Read Rachel Ray Page 12



  Luke Rowan's appearance at Mrs. Ray's tea-table, as described inthe last chapter, took place on Wednesday evening, and it may beremembered that on the morning of that same day Mrs. Prime had beencloseted with Mr. Prong in that gentleman's parlour. She had promisedto give Mr. Prong an answer to his proposal on Saturday, and hadconsequently settled herself down steadily to think of all thatwas good and all that might be evil in such an arrangement as thatsuggested to her. She wished much for legal advice, but she made upher mind that that was beyond her reach, was beyond her reach as apreliminary assistance. She knew enough of the laws of her country toenable her to be sure that, though she might accept the offer, herown money could be so tied up on her behalf that her husband couldnot touch the principal of her wealth; but she did not know whetherthings could be so settled that she might have in her own hands thespending of her income. By three o'clock on that day she thought thatshe would accept Mr. Prong, if she could be satisfied on that head.Her position as a clergyman's wife,--a minister's wife she calledit,--would be unexceptionable. The company of Miss Pucker wasdistasteful. Solitude was not charming to her. And then, could shenot work harder as a married woman than in the position which shenow held? and also, could she not so work with increased power andincreased perseverance? At three o'clock she had almost made up hermind, but still she was sadly in need of counsel and information.Then it occurred to her that her mother might have some knowledgein this matter. In most respects her mother was not a woman of theworld; but it was just possible that in this difficulty her mothermight assist her. Her mother might at any rate ask of others, andthere was no one else whom she could trust to seek such informationfor her. And if she did this thing she must tell her mother. It istrue that she had quarrelled with them both at Bragg's End; but thereare affairs in life which will ride over family quarrels and tramplethem out, unless they be deeper and of longer standing than thatbetween Mrs. Prime and Mrs. Ray. Therefore it was that she appearedat the cottage at Bragg's End just as Luke Rowan was leaving it.

  She had entered upon the green with something of the olive-branchin her spirit, and before she reached the gate had determined that,as far as was within her power, all unkindness should be buried onthe present occasion; but when she saw Luke Rowan coming out of hermother's door, she was startled out of all her good feeling. She hadtaught herself to look on Rowan as the personification of mischief,as the very mischief itself in regard to Rachel. She had lifted upher voice against him. She had left her home and torn herself fromher family because it was not compatible with the rigour of herprinciples that any one known to her should be known to him also!But she had hardly left her mother's house when this most perniciouscause of war was admitted to all the freedom of family intercourse!It almost seemed to her that her mother must be a hypocrite. It wasbut the other day that Mrs. Ray could not hear Luke Rowan's namementioned without wholesome horror. But where was that wholesomehorror now? On Monday, Mrs. Prime had left the cottage; on Tuesday,Rachel had gone to a ball, expressly to meet the young man! and onWednesday the young man was drinking tea at Bragg's End cottage! Mrs.Prime would have gone away without speaking a word to her mother orsister, had such retreat been possible.

  Stately and solemn was the recognition which she accorded to Luke'ssalutation, and then she walked on into the house.

  "Oh, Dorothea!" said her mother, and there was a tone almost of shamein Mrs. Ray's voice.

  "We're so glad to see you, Dolly," said Rachel, and in Rachel's voicethere was no tone of shame. It was all just as it should not be!

  "I did not mean to disturb you, mother, while you were entertainingcompany."

  Mrs. Ray said nothing,--nothing at the moment; but Rachel took uponherself to answer her sister. "You wouldn't have disturbed us at all,even if you had come a little sooner. But you are not too late fortea, if you'll have some."

  "I've taken tea, thank you, two hours ago;" and she spoke as thoughthere were much virtue in the distance of time at which she hadeaten and drunk, as compared with the existing rakish and dissipatedappearance of her mother's tea-table. Tea-things about at eighto'clock! It was all of a piece together.

  "We are very glad to see you, at any rate," said Mrs. Ray; "I wasafraid you would not have come out to us at all."

  "Perhaps it would have been better if I had not come."

