Read Raid Page 15

  “No down-to-her-bones-Peggy Sue gets her freak on like you did last night, honey.”

  I had to admit, this was true.

  “Do you trust me?” he asked, and my fingers tensed into the muscles at his shoulders.


  “Then trust it all to me.”

  I swallowed before I licked my lips, rubbed them together and stared at him.

  A handsome man.

  A dangerous man.

  A damaged man I intended to fix.

  On those thoughts, determination stole up my spine and I again nodded.

  His fingers dug deep as his eyes started burning and he growled, “Fuck.”

  Raiden was pleased.

  Oh God.

  His hand slid back down to my hips and his voice was deeper when he said, “Right. Now, Hanna, take off your clothes.”



  Suddenly that determination in my spine didn’t feel so determined.

  I sucked it up, started to take a step back but his fingers flexed and I stopped.

  “Right there, honey,” he instructed, and I was a bit confused.

  I was standing between his spread legs. There wasn’t a lot of room to move.

  Still, I went for it. I put my hands in the hem of my t-shirt, whipped it off and threw it to the floor.

  “Slow,” Raiden ordered and I bit my lip.

  Okay, I could do that.

  Or maybe I could.

  Even as my fingers went to the button on my shorts his hands didn’t move from my hips, so when I slid down the zipper and, holding his heated eyes, very slowly glided them over my hips, I pulled them out from under his hands, but they stayed right where they were.

  My shorts fell to my feet. I shifted from one foot to the other, getting them off and kicking them behind me.

  His eyes never leaving mine, Raiden demanded, “Your bra now, baby.”

  Okay. Oh boy.


  My skin tingling, nerves jangling even as the heat gathered between my legs at the look in his eyes, I put my hands behind my back and very slowly unhooked the first hook then the second. I dropped my hands, rolled my shoulders forward and the bra fell away.

  His eyes dropped to my chest. His fingers dug in and I began to pant softly, the heat now swelling between my legs as I caught a strap of my bra in one hand and tossed it aside.

  Raiden’s gaze came back up to mine and he growled, “Panties.”

  I swear I felt the rumble of his growl at the heat of me as I did my best to maneuver around his hands that still didn’t move and very slowly tugged my panties over my hips until they fell down my legs. I repeated what I did with my shorts, kicking them behind me.

  Then I was naked in front of him, sitting fully clothed on my bed, and I felt weird. I felt wonderful. I was a little scared. I was a lot excited. And I was wondering, with not a small amount of eagerness, about what would happen next.

  He didn’t make me wait as his hands finally moved on me, whisper soft, but he didn’t watch them. He watched my face.

  It felt good, it felt nice and the more he did it, it felt better.

  “Can you get your legs open for me?” he asked gently, and I actually felt the wave of wet that saturated between my legs as I did as he asked. I didn’t have a lot of room but I gave him what I could.

  “That’s it,” he whispered, one hand swooping over my belly and in. I braced for his fingers to touch me there, or better yet, to invade but they swept feather-light along the inside juncture of hip and thigh and that was when it began.

  Minutes that seemed like hours of just that.

  Raiden watching my face, his hands moving on me, coming close to the good stuff, gliding along the side of my breast but then not touching my nipple, knuckles grazing the underside of my breast but not hitting the target, fingertips sliding up the inside of my thigh only to go away right when I thought they’d find me.

  It was brilliant. It was torture. The longer it went on, the more it thrilled and frustrated me.

  I whimpered and lifted my hands to clutch his shoulders, but before they made it to their destination, Raiden ordered, “Clasp them behind your back.”

  “What?” I panted.

  His hands spanned my ribs again, holding firm and his eyes locked with mine.

  “Do it, baby.”

  Oh God, this was hot.

  This was scary.

  This was crazy.

  I clasped my hands behind my back.

  One of his hands slid in, down; his fingers went through the hair between my legs and whispered over my clit then it was gone.

  A reward.

