Read Rachel Ray Page 10



  "The truth is, T., there was some joking among the young peopleabout the wine, and then Rowan went and ordered it." This was Mrs.Tappitt's explanation about the champagne, made to her husband on thenight of the ball, before she was allowed to go to sleep. But thisby no means satisfied him. He did not choose, as he declared, thatany young man should order whatever he might think necessary for hishouse. Then Mrs. Tappitt made it worse. "To tell the truth, T., Ithink it was intended as a present to the girls. We are doing a greatdeal to make him comfortable, you know, and I fancy he thought itright to make them this little return." She should have known herhusband better. It was true that he grudged the cost of the wine; buthe would have preferred to endure that to the feeling that his tablehad been supplied by another man,--by a young man whom he wished toregard as subject to himself, but who would not be subject, and atwhom he was beginning to look with very unfavourable eyes. "A presentto the girls? I tell you I won't have such presents. And if it wasso, I think he has been very impertinent,--very impertinent indeed.I shall tell him so,--and I shall insist on paying for the wine. AndI must say, you ought not to have taken it."

  "Oh, dear T., I have been working so hard all night; and I do thinkyou ought to let me go to sleep now, instead of scolding me."

  On the following morning the party was of course discussed in theTappitt family under various circumstances. At the breakfast-tableMrs. Rowan, with her son and daughter, were present; and then a songof triumph was sung. Everything had gone off with honour and glory,and the brewery had been immortalized for years to come. Mrs. ButlerCornbury's praises were spoken,--with some little drawback of a sneeron them, because "she had made such a fuss with that girl RachelRay;" and then the girls had told of their partners, and Luke haddeclared it all to have been superb. But when the Rowans' backs wereturned, and the Tappitts were alone together, others besides oldTappitt himself had words to say in dispraise of Luke. Mrs. Tappitthad been much inclined to make little of her husband's objectionsto the young man while she hoped that he might possibly become herson-in-law. He might have been a thorn in the brewery, among thevats, but he would have been a flourishing young bay-tree in theouter world of Baslehurst. She had, however, no wish to encouragethe growth of a thorn within her own premises, in order that RachelRay, or such as she, might have the advantage of the bay-tree. LukeRowan had behaved very badly at her party. Not only had he failedto distinguish either of her own girls, but he had, as Mrs. Tappittsaid, made himself so conspicuous with that foolish girl, that allthe world had been remarking it.

  "Mrs. Butler Cornbury seemed to think it all right," said Cherry.

  "Mrs. Butler Cornbury is not everybody," said Mrs. Tappitt. "I didn'tthink it right, I can assure you;--and what's more, your papa didn'tthink it right."

  "And he was going on all the evening as though he were quite masterin the house," said Augusta. "He was ordering the musicians to dothis and that all the evening."

  "He'll find that he's not master. Your papa is going to speak to himthis very day."

  "What!--about Rachel?" asked Cherry, in dismay.

  "About things in general," said Mrs. Tappitt. Then Mary Rowanreturned to the room, and they all went back upon the glories ofthe ball. "I think it was nice," said Mrs. Tappitt, simpering. "I'msure there was no trouble spared,--nor yet expense." She knew thatshe ought not to have uttered that last word, and she would haverefrained if it had been possible to her;--but it was not possible.The man who tells you how much his wine costs a dozen, knows that heis wrong while the words are in his mouth; but they are in his mouth,and he cannot restrain them.