  "I don't see that," said Rachel. "I think it's much better. I hatequarrelling, and I hope you're going to stay now you are here."

  "No, Rachel, I'm not going to stay. Mother, it is impossible I shouldsee that young man walking out of your house in that way withoutspeaking of it; although I'm well aware that my voice here goes fornothing now."

  "That was Mr. Luke Rowan," said Mrs. Ray.

  "I know very well who it was," said Mrs. Prime, shaking her head."Rachel will remember that I've seen him before."

  "And you'll be likely to see him again if you stay here, Dolly," saidRachel. This she said out of pure mischief,--that sort of mischiefwhich her sister's rebuke was sure to engender.

  "I dare say," said Mrs. Prime; "whenever he pleases, no doubt. But Ishall not see him. If you approve of it, mother, of course I can saynothing further,--nothing further than this, that I don't approve ofsuch things."

  "But what ails him that he shouldn't be a very good young man?" saysMrs. Ray. "And if it was so that he was growing fond of Rachel, whyshouldn't he? And if Rachel was to like him, I don't see why sheshouldn't like somebody some day as well as other girls." Mrs. Rayhad been a little put beside herself or she would hardly have saidso much in Rachel's presence. She had forgotten, probably, thatRachel had not as yet been made acquainted with the nature of Rowan'sproposal.

  "Mamma, don't talk in that way. There's nothing of that kind," saidRachel.

  "I don't believe there is," said Mrs. Prime.

  "I say there is then," said Mrs. Ray; "and it's very ill-natured inyou, Dorothea, to speak and think in that way of your sister."

  "Oh, very well. I see that I had better go back to Baslehurst atonce."

  "So it is very ill-natured. I can't bear to have these sort ofquarrels; but I must speak out for her. I believe he's a very goodyoung man, with nothing bad about him at all, and he is welcome tocome here whenever he pleases. And as for Rachel, I believe she knowshow to mind herself as well as you did when you were her age; onlypoor Mr. Prime was come and gone at that time. And as for his notintending, he came out here just because he did intend, and only toask my permission. I didn't at first tell him he might because Rachelwas over at the farm getting the cream, and I thought she ought to beconsulted first; and if that's not straightforward and proper, I'msure I don't know what is; and he having a business of his own, too,and able to maintain a wife to-morrow! And if a young man isn't tobe allowed to ask leave to see a young woman when he thinks he likesher, I for one don't know how young people are to get married atall." Then Mrs. Ray sat down, put her apron up to her eyes, and had agreat cry.

  It was a most eloquent speech, and I cannot say which of herdaughters was the most surprised by it. As to Rachel, it must beremembered that very much was communicated to her of which she hadhitherto known nothing. Very much indeed, we may say, so much thatit was of a nature to alter the whole tone and tenor of her life.This young man of whom she had thought so much, and of whom she hadbeen so much in dread,--fearing that her many thoughts of him werebecoming dangerous,--this young man who had interested her so warmly,had come out to Bragg's End simply to get her mother's leave to payhis court to her. And he had done this without saying a word toherself! There was something in this infinitely sweeter to her thanwould have been any number of pretty speeches from himself. She hadhitherto been angry with him, though liking him well; she had beenangry with though almost loving him. She had not known why it was so,but the cause had been this,--that he had seemed in their intercoursetogether, to have been deficient in that respect which she had aright to claim. But now all that sin was washed
away by such a deedas this. As the meaning of her mother's words sank into her heart,and as she came to understand her mother's declaration that LukeRowan should be welcome to the cottage as her lover, her eyes becamefull of tears, and the spirit of her animosity against her sister wasquenched by the waters of her happiness.