  An infinitesimal reward.




  “Good, Hanna, now keep your hands clasped. No matter what you feel, what I do, what you want. Will you do that for me?”

  “Yes,” I gasped.

  “Good, baby, now arch your back for me.”

  Oh God. God. God. God.

  I arched my back for him and he immediately leaned in and added his lips and tongue to the torture his fingers were perpetrating. They moved, they touched, glided, grazed and they did this an eternity before just the tip of his tongue glided over my nipple.

  I was so primed, heat bolted through me and I whimpered, “Raiden.”

  “Keep arched for me, honey,” he murmured to the skin between breasts.

  He kept a hand giving nothing but constantly toying between my legs, the other one held me at the hip, and then suddenly his mouth closed over my nipple and he pulled deep.

  I was so ready. I needed that so much, my entire body bucked. I cried out, my hands came unclasped and I almost drove them into his hair to hold him to me before I remembered, pulled it together and clasped them behind me again.

  He stopped suckling.


  “Raiden.” It was a plea.

  “Stay still, Hanna.”


  Another glide of just the tip of his tongue over my nipple; my clit pulsed, my body jerked and I moaned.

  “Trust me,” he whispered.

  Oh God, oh God.


  More toying, more nothing, all of it full of promise; more torment, then both of Raiden’s hands slid back to my ribs, his mouth moved from me and I tipped my head down to see his tipped back.

  “Climb on, baby.”


  I didn’t hesitate. I put a knee to the bed on one side of his hips, one on the other side and settled in.

  “Hold onto my shoulders,” he ordered and I put my hands on his shoulders.

  His hand went between my legs, and no fooling around, he drove two fingers inside.

  Oh yes.



  I gasped, my head fell forward and hit his shoulder and his turned so his growl went directly into my ear.

  “Ride those.”

  I rode them. Oh God, did I ride them. My head turned, my face pressed into his neck. My hands grasping his shoulders, I rode his fingers and I did it desperately because I needed it. I needed it to hold me together. I needed it because I was coming apart at the seams.

  “Stop,” Raiden demanded.

  “Oh, honey, please, no,” I gasped.

  “Stop, Hanna.”

  I stopped on a mew of reckless despair, but I got more instantly.

  “Free me,” he ordered.

  I lifted up, looked in his eyes and he was shifting. His hand to the back of his jeans, he pulled out his wallet.

  Oh yes.

  Thank God, yes.

  He unearthed a condom, tossed the wallet on the floor as I held his eyes and clumsily worked his jeans.

  I finally got them as I needed them and pulled him free.

  His cock was big, long, thick and rock-hard, and I wanted it inside me.

  “Take the packet, Hanna, and roll it on me.” He barely finished his order when I snatched the packet out o
f his hand, but he said, “Slow, baby.”


  I looked at him and forced myself to go slowly. This kind of worked, mostly because my hands were shaking so badly and they got to shaking worse when his hands moved to my breasts, his thumbs started circling my nipples and I lost concentration as that throbbed from nipples to clit.

  I finally did it and I was about to wrap my hand around his cock when his words stopped me.

  “I’m gonna guide you on me then you’re gonna take over, and when you do, you’re gonna fuck me slow.”

  I held his eyes and my voice trembled when I told him, “I don’t know if I can do slow, Raid.”

  When I said his name, his eyes flashed, but his lips said, “Slow, Hanna.”


  “Trust me.”

  I swallowed and nodded.

  “Hold onto my shoulders again, honey.”

  I did as I was told.

  Raiden did as he promised, moving me, positioning me, and with a hand around his cock, his other arm around my hips, he guided himself in as he pulled me down, filling me.

  My head fell back at the sheer beauty.

  Then his hands spanned my hips.

  “Look at me.” I forced my head forward. His eyes caught mine, the pads of his fingers dug in and he ordered, “Lips to mine, baby, the whole time you fuck me slow.”


  I could do that.

