Read Raid Page 10

  But suddenly, my surprised cry drowned down his throat, he yanked me up and set me on my feet with a jarring thud.

  I barely got myself steady before his hand clamped around mine. He dragged me the short distance down the car, wrenched open the door and shoved me inside.

  He slammed the door after me. Out of habit I dumped my purse on the floor in front of me and I was trying to get my wits together, come to terms with the drastic and unwelcome turn of events, and, with shaking hands, get my belt around me when he angled in the other side.

  “No belt,” his voice growled at me and my head snapped to look at him as he tossed the key in the cupholder, hit the button to start the car and shifted into reverse before the automatic ignition fully engaged.

  We reversed out of our spot so fast, my body swayed with the movements. Then he rocketed out of the car park and through town, picking up speed quickly. My breath caught and I didn’t notice he was going in the wrong direction.

  I didn’t notice this mostly because we left town behind in a blink, and we no sooner did that when his hand wrapped around the back of my neck and he roughly yanked me his way. Shoving my face in his neck, his other hand quickly captured my wrist and pulled it to him, then smoothed my hand over his hard crotch.

  It was so hot, so forbidden, so dangerous; it felt like fireworks exploded in the car, their sparks landing everywhere, all over me, dazzling me at the same time making me burn.

  I pressed my hand deeper, moaning into his neck, my tongue gliding out, tasting his skin.

  His hand left mine. The car sped wherever he was taking us as I felt and heard his gruff, rumbled, “Fuck me.”

  My body molten, my mind dazed, everything that was me was about everything that was him. I touched the tip of my tongue to his earlobe and whispered a desperate, “Hurry.”

  My girl revved, Raiden shifted and my hand curled tighter around his crotch.

  I trailed my lips along his neck, his jaw and reversed my path, using my tongue. I shoved my face deep into his skin, loving his taste, his smell, the feel of his stubble, the whisper of his hair against my forehead so much, I uncurled my hand and rubbed my palm hard down the length of him.

  Raiden grunted and we came to an abrupt stop. He hit the button and the car turned off, but he already had his door open, knifing out. He dragged me over the driver’s seat, taking me with him.

  I didn’t know where we were. I didn’t even look.

  I didn’t care.

  I got my feet under me and ran to keep up with his long strides as, hand in mine, he towed me to a building I noticed vaguely looked like stables. We went up a flight of open backed steps at the side. Raiden wasted no time unlocking the door and pulling me in. He slammed the door, flipped the latch then he stalked across a room, dragging me with him.

  I took nothing in and kept taking nothing in when he stopped, picked me up and suddenly I was flying through the air.

  I landed on mattress.

  Raiden landed on a knee beside me, his hands at the belt on my jeans.

  “Condoms, baby, floor by the bed. Get one. Now,” he muttered, then my zipper was down and my jeans were being yanked off.

  As best as I could I twisted, noticing we were on a mattress on the floor, but not noticing much about this because my fingers closed around one of a half dozen packets of condoms by the bed. I didn’t notice much about this because my flip-flops flew off with my jeans and my panties were now being dragged down my legs.

  I twisted back just as Raiden’s hand slid between my legs.

  That felt so good, all my concentration centered on that feeling. I dropped the condom and my back left the bed as my lips parted on a silent moan.

  “Thank fuck, soaked,” Raiden growled. I forced myself to right my head and look at him. “Spread, baby.”

  I didn’t hesitate.

  I spread.

  His hand kept toying between my legs, creating beauty even as he tugged at his pants. He pulled himself free, used his teeth to open the condom packet he somehow got hold of and dropped his hand to roll it on.

  I pushed up and shoved my hands up his tee, my movements fevered, even frenzied, taking in his hard muscles; the angles, the plains, the ridges.


  I shoved my face in his midriff, breathing deep, taking him in, all this time his fingers creating bliss between my legs.

  Then they were gone.