  Mr. Tappitt was not about to lecture Luke Rowan as to his conduct inregard to Rachel Ray. He found some difficulty in speaking to hiswould-be partner, even on matters of business, in a proper tone, andwith becoming authority. As he was so much the senior, and Rowan somuch the junior, some such tone of superiority was, as he thought,indispensable. But he had great difficulty in assuming it. Rowan hada way with him that was not exactly a way of submission, and Tappittwould certainly not have dared to encounter him on any such matter ashis behaviour in a drawing-room. When the time came he had not eventhe courage to allude to those champagne bottles; and it may be aswell explained that Rowan paid the little bill at Griggs's, withoutfurther reference to the matter. But the question of the brewerymanagement was a matter vital to Tappitt. There, among the vats,he had reigned supreme since Bungall ceased to be king, and forcontinual mastery there it was worth his while to make a fight. Thathe was under difficulties even in that fight he had already begunto know. He could not talk Luke Rowan down, and make him go abouthis work in an orderly, every-day, business-like fashion. LukeRowan would not be talked down, nor would he be orderly,--notaccording to Mr. Tappitt's orders. No doubt Mr. Tappitt, underthese circumstances, could decline the partnership; and this hewas disposed to do; but he had been consulting lawyers, consultingpapers, and looking into old accounts, and he had reason to fear,that under Bungall's will, Luke Rowan would have the power ofexacting from him much more than he was inclined to give.

  "You'd better take him into the concern," the lawyer had said. "Ayoung head is always useful."

  "Not when the young head wants to be master," Tappitt had answered."If I'm to do that the whole thing will go to the dogs." He did notexactly explain to the lawyer that Rowan had carried his infatuationso far as to be desirous of brewing good beer, but he did make itvery clear that such a partner would, in his eyes, be anything butdesirable.

  "Then, upon my word, I think you'll have to give him the ten thousandpounds. I don't even know but what the demand is moderate."

  This was very bad news to Tappitt. "But suppose I haven't got tenthousand pounds!" Now it was very well known that the property andthe business were worth money, and the lawyer suggested that Rowanmight take steps to have the whole concern sold. "Probably he mightbuy it himself and undertake to pay you so much a year," suggestedthe lawyer. But this view of the matter was not at all in accordancewith Mr. Tappitt's ideas. He had been brewer in Baslehurst for nearlythirty years, and still wished to remain so. Mrs. Tappitt had been ofopinion that all difficulties might be overcome if only Luke wouldfall in love with one of her girls. Mrs. Rowan had been invited toBaslehurst specially with a view to some such arrangement. But LukeRowan, as it seemed to them both now, was an obstinate young man,who, in matters of beer as well as in matters of love, would not beguided by those who best knew how to guide him. Mrs. Tappitt hadwatched him closely at the ball, and had now given him up altogether.He had danced only once with Augusta, and then had left her themoment the dance was over. "I should offer him a hundred and fiftypounds a year out of the concern, and if he didn't like that let himlump it," said Mrs. Tappitt. "Lump it!" said Mr. Tappitt. "That meansgoing to a London lawyer." He felt the difficulties of his positionas he prepared to speak his mind to young Rowan on the morning afterthe party; but on that occasion his strongest feeling was in favourof expelling the intruder. Any lot in life would be preferable toworking in the brewery with such a partner as Luke Rowan.

  "I suppose your head's hardly cool enough for business," he said, asLuke came in and took a stool in his office. Tappitt was sitting inhis customary chair, with his arm resting on a large old-fashionedleather-covered table, which was strewed with his papers, and whichhad never been reduced to cleanliness or order within the memory ofany one connected with the establishment. He had turned his chairround from its accustomed place so as to face Rowan, who had perchedhimself on a stool which was commonly occupied by a boy whom Tappittemployed in his own office.

  "My head not cool!" said Rowan. "It's as cool as a cucumber. I wasn'tdrinking last night."

  "I thought you might be tired with the dancing." Then Tappitt's mindflew off to the champagne, and he determined that the young manbefore him was too disagreeable to be endured.

  "Oh, dear, no. Those things never tire me. I was across here withthe men b
efore eight this morning. Do you know, I'm sure we couldsave a third of the fuel by altering the flues. I never saw suchcontrivances. They must have been put in by the coal-merchants, forthe sake of wasting coal."

  "If you please, we won't mind the flues at present."

  "I only tell you; it's for your sake much more than my own. If youwon't believe me, do you ask Newman to look at them the first timeyou see him in Baslehurst."

  "I don't care a straw for Newman."

  "He's got the best concerns in Devonshire, and knows what he's aboutbetter than any man in these parts."