  So I did it.

  Lips to his, my eyes open, his eyes opened, I moved on him.

  Instantly, I needed more.

  “When can I go faster?” I asked.

  “Slow,” he answered.

  “Yeah, but when can I go faster?”

  “I’ll tell you, honey, now slow.”

  I went slow.

  I couldn’t do slow.

  It was undoing me.

  My hands slid up to the sides of his neck and I begged, “Raiden.”

  One of his hands slid up to my breast, covered it and his thumb rubbed hard against my nipple.

  I moved faster and gasped, “Raiden!”

  “Slow down, Hanna.”

  “Oh God,” I whimpered as I forced myself to do what he said.

  His thumb kept at my nipple, and it built, and built, and built until I felt like my skin was going to split open.

  “Raiden, honey, please.”

  His other hand moved up my back, his fingers went into my hair, fisted and he growled against my lips, “Okay, Hanna, fuck me hard now, baby.”

  Instantly, I complied.

  Just as instantly, Raiden’s finger met his thumb, he tugged hard at my nipple and that seared through me.

  I moaned against his lips and rode him harder.

  “Fuck, but my girl is fucking magnificent,” he rumbled. “Harder, baby, fuck me.”

  I fucked him harder, gasping, whimpering, moaning. One of my hands slid into his hair and just like his at mine, it fisted. Hard.

  “That’s it, baby, ride me,” he grunted as I moved. “Fuck. Magnificent. You gonna give it to me?”

  “Yes,” I whispered, and his hand left my breast, traveled down and shot between my legs.

  “Then give it to me,” he ordered.

  His thumb tweaked my clit and that was all I needed.

  I drove down and grinded in. My head flew back, my back arched and I cried out as I flew apart.

  “Un-fucking-believable,” I heard Raiden rasp.

  Then I was on my back, Raiden’s hips slamming into mine and I took him, still coming, my limbs clutching him to me, my hand still fisted in his hair. I lifted my hips to give him more even when it left me and I shoved my face in his neck.

  “Fuck me harder, sweetheart,” I gasped into his neck. His hand still in my hair tugged back, but his face stayed in my neck and his cock drove hard and deep.

  Then I felt his teeth sink into my flesh as his fingers fisted tighter in my hair. I whimpered as pain that came as pleasure hit and an aftermath shiver of pure bliss whispered through me.

  Raiden planted himself to the root. I felt him come, and when he did he groaned so deep into my neck it traveled through my throat and felt like it shook the bed.

  I held on and gloried when my body jolted as his hips jerked through his own aftermath of thrusts, pounding into me, once, twice, again and again, then finally his orgasm began to wane and the thrusts gentled, became glides and he stopped deep.

  He didn’t stroke me, he didn’t work my neck with his mouth. He didn’t say anything and I didn’t either. I just held on and laid there, feeling him connected to me, in my bed. All we’d just done, what he’d demanded from me, what that meant he gave to me and the fact that I’d trusted it all to him. And Raiden had made it worth it.


  That was hot.

  It was amazing.

  And it was beautiful.

  Then he made it more beautiful when his lips slid to the skin under my ear and he muttered, “Be back,”, then his lips slid over my jaw as he slowly, so slowly, slid out.

  He barely moved his body from over mine before he dragged my afghan over me to cover my nudity, then he rolled off the bed. I curled up on my side and watched as he walked into my bathroom.

  I lay there, sated, feeling so fine I didn’t know anyone could feel that fine and thinking that I just took off my clothes, and naked as the day I was born fucked a beautiful fully clothed man and came so hard I might not need another orgasm for a decade.

  This made me grin, which was what Raiden caught me doing when he walked out of the bathroom.

  When he caught it, his amazing eyes warmed, his entire face softened and Raiden Miller in my bedroom grinned back.

  Then he gave me more beautiful.

  He stopped at the side of the bed and he did something remarkable, something I’d remember for the rest of my life.