  And Mrs. Prime was almost equally surprised, but was by no meansequally delighted. Had the whole thing fallen out in a different way,she would probably have looked on a marriage with Luke Rowan as goodand salutary for her sister. At any rate, seeing that the world isas it is, and that all men cannot be hard-working ministers of theGospel, nor all women the wives of such or their assistants in godlyministrations, she would not have taken upon herself to oppose sucha marriage. But as it was, she had resolved that Luke Rowan was ablack sheep; that he was pitch, not to be touched without defilement;that he was, in short, a man to be regarded by religious people asanathema,--a thing accursed; and of that idea she was not able todivest herself suddenly. Why had the young man walked about under thechurchyard elms at night? Why, if he were not wicked and abandoned,did he wear that jaunty look,--that look which was so worldly? And,moreover, he went to balls, and tempted others to do the like! In aword, he was a young man manifestly of that class which was esteemedby Mrs. Prime more dangerous than roaring lions. It was not possiblethat she should give up her opinion merely because this roaring lionhad come out to her mother with a plausible story. Upon her at thatmoment fell the necessity of forming a judgment to which it would benecessary that she should hereafter abide. She must either at oncegive in her adherence to the Rowan alliance; or else, if she opposedit, she must be prepared to cling to that opposition. She was awarethat some such decision was now required, and paused for a momentbefore she declared herself. But that moment only strengthened herverdict against Rachel's lover. Could any serious young man havetaken off his hat with the flippancy which had marked that actionon his part? Would not any serious young man, properly intent onmatrimonial prospects, have been subdued at such a moment to a moresolemn deportment? Mrs. Prime's verdict was still against him, andthat verdict she proceeded to pronounce.

  "Oh, very well; then of course I shall interfere no further. Ishouldn't have thought that Rachel's seeing him twice, in such a wayas that, too--hiding under the churchyard trees!"

  "I wasn't hiding," said Rachel, "and you've no business to say so."Her tears, however, prevented her from fighting her own battlemanfully, or with her usual courage.

  "It looked very much like it, Rachel, at any rate. I should havethought that mother would have wished you to have known a great dealmore about any young man before she encouraged you to regard him inthat way, than you can possibly know of Mr. Rowan."

  "But how are they to know each other, Dorothea, if they mustn't seeone another?" said Mrs. Ray.

  "I have no doubt he knows how to dance very cleverly. As Rachelis being taught to live now, that may perhaps be the chief thingnecessary."

  This blow did reach poor Mrs. Ray, who a week or two since wouldcertainly have agreed with her elder daughter in thinking thatdancing was sinful. Into this difficulty, however, she had beenbrought by Mr. Comfort's advice. "But what else can she know of him?"continued Mrs. Prime. "He is able to maintain a wife you say,--andis that all that is necessary to consider in the choice of a husband,or is that the chief thing? Oh, mother, you should think of yourresponsibility at such a time as this. It may be very pleasant forRachel to have this young man as her lover, very pleasant while itlasts. But what--what--what?" Then Mrs. Prime was so much oppressedby the black weight of her own thoughts, that she was unable furtherto express them.

  "I do think about it," said Mrs. Ray. "I think about it more thananything else."

  "And have you concluded that in this way you can best secure Rachel'swelfare? Oh, mother!"

  "He always goes to church on Sundays," said Rachel. "I don't know whyyou are to make him out so bad." This she said with her eyes fixedupon her mother, for it seemed to her that her mother was almostabout to yield.

  A good deal might be said in excuse for Mrs. Prime. She was notonly acting for the best in accordance with her own lights, but thedoctrine which she now preached was the doctrine which had been heldby the inhabitants of the cottage at Bragg's End. The fault, if faultthere was, had been in the teaching under which had lived both Mrs.Prime and her mother. In their desire to live in accordance with thatteaching, they had agreed to regard all the outer world, that isall the world except their world, as wicked and dangerous. They hadnever conceived that in forming this judgment they were deficient incharity; nor, indeed, were they conscious that they had formed anysuch judgment. In works of charity they had striven to be abundant,but had taken simply the Dorcas view of that virtue. The younger andmore energetic woman had become sour in her temper under the _regime_of this life, while the elder and weaker had retained her ownsweetness partly because of her weakness. But who can say that eitherof them were other than good women,--good according to such lightsas had been lit for their guidance? But now the younger was stanchto her old lessons while the elder was leaving them. The elder wasleaving them, not by force of her own reason, but under the necessityof coming in contact with the world which was brought upon her by thevitality and instincts of her younger child. This difficulty she hadsought to master, once and for ever, by a reference to her clergyman.What had been the result of that reference the reader already knows.

