Read Rainbow Heart Page 6


  Vindur af Sanleikur (Winds of truth)

  “I didn’t know that shape-shifters existed anymore. I had assumed they all died out.”

  Kári stood against the large trunk base of a nearby tree as she watched the dangerous predator as he morphed once more back into his human-like form. Giving him a measure of privacy, she turned her focus away from him as he walked over to the hross and retrieved an extra set of clothing.

  “They have almost all died out,” Aõalríkr informed her as he handed over a set of boots to his friend. “Álfr is one of the last of his kind. People thought it would be great sport to hunt them and display them as trophies on their walls.”

  “I’d like to stuff and hang that lug head who tried to put a hrosses bridle on me.” Álfr directed his rancor to Kári. “I assume you are with the party of men who attacked our prince’s guards.”

  She nodded her head, looking to the tall man who stood quietly by his hross. He was the Western Prince everyone had been expecting for so long. And she had drawn his blood. An attack on a royal figure was an attack on the country. Kári felt a strange sickening feeling settle in her stomach. He could very well take this as a political attack and take out his anger on her followers.

  “Do you understand the consequences of an attack on the royal family?” Álfr raged at her. He may be in his human-like form now, but the animal was still very much part of him. She wouldn’t be surprised if he came at her with bared teeth.

  Aõalríkr interrupted. “You know this land well, madam, don’t you?” He came to stand just a few inches in front of her. “If you and your eastern party escort me and my guards to the Eastern capital city, then we will forget about what just transpired between you and me.”

  “What makes you think I’m going to agree to take you to the capital? Only to have myself and my men turned over to the authorities once we arrive?” Kári folded her arms over herself in agitation. “I’m not an idiot, your highness, and despite what you might think of my weak gender I can more than easily take you and your furry friend down.”

  He actually smiled showing gleaming white teeth and making his entire face shine like the morning light. Kári had to squelch an impulse to ogle the physical perfection of this Western Prince.

  “More and more I am beginning to think you more reckless than the gods. I will not turn you or your followers over to the authorities. In fact this might be in your best interest. If the royal family knows that you’re escorting one of their own they might see fit to reward you.”

  “I don’t accept bribes.”

  Álfr snarled at her. “Then we kill you and your friends and have done with it so we can be on our way.”

  “It’s your choice, madam. What fate do you choose for your fellow countrymen?” Aõalríkr questioned, his face turning serious.

  Kári knew she was being stubborn and in light of this revelation she decided to make this work out in her favor. He was the chosen prince who would be the future king of the Eastern and Western nations as well as the husband to her only sister. She only wanted the best for her beloved baby sister and even though she had left her in the hands of her uncle all those years ago, she still felt the need to protect her.

  “I will agree only on one condition,” she informed him haughtily.

  “Aõalríkr, she’s mad,” Álfr shouted at his prince. “Who do you think you are to give demands to us?”

  “I’m actually a friend of the royal family,” Kári lied. “I was a companion to the princess Sefa many years ago and I think of her as if she were my real sister.”

  “Then you are aware of why I am traveling to the capital. I am here to make final negotiations with her uncle and guardian. So what condition do you ask of us?”

  “I know why you’re here and I also know that your father and his associates have devised a means to unite our countries again by marrying the daughter of your father’s cousin. I also know that few political marriages ever consider love or even mild affection in the negotiations. Therefore I ask that if princess Sefa finds that you are not in any way compatible with her ideals then you will retract your proposal of marriage.”

  His eyebrows drew down at her unexpected request. It had never occurred to him that she would make such a demand. But in the end he wouldn’t be swayed from his goal.

  “You ask much from me and my country by this condition. A marriage between us would be the beginning of unity for our nations. Aren’t you tired of the battles and hatred between our people? What would you gain by stopping this?”

  “The satisfaction of knowing she had a choice in her fate. And if you two are compatible then there is no harm done. Your dreams of a united country will still happen.”

  Aõalríkr thought carefully for a few moments. This woman had spirit, he could see that clearly. Her haughtiness and extreme arrogance were not ideal qualities in a ladies companion. They were however expected references of character to people in positions of power. If he didn’t know better he would think that she was of royal blood herself, as she walked about like she was queen of this world.

  “What is your name so that we might seal this deal properly?”

  Kári barely hesitated with an answer. A name was a valuable tool to work with and it revealed much about a person. He thought she was nothing more than a paid companion to a princess and not the long lost half-sister to said princess. She had kept her identity a secret from others for years now and was well accustomed to the game. So she answered simply with no evidence of a lie in her voice, giving him only a first name as if she were only a peasant girl.

  “It is Kári,” she informed the prince. She could see the slight surprise in his face. It was a name given to boys not girls. But her father had gifted her with this masculine name and no one contradicted the decisions of the Allfather.

  “Well, Kári, companion to the princess Sefa Haldis, I am Aõalríkr Torvald, prince of Sigurheim and future king of both the Eastern and Western Nation.”

  “You’re very pompous aren’t you?”

  Álfr growled a warning at her to keep her tongue in check.

  Kári shrugged her shoulders, unapologetic of her response to his obvious air of over-the-top sense of self importance.

  “I agree to your conditions with a condition of my own,” he said.

  She looked at him with a curious frown. He continued.

  “When we reach the capital city, you will tell me who you really are and not this fantasy story of being a paid companion to a princess. I find it difficult to believe that you could sit docilely in the shadows of anyone.”

  She rolled her eyes before giving him a serious look.

  “The winds of truth change constantly and what is true to some is fantasy for others. I am who I say I am and that is all that should matter to you, your highness.” She turned her head to the side as she examined his person from head to toe. “Beside once you reach the capital you’ll be too busy trying to woo the delicate heart of the princess to care a wallop about whom or what I am in this world.”

  Aõalríkr shook his head at her stubbornness to keep up this silly fabrication when he knew she was a fraud. But right now wasn’t the time to delve into her hidden identity. He did insist however on having the last word.

  “That I whole heartedly disagree with, but I do agree to your condition none the less. Do we shake on it then?”

  Taking off his left glove he outstretched his gloveless hand to her. Kári took off her own right glove and placed her hand cautiously within his. The blood in his hand was very warm compared to that of her hand, which always ran a little cooler than others. A trait from her father was a lower body temperature which allowed her to easily withstand the arctic weather of the land of the gods.

  Giving her slighter and more delicate hand a firm squeeze, Aõalríkr reluctantly released her hand to her. He was taken back at touching the cool flesh of this woman. She had been wearing gloves and even still her flesh was cold as winter weather. It raised his
curiosity ten-fold to know more about this strange and unique young woman. And she did seem young, but at the same time there was a depth in her cobalt colored eyes that made him think she was far older than she appeared.

  Soon enough the winds of truth would blow in his favor and he would find out the hidden truth of this woman. He was sure of himself in that regard. There was no doubt.