  For less than a second, because Raiden, using one arm to lift me, pulled me out of the bed and plastered me to him. My legs circled his hips. His other hand was between us, guiding him in. Then he jerked me down on his cock, filling me.

  I drove my hands in his lush hair, my head falling back on a whimpered, “Ohmigod.”

  Then I was back to bed and Raiden was pounding inside me, his arm still around me, driving me down with each upward thrust.

  “Ohmigod,” I repeated, one of my hands fisting in his hair, the other one trailing down his back.

  I’d never had this.

  This was…

  It was…

  It didn’t exist. It couldn’t.

  This was only for Raiden and me.

  I felt it building. My hand dipped under his tee, my head jerked up. It was going to be so huge it was going destroy me.

  “Raiden,” I gasped, my voice harsh with passion and edged with fear.

  “Give in, baby,” he grunted, still driving me down as he thrust up.

  “Sweetheart, it’s—”

  His mouth came to mine. “Give into it, honey.”

  I gave in. I had no choice. And when I did, my fingernails dug into his back, scoring up; his hips ground deep into mine as his back arched. A hot, amazing groan rolled up his throat and he came with me.

  It lasted forever, an eternity. I gasped, then moaned, then panted through it, and finally wrapped my arm around Raiden and held on because the world was gone. There was nothing but that feeling.

  Nothing but Raiden and me.

  The eternity passed, and when I came back to reality Raiden’s arm was still tight around me, his cock still buried inside me and his face was in my neck. His other hand was laced in mine and he’d tucked them to our sides so I had most of his weight.

  It was glorious.

  Right before it was mortifying.

  Oh my God.

  What had I just done?

  Oh my God!

  I knew what I’d done.

  I’d ridden in a car with my hand on Raiden Miller’s crotch, my mouth in his neck without a seatbelt.

  Then I’d run after him; he’d thrown me on his bed and I let him fuck me.




  “Warm afghans, pretty blue eyes, totally dorky and an unbelievably wet, sweet pussy,” he murmured against my neck, then lifted his head and looked down at me before he finished on a whisper, “The girl of my dreams.”

  Okay, that was nice and all. Lovely. Great even.

  And the warm, sexy, sated look on his face that I could just about make out in the shadows, even better.

  But I’d just let Raiden Miller make out with me on the hood of my car and rode in it without a seatbelt because I was busy groping his crotch.

  Of course he’d think I was the girl of his dreams.

  For tonight.

  Then tomorrow he’d think I was slutty and easy.

  Because I was!

  You didn’t tell a good girl she had a wet, sweet pussy!

  Oh God.

  This didn’t just happen.

  Tell me this didn’t happen.

  “Don’t move,” he muttered then brushed his lips against mine. “Be back.”

  Then he slid out of me, the area between my legs pulsing magnificently as he did.

  Yes, it just happened.

  He rolled off me and I blinked at the ceiling, closing my legs, curling them up and twisting my lower half to the side as I felt him disappear.

  A light came on from somewhere else, dimly lighting the room, a
nd instantly I became a flurry of activity.

  I vaulted from the mattress, and in the dark of wherever the heck I was, I searched for my jeans, panties and flip-flops.

  I found my panties, tugged them up and was feeling around with hands and feet for my jeans when an arm hooked around my waist and I found myself back in bed, Raiden on top of me.

  “What’re you doin’?” he asked.

  I shoved at his shoulders, mumbling, “I have to go.”


  “I have to go.”


  “I need to get home. Get some sleep. I have to be up early. Church tomorrow,” I babbled, still pushing at his shoulders and squirming under him, freaked, humiliated, scared of what he would think of me now that the heat of the moment had passed.

  “Hanna, look at me.”

  “Really, I need to get going.”

  “Baby.” His arms moved from around me so his hands could frame my face and he held it firm in a way that I stopped struggling and squirming. “What the fuck?”

  “I’m not that kind of girl,” I announced.

  I felt his body, which I hadn’t noticed was tense, relax but this had absolutely no effect on me.

