Read Rachel Ray Page 15



  On the Friday morning there was a solemn conference at the brewerybetween Mrs. Tappitt and Mrs. Rowan. Mrs. Rowan found herself to bein some difficulty as to the line of action which she ought to take,and the alliances which she ought to form. She was passionatelyattached to her son, and for Mrs. Tappitt she had no strong liking.But then she was very averse to this proposed marriage with RachelRay, and was willing for a while to make a treaty with Mrs. Tappitt,offensive and defensive, as against her own son, if by doing so shecould put a stop to so outrageous a proceeding on his part. He hadseen her before he started for London, and had told her both theoccurrences of the day. He had described to her how Tappitt hadturned him out of the brewery, poker in hand, and how, in consequenceof Tappitt's "pig-headed obstinacy," it was now necessary that theirjoint affairs should be set right by the hand of the law. He had thentold her also that there was no longer any room for doubt or argumentbetween them as regarding Rachel. He had gone out to Bragg's Endthat morning, had made his offer, and had been accepted. His mothertherefore would see,--so he surmised,--that, as any opposition on herpart must now be futile, she might as well take Rachel to her heartat once. He went so far as to propose to her that she should go overto Rachel in his absence,--"it would be very gracious if you could doit to-morrow, mother," he said,--and go through that little processof taking her future daughter-in-law to her heart. But in answerto this Mrs. Rowan said very little. She said very little, but shelooked much. "My dear, I cannot move so quick as you do; I am older.I am afraid, however, that you have been rash." He said something,as on such occasions young men do, as to his privilege of choosingfor himself, as to his knowing what wife would suit him, as tohis contempt for money, and as to the fact,--"the undoubted fact,"as he declared it,--and in that declaration I am prepared to gohand-in-hand with him,--that Rachel Ray was a lady. But he wasclear-headed enough to perceive that his mother did not intend toagree with him. "When we are married she will come round," he saidto himself, and then he took himself off by the night mail train toLondon.

  Under these circumstances Mrs. Rowan felt that her only chanceof carrying on the battle would be by means of a treaty with Mrs.Tappitt. Had the affair of the brewery stood alone, Mrs. Rowan wouldhave ranged herself loyally on the side of her son. She would haveresented the uplifting of that poker, and shown her resentment by animmediate withdrawal from the brewery. She would have said a word ortwo,--a stately word or two,--as to the justice of her son's cause,and have carried herself and her daughter off to the inn. As thingswere now, her visit to the brewery must no doubt be curtailed in itsduration; but in the mean time might not a blow be struck againstthat foolish matrimonial project,--an opportune blow, and by the aidof Mrs. Tappitt? Therefore on that Friday morning, when Mr. Prongwas listening with enraptured ears to Mrs. Prime's acceptance ofhis suit,--under certain pecuniary conditions,--Mrs. Rowan and Mrs.Tappitt were sitting in conference at the brewery.

  They agreed together at that meeting that Rachel Ray was the head andfront of the whole offence, the source of all the evil done and tobe done, and the one great sinner in the matter. It was clear to Mrs.Rowan that Rachel could have no just pretensions to look for such alover or such a husband as her son; and it was equally clear to Mrs.Tappitt that she could have had no right to seek a lover or a husbandout of the brewery. If Rachel Ray had not been there all might havegone smoothly for both of them. Mrs. Tappitt did not, perhaps, arguevery logically as to the brewery business, or attempt to show eitherto herself or to her ally that Luke Rowan would have made himself anagreeable partner if he had kept himself free from all love vagaries;but she was filled with an indefinite woman's idea that the mischief,which she felt, had been done by Rachel Ray, and that against Racheland Rachel's pretensions her hand should be turned.

