Read Quinn's Lady Page 15

  Still on his knees, Quinn could only stare at the creature. It was an amazing and beautiful thing to see, its tail whipping back and forth. Sleek and black and powerful, its scales iridescent even in the darkness.

  Serepta let out a shriek as it lumbered toward her, wings folded tightly against its body, eyes blazing. She backed away, but she had nowhere to go. She raised her hand again, perhaps to incant a spell, but she was too slow. With a mighty roar, white-hot flames poured from the dragon’s mouth.

  They enveloped the witch from head to heel. She screamed once, a horrible, agonized cry that Quinn knew he would carry to his grave, and then she was gone.

  A sob was torn from Seleena’s throat. Turning away, she wrapped her arms around Lonn, whispered a few words, and vanished from the dungeon.

  Quinn rose slowly to his feet, his gaze fixed on the dragon. It wasn’t overly large as dragons went. Perhaps nine feet tall.

  The beast swung its head around, black eyes meeting Quinn’s.

  Quinn swallowed hard, wondering if he was next.

  Slowly, the dragon moved toward him, until it stood within arm’s reach. And then it lowered its head.

  Lifting a tentative hand, Quinn patted the dragon’s neck.

  Several moments passed and then the dragon grew smaller. When it was the size of a large rat, it scurried up Quinn’s arm and melted into his skin.

  Loosing a sigh, Quinn made his way up the stairs to the great hall.

  Nardik stood in the center of the room, surrounded by a dozen dead men. Quinn grunted softly. Knowing Serepta, he had been pretty sure that whether she lived or died, the men wouldn’t survive. Even as he watched, their bodies disintegrated, until there was nothing left but dust. And then that, too, disappeared.

  “Seleena has gone home,” Nardik said.

  Quinn nodded.

  “You are in love with her.”


  “And she loves you,” the wizard said, resignation thick in his voice.

  Quinn nodded again. “I’m going to marry her, if she’ll have me.”

  “If you hurt her in any way….”

  “Yeah, I know. You’ll turn me into a newt.”

  A faint smiled quirked the corner of the wizard’s mouth and then he vanished in a puff of smoke.

  Quinn glanced around the room. The air was still, the castle quiet. There was no lingering trace of evil or dark magic, no indication that men had died here, or that a black witch had ever walked its hallways.

  It was over. Closing his eyes, he willed himself to Seleena’s house.

  He paused outside the blue door. Ordinarily, he would have just walked in, but at the moment, he wasn’t sure of his welcome. Would she be glad to see him, or would the dragon on his shoulder forever be a reminder of her daughter’s fiery death?

  Chapter 30

  Seleena took Lonn home. Kerry Frazzier woke from the spell she was under at the sound of her son’s voice calling her name. As if nothing untoward had happened, Kerry rose from the couch and gave him an affectionate hug, then offered Seleena a cup of tea, which she declined.

  Seleena managed to hold back her tears until she was in her own house, and then she took refuge in her bed. Freyja curled up at her side, purring softly in an effort to comfort her mistress.

  Seleena’s tears came then, so many she thought they might never stop. Not that she cared. Her daughter was truly dead this time. No magic in the world, black or white, would ever bring Serepta back.

  She wept bitterly, blaming herself, blaming Nardik, blaming Quinn, even though she knew, deep in her heart, that it was Serepta herself who was responsible for the dark, twisting path she had followed, the terrible decisions she had made. So much blood spilled at her hands. So many needless deaths.

  Seleena was almost asleep when she sensed someone at her front door and knew it was Quinn.

  Freyja let out a hiss of displeasure as Seleena threw back the covers and hurried to let him in.

  Choking back a sob, she wrapped her arms around him as a fresh wave of tears poured down her cheeks.

  There was no need for words as he carried her into her room, laid her gently on the bed, then cradled her in his embrace.

  He held her close, lightly stroking her back, her hair, whispering meaningless words until she fell asleep.

  All under the watchful yellow eyes of the cat.