  I kept talking.

  “Never has that happened. Not ever. Not ever. I’ve never done anything like that. I don’t even remember a time when I’ve been in a car without a seatbelt much less what… what…” Oh God! “What we did,” I finished on a horrified whisper.

  “Calm down for me a second,” he urged gently, one of his thumbs sweeping my cheek.

  That felt nice, but no way could I calm down.

  No way.

  “I… you… I don’t want you to think I’m that kind of girl. I’m not that kind of girl. I don’t know what that was. I don’t know how that happened. It’s never happened before. I don’t—”

  I stopped speaking abruptly when his thumb shifted to my lips and pressed in.

  “Honey, shut up,” he ordered, but he did it laughing.

  Belatedly, I noticed not only his mouth but his entire body was laughing.

  “Raiden—” I tried to say but it came out sounding smushed, mainly because his thumb was still smushing my lips.

  “Quiet and listen to me,” he stated. “I know you’re not that kind of girl.”

  I blinked through the dark.

  “You do?” I asked through smushed lips, and his thumb slid away.

  “Yeah, or, I should say, I know you’re not that kind of girl for anyone, but me but what you gotta know is that it’s all kinds of fuckin’ good you’re that girl for me.”

  I wanted to believe this.

  I didn’t.

  I mean, I had girlfriends who had moments where they were that kind of girl and the guys always said that it was good until the next day when they didn’t call.

  “I really need to go home,” I told him, beginning to squirm again.

  “No fuckin’ way,” he told me, and my body stilled.

  “Sorry?” I breathed.

  “Hanna, honest to Christ, you think out there I get you dorky, head on my shoulder at a movie, holding my hand, riding that preposterous bike, smilin’ sweet at me, totally Peggy Sue throwback from the fuckin’ fifties, and in my arms, my mouth on yours, you ignite for me. You lose all fuckin’ control. Give me fuckin’ everything. And I’m gonna let you crawl outta my bed and go home?” He paused then finished, his voice steely, “No fuckin’ way.”

  “I—” I started but Raiden interrupted me.

  “It’s good you give me that. I want that. And I’m fuckin’ beside myself knowin’ you didn’t give some other asshole that before me. It’s mine. I’m keepin’ it.”

  Holy Moses.


  “And I’m gonna take more,” he declared.

  He was?

  That was… he wanted more?

  “You are?”

  “Baby, last night, those kisses, I hoped to Christ that was a preview of things to come and I’m fuckin’ thrilled it was. Out there, you can ride that silly-ass bike, but now I know, in my bed, you’re gonna let go for me. You’re gonna let me play with that body. You’re gonna let me work you ‘til you’re so fuckin’ wet you’re drenched for me. And when I let you come I’m gonna make it feel like you’re coming apart at the seams. And only I’m gonna know you give me that. Only I’m gonna get that. And I’m fuckin’ overjoyed that’s all for me and only me.”


  That was hot, cool, sexy, sweet and totally freaking scary.

  It was so much of all of those, the only response I could come up with was, “My bike isn’t silly.”

  “Babe, it is.”

  “It’s cutesie and girlie,” I defended my bike

  “It’s that too. Absolutely,” he agreed.

  I tilted my head on the mattress and tried to make out his features in the dim light before I asked, “Are you sure you don’t think I’m slutty and easy?”

  To that, he hauled us both up the bed and pressed into me. He reached out an arm and I blinked when a light flashed on.

  I stopped blinking when my head was again framed by his big hands and I focused on his face which was all I could see.

  “Do I look sure?” he asked, and I didn’t know how he knew how he looked.

  What I did know was that his expression was warm and sweet, but still somehow firm and his beautiful eyes were heated, burning into me.

  So I knew he was sure.


  “Just so you know, I’ve only had three lovers. They were all long-term boyfriends and, if memory serves, the one where we uh… got to the business fastest, it took three weeks.”

