Read Quo Vadis: A Narrative of the Time of Nero Page 35

  Chapter XXXV

  ON the evening of that day Vinicius, while returning home through theForum, saw at the entrance to the Vicus Tuscus the gilded litter ofPetronius, carried by eight stalwart Bithynians, and, stopping it with asign of his hand, he approached the curtains.

  "Thou hast had a pleasant dream, I trust, and a happy one!" cried he,laughing at sight of the slumbering Petronius.

  "Oh, is it thou?" said Petronius, waking up. "Yes; I dropped asleep fora moment, as I passed the night at the Palatine. I have come out to buysomething to read on the road to Antium. What is the news?"

  "Art thou visiting the book-shops?" inquired Vinicius.

  "Yes, I do not like to bring disorder into my library, so I amcollecting a special supply for the journey. It is likely that somenew things of Musonius and Seneca have come out. I am looking also forPersius, and a certain edition of the Eclogues of Vergilius, which I donot possess. Oh, how tired I am; and how my hands ache from covers andrings! For when a man is once in a book-shop curiosity seizes himto look here and there. I was at the shop of Avirnus, and at that ofAtractus on the Argiletum, and with the Sozii on Vicus Sandalarius. ByCastor! how I want to sleep!"

  "Thou wert on the Palatine? Then I would ask thee what is it to be heardthere? Or, knowest what?--send home the litter and the tubes with books,and come to my house. We will talk of Antium, and of something else."

  "That is well," answered Petronius, coming out of the litter. "Thou mustknow, besides, that we start for Antium the day after to-morrow."

  "Whence should I know that?"

  "In what world art thou living? Well, I shall be the first to announcethe news to thee. Yes; be ready for the day after to-morrow in themorning. Peas in olive oil have not helped, a cloth around his thickneck has not helped, and Bronzebeard is hoarse. In view of this, delayis not to be mentioned. He curses Rome and its atmosphere, with what theworld stands on; he would be glad to level it to the earth or to destroyit with fire, and he longs for the sea at the earliest. He says thatthe smells which the wind brings from the narrow streets are driving himinto the grave. To-day great sacrifices were offered in all the templesto restore his voice; and woe to Rome, but especially to the Senate,should it not return quickly!"

  "Then there would be no reason for his visit to Achaea?"

  "But is that the only talent possessed by our divine Caesar?" askedPetronius, smiling. "He would appear in the Olympic games, as a poet,with his 'Burning of Troy'; as a charioteer, as a musician, as anathlete,--nay, even as a dancer, and would receive in every case allthe crowns intended for victors. Dost know why that monkey grew hoarse?Yesterday he wanted to equal our Paris in dancing, and danced for us theadventures of Leda, during which he sweated and caught cold. He was aswet and slippery as an eel freshly taken from water. He changed masksone after another, whirled like a spindle, waved his hands like adrunken sailor, till disgust seized me while looking at that greatstomach and those slim legs. Paris taught him during two weeks; butimagine to thyself Ahenobarbus as Leda or as the divine swan. That was aswan!--there is no use in denying it. But he wants to appear before thepublic in that pantomime,--first in Antium, and then in Rome."

  "People are offended already because he sang in public; but to thinkthat a Roman Caesar will appear as a mime! No; even Rome will not endurethat!"

  "My dear friend, Rome will endure anything; the Senate will pass a voteof thanks to the 'Father of his country.' And the rabble will be elatedbecause Caesar is its buffoon."

  "Say thyself, is it possible to be more debased?"

  Petronius shrugged his shoulders. "Thou art living by thyself at home,and meditating, now about Lygia, now about Christians, so thou knowestnot, perhaps, what happened two days since. Nero married, in public,Pythagoras, who appeared as a bride. That passed the measure of madness,it would seem, would it not? And what wilt thou say? the flamens, whowere summoned, came and performed the ceremony with solemnity. I waspresent. I can endure much; still I thought, I confess, that the gods,if there be any, should give a sign. But Caesar does not believe in thegods, and he is right."

  "So he is in one person chief priest, a god, and an atheist," saidVinicius.

  "True," said Petronius, beginning to laugh. "That had not entered myhead; but the combination is such as the world has not seen." Then,stopping a moment, he said: "One should add that this chief priest whodoes not believe in the gods, and this god who reviles the gods, fearsthem in his character of atheist."

  "The proof of this is what happened in the temple of Vesta." "What asociety!"

  "As the society is, so is Caesar. But this will not last long."

  Thus conversing, they entered the house of Vinicius, who called forsupper joyously; then, turning to Petronius he said,--"No, my dear,society must be renewed."