  Quinn didn’t sleep that night. He spent the long dark hours watching Seleena sleep, soothing her nightmares, listening to the soft, even sound of her breathing, the slow, steady beat of her heart. Except for his mother, he had never loved anyone, never really cared for anyone. He couldn’t imagine the pain of losing a child, even one like Serepta.

  He had been a little surprised at Seleena’s reaction when she saw him. He hadn’t expected her to fall into his arms. But the more he thought about it, the more natural it seemed. Except for the cat, she had no one else to comfort her.

  He was in love with her, he admitted, heart and soul. She was like a miracle, one he had never thought to find. Certainly one he didn’t deserve. He wanted to marry her, spend the rest of his life with her, if she would have him.

  Quinn glanced at the dragon, sleeping peacefully on his shoulder. He had never expected the thing to come to life the way it had. He couldn’t help wondering, if they had been in a building with a higher ceiling, if it would have grown even larger. Maybe one day he would find out.

  His eyes grew heavy as the sun climbed over the horizon. Murmuring, “I love you, Red,” he fell into the waiting darkness.


  Seleena woke slowly, gradually becoming aware that Quinn was lying beside her, his arm around her shoulders, her head resting on his bare chest.

  The dragon stared at her.

  Seleena stared back, images of her daughter flashing through her mind - Serepta taking her first step, saying her first word. Serepta blossoming into a lovely young woman. Serepta, writhing in the heat of the dragon’s flames.

  She started to get up but something in the dragon’s eyes - pity, compassion - held her immobile. The dragon extended one wing and images danced across it - images of the future if Serepta had won the battle. One scene of carnage after another, each worse than the last, until Seleena felt as if she were drowning in a sea of blood. A single tear shone in the dragon’s eye and then the images were gone.

  Seleena wiped the tears from her own eyes. There had been no joy in the scenes she had witnessed, no future happiness, no love. Just misery and death. Had Serepta foreseen such a future for herself? Had her subconscious purposefully conjured the wrong dragon?

  Murmuring, “I hope she’s found peace at last,” Seleena stroked the dragon’s head. Then, pressing closer to Quinn, she closed her eyes, content to lie in his arms until he woke.


  Quinn came awake instantly, all his senses alert. His inner clock told him it was mid-afternoon. He was surprised, but pleased, to find that Seleena was still in bed beside him. Glancing to the side, he met the warmth of her gaze. No words were necessary.

  She melted into his embrace with a sigh, her eyelids fluttering down as he kissed her lightly and then again, longer, deeper. Their clothes disappeared with a wave of her hand. There was nothing like it, she thought, the touch of skin against skin, when it belonged to the one you loved. And she loved Quinn. She wasn’t sure how or when it had happened, knew only that she could no longer imagine her life without him.

  Their lovemaking was slow and leisurely, as if they had all the time in the world. And maybe they did, Quinn thought. He was virtually immortal, and some witches lived hundreds of years.

  Cupping her face in his hands, he whispered, “I’ve never loved anyone before, Red. Maybe I’m not very good at it. But I know that I need you. Will you marry me?”

  She smiled up at him, her gray eyes filled with love and happiness. “I thought you would never ask.”

  “I’ll understand if you want to wait awhile.”

  “I d
on’t think that’s a good idea,” she said, a mysterious grin playing over her lips.

  “Why is that? Not that I’m complaining. I’m willing to tie the knot tonight.”

  She laughed softly. “I’m glad to hear you say that, because in about nine months you’re going to be a father.”

  “What?” Quinn bolted upright. “Are you saying you’re pregnant?” He frowned as his gaze moved over her. “How?”

  “In the usual way, I would imagine.”

  He shook his head. “Vampires can’t reproduce. And even if it was remotely possible, which it isn’t, how could you know so quickly?” Hell, they had only made love a couple of times, and then only in the last few days.

  “I am a witch, remember?”

  He fell back on the bed. A baby.

  “I thought you would be happy. I am.”

