Read Rage Page 15

  Could Clair’s secret be something ugly? “If it’s something they should know, I think I’d have to tell them.” He was almost afraid to ask the next question, but he did anyway. “Is it bad?”

  “No”—she shook her head quickly—“I don’t think so, just something I overheard, but I know I wasn’t supposed to, and I’m not sure how I feel about it.”

  That could be anything. AJ searched her eyes a little more, still unwilling to commit to keeping anything from her mom or Lara. He didn’t like this part of being her best buddy, but if this was in any way bad, he was glad she felt safe sharing it with someone.

  “What is it?” he asked, hoping they could skip the promising.

  “I think my mom’s been lying to me about not talking to my dad anymore.” AJ’s brow’s shot up, not sure how to react or what to say to that. Luckily, he had time because she continued. “She’s always told me she hasn’t seen or talked to him since before I was born. Lots of times when she’s on the phone she gets quiet when I walk by. I just assumed it was grown-up talk because it’s what she always says. But a few weeks ago, she didn’t know I was in the other room, and I heard her whispering in the kitchen on her phone. I wasn’t trying to snoop, I swear. At first, I wasn’t even paying attention.”

  “I believe you,” AJ said, trying desperately to mask the deep displeasure he was suddenly drowning in.

  “His name is Fred,” she said matter-of-factly.

  The blow was like nothing he’d ever experienced. Had Addison really lied to him about something this big?

  How heavily this weighed on Clair was apparent in her weary eyes, and it nearly killed him, especially when she added her next pleading comment. “But you can’t tell her I told you this. Please.”

  AJ avoided making any promises because he had no idea how he could possibly keep this to himself. Instead, he hoped maybe Clair had misunderstood. “Why do you think it was your dad she was talking to?”

  “The first thing I heard her say when I realized she was in the kitchen was something about the decision had been made a long time ago and they both agreed it was better that way. Like I said”—she shook her little head, eyes widening a bit—“I didn’t really pay attention, so she whispered other stuff I didn’t catch, but then I heard her say, ‘That’s not gonna happen, Fred. She’s never needed you in her life before. She doesn’t need you now and won’t need you then.’ Then she said she had to go and that she’d talk to him later.”

  AJ gulped, staring at Clair, because it didn’t get any clearer than that. “Have you ever told your mom you wanted to meet him?”

  She shook her head. Even scarier than his first question about whether or not this was bad, was asking the next question, but he did anyway. “Do you wanna meet him now?”

  AJ watched her as she looked around, unsure, and then shrugged. “I don’t know. All I know for sure is if it was my dad she was talking to that day she doesn’t want me to know about him. My mom is the smartest person I’ve ever met, and if she doesn’t want me to, then there’s gotta be a good reason.” Nodding, AJ smiled, still amazed at how bright this little girl was. “I hadn’t even thought about it again until last night when I woke in the middle of the night and heard her whispering on the phone in the front room. It just reminded me of the call I overheard. But you have to promise me that you won’t say anything to her about this ever, AJ.” She gave him her big puppy dog eyes. “Please, best buddy?”

  Her outstretched pleading face had him staring at the big gap in her teeth, and he had no choice but to smile. At least he knew for a fact whom Addison had been on the phone whispering with last night. Even after several exhausting hours in his room every night since she’d been here, they couldn’t get enough of each other. As soon as she saw Clair was asleep, she’d sneak out into the front room of their suite and call him as promised.

  Maybe the guy did call her every now and again. Maybe, like she’d said before, he didn’t deserve to exist in her life, and this was her way of keeping him nonexistent. She dealt with him on her own when she had to, but never once mentioned it to anyone else. It would be the only explanation that would keep AJ from demanding answers.

  For now.

  “I promise,” he said, reaching for Clair’s little hand and squeezing it. “But you have to promise me something.”

  “Anything,” she said too quickly.

  “If you ever feel sad, mad, or just confused about this, you’ll come talk to me about it. You won’t keep it bottled up inside that pretty little head and let it drive you crazy just because you don’t want anyone to know. Okay?”

  She smiled, easily accepting that, and nodded. “Deal. I promise.”

  He didn’t know what else to say to her about the subject, and he had little time left before the start of the game. As calm as he told himself he was going to try and be about this, Lorenzo’s words came to him again when he spoke of putting up with his ex staying in touch with her baby daddy.

  There was nothing I could do about it since it was her kid’s dad and she had to keep things amicable for the sake of her daughter.

  It was one thing for her to have to deal with him every now and again. From what Clair just told her, the call didn’t sound like a pleasant one. According to Addison, Clair’s dad had never wanted to be a part of their lives. There was no reason to stay amicable with him. AJ would certainly be following up to ask Clair if there’d been any more secret calls. If this was strictly to keep her ex from getting pushy, that was one thing. But he’d be damned if he’d be putting up with any bullshit.

  Everything else about getting involved with Addison had stopped feeling complicated or risky for a while now. The longer he was with her, the harder he felt himself falling for both her and Clair. The only thing that calmed him now was knowing the more time he spent with Addison, holding her, and making love to her, the more he could feel how genuinely she cared about him too. For now that’d be enough to calm the inferno he’d begun to feel when Clair first mentioned Fred.