  "I dare say. But now, if you please, we won't mind him. The concerns,as I have managed them, have done very well for me for the lastthirty years;--very well I may say also for your uncle, whounderstood what he was doing. I'm not very keen for so many changes.They cost a great deal of money, and as far as I can see don't oftenlead to much profit."

  "If we don't go on with the world," said Rowan, "the world will leaveus behind. Look at the new machinery they're introducing everywhere.People don't do it because they like to spend their money. It'scompetition; and there's competition in beer as well as in otherthings."

  For a minute or two Mr. Tappitt sat in silence collecting histhoughts, and then he began his speech. "I'll tell you what it is,Rowan, I don't like these new-fangled ways. They're very well foryou, I dare say. You are young, and perhaps you may see your way.I'm old, and I don't see mine among all these changes. It's clear tome that you and I could not go on together as partners in the sameconcern. I should expect to have my own way,--first because I've adeal of experience, and next because my share in the concern would beso much the greatest."

  "Stop a moment, Mr. Tappitt; I'm not quite sure that it would be muchthe greatest. I don't want to say anything about that now; only if Iwere to let your remark pass without notice it would seem that I hadassented."

  "Ah; very well. I can only say that I hope you'll find yourselfmistaken. I've been over thirty years in the concern, and it would beodd if I with my large family were to find myself only equal to you,who have never been in the business at all, and ain't even marriedyet."

  "I don't see what being married has to do with it."

  "Don't you? You'll find that's the way we look at these things downin these parts. You're not in London here, Mr. Rowan."

  "Certainly not; but I suppose the laws are the same. This is anaffair of capital."

  "Capital!" said Mr. Tappitt. "I don't know that you've brought in anycapital."

  "Bungall did, and I'm here as his representative. But you'd betterlet that pass by just at present. If we can agree as to themanagement of the business, you won't find me a hard man to dealwith as to our relative shares." Hereupon Tappitt scratched his head,and tried to think. "But I don't see how we are to agree about themanagement," he continued. "You won't be led by anybody."

  "I don't know about that. I certainly want to improve the concern."

  "Ah, yes; and so ruin it. Whereas I've been making money out of itthese thirty years. You and I won't do together; that's the long ofit and the short of it."

  "It would be a putting of new wine into old bottles, you think?"suggested Rowan.

  "I'm not saying anything about wine; but I do think that I ought toknow something about beer."

  "And I'm to understand," said Rowan, "that you have definitivelydetermined not to carry on the old concern in conjunction with me asyour partner."

  "Yes; I think I have."

  "But it will be as well to be sure. One can't allow one's self todepend upon thinking."

  "Well, I am sure; I've made up my mind. I've no doubt you're a veryclever young man, but I am quite sure we should not do together; andto tell you the truth, Rowan, I don't think you'll ever make yourfortune by brewing."

  "You think not?"

  "No; never."

  "I'm sorry for that."

  "I don't know that you need be sorry. You'll have a nice income fora single man to begin the world with, and there's other businessesbesides brewing,--and a deal better."

  "Ah! But I've made up my mind to be a brewer. I like it. There'sopportunity for chemical experiments, and room for philosophicalinquiry, which gives the trade a charm in my eyes. I dare say itseems odd to you, but I like being a brewer."

  Tappitt only scratched his head, and stared at him. "I do indeed,"continued Rowan. "Now a man can't do anything to improve his owntrade as a lawyer. A great deal will be done; but I've made up mymind that all that must come from the outside. All trades wantimproving; but I like a trade in which I can do the improvementsmyself,--from the inside. Do you understand me, Mr. Tappitt?"Mr. Tappitt did not understand him,--was very far indeed fromunderstanding him.

  "With such ideas as those I don't think Baslehurst is the ground foryou," said Mr. Tappitt.