  They resolved therefore that they would go out together and call atthe cottage. Mrs. Tappitt knew, from long neighbourhood, of whatstuff Mrs. Ray was made. "A very good sort of woman," she saidto Mrs. Rowan, "and not at all headstrong and perverse like herdaughter. If we find the young lady there we must ask her mamma tosee us alone." To this proposition Mrs. Rowan assented, not eagerly,but with a slow, measured, dignified assent, feeling that she wasderogating somewhat from her own position in allowing herself tobe led by such a one as Mrs. Tappitt. It was needful that on thisoccasion she should act with Mrs. Tappitt and connect herselfwith the Tappitt interests; but all this she did with an air thatdistinctly claimed for herself a personal superiority. If Mrs.Tappitt did not perceive and understand this, it was her fault, andnot Mrs. Rowan's.

  At two o'clock they stepped into a fly at the brewery door and hadthemselves driven out to Bragg's End.

  "Mamma, there's a carriage," said Rachel.

  "It can't be coming here," said Mrs. Ray.

  "But it is; it's the fly from the Dragon. I know it by the man'swhite hat. And, oh dear, there's Mrs. Rowan and Mrs. Tappitt! Mamma,I shall go away." And Rachel, without another word, escaped out intothe garden. She escaped, utterly heedless of her mother's little weakprayer that she would remain. She went away quickly, so that not askirt of her dress might be visible. She felt instantly, by instinct,that these two women had come out there especially as her enemies,as upsetters of her happiness, as opponents of her one great hope inlife; and she knew that she could not fight her battle with them faceto face. She could not herself maintain her love stoutly and declareher intention of keeping her lover to his word; and yet she didintend to maintain her love, not doubting that he would be true tohis word without any effort on her part. Her mother would make avery poor fight,--of that she was quite well aware. It would havebeen well if her mother could have run away also. But, as that couldnot be, her mother must be left to succumb, and the fight must becarried on afterwards as best it might. The two ladies remainedat the cottage for about an hour, and during that time Rachel wassequestered in the garden, hardening her heart against all enemies toher love. If Luke would only stand by her, she would certainly standby him.

  There was a good deal of ceremony between the three ladies when theyfirst found themselves together in Mrs. Ray's parlour. Mrs. Rowanand Mrs. Tappitt were large and stiff in their draperies, and didnot fit themselves easily in among Mrs. Ray's small belongings;and they were stately in their demeanour, conscious that they werevisiting an inferior, and conscious also that they were there on nofriendly mission. But the interview was commenced with a show of muchcivility. Mrs. Tappitt introduced Mrs. Rowan in due form, and Mrs.Rowan made her little bow, if with some self-asserting supremacy,still with fitting courtesy. Mrs. Ray hoped that Mrs. Tappitt andthe young ladies were quite well, and then there was a short silence,very oppressive to Mrs. Ray, but refreshing rather than otherwise toMrs. Rowan. It gave a proper business aspect to the visit, and pavedthe way for serious words.

  "Miss Rachel is out, I suppose," said Mrs. Tappitt.

  "Yes, she is out," said Mrs. Ray. "But she's about the placesomewhere, if you want to see her." This she added in her weakness,not knowing how she was to sustain the weight of such an interviewalone.

  "Perhaps it is as well that she should be away just at present," saidMrs. Rowan, firmly but mildly.

  "Quite as well," said Mrs. Tappitt, as firmly, but less mildly.

  "Because we wish to say a few words to you, Mrs. Ray," said Mrs.Rowan.

  "That is what has brought us out so early," said Mrs. Tappitt. Itwas only half-past two now, and company visiting was never done atBaslehurst till after three. "We want to say a few words to you, Mrs.Ray, about a very serious matter. I'm sure you know how glad I'vealways been to see Rachel with my girls, and I had her at our partythe other night, you know. It isn't likely therefore that I should bedisposed to say anything unkind about her."

  "At any rate not to me, I hope," said Mrs. Ray.

  "Not to anybody. Indeed I'm not given to say unkind things aboutpeople. No one in Baslehurst would give me that character. But thefact is, Mrs. Ray--"

aps, Mrs. Tappitt, you'll allow me," said Mrs. Rowan. "He's myson."