  "We shall not renew it," answered Petronius, "even for the reason thatin Nero's time man is like a butterfly,--he lives in the sunshine offavor, and at the first cold wind he perishes, even against his will.By the son of Maia! more than once have I given myself this question: Bywhat miracle has such a man as Lucius Saturninus been able to reach theage of ninety-three, to survive Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius? But nevermind. Wilt thou permit me to send thy litter for Eunice? My wish tosleep has gone, somehow, and I should like to be joyous. Give commandto cithara players to come to the supper, and afterward we will talk ofAntium. It is needful to think of it, especially for thee."

  Vinicius gave the order to send for Eunice, but declared that he had nothought of breaking his head over the stay in Antium.

  "Let those break their heads who cannot live otherwise than in the raysof Caesar's favor. The world does not end on the Palatine, especially forthose who have something else in their hearts and souls."

  He said this so carelessly and with such animation and gladness thathis whole manner struck Petronius; hence, looking for a time at him, heasked,--"What is taking place in thee? Thou art to-day as thou wert whenwearing the golden bulla on thy neck."

  "I am happy," answered Vinicius. "I have invited thee purposely to tellthee so."

  "What has happened?"

  "Something which I would not give for the Roman Empire."

  Then he sat down, and, leaning on the arm of the chair, rested his headon his hand, and asked,--"Dost remember how we were at the house ofAulus Plautius, and there thou didst see for the first time the godlikemaiden called by thee 'the dawn and the spring'? Dost remember thatPsyche, that incomparable, that one more beautiful than our maidens andour goddesses?"

  Petronius looked at him with astonishment, as if he wished to make surethat his head was right.

  "Of whom art thou speaking?" asked he at last. "Evidently I rememberLygia."

  "I am her betrothed."


  But Vinicius sprang up and called his dispensator.

  "Let the slaves stand before me to the last soul, quickly!"

  "Art thou her betrothed?" repeated Petronius.

  But before he recovered from his astonishment the immense atrium wasswarming with people. Panting old men ran in, men in the vigor of life,women, boys, and girls. With each moment the atrium was filled moreand more; in corridors, called "fauces," voices were heard calling invarious languages. Finally, all took their places in rows at the wallsand among the columns. Vinicius, standing near the impluvium, turned toDemas, the freedman, and said,--

  "Those who have served twenty years in my house are to appear tomorrowbefore the pretor, where they will receive freedom; those who have notserved out the time will receive three pieces of gold and double rationsfor a week. Send an order to the village prisons to remit punishment,strike the fetters from people's feet, and feed them sufficiently. Knowthat a happy day has come to me, and I wish rejoicing in the house."

  For a moment they stood in silence, as if not believing their ears;then all hands were raised at once, and all mouths cried,--"A-a! lord!a-a-a!"

  Vinicius dismissed them with a wave of his hand. Though they desired tothank him and to fall at his fee
t, they went away hurriedly, filling thehouse with happiness from cellar to roof.

  "To-morrow," said Vinicius, "I will command them to meet again in thegarden, and to make such signs on the ground as they choose. Lygia willfree those who draw a fish."

  Petronius, who never wondered long at anything, had grown indifferent,and asked,--"A fish, is it? Ah, ha! According to Chilo, that is the signof a Christian, I remember." Then he extended his hand to Vinicius, andsaid: "Happiness is always where a man sees it. May Flora strew flowersunder thy feet for long years. I wish thee everything which thou wishestthyself."

  "I thank thee, for I thought that thou wouldst dissuade me, and that, asthou seest, would be time lost."

  "I? Dissuade? By no means. On the contrary, I tell thee that thou artdoing well."

  "Ha, traitor!" answered Vinicius, joyfully; "hast forgotten what thoudidst tell me once when we were leaving the house of Pomponia Graecina?"

  "No," answered Petronius, with cool blood; "but I have changed myopinion. My dear," added he after a while, "in Rome everything changes.Husbands change wives, wives change husbands; why should not I changeopinions? It lacked little of Nero's marrying Acte, whom for his sakethey represented as the descendant of a kingly line. Well, he would havehad an honest wife, and we an honest Augusta. By Proteus and his barrenspaces in the sea! I shall change my opinion as often as I find itappropriate or profitable. As to Lygia, her royal descent is morecertain than Acte's. But in Antium be on thy guard against Poppaea, whois revengeful."

  "I do not think of doing so. A hair will not fall from my head inAntium."

  "If thou think to astonish me a second time, thou art mistaken; butwhence hast thou that certainty?"

  "The Apostle Peter told me so."