  "The very ground!" said Rowan. "That's just it;--it's the very placeI want. Brewing, as I take it, is at a lower ebb here than in anyother part of England,"--this at any rate was not complimentary tothe brewer of thirty years' standing--"than in any other part ofEngland. The people swill themselves with the nasty juice of theapple because sound malt and hops have never been brought withintheir reach. I think Devonshire is the very county for a man whomeans to work hard, and who wishes to do good; and in all DevonshireI don't think there's a more fitting town than Baslehurst."

  Mr. Tappitt was dumbfounded. Did this young man mean him tounderstand that it was his intention to open a rival establishmentunder his nose; to set up with Bungall's money another brewery inopposition to Bungall's brewery? Could such ingratitude as that be inthe mind of any one? "Oh," said Tappitt; "I don't quite understand,but I don't doubt but what you say is all very fine."

  "I don't think that it's fine at all, Mr. Tappitt, but I believe thatit's true. I represent Mr. Bungall's interest here in Baslehurst, andI intend to carry on Mr. Bungall's business in the town in which heestablished it."

  "This is Mr. Bungall's business;--this here, where I'm sitting, andit is in my hands."

  "The use of these premises depends on you certainly."

  "Yes; and the name of the firm, and the--the--the--. In point offact, this is the old establishment. I never heard of such a thing inall my life."

  "Quite true; it is the old establishment; and if I should set upanother brewery here, as I think it probable I may, I shall not makeuse of Bungall's name. In the first place it would hardly be fair;and in the next place, by all accounts, he brewed such very bad beerthat it would not be a credit to me. If you'll tell me what your planis, then I'll tell you mine. You'll find that everything shall beabove-board, Mr. Tappitt."

  "My plan? I've got no plan. I mean to go on here as I've alwaysdone."

  "But I suppose you intend to come to some arrangement with me. Myclaims are these: I will either come into this establishment on anequal footing with yourself, as regards share and management, or elseI shall look to you to give me the sum of money to which my lawyerstell me I am entitled. In fact, you must either take me in or buy meout."

  "I was thinking of a settled income."

  "No; it wouldn't suit me. I have told you what are my intentions, andto carry them out I must either have a concern of my own, or a sharein a concern. A settled income would do me no good."

  "Two hundred a-year," suggested Tappitt.

  "Psha! Three per cent. would give me three hundred."

  "Ten thousand pounds is out of the question, you know."

  "Very well, Mr. Tappitt. I can't say anything fairer than I havedone. It will suit my own views much the best to start alone, but Ido not wish to oppose you if I can help it. Start alone I certainlywill, if I cannot come in here on my own terms."

  After that there was nothing more said. Tappitt turned round,pretending to read his letters, and Rowan descending from his seatwalked out into the yard of the brewery. His intention had been, eversince he had looked around him in Baslehurst, to be master of thatplace, or if not of that, to be master of some other. "It would breakmy heart to be sending out such stuff
as that all my life," he saidto himself, as he watched the muddy stream run out of the shallowcoolers. He had resolved that he would brew good beer. As to thatambition of putting down the consumption of cider, I myself aminclined to think that the habits of the country would be too strongfor him. At the present moment he lighted a cigar and saunteredabout the yard. He had now, for the first time, spoken openly of hispurpose to Mr. Tappitt; but, having done so, he resolved that thereshould be no more delay. "I'll give him till Saturday for an answer,"he said. "If he isn't ready with one by that time I'll manage itthrough the lawyers." After that he turned his mind to Rachel Ray andthe events of the past evening. He had told Rachel that he would goout to Bragg's End if she did not come into town, and he was quiteresolved that he would do so. He knew well that she would not comein, understanding exactly those feelings of hers which would preventit. Therefore his walk to Bragg's End on that afternoon was a settledthing with him. They were to dine at the brewery at three, and hewould go almost immediately after dinner. But what would he say toher when he got there, and what would he say to her mother? He hadnot even yet made up his mind that he would positively ask her onthat day to be his wife, and yet he felt that if he found her at homehe would undoubtedly do so. "I'll arrange it all," said he, "as I'mwalking over." Then he threw away the end of his cigar, and wanderedabout for the next half-hour among the vats and tubs and furnaces.