  "Oh, yes, certainly;--that is, if you wish it," said Mrs. Tappitt,drawing herself up in her chair; "but I thought that perhaps, as Iknew Miss Ray so well--"

  "If you don't mind, Mrs. Tappitt--" and Mrs. Rowan, as she again tookthe words out of her friend's mouth, smiled upon her with a smile ofgreat efficacy.

  "Oh, dear, certainly not," said Mrs. Tappitt, acknowledging by herconcession the superiority of Mrs. Rowan's nature.

  "I believe you are aware, Mrs. Ray," said Mrs. Rowan, "that Mr. LukeRowan is my son."

  "Yes, I'm aware of that."

  "And I'm afraid you must be aware also that there have beensome,--some,--some talkings as it were, between him and yourdaughter."

  "Oh, yes. The truth is, ma'am, that he has offered himself to mygirl, and that she has accepted him. Whether it's for good or forbad, the open truth is the best, Mrs. Tappitt."

  "Truth is truth," said Mrs. Tappitt; "and deception is not truth."

  "I didn't think it had gone anything so far as that," said Mrs.Rowan,--who at the moment, perhaps, forgot that deception is nottruth; "and in saying that he has actually offered himself, you mayperhaps,--without meaning it, of course,--be attributing a morepositive significance to his word than he has intended."

  "God forbid!" said Mrs. Ray very solemnly. "That would be a very sadthing for my poor girl. But I think, Mrs. Rowan, you had better askhim. If he says he didn't intend it, of course there will be an endof it, as far as Rachel is concerned."

  "I can't ask him just at present," said Mrs. Rowan, "because he hasgone up to London. He went away yesterday afternoon, and there's nosaying when he may be in Baslehurst again."

  "If ever--," said Mrs. Tappitt, very solemnly. "Perhaps he has nottold you, Mrs. Ray, that that partnership between him and Mr. T. isall over."

  "He did tell us that there had been words between him and Mr.Tappitt."

  "Words indeed!" said Mrs. Tappitt.

  "And therefore it isn't so easy to ask him," said Mrs. Rowan,ignoring Mrs. Tappitt and the partnership. "But of course, Mrs. Ray,our object in this matter must be the same. We both wish to see ourchildren happy and respectable." Mrs. Rowan, as she said this, putgreat emphasis on the last word.

  "As to my girl, I've no fear whatever but what she'll berespectable," said Mrs. Ray, with more heat than Mrs. Tappitt hadthought her to possess.

  "No doubt; no doubt. But what I'm coming to is this, Mrs. Ray; herehas this boy of mine been behaving foolishly to your daughter, asyoung men will do. It may be that he has really said something to herof the kind you suppose--"

  "Said something to her! Why, ma'am, he came out here and asked mypermission to pay his addresses to her, which I didn't answer becausejust at that moment Rachel came in from Farmer Sturt's opposite--"

  "Farmer Sturt's!" said Mrs. Tappitt to Mrs. Rowan, in an under voiceand nodding her head. Whereupon Mrs. Rowan nodded her head also. Oneof the great accusations made against Mrs. Ray had been that shelived on the Farmer Sturt level, and not on the Tappitt level;--muchless on the Rowan level.

  "Yes,--from Farmer Sturt's," continued Mrs. Ray, not at allunderstanding this by-play. "So I didn't give him any answer at all."

  "You wouldn't encourage him," said Mrs. Rowan.

  "I don't know about that; but at any rate he encouraged himself, forhe came again the next morning when I was in Baslehurst."

  "I hope Miss Rachel didn't know he was coming in your absence," saidMrs. Rowan.

  "It would look so sly;--wouldn't it?" said Mrs. Tappitt.

  "No, she didn't, and she isn't sly at all. If she had known anythingshe would have told me. I know what my girl is, Mrs. Rowan, and Ican depend on her." Mrs. Ray's courage was up, and she was inclinedto fight bravely, but she was sadly impeded by tears, which she nowfound it impossible to control.

  "I'm sure it isn't my wish to distress you," said Mrs. Rowan.