  “Happy?” He rose up on one elbow, his other hand resting lightly on her belly as his gaze caressed her face. “I’m beyond happy, Red. I never thought…never expected.” He cocked his head to the side, a grin twitching his lips. “So, is it a boy or a girl?”

  “You’ll just have to wait and see.”

  “Don’t you know?”

  “I’m not sure I want to. Do you?”

  “Hell, yeah.”

  Seleena closed her eyes a moment, then smiled. “It’s a boy.”

  Quinn hugged her close. A son, he thought exultantly. And then he frowned. He didn’t know a thing about being a father. Vampires weren’t supposed to be able to reproduce. What if the baby was born dead? Deformed?

  Seleena cupped his face in her palms and kissed him lightly. “Stop worrying. He will be perfectly healthy and whole. Did you mean it when you said you would marry me tonight?”

  He nuzzled her neck. “The sooner the better.”


  It was near dark when Quinn left the house. Seleena had suggested he go for a walk while she made arrangements for the wedding and he hadn’t argued. He needed to feed, and truth be told, he needed a little time alone to come to terms with being a father.

  He had never known the man who sired him. Had never had a fatherly influence in his life. Jagg hardly qualified.

  A baby. What if Seleena was wrong and everything wasn’t all right. What if the kid was part vampire? He muttered an oath as he imagined a baby who slept all day and drank fresh blood instead of mother’s milk.

  He thrust the nightmare images aside. Seleena had assured him the child would be all right. Determined to hold tight to that thought until it proved false, he willed himself to the nearest town.

  He had just honed in on possible prey when Nardik fell into step beside him.

  Quinn clenched his hands at his sides. There could only be one reason for the wizard to be there. “I don’t suppose you’ve come to offer your congratulations.”


  “So, why the hell are you here?”

  “I want you to leave this place and never come back.”

  Quinn shook his head. “That’s not going to happen. And what the hell do you care? Aren’t you engaged to another woman?”

  “I never stopped loving Seleena,” Nardik said. “She means more to me than she could ever mean to you. We had a child together. No matter what happened since then, there’s a bond between parents that cannot be broken.”

  Quinn blew out a sigh. “I’m glad to hear that.”

  Nardik frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “She’s pregnant. With my son.”

  Nardik came to an abrupt halt, his eyes blazing with disbelief which quickly turned to jealousy and then rage. Sparks erupted from the tip of his staff.

  Shit! Quinn gathered his power, felt the dragon stir beneath his jacket.

  The air between vampire and wizard pulsed with supernatural energy.

  “You really want to do this?” Quinn glanced around. They were in a residential area. Several nearby houses had lights in the windows. He could hear conversation, the sound of laughter. “Here and now? Even if you destroy me - and I’m not sure you can - she’ll never be yours.”

  The wizard glared at him; then, as the truth of Quinn’s words apparently hit home, the tension between the two of them dissolved.

  Eyes narrowed, Nardik said, “If you hurt her…”

  “You know I’d never do that.”

  All the tension drained out of Nardik. “You are right. I do know. Just as I know that if you walked out of her life, she would never love me the way she loves you.”

  Something that might have been a grin flashed behind the wizard’s eyes. “But be warned, there are worse things that being turned into a newt.”

  Quinn snorted. “Yeah? What could possibly be worse?”

  “A eunuch!” Laughter rumbled deep in Nardik’s throat as, with a wave of his hand, he vanished in a puff of black smoke.

  Chapter 31

  Quinn paused outside when he returned to Seleena’s house. It looked the same, and yet different. There was a glow about it that hadn’t been there before. The flowers in the yard were larger, brighter. A wreath of sage, apple, orange blossoms and lavender hung on the door.

  Another surprise awaited him inside. Tiny white lights floated near the ceiling. A dozen white candles were scattered around the room, their flickering light casting shadows on the walls. An arch adorned with white roses stood in front of the hearth. Lonn and Kerry Frazzier stood on one side, a priest on the other.