  It wasn’t the same, but it still was. While I watched, taking his time, Raiden took off his clothes. Giving me what I gave him, making what already was a happy memory for me, trusting that he would take care of me, do right by me, give me beauty, a happier memory when he gave it right back to me.

  Then he put a knee to the bed, lifted the afghan, slid under it with me and pulled me into his arms.

  On our sides, front to front, my arms around him, my head tucked under his chin, my forehead to his throat, cheek to his collarbone, I heard and felt his rumbled, “You good?”

  “Um… they haven’t measured this level of good, thus it has as yet gone undefined, so the answer is yes, but the word is wrong.”

  His arms tightened and his body started shaking.

  Idiotically, I kept talking. “I’ll be contacting Webster tomorrow. My suggestion will be absofuckingmazing.”

  Raiden’s body started shaking harder.

  That was all the idiocy I had left in me. My orgasm drove the rest of it out, so I had nothing left to give except silently cuddling closer to Raiden.

  He got control of his hilarity, his body quit shaking and his neck moved before I felt his lips on top of my hair where he murmured, “My girl came hard.”

  I so did.

  “Yeah,” I whispered.

  “I think you’re gonna have fun with the way I like to play,” he noted.

  He was not wrong.

  I didn’t answer. Just cuddled closer.

  “Yeah, she’s gonna have fun,” he muttered into my hair, and I heard the smile in his voice. But there was no smile, his voice was gruff when he finished with, “My reward.”

  That was twice he said that, but I let it go, mostly because I had a feeling he would tell me what that meant when it was his time.

  He fell silent. I remained that way.

  We held each other and Raiden only moved once, to lift a hand and brush the tips of his fingers tenderly along my neck at the place where his teeth sank in before his arm moved back around me to pull me closer.

  There was something about that gesture, that touch. Something significant. Something I wasn’t sure I got, but som
ething I liked. I didn’t question it, didn’t say a word; not willing to break the mood, not about to question that gesture of tenderness Raiden gave me, happy just to accept it silently.

  After a while, I tilted my head back and his chin dipped down so I could catch his eyes.

  Those eyes.

  In my bed.

  Looking at me.

  I let that settle as I asked an important question.

  “You want a hot fudge sundae?”

  “Yeah,” he answered, lips twitching.

  “I make homemade hot fudge,” I shared.

  “Then fuck yeah,” he replied, now smiling.

  I reached up, touched my mouth to his and said, “Let’s go.”

  He lifted up, taking me and the afghan with us so I was still covered, which was again sweet.

  He pulled on his jeans commando.

  I rooted under my pillowcase and pulled on my pajama shorts (commando) and my tank top (also commando).

  We went downstairs and I started a pot of hot fudge sauce that eventually burned beyond being edible.

  This was because as I was preparing to assemble the sundaes, I got out a spray can of whipping cream

  And Raiden saw it.

  So the hot fudge ended up burned.

  But I ended up naked on my back on my kitchen table getting another orgasm that had everything to do with Raiden: his hands, his mouth, his tongue and a can of whipping cream.

  It was better than any sundae I’d ever had.

  Much better.

  Chapter Thirteen

  That Kind of Love

  The next morning…

  I was in the kitchen standing at the counter in my pajamas, arranging the cinnamon apple slices on top of the coffeecake batter, when I sensed movement to my side.

  I turned my head.

  Raiden was there.

  This wasn’t a surprise. I’d heard the water going in the bathroom upstairs.

  But it was a delight, seeing as he was wearing nothing but jeans, his hair a sexy mess, his eyes drowsy but warm and on me as he sauntered my way.

  I smiled. “Morning, sweetheart.”

  His “morning” was better.

  He said no words but fitted the front his big body to the back of mine and wrapped his arms around me. Then he bent his head and kissed my shoulder.

  Yes, a whole lot better than mine.

  His stubbled chin came to rest on my shoulder and I knew he was watching my hands arrange apple slices.