  "It does distress me very much, then, for anybody to say that Rachelis sly."

  "I said I hoped she wasn't sly," said Mrs. Tappitt.

  "I heard what you said," continued Mrs. Ray; "and I don't see why youshould be speaking against Rachel in that way. The young man isn'tyour son."

  "No," said Mrs. Tappitt, "indeed he's not;--nor yet he ain't Mr.Tappitt's partner."

  "Nor wishes to be," said Mrs. Rowan, with a toss of her head. It wasa thousand pities that Mrs. Ray had not her wits enough about her tohave fanned into a fire of battle the embers which glowed hot betweenher two enemies. Had she done so they might probably have been madeto consume each other,--to her great comfort. "Nor wishes to be!"Then Mrs. Rowan paused a moment, and Mrs. Tappitt assumed a smilewhich was intended to indicate incredulity. "But Mrs. Ray," continuedMrs. Rowan, "that is neither here nor there. Luke Rowan is my son,and I certainly have a right to speak. Such a marriage as this wouldbe very imprudent on his part, and very disagreeable to me. From theway in which things have turned out it's not likely that he'll settlehimself at Baslehurst."

  "The most unlikely thing in the world," said Mrs. Tappitt. "I don'tsuppose he'll ever show himself in Baslehurst again."

  "As for showing himself, Mrs. Tappitt, my son will never be ashamedof showing himself anywhere."

  "But he won't have any call to come to Baslehurst, Mrs. Rowan. That'swhat I mean."

  "If he's a gentleman of his word, as I take him to be," said Mrs.Ray, "he'll have a great call to show himself. He never can haveintended to come out here, and speak to her in that way, and ask herto marry him, and then never to come back and see her any more! Iwouldn't believe it of him, not though his own mother said it!"

  "I don't say anything," said Mrs. Rowan, who felt that her positionwas one of some difficulty. "But we all do know that in affairs ofthat kind young men do allow themselves to go great lengths. And thegreater lengths they go, Mrs. Ray, the more particular the youngladies ought to be."

  "But what's a young lady to do? How's she to know whether a youngman is in earnest, or whether he's only going lengths, as you callit?" Mrs. Ray's eyes were still moist with tears; and, I grieve tosay that though, as far as immediate words are concerned, she wasfighting Rachel's battle not badly, still the blows of the enemy weretaking effect upon her. She was beginning to wish that Luke Rowan hadnever been seen, or his name heard, at Bragg's End.

  "I think it's quite understood in the world," said Mrs. Rowan, "thata young lady is not to take a gentleman at his first word."

  "Oh, quite," said Mrs. Tappitt.

  "We've all of us daughters," said Mrs. Rowan.

  "Yes, all of us," said Mrs. Tappitt. "That's what makes it so fittingthat we should discuss this matter together in a friendly feeling."

  "My son is a very good young man,--a very good young man indeed."

  "But a little hasty, perhaps," said Mrs. Tappitt.

  "If you'll allow me, Mrs. Tappitt."

  "Oh, certainly, Mrs. Rowan."

  "A very good young man indeed; and I don't think it at all probablethat in such a matter as this he will act in opposition to hismother's wishes. He has his way to make in the world."

  "Which will never be in the brewery line," said Mrs. Tappitt.

  "He has his way to make in the world," continued Mrs. Rowan, withmuch severity; "and if he marries in four or five years' time, thatwill be quite as soon as he ought to think of doing. I'm sure youwill agree with me, Mrs. Ray, that long engagements are very bad,particularly for the lady."

  "He wanted to be married next month," said Mrs. Ray.

  "Ah, yes; that shows that the whole thing couldn't come to much. Ifthere was an engagement at all, it must be a very long one. Yearsmust roll by." From the artistic manner in which Mrs. Rowan allowedher voice to dwell upon the words which signified duration of space,any hope of a marriage between Luke and Rachel seemed to be put offat any rate to some future century. "Years must roll by, and we allknow what that means. The lady dies of a broken heart, while thegentleman lives in a bachelor's rooms, and dines always
at his club.Nobody can wish such a state of things as that, Mrs. Ray."