  Chapter 15


  Addison tried to shake the strange unease she felt about AJ’s plan to get her out and away from her parents for the entire day. Even when he’d first told her about it, she’d been unable to hide her unease because he immediately followed up with another apology about his calling her Kelli that first day in St. Louis.

  AJ’s brothers were driving out to Los Angeles for the series against the Dodgers that weekend. When AJ arrived in Los Angeles, he found out Nathan’s girlfriend, Kelli, had met them out there at the last minute.

  “You can tell your parents and Clair you two hit it off and she’s out in Los Angeles so you want to hang out with her.”

  He’d smiled excitedly even as Addison had stared at him full of apprehension. After he’d apologized once again and said he knew because of his stupid flub he totally understood why she might not be comfortable, he once again assured her his calling her Kelli had been a total fluke. He was in no way attracted to Kelli and would never even consider looking at or thinking of any girls his brothers dated in that way.

  The latter was easier to believe. She knew how close he was to his siblings, and just from what she already knew about his character, she’d never believe he’d disrespect his brother that way.

  But the former was a little harder for her insecure ass to buy. Kelli was nothing short of a beauty queen, the kind of girl that back in high school Addison could only dream of just being friends with. She wasn’t delusional to ever think she could pull off being the “it” girl. Addison was certain of that much. Kelli had either been the “it” girl or at least part of the “it” crowd. No surprise she’d landed a guy like Nathan. The Romero clan had no shortage of good looks.

  Hearing her boyfriend refer to her as Kelli, after she’d just pleasured him orally, had been a slap in the face to say the least. Of course, the first thing that flew into her mind was that he’d been thinking of Kelli the entire time Addison had been down on her knees deep
-throating him!

  But, alas, she was done questioning it. One of the things she found most endearing about AJ was his in-your-face honesty. He held nothing back. Just like his reaction to Danny. Most guys would’ve at least tried to tone down any jealousy over something that petty.

  Addison had been watching AJ’s on-field explosions for years. She’d seen that same familiar flicker in his eyes just before he spun around in the room that day and walked away from her. He’d been that close to detonating—over her conversation with Danny. If that weren’t reason enough, it wasn’t just the way he touched her and made love to her with such unabashed passion. The way he looked at and spoke to Addison with such genuine affection, not just for her but for Clair, was more than enough to prove that his feelings for her were for more than her looks alone.

  Old habits die hard, but her habit of inwardly self-deprecating herself was one she’d thought she’d killed years ago. If the attention she’d been getting from men ever since she’d come out of her shell and put more effort into her appearance wasn’t proof that she could give someone like Kelli a run for her money, the fact that AJ Romero seemed as crazy for her as she was for him should be.

  It was why she agreed to go along with AJ’s plan. Addison’s new friend picked her up at their hotel but didn’t come up to get her. Addison met her outside by the valet. Since their Saturday game had been a morning one, AJ and Addison had the rest of the afternoon and evening to be together.

  Her parents had often commented, sometimes troubled, about how Addison sacrificed her social life too much. Ever since having Clair, she’d barely had one, and they knew, when she’d lived Chicago, she had no one she trusted to leave Clair with, just so she could go out. They knew it’d been a long time since she’d enjoyed a social life. So, of course, they’d graciously agreed to take Clair to Universal Studios for the rest of the day and then to dinner and a movie after. They seemed pleased about her spending time with a friend and encouraged Addison to go out and have fun. “Don’t rush back on our account,” her mother had added when Addison left.

  Addison didn’t even have to worry about getting back before Clair’s bedtime. They were staying in a two-room suite so Clair could go to the room she shared with Addison whenever she was ready for bed.

  Except for the time they were spending with his brothers and Kelli, this would be the most time all at once Addison and AJ would spend together yet. Addison was looking forward to it, so she decided to focus on that instead. The excitement was already whirling away inside her.

  Kelli met her downstairs in her car. “Hello,” Kelli said, smiling as Addison got in her car. “Nice to see you again. Don’t worry; your secret is safe with me.”

  Addison nodded, smiling pleasantly and feeling silly that at her age she was technically sneaking off with her boyfriend. “Thanks. It probably won’t be too much longer before I tell my parents. It’s my daughter I want to hold off telling for a bit longer.”

  To Addison’s surprise, Kelli reached over and patted her leg. “You have no idea how much respect I have for you because of that.” She brought her hand back to the wheel as they came to a stop. “Most women would be dying to flaunt the fact that they’re dating AJ Romero. I’m glad you’re thinking of your daughter first. It’s how it should be. Sadly, most parents don’t. I know my dad didn’t. He brought every single bimbo he dated around my brothers and me when we were younger. I hated it.” She turned and smiled genuinely at Addison. “In your case, I can tell your daughter already loves AJ. But it’s good that you’re still being cautious. I commend you for that.”

