Read Races of Armis - Midnight Oasis Page 4

  Sofia took her hand and placed it in mine. She then said to me “you may feed upon me tonight” you do not need to kill any more animals around our villas from this day forward. I did not waste a minute to try and comprehend her words. My instincts reacted and my teeth plunged deep in her wrist. Several minutes passed before I could withdraw my teeth from her. I leaped up from the couch and pushed myself back against the wall. I knew that I needed to put space between us before I drained her completely of her life giving blood.

  I was full of Sofia blood. I could taste it in my mouth. I could feel it pulsing through my veins. Her blood was like none other that I had tasted. Hers was full of life and my inner thoughts were wrapped around the blood as it raced around my body. I allowed a few minutes to pass in order to calm myself from the feeding frenzy. I crossed the room in two long strides and sat down on the couch next to Sofia.

  I could see that she had two bite marks on her wrist. She was not screaming in pain. She was not terrified by the events that just happened. I was struggling to find the words to say to her. I reached out my hand and touched her wrist. She did not pull away from me as I had expected her to do. I could not allow the marks of my feeding to tarnish her beautiful wrist. I found my words then: “Sofia I’m very sorry for allowing my instincts to harm you. I can clear the marks of my teeth from your wrist if you will allow me one more touch.”

  Sofia turned her wrist to me and simply said that she was not sorry that I had consumed her blood. She did not care if my teeth left marks on her wrist. But I could not stand that my teeth had left scars on my beautiful Sofia. I held her hand and stroked my tongue across her skin sealing the marks closed.

  I returned her hand to her lap and looked at my Sofia. I would no longer hold back my questions. Sofia asked me if I had enough blood to last me for a while. I of course could drink her entire supply – but not without killing her. I simply replied yes for now. Sofia said that perhaps it was time for us to reveal our secrets to one another.

  She said that she felt she should be the first to start since she had surprised me with the gift of her life force to me. I agreed to allow her to continue with her story. Sofia was a creature not of the Earth. Sofia was from a planet called Armis. She had arrived on Earth a century ago in search of something that had drawn her to this planet. Her species was called Mica. Sofia has the ability to become a vision of anything that she desires.

  She stood at that moment and walked across the room. She stood at the window and told me not to be afraid. Her body began to glow – shimmer would be a better description. She became more and more translucent until finally she was a soft white cloud. After a few minutes, I could see the cloud move from the window to be near me. I could sense Sofia but she was not in her human from. She was in her natural form. Sofia became more solid at that moment and my beautiful human female stood next to me. I could no longer help myself and I pulled her down on the couch with me and kissed her with all the passion that had been rising in me over these past few days.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 11:

  For many hours that first night Sofia and I discussed her planet and her species. I was full of wonder at how she could transform into any other type of species. She told me that she had been many different species over her life time and that on Earth during her last century on this planet she had been many different creatures. Her mare was also a Mica and that was why our horses were so drawn to each other. Her travel companion was happy with the horse that it had become and no longer wished to be any other species. It was then that I realized that Sofia was not alone.

  I had assumed that Sofia was unique and alone on this planet. I would need much time to comprehend the details of this. It was becoming light once again. Sofia sensed that it was time for me to return to my resting place. I told her that she should return home and we could continue our discussion after the sun sets tonight. To my surprise Sofia responded with a kiss. She told me that she did not wish to return to her empty villa any longer. There was no reason why she could not stay with me. She had told me what her secret was and she had hoped that I would allow her to stay with me this morning.

  I had not yet had time to tell Sofia of my species. We had spent all of the remaining night discussing her kind. I had not realized that it was Sofia who thought that all secrets had been revealed tonight. She did not understand that I also needed to explain what I was to her and that there were many of my species alive on this planet. Sofia stood up from the couch and touched my face. I could smell the blood in her veins and the rush of the desires that flooded my system was stronger then anything that I had felt in all the centuries that I have been alive. It was my aspiration that I would not sleep alone in my resting place this day.

  I picked Sofia up and raced up the two sets of stairs. I turned down the long dark hall way and entered my resting place. I returned Sofia to her feet and told her that she still had time to return home. Sofia turned to face me then. She took a step closer to me and pressed herself against my chest. I noticed this time that she was not as short as she had been the first time I had kissed her. I would keep this question for another time as I had only her warm lips in my thoughts at this moment.

  I kissed her and for the first time I did not stop when the desire rose in me again. Sofia kissed me back and I could no longer find the strength to keep her at a safe distance from me. I carried her across the room in several steps and placed her across my bed. I was unsure how I would react to having a human female alone in my bed at my resting hour. I could smell her blood as it flowed through her veins. She must have sensed that I needed her once again. Sofia rolled over on top of me and I could hear her dress as it tore. She laughed at that moment and I could not stop myself from pulling at the top of the ruffles on the front of her dress. She leaned toward me and I knew at that moment that Sofia would allow me to taste her blood once again tonight.