  "I knew a girl who was engaged for seven years," said Mrs. Tappitt,"and she wore herself to a thread-paper,--so she did. And then hemarried his housekeeper after all."

  "I'd sooner see my girl make up her mind to be an old maid than lether have a long engagement," said Mrs. Rowan.

  "And so would I, my girls, all three. If anybody comes, I say tothem, 'Let your papa see them. He'll know what's the meaning of it.'It don't do for young girls to manage those things all themselves.Not but what I think my girls have almost as much wit about them as Ihave. I won't mention any names, but there's a young man about hereas well-to-do as any young man in the South Hams, but Cherry won't asmuch as look at him." Mrs. Rowan again tossed her head. She felt hermisfortune in being burthened with such a colleague as Mrs. Tappitt.

  "What is it you want me to do, Mrs. Rowan?" asked Mrs. Ray.

  "I want you and your daughter, who I am sure is a very nice younglady, and good-looking too,--"

  "Oh, quite so," said Mrs. Tappitt.

  "I want you both to understand that this little thing should beallowed to drop. If my boy has done anything foolish I'm here toapologize for him. He isn't the first that has been foolish, andI'm afraid he won't be the last. But it can't be believed, Mrs. Ray,that marriages should be run up in this thoughtless sort of way. Inthe first place the young people don't know anything of each other;absolutely nothing at all. And then,--but I'm sure I don't want toinsist on any differences that there may be in their positions inlife. Only you must be aware of this, Mrs. Ray, that such a marriageas that would be very injurious to a young man like my son Luke."

  "My child wouldn't wish to injure anybody."

  "And therefore, of course, she won't think any more about it. All Iwant from you is that you should promise me that."

  "If Rachel will only just say that," said Mrs. Tappitt, "my daughterswill be as happy to see her out walking with them as ever."

  "Rachel has had quite enough of such walking, Mrs. Tappitt; quiteenough."

  "If harm has come of it, it hasn't been the fault of my girls," saidMrs. Tappitt.

  Then there was a pause among the three ladies, and it appeared thatMrs. Rowan was waiting for Mrs. Ray's answer. But Mrs. Ray did notknow what answer she should make. She was already disposed to regardthe coming of Luke Rowan to Baslehurst as a curse rather than ablessing. She felt all but convinced that Fate would be againsther and hers in that matter. She had ever been afraid of young men,believing them to be dangerous, bringers of trouble into families,roaring lions sometimes, and often wolves in sheep's clothing. Sinceshe had first heard of Luke Rowan in connection with her daughter shehad been trembling. If she could have acted in accordance with herown feelings at this moment, she would have begged that Luke Rowan'sname might never again be mentioned in her presence. It would bebetter for them, she thought, to bear what had already come uponthem, than to run further risk. But she could not give any answerto Mrs. Rowan without consulting Rachel;--she could not at leastgive any such answer as that contemplated without doing so. She hadsanctioned Rachel's love, and could not now undertake to oppose it.Rachel had probably been deceived, and must bear her misfortune. But,as the question stood at present between her and her daughter, shecould not at once accede to Mrs. Rowan's views in the matter. "I willtalk to Rachel," she said.

  "Give her my kindest respects," said Mrs. Rowan; "and pray make herunderstand that I wouldn't interfere if I didn't think it was forboth their advantages. Good-bye, Mrs. Ray." And Mrs. Rowan got up.

  "Good-bye, Mrs. Ray," said Mrs. Tappitt, putting out her hand. "Givemy love to Rachel. I hope that we shall be good friends yet, for allthat has come and gone."

  But Mrs. Ray would not accept Mrs. Tappitt's hand, nor would shevouchsafe any answer to Mrs. Tappitt's amenities. "Good-bye, ma'am,"she said to Mrs. Rowan. "I suppose you mean to do the best you can byyour own child."