  “Thanks,” Addison said, not sure if that was the right response. “What about you and Nathan?” she asked, wanting to get off the subject of her and AJ’s relationship. “AJ said it’s been a couple of months. Are you two getting serious?”

  “It hasn’t been that long,” Kelli said, staring straight ahead as she drove. “I’ve known him for a couple of months, but I didn’t actually start going out with him until just a few weeks ago. I wasn’t even gonna come out here this weekend because I didn’t want him to get the idea that things are that serious.” She shrugged, glancing at Addison. “I’ve been burned before, you know? I’m trying to play it safe and take things slow.” She stared ahead again. “I, uh . . . was coming out this way anyway for a little thing my brother’s having tomorrow, so when I was able to get the day off today at the last minute, I decided to meet Nathan today after all.”

  Addison nodded, a bit curious. “You work on the weekends? What do you do?”

  “Cosmetology.” She turned and smiled at Addison proudly. “I own and run my own salon. Two actually.”

  “Oh, wow,” Addison said, completely impressed. “You look too young to own your own business much less two.”

  Kelli explained about her dad pretty much buying her the first salon to make up to her for a lot of the “shitty” things she had to deal with growing up. It did so well she opened up another just a year later.

  “So did you just close them for the weekend?” Addison asked, confused about her getting the day off at the last minute.

  “Oh, no”—Kelli shook her head—“I have plenty of other stylists who run the place when I’m not around. We stay really busy.”

  “You said it’s in La Jolla?”

  “Yes,” Kelli said, smiling brightly. “Right in La Jolla Village. Pinks with the big pink P.”

  Addison’s eyes widened. “Oh, yeah, I’ve seen the place. Driven by it many times actually.”

  “Yep, that’s it.” Kelli said as they drove slowly through traffic. “The first one anyway. The second one is a little further north in Carmel.”

  Ringing interrupted the music that had been playing softly over the speakers. The words “Incoming call from Gilbert” popped up on the screen of Kelli’s dashboard. Kelli frowned, turning into a smaller street off to the side of the main one they were on. She hit the transfer to handset button as she pulled over and stopped the car.

  “Sorry, I have to take this,” she said, bringing her phone to her ear. “Hey,” she said into her phone as Addison glanced out the window at the Korean restaurant they’d parked in front of.

  “No, I can’t.”

  Addison did her best to not eavesdrop or at least appear to not be following every word of Kelli’s conversation with Gilbert, but it was hard not to. She could even hear the voice of the guy on the phone; though she couldn’t make out what he was saying. Still, based on all of Kelli’s responses, it was easy enough to figure it out.

  “Because I’m in Los Angeles. I’m out here for the Dodger-Padres series . . . with a friend . . . you don’t know her . . . because it’s none of your business, Gilbert.”

  Kelli glanced at Addison and smiled nervously. Addison wondered if she should pretend she needed to make a phone call and step out of the car to give Kelli some privacy. Instead, she glanced down, pretending to busy herself on her phone.

  “Addison.” Addison glanced up at Kelli in response to hearing her name, but Kelli shook her head, pointing to the phone then continued. “That’s because you’ve never met her. I went to school with her . . . no high school . . . uh huh . . . What? Well, what did he say?” Kelli paused for a moment then noticeably lowered her voice. “Tell him I’ll call him but I can’t now. Tell him to please give me an hour or so. Tell him he’ll also see me tomorrow. I’ll book the first flight I can get on. But it probably won’t be until first thing in the morning. Okay . . . okay, I will. I promise.”

  Addison smiled just as timidly as Kelli did when she hung up. Halfway through the call she wondered why Kelli hadn’t just taken the call via her speakers and spoken as she drove.

  Even if there was something Kelli was trying to avoid Addison hearing, it’s not like she hadn’t gotten the entire gist of the conversation. Though that wasn’t the only thing she was curious about now.

  The first of her curiosities was satisfied as soon as Kelli hung up and started back on the road. “Overbearing brothers
,” she’d said with a nervous chuckle. “I haven’t told my family about Nathan yet, so if I’d told him I was out here with a guy, he would’ve followed up with a million questions. But my lying skills are seriously lacking, so, of course, when he insisted on knowing the name of my friend, I couldn’t come up with a single one but yours. Sorry.”

  “No worries,” Addison assured her.

  She was still curious about a few other things such as what was that thing at her brother’s tomorrow she said made her decide to come out to Los Angeles last minute and where was she flying out to tomorrow, which she apparently decided to do just now? But it was none of her business, and Addison had made such an effort to appear to not be listening, if she asked, it’d all be for nothing.

  “I think this is the place,” Kelli said as they drove into the valet area of a swanky-looking steakhouse. She glanced down at her phone before unlocking the door for the valet attendant. “Yeah, this is it,” she said, hitting the unlock button.

  Both doors were opened by attendants, and the girls headed around the corner to the front entrance. The catcalling and whistles made them look up, and AJ and Nathan were looking down from the patio where they were leaning over the rail with big smiles.

  Addison breathed in deeply, just seeing the huge smile on AJ’s face. “We got a table up here. It’s under Romero. They’ll escort you up.”