie said softly.

  "Here comes the second guy," said Alex.

  Again, Elsie pointed at the door. Charley sprayed mace into the face of the second bodyguard and then spun to the ground and swept the man's legs making him fall. Elsie had prepared another chloroform cloth and tossed it to Charley to use on him.

  Elsie reached into her backpack and pulled out a few l
engths of rope and duct tape.

  "Charley, tie up their hands and feet and put some tape over their mouths."

  "Okay, Elsie."

  Once the room was secure, Elsie and Charley carried Jordan's small body into their suite and locked the door.

  "Whew, you guys made it. That was nerve wracking," said Alex while holding her chest. She met them at the connecting doors.

  "Go ahead and get the chair. We need to tie him up before he wakes."


  All three of the girls, clad in black and wearing their masks stood before the teen idol. When he woke up, his eyes bulged out with fear and confusion. He tried his best to remove his restraints but had no luck.

  "Jordan, if you listen to us everything will be fine and nobody will get hurt," said Elsie. "All we want to do is to take a picture with you."

  Jordan mumbled incomprehensible words and continued to struggle to clear himself of the ropes binding him down.

  "I don't think he agrees," said Alex.

  Elsie nodded her head and rubbed her chin. Reluctantly, she agreed with Alex. "Maybe we have to be more convincing," she said as she reached into her backpack and pulled out a switchblade knife.

  Alex and Charley jumped back away from Elsie. "Elsie, what are you doing?" asked Alex. She looked like she was totally afraid.

  "Convincing him to do the right thing," said Elsie as she walked slowly towards Jordan flipping the knife back and forth.

  "This has gone on long enough, Elsie, stop it. Charley do something." Alex's voice was getting louder and louder.

  Elsie moved behind Jordan and pressed the knife against his neck. He was breathing hard, but was trying to remain as motionless as he could. Elsie heard her friends' misgivings from afar but their voices seemed to go away as her determination to make her mark grew.

  "Elsie Marie McCracken, what are you doing?" asked Elsie's mother. Elsie's parents had burst into the suite. They were shocked and appalled at what they saw.

  "Buttercup just put the knife down. No one's going to find out about this and everything will be all right," said Elsie's father.

  Elsie looked squarely at Alex. "How could you?" she said.

  "It had to stop you, Elsie. You went from one extreme to the next." Alex's eyes were full of tears.

  "Honey, don't blame Alex. She didn't want you girls to get into any trouble, so she texted us through the hotel's TDD system an hour ago."

  Elsie dropped the knife and then knelt down. She put both hands over her face and started to cry. Her parents ran to her side, knelt down beside their daughter and hugged her.

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