  I awoke at the moment that the sun set. I thought that I had dreamed the past night events. If my species could dream that is. I rolled over to see that my Sofia was not a dream and she was awake at my side. She was warm to my touch and still alive to my amazement. I did not know how this was possible. I could still taste her blood in my mouth. I could still feel her blood flowing in my veins. I could see the many bite marks across her pale skin. Sofia should not still be breathing. Before I could ask one of the many questions that were forming in my head, Sofia spoke. She explained that her species could become what was necessary for another species to survive. In my case, I needed the taste of the blood to keep me alive and Sofia’s life form would be able to sustain me. She would never die from my feeding and she would always have enough blood to quench any desire that I had. My world changed at that moment in time. I decided now might be a good time to inquire about her height change. She told me that she made an adjustment to her form to better accommodate my height and structure. Sofia could adjust her appearance to be anything that was better suited for the one she had chosen to spend her life with.

  The marks of my feeding were turning purple against her pale skin. I was horrified at the many times that I must have bitten her during the night. I did not want the marks of my feeding to remain on my mate. My first order of business was to explain how I felt about my teeth marks across her body. I explained that I found my species repulsive. I ran my hand down across her soft skin and I could feel the raised marks against my fingers. Before I could lean down and run my tongue across her skin Sofia took my hand and smiled at me. Sofia’s skin began to shimmer again and in an instant the marks from my feeding were gone. Her skin was once again soft, smooth and clear of my teeth marks.

  I asked Sofia what her species needed to survive. I had never seen her eat or drink in the many days we had been together. She explained that Mica’s survive by drawing off the life force that they sustain. As a man of science this was very confusing to me. How could another life form
live without some kind of intake of food or liquid? Sofia reminded me that I was only thinking like a human from Earth. On other planets the requirements for food and liquids are different and all the many different life forms existed and survived by different means.

  I turned my head to Sofia and told her that if we were going to become a mated pair that there were also secrets that I needed to explain to her about me.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 12:

  Before I continue my story to you – let me just relate something. I’m still unsure how Sofia found me or why our two species can exist together. Sofia’s existence in this world was very much a surprise to me and I still can not find the words to explain how much her life form can endure.

  Sofia and I rose up from our resting place. To my amazement, little was left of her beautiful red and white dress. It lay torn and in pieces all across the floor near the bed. Sofia did not seem at a loss for her clothing. She walked to my closet and took out another white linen shirt for me and one for her also. My shirt was large and bulky on her slim figure. Sofia decided on a gray pair of pants for me and a black pair for her. She was so full of life and her smile was bright as we descended the stairs this night.

  We arrived in my sitting room and we returned to the leather sofa. I took Sofia’s hand and told her that now that I understood her secret it was time for her to understand mine. I told her of how our species is born into this world. I explained the method of my birth and how I had never known my human mother. I told her of the story of my human father and how I had become friends with him at the end of his life cycle.

  Sofia sat very still and never once interrupted me while I told her of the beginning of my life. Some time had passed and I was becoming restless at the sitting in my home. I rose and asked Sofia if she would like to take a ride this evening and we could continue our discussion at a much more pleasant place. She agreed. We headed out the back door toward my stables and it was then that I realized that our horses were at her home. Sofia smiled at me and simple said that the horses would be waiting for us at my stable. Sure enough by the time we walked down the lane past the rows of trees to the stable I could hear our horses baying at each other.

  We walked into the stable and found the two horses standing near their saddles waiting for us. I wanted to ask how this could be but decided that there was going to be many things in the future that seemed out of place for me and I would just have to take some odd occurrences for granted. We took care of the horses and got them ready for riding and we headed off down the back lane toward the forest.

  For some time the horses took us through the woods. We traveled up a hill and around a rock formation. I could hear the birds and other animals in the forest. I could not believe that I had such an awareness of life around me this night. I had always had a high level of hearing but tonight my entire being sensed the animals around me. I could tell that the birds were hungry and were chasing butterflies for their supper. I could hear the mouse in the leaves and I understood it was hunting for small grubs.

  We stopped near a clearing. There was tall grass and a small moss covered hill near a hidden cave. Our horses wandered toward the clearing and Sofia and I went to sit upon the small hill. I knew that there was something in the cave below us but I did not fear it nor was I hungry to kill it either. Sofia was sitting near me. I could see her skin was still slightly glowing. Her hair was pulled up in a bun onto the top of her head. Her, or should I say, my shirt hung loosely around her chest. Her life form was such an interesting species.