  The priest stepped forward, his hand outstretched. “Quinn?”


  “I am Father Dixxon. Seleena asked that we start the ceremony as soon as you arrived.”

  Quinn nodded. “Pleased to make your acquaintance, Father.”

  Kerry Frazzier smiled at Quinn then began singing in a language he didn’t understand, her voice pure and clear.

  At the soft sound of Seleena’s footsteps in the hallway, he turned.

  His bride stood in the doorway. She wore a long, blue gown and a matching veil. Her hair fell in soft waves over her shoulders.

  Quinn’s breath caught in his throat as her gaze met his. She looked like an angel, he thought. And she was his.

  As the last notes of the song faded away, Seleena walked toward him, her dove-gray eyes alight with love.

  Stepping forward, he took her hand in his and gave it a squeeze and then they turned to face the priest.

  “We are gathered here this evening to join Seleena and Quinn together. They have pledged their love one to another, and it is that love, stronger than mere words, that will bind them together from this night forward. Seleena, will you have this man as your husband?”

  “Yes, I will.”

  “Quinn, will you have this woman as your wife?”

  “Yes, I will.”

  “Then I hereby proclaim that you are now husband and wife, legally and lawfully wedded, forever and always.” He smiled at Quinn. “You may kiss your bride.”

  Quinn’s gaze moved over her face, as if to memorize how she looked at the very moment she became his. Taking her in his arms, he whispered, “I will love you as long as I live,” and then he kissed her, ever so gently.

  He surrendered her momentarily so that Mrs. Frazzier and her son could offer their congratulations while he shook hands with the priest, who wished them a long and happy life.

  Kerry Frazzier had baked a cake for the occasion. She served it, first to Seleena and Quinn, then to Father Dixxon priest and her son.

  Shortly thereafter, amid more hugs and good wishes, their guests took their leave.

  Murmuring, “Alone at last,” Quinn drew Seleena into his arms once again and claimed her lips with his. And then, frowning, he drew back. “Is it okay for us to make love, now that you’re pregnant?”

  “Of course, silly. I’m not made of glass.”

  Sweeping her into his arms, he carried her swiftly to their room. Twinkling fairy lights bathed them in a warm golden glow as they crossed the threshold. Music played in the background, soft and oddly erotic. The faint
scent of musk teased his nostrils.

  “You’re beautiful, Red,” he murmured as he set her on her feet. “The most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  She smiled with pleasure as she went up on her tiptoes and kissed him. And then, taking a step back, she began to undress him. The dragon on his shoulder stirred at her touch, a soft purr issuing from its throat.

  “I think he likes you,” Quinn said, his voice husky with desire. “I know I do.”

  She tossed his clothing aside, then ran her fingertips across his chest. “You’re beautiful, too.”

  “Uh-huh. My turn.” He undressed her slowly, his gaze moving over every inch as it was revealed. She blushed from head to heel in a way he found most endearing. And arousing. Whispering her name, he lifted her into his arms.

  She wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her to bed, where he made slow, sweet love to her.

  Later, holding her close, he thought of his past, of how, not so long ago, his only thought had been to avenge himself on Serepta. The dragon had accomplished that, but it hadn’t given Quinn the satisfaction or peace of mind he had expected. It was Seleena who had brought him joy and a sense of inner tranquility. Seleena who had taught him what it meant to love someone with his whole heart and soul. She had given him a reason to view the future with hope. And soon, she would give him a child. He secretly hoped for a son.

  Quinn gasped with pleasure as she began to caress him, her hands working a familiar magic, her lips like velvet against his skin as she aroused him again.

  If his luck held, he thought, perhaps, in a year or two, she would give him a daughter.


  Moved beyond words, Quinn held his newborn son in his arms. He had never believed in miracles, until he met Seleena, and now he couldn’t help wondering what he had ever done to be so richly blessed. He had been gifted with a child, healthy and whole. He had a wonderful wife who loved him unconditionally in spite of his faults and his past. He could ask for nothing more.