  “Do not tell me that shit.”

  Oh boy.

  Now he didn’t look warm and sweet.

  He looked hard and scary.

  “I just wanted—”

  “Only thing I know, only thing I’ll focus on, is now you’re mine. I won’t share what came before and I’m askin’ you now to promise that’s the last of you sharin’ what came before me. Can you help me out and return that favor?”

  “Okay,” I agreed cautiously.

  “Some men wanna know. I’m not one of those men,” he explained.


  “Right now, it’s just you and me.”

  “Okay, Raiden.”

  “And you’re not leaving.”

  My belly flipped.

  “Okay,” I breathed.

  “You should also know there’s a good chance you’ll fall asleep during church.”

  I figured I knew what that meant. It brought on a shiver and my arms moved to wrap around him.

  “Okay,” I whispered.

  He rolled so he was on his back and I was on top. One of his arms was clamped around my waist, his other hand in my hair.

  “Now, Hanna, kiss me,” he ordered, his voice rough and commanding.

  “Okay,” I repeated then did as I was told.

  The roll lasted about two seconds, then he did another one and I was on my back again.

  Half an hour later Raiden had me coming apart at the seams.

  It was glorious.

  Chapter Ten

  Church Sunday

  My eyes opened slowly, and at first I didn’t get it.

  I didn’t get the heavenly softness that covered my body.

  I didn’t get the bright sunshine that seemed to be coming from everywhere.

  I didn’t get what sounded like a shower coming from not too far away.

  I didn’t get the languorous feeling that permeated every inch of my frame.

  I didn’t get the pleasant ache between my legs.

  Then I got it and I shot up to sitting in Raiden’s bed, leaning into one hand, the other one clutching the afghan I gave Raiden to my naked chest.

  Holy Moses, I slept naked.

  Holy Moses! I never slept naked!

  But I knew why I did.

  I slept naked because the second time Raiden did what he
said. He played with me. He worked my body until I was drenched. And when he gave me an orgasm, it felt like I was coming apart at the seams.

  He did things to me. Amazing things, wild things, things I knew about and things I didn’t. Things that, if I told someone, might sound strange or kinky, but things that, the way Raiden did them to me, were absolutely not.

  I let him.

  And I loved every second.

  And I slept naked because the time after that, Raiden did not take an excruciatingly long and exquisite amount of time making love to me.


  He took an excruciatingly long and exquisite amount of time worshipping me.

  There was no other way to put it.

  If the first time was fast, wild, out-of-control and phenomenal, the second time was slower, wilder, totally in Raiden’s control, but out of mine and it was sensational.

  But the last time was like an out of body experience.

  It was magnificent.

  So much so, waking naked in Raiden Miller’s bed the morning after our second date, I didn’t feel like a slut or a skank, mortified by either.

  I felt happy.

  So I smiled.

  I looked down at the afghan Raiden obviously wasted no time using and I slid its beauty up my chest, smiling into the cashmere.

  Seconds later, I dropped the blanket back to my chest, looked around and my smile died.

  I was on a stacked set of queen-sized mattress and box springs that sat on the floor. The sheets were white and appeared clean, bright, even almost new. A comforter with a subtle geometric design in masculine colors of blue and red was on the floor, only the afghan on me.

  The bed, as it were, was in the middle of an enormous room made entirely of wood, the walls punctuated profusely by huge, multi-square-paned windows that definitely needed to be cleaned. There was a lamp on the floor by the bed, its ceramic base chipped, a long extension cord running across the rough wood floor, plugged into the wall. Also by the bed was a small pile of condoms, some paperback books and strewn magazines.

  Mostly to avoid the pile of condoms and what they said, my eyes wandered.

  On the wall across from the foot of the bed was a wardrobe, one door open and dangling drunkenly. Some clothes could be seen hanging haphazardly inside, a variety of athletic shoes and boots spilling out the bottom. More clothes in a tangle on the floor that led to wardrobe.