  I continued my story to Sofia. I explained how my species existed and how our life form must maintain itself. To my surprise Sofia was once again motionless and accepting of my story as if it was nothing new to her. I was having trouble finding the proper words to use with her to explain how my coven lived. Sofia was easy to talk with and my words came slowly but continued for some time. I came to the part of my story where I had promised my coven that I would return one day and accept my destiny as the leader of my species. I told Sofia that since time for my species was not tracked this meant that my returning was not something that I had ever planned to complete. Now with Sofia in my life I did not wish to return nor would I put her or our lives in any danger by doing so.

  Sofia told me then she knew of a way for the remaining coven to exist without killing any more humans. Sofia continued to say that there were many more of her species hidden on our planet and she would be capable of asking them to sustain my coven. Sofia told me one last secret that she had been holding back. She was the leader or, so that I would understand, the “queen” of her species. Sofia could summon her fellow Mica’s to a meeting place. I as the leader of my species could also do the same for my kind. We could bring the two species together and let them decide their fate.

  The enormous risk in this venture was something that I was not sure I wished to be part of. First of all, I had kept my whereabouts hidden for many years. I did not know what the remaining coven felt about me. There had been so many trackers sent to kill me that I was sure that my head had a price tag on it.

  There was much to consider. The night was fading. I could sense the sun was rising soon. Just then the animal within the cave began to stir. My instincts became alive. My stance became one of protection for my mate. Sofia saw that I had become distraught. She was behind me now. I had leaped to the top of the hill above the cave ready to drop and strike a killing blow to what ever came out of the cave. I heard growling and stomping. I felt my teeth descend down. Sofia reached for me then. Her hand wrapped around my arm. I was not going to let the creature from this cave harm my mate this night.

  I pushed Sofia farther back atop the cave. Suddenly, I felt as if I was floating. I no longer felt the need to strike and kill the beast. I turned to see that Sofia was still holding my arm. She had become the transparent white cloud once again. All time stopped around us. I no longer heard the beast as an enemy. Sofia returned to human form. The creature appeared at the mouth of the cave at that same moment. Sofia leaped down and to my surprise, reached to touch the animal. It was a large brown bear. I could hear the bear breathing. It was happy? How did I know that? Sofia hugged the bear and I knew that the danger had passed. I was at a lost for words. I saw with my own eyes a tiny fragile female hugging a very large brown bear in the middle of the forest.

  I turned to Sofia and jumped down off the top of the cave. I walked to where she and the bear were standing. Sofia turned to me and said, “Let me introduce Ely. He is Mica and also my brother.” In a matter of a few seconds I saw the brown bear disappear into a white cloud and a tall masculine man appear. He was much taller than I. His skin color was the same as Sofia’s. He had jet black hair and the most unusual shade of green eyes I had ever seen in a human.

  Ely was stark naked. While he did not seem the least upset at this I was not happy to have a naked man standing near my mate – even if it was her brother. I took several swift strides to my horse and pulled out an extra set of clothing I kept in the saddle bag. I returned back to the cave. Ely was happy to have the clothes to put on.

  Seems Ely had lived in the forest for some time. He wanted to be near Sofia but did not want to live as a human. He had come to love the bear animal form and had been in this form for some time. He had not had the need for clothing.

  The sun was quickly coming to its dawn. I had forgotten what time it was with all the excitement of finding Sofia’s brother. I had never allowed myself to be out this long before. I could sense that the sun would rise before we could return home. This was going to be a problem. I did not want to be outside exposed to the sun. Sofia sensed my problem. She asked Ely if the cave he had been staying in was big enough for the three of us. Without any hesitation Ely said yes of course. We walked into the mouth of the cave just as the sun broke past the horizon.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 13:

p; Ely had not seen his sister Sofia for what seemed to me to be a very long time. Their reaction to seeing each other was one of sadness. Ely and Sofia stood with hands and arms around each other for some time after we entered the cave. I could tell that they missed each other and I sensed that both of them had many things they wished to discuss with the other. I’m unsure why I could sense how they were feeling but it was something that I was sure came from my closeness with Sofia.

  Ely led us down the wet cave through several low hanging rocks. The cave was very dark and I could hear the animals as they scurried past us on the walls and floor of the cave. I could smell and hear the drops of water as they rolled down the walls and onto the floor of the cave. I could see smaller holes along the walls and each seemed to lead to another area of the cave. I could feel the wind as it blew from the holes so I assumed that the holes led to the outside.

  I felt that the sun had risen yet I was not sleepy. I was not feeling the need to be near my resting place as all of my species must do during the day hours. This was the first time that I had not gone back to my resting place since I became aware of who I was. I made a mental note to discuss this issue with Sofia once we returned to the surface after nightfall. We walked at a downward slope rounding past holes and rocks in the cave. As we went deeper into the earth I could sense that something was waiting for us farther into the cave. We walked for some time and I could sense that Sofia was also becoming aware of something else in the cave.