  "Ah, the Apostle Peter told thee! Against that there is no argument;permit me, however, to take certain measures of precaution even tothis end, that the Apostle Peter may not turn out a false prophet; for,should the Apostle be mistaken, perchance he might lose thy confidence,which certainly will be of use to him in the future."

  "Do what may please thee, but I believe him. And if thou think to turnme against him by repeating his name with irony, thou art mistaken."

  "But one question more. Hast thou become a Christian?"

  "Not yet; but Paul of Tarsus will travel with me to explain theteachings of Christ, and afterward I will receive baptism; for thystatement that they are enemies of life and pleasantness is not true."

  "All the better for thee and Lygia," answered Petronius; then, shrugginghis shoulders, he said, as if to himself, "But it is astonishing howskilled those people are in gaining adherents, and how that sect isextending."

  "Yes," answered Vinicius, with as much warmth as if he had been baptizedalready; "there are thousands and tens of thousands of them in Rome, inthe cities of Italy, in Greece and Asia. There are Christians amongthe legions and among the pretorians; they are in the palace of Caesaritself. Slaves and citizens, poor and rich, plebeian and patrician,confess that faith. Dost thou know that the Cornelii are Christians,that Pomponia Graecina is a Christian, that likely Octavia was, and Acteis? Yes, that teaching will embrace the world, and it alone is able torenew it. Do not shrug thy shoulders, for who knows whether in a monthor a year thou wilt not receive it thyself?"

  "I?" said Petronius. "No, by the son of Leto! I will not receive it;even if the truth and wisdom of gods and men were contained in it. Thatwould require labor, and I have no fondness for labor. Labor demandsself-denial, and I will not deny myself anything. With thy nature, whichis like fire and boiling water, something like this may happen any time.But I? I have my gems, my cameos, my vases, my Eunice. I do not believein Olympus, but I arrange it on earth for myself; and I shall flourishtill the arrows of the divine archer pierce me, or till Caesar commandsme to open my veins. I love the odor of violets too much, and acomfortable triclinium. I love even our gods, as rhetorical figures,and Achaea, to which I am preparing to go with our fat, thin-legged,incomparable, godlike Caesar, the august period-compelling Hercules,Nero."

  Then he was joyous at the very supposition that he could accept theteaching of Galilean fishermen, and began to sing in an undertone,--

  "I will entwine my bright sword in myrtle, After the example ofHarmodius and Aristogiton."

  But he stopped, for the arrival of Eunice was announced. Immediatelyafter her coming supper was served, during which songs were sung by thecithara players; Vinicius told of Chilo's visit, and also how that visithad given the idea of going to the Apostles directly,--an idea whichcame to him while they were flogging Chilo.

  At mention of this, Petronius, who began to be drowsy, placed his handon his forehead, and said,--"The thought was good, since the object wasgood. But as to Chilo, I should have given him five pieces of gold; butas it was thy will to flog him, it was better to flog him, for who knowsbut in time senators will bow to him, as to-day they are bowing to ourcobbler-knight, Vatinius. Good-night."

  And, removing his wreath, he, with Eunice, prepared for home. When theyhad gone, Vinicius went to his library and wrote to Lygia as follows:--

  "When thou openest thy beautiful eyes, I wish this letter to sayGood-day! to thee. Hence I write now, though I shall see thee tomorrow.Caesar will go to Antium after to-morrow,--and I, eheu! must go with him.I have told thee already that not to obey would be to risk life--and atpresent I could not find courage to die. But if thou wish me not to go,write one word, and I will stay. Petronius will turn away danger from mewith a speech. To-day, in the hour of my delight, I gave rewards to allmy slaves; those who have served in the house twenty years I shall taketo the pretor to-morrow and free. Thou, my dear, shouldst praise me,since this act as I think will be in accord with that mild religionof thine; secondly, I do this for thy sake. They are to thank theefor their freedom. I shall tell them so to-morrow, so that they maybe grateful to thee and praise thy name. I give myself in bondage tohappiness and thee. God grant that I never see liberation. May Antium becursed, and the journey of Ahenobarbus! Thrice and four times happy amI in not being so wise as Petronius; if I were, I should be forced togo to Greece perhaps. Meanwhile the moment of separation will sweeten mymemory of thee. Whenever I can tear myself away, I shall sit on a horse,and rush back to Rome, to gladden my eyes with sight of thee, and myears with thy voice. When I cannot come I shall send a slave witha letter, and an inquiry about thee. I salute thee, divine one, andembrace thy feet. Be not angry that I call thee divine. If thou forbid,I shall obey, but to-day I cannot call thee otherwise. I congratulatethee on thy future house with my whole soul."