  "And by yours too," said Mrs. Rowan.

  "If so, I can only say that you must think very badly of your ownson. Good-bye, ma'am." Then Mrs. Ray curtseyed them out,--not withouta certain amount of dignity, although her eyes were red with tears,and her whole body trembling with dismay.

  Very little was said in the fly between the two ladies on theirway back to the brewery, nor did Mrs. Rowan remain very long as avisitor at Mrs. Tappitt's house. She had found herself compelled bycircumstances to take a part inimical to Mrs. Ray, but she felt inher heart a much stronger animosity to Mrs. Tappitt. With Mrs. Rayshe could have been very friendly, only for that disastrous loveaffair; but with Mrs. Tappitt she could not again put herself intopleasant relations. I must point out how sadly unfortunate it wasthat Mrs. Ray had not known how to fan that flame of anger to her ownand her daughter's advantage.

  "Well, mamma," said Rachel, returning to the room as soon as sheheard the wheels of the fly in motion upon the road across the green.She found her mother in tears,--hardly able to speak because of hersobs. "Never mind it, mamma: of course I know the kind of things theyhave been saying. It was what I expected. Never mind it."

  "But, my dear, you will be broken-hearted."

  "Broken-hearted! Why?"

  "I know you will. Now that you have learned to love him, you'll neverbear to lose him."

  "And must I lose him?"

  "She says so. She says that he doesn't mean it, and that it's allnonsense."

  "I don't believe her. Nothing shall make me believe that, mamma."

  "She says it would be ruinous to all his prospects, especially justnow when he has quarrelled about this brewery."

  "Ruinous to him!"

  "His mother says so."

  "I will never wish him to do anything that shall be ruinous tohimself; never;--not though I were broken-hearted, as you call it."

  "Ah, that is it, Rachel, my darling; I wish he had not come here."

  Rachel went away across the room and looked out of the window uponthe green. There she stood in silence for a few minutes while hermother was wiping her eyes and suppressing her sobs. Tears also hadrun down Rachel's cheeks; but they were silent tears, few in numberand very salt. "I cannot bring myself to wish that yet," said she.

  "But he has gone away, and what can you do if he does not comeagain?"

  "Do! Oh, I can do nothing. I could do nothing, even though he werehere in Baslehurst every day of his life. If I once thought that hedidn't wish me--to--be--his wife, I should not want to do anything.But, mamma, I can't believe it of him. It was only yesterday that hewas here."

  "They say that young men don't care what they say in that waynow-a-days."

  "I don't believe it of him, mamma; his manner is so steadfast, andhis voice sounds so true."

  "But then she is so terribly against it."

  Then again they were silent for a while, after which Rachel endedthe conversation. "It is clear, at any rate, that you and I can donothing, mamma. If she expects me to say that I will give him up, sheis mistaken. Give him up! I couldn't give him up, without being falseto him. I don't think I'll ever be false to him. If he's false to me,then,--then, I must bear it. Mamma, don't say anything to Dolly aboutthis just at present." In answer to which request Mrs. Ray promisedthat she would not at present say anything to Mrs. Prime about Mrs.Rowan's visit.

  The following day and the Sunday were not passed in much happiness bythe two ladies at Bragg's End. Tidings reached them that Mrs. Rowanand her daughter were going to London on the Monday, but no lettercame to them from Luke. By the Monday morning Mrs. Ray had quite madeup her mind that Luke Rowan was lost to them for ever, and Rachelhad already become worn with care. During that Saturday and Sundaynothing was seen of Mrs. Prime at Bragg's End.


  London:Printed by William Clowes and Sons, Stamford Streetand Charing Cross.

  * * * * * *


  A Novel.



  Author of"Barches
ter Towers," "Castle Richmond," "Orley Farm," Etc.

  In Two Volumes.

  VOL. II.

  London:Chapman and Hall, 193, Piccadilly.1863.[The right of Translation is reserved.]

  London: Printed by William Clowes and Sons,Stamford Street and Charing Cross.