  "Mother," said Mrs. Prime, very solemnly, "is this young man such aone as you would have chosen for Rachel's husband six months ago?"

  "I never wished to choose any man for her husband," said Mrs. Ray. "Idon't think you ought to talk to me in that way, Dorothea."

  "I don't know in what other way to talk to you. I cannot beindifferent on such a subject as this. When you tell me, and thatbefore Rachel herself, that you have given this young man leave tocome and see her whenever he pleases."

  "I never said anything of the kind, Dorothea."

  "Did you not, mother? I am sure I understood you so."

  "I said he had come to ask leave, and that I should be glad to seehim when he did come, but I didn't say anything of having told himso. I didn't tell him anything of the kind; did I, Rachel? But I knowhe will come, and I don't see why he shouldn't. And if he does, Ican't turn him out. He took his tea here quite like a steady youngman. He drank three large cups; and if, as Rachel says, he alwaysgoes to church regularly, I don't know why we are to judge him andsay that he's anything out of the way."

  "I have not judged him, mother."

  Then Rachel spoke out, and we may say that it was needful that sheshould do so. This offering of her heart had been discussed in herpresence in a manner that had been very painful to her, though thepersons discussing it had been her own mother and her own sister. Butin truth she had been so much affected by what had been said, therehad been so much in it that was first joyful and then painful to her,that she had not hitherto been able to repress her emotions so as toacquire the power of much speech. But she had struggled, and now sofar succeeded as to be able to come to her mother's support.

  "I don't know, mamma, why anybody should judge him yet; and as towhat he has said to me, I'm sure no one has a right to judge himunkindly. Dolly has been very angry with me because she saw mespeaking to him in the churchyard, and has said that I was--hiding."

  "I meant that he was hiding."

  "Neither of us were hiding, and it was an unkind word, not like asister. I have never had to hide from anybody. And as for--for--forliking Mr. Rowan after such words as that, I will not say anythingabout it to anybody, except to mamma. If he were to ask me to be--hiswife, I don't know what answer I should make,--not yet. But I shallnever listen to any one while mamma lives, if she wishes me not."Then she turned to her mother, and Mrs. Ray, who had before beendriven to doubt by Mrs. Prime's words, now again became strong in herresolution to cherish Rachel's lover.

  "I don't believe she'll ever do anything to make me think that Ioughtn't to have trusted her," said Mr
s. Ray, embracing Rachel andspeaking with her own eyes full of tears.

  It now seemed to Mrs. Prime that there was nothing left for her butto go. In her eagerness about her sister's affairs, she had for awhile forgotten her own; and now, as she again remembered the causethat had brought her on the present occasion to Bragg's End, she feltthat she must return without accomplishing her object. After havingsaid so much in reprobation of her sister's love-affair, it washardly possible that she should tell the tale of her own. And yether need was urgent. She had pledged herself to give Mr. Prong ananswer on Friday, and she could hardly bring herself to accept thatgentleman's offer without first communicating with her mother on thesubject. Any such communication at the present moment was quite outof the question.

  "Perhaps it would be better that I should go and leave you," shesaid. "If I can do no good, I certainly don't want to do any harm. Iwish that Rachel would have taken to what I think a better course oflife."

  "Why, what have I done?" said Rachel, turning round sharply.

  "I mean about the Dorcas meetings."

  "I don't like the women there;--that's why I haven't gone."

  "I believe them to be good, praiseworthy, godly women. But it isuseless to talk about that now. Good-night, Rachel," and she gave herhand coldly to her sister. "Good-night, mother; I wish I could seeyou alone to-morrow."

  "Come here for your dinner," said Mrs. Ray.