  Mr. Tappitt took himself into the house as soon as he found himselfable to do so without being seen by young Rowan. He took himself intothe house in order that he might consult with his wife as to thisunexpected revelation that had been made to him; or rather that hemight have an opportunity of saying to some one all the hard thingswhich were now crowding themselves upon his mind with reference tothis outrageous young man. Had anything ever been known, or heard, ortold, equal in enormity to this wickedness! He was to be called uponto find capital for the establishment of a rival in his own town, orelse he was to bind himself in a partnership with a youth who knewnothing of his business, but was nevertheless resolved to constitutehimself the chief manager of it! He who had been so true to Bungallin his young days was now to be sacrificed in his old age toBungall's audacious representative! In the first glow of his angerhe declared to his wife that he would pay no money and admit of nopartnership. If Rowan did not choose to take his income as old Mrs.Bungall had taken hers he might seek what redress the law would givehim. It was in vain that Mrs. Tappitt suggested that they wouldall be ruined. "Then we will be ruined," said Tappitt, hot withindignation; "but all Baslehurst,--all Devonshire shall know why."Pernicious young man! He could not explain,--he could not even quiteunderstand in what the atrocity of Rowan's proposed scheme consisted,but he was possessed by a full conviction that it was atrocious. Hehad admitted this man into his house; he was even now entertaining ashis guests the man's mother and sister; he had allowed him to havethe run of the brewery, so that he had seen both the nakedness andthe fat of the land; and this was to be his reward! "If I were totell it at the reading-room," said Tappitt, "he would never be ableto show himself again in the High Street."

  Mrs. Tappitt, who was anxious but not enraged, did not see the matterquite in the same light, but she was not able to oppose her husbandin his indignation. When she suggested that it might be well for themto raise money and pay off their enemy's claim, merely stipulatingthat a rival brewery should not be established in Baslehurst, heswore an oath that he would raise no money for such a purpose. Hewould have no dealings with so foul a traitor except through hislawyer, Honyman. "But Honyman thinks you'd better settle with him,"pleaded Mrs. T. "Then I'll go to another lawyer," said Tappitt. "IfHonyman won't stand to me I'll go to Sharpit and Longfite. They won'tgive way as long as there's a leg to stand on." For the time Mrs.Tappitt let this pass. She knew how useless it would be to tell herhusband at the present moment that Sharpit and Longfite would be theonly winners in such a contest as that of which he spoke. At thepresent moment Mr. Tappitt felt a pride in his anger, and was almosthappy in the fury of his wrath; but Mrs. Tappitt was very wretched.If that nasty girl, Rachel Ray, had not come in the way all mighthave been well.

  "He shan't eat another meal in this house," said Tappitt. "I don'tcare," he went on, when his wife pleaded that Luke Rowan must beadmitted to their table because of Mrs. Rowan and Mary. "You can saywhat you like to them. They're welcome to stay if they like it, orwelcome to go; but he shan't put his feet under my mahogany again."On this point, however, he was brought to relent before the hourof dinner. Baslehurst, his wife told him, would be against him ifhe turned his guests away from his house hungry. If a fight wasnecessary for them, it would be everything to them that Baslehurstshould be with them in the fight. It was therefore arranged thatMrs. Tappitt should have a conversation with Mrs. Rowan after dinner,while the young people were out in the evening. "He shan't sleep inthis house to-morrow," said Tappitt, riveting his assertion with verystrong language; and Mrs. Tappitt understood that her communicationswere to be carried on upon that basis.

  At three o'clock the Tappitts and Rowans all sat down to dinner. Mr.Tappitt ate his meal in absolute silence; but the young people werefull of the ball, and the elder ladies were very gracious to eachother. At such entertainments Paterfamilias is simply required tofind the provender and to carve it. If he does that satisfactorily,silence on his part is not regarded as a great evil. Mrs. Tappittknew that her husband's mood was not happy, and Martha may haveremarked that all was not right with her father. To the others I aminclined to think his ill humour was a matter of indifference.