  "No;--but if you would come to me in the morning I should take itkindly." This Mrs. Ray promised to do, and then Mrs. Prime walkedback to Baslehurst.

  Rachel, when her sister was gone, felt that there was much to be saidbetween her and her mother. Mrs. Ray herself was so inconsequent inher mental workings, so shandy-pated if I may say so, that it did notoccur to her that an entirely new view of Luke Rowan's purposes hadbeen exposed to Rachel during this visit of Mrs. Prime's, or thatanything had been said, which made a further explanation necessary.She had, as it were, authorized Rachel to regard Rowan as her lover,and yet was not aware that she had done so. But Rachel had rememberedevery word. She had resolved that she would permit herself to formno special intimacy with Luke Rowan without her mother's leave; butshe was also beginning to resolve that with her mother's leave, suchintimacy would be very pleasant. Of this she was quite sure withinher own heart,--that it should not be abandoned at her sister'sinstigation.

  "Mamma," she said, "I did not know that he had spoken to you in thatway."

  "In what way, Rachel?" Mrs. Ray's voice was not quite pleasant. Nowthat Mrs. Prime was gone, she would have been glad to have had thedangerous subject abandoned for a while.

  "That he had asked you to let him come here, and that he had saidthat about me."

  "He did then,--while you were away at Mrs. Sturt's."

  "And what answer did you give him?"

  "I didn't give him any answer. You came back, and I'm sure I was veryglad that you did, for I shouldn't have known what to say to him."

  "But what was it that he did say, mamma?--that is, if you don't thinkit wrong to tell me."

  "I hardly know; but I don't suppose it can be wrong, for no young mancould have spoken nicer; and it made me happy to hear him,--so itdid, for the moment."

  "Oh, mamma, do tell me!" and Rachel kneeled down before her.

  "Well;--he said you were the nicest girl he had ever seen."

  "Did he, mamma?" And the girl clung closer to her mother as she heardthe pleasant words.

  "But I oughtn't to tell you such nonsense as that; and then he saidthat he wanted to come out here and see you, and--and--and--; it issimply this, that he meant to ask you to be his sweetheart, if Iwould let him."

  "And what did you say, mamma?"

  "I couldn't say anything because you came back."

  "But you told Dolly that you would be glad to see him whenever hemight choose to come here."

  "Did I?"

  "Yes; you said he was welcome to come whenever he pleased, and thatyou believed him to be a very good young man."

  "And so I do. Why should he be anything else?"

  "I don't say that he's anything else; but, mamma--"

  "Well, my dear."

  "What shall I say to him if he does ask me that question? He hascalled me by my name two or three times, and spoken to me as thoughhe wanted me to like him. If he does say anything to me like that,what shall I answer?"

  "If you think you don't like him well enough, you must tell him so,of course."

  "Yes, of course I must." Then Rachel was silent for a minute ortwo. She had not as yet received the full answer which she desired.In such an alternative as that which her mother had suggested, wemay say that she would have known how to frame her answer to theyoung man without any advice from her mother. But there was anotheralternative as to which she thought it well that she should have hermother's judgment and opinion. "But, mamma, I think I do like him,"said Rachel, burying her face.

  "I'm sure I don't wonder at it," said Mrs. Ray, "for I like him verymuch. He has a way with him so much nicer than most of the young mennow; and then, he's very well off, which, after all, must count forsomething. A young woman should never fall in love with a man whocan't earn his bread, not if he was ever so religious or steady. Andhe's very good-looking, too. Good looks are only skin-deep I know,and they won't bring much comfort when sorrow comes; but I do own Ilove to look on a young fellow with a sonsy face and a quick livelystep. Mr. Comfort seemed to think it would do very well if there wasto be any such thing; and if he's not able to tell, I'm sure I don'tknow who ought to be. And nothing could be fairer than his coming outhere and telling me first. There's so many of them are sly; but therewas nothing sly about that."

  In this way, with many more rambling words, with many kisses also,and with some tears, Rachel Ray received from her mother permissionto regard Luke Rowan as her lover.