Read Raising Avon Page 9

  Chapter 6

  The remainder of the first week of training and the entire second week of training went much the same. It did not take long for Jeremy and Iramy to see the transformation of Avon's body from thin and straight to muscular and curvy. She was starting to look like a woman and a soldier. She no longer looked like a malnourished slum rat or an anorexic debutante. Each day Jeremy pushed Avon's physical limits and every day he added more food to her diet.

  It was towards the end of week three when Avon showed up late for PT. She walked out timidly pulling on her clothing, trying to cover herself, trying to find a way to make herself a smidgeon more comfortable.

  Jeremy tried to act mean and authoritative, but he had seen this situation before with other female ICE cadets. Usually, it was the opposite scenario, the females losing weight and trying not to drown or trip in clothing now too big for them. Jeremy could only laugh.

  Avon could not look directly at Jeremy as she wrapped her arms tightly around her breasts. "My clothes don’t fit," she whispered. "I’ve gained weight and I need some new clothes."

  Jeremy nodded and then noticed why Avon was hugging herself. She was braless. "Are you out of uniform, cadet?" he asked while trying not to stare or chuckle.

  Avon blushed and looked away. "My bra is too tight and my ... my boobs are falling out. It's even getting painful to run. I didn't have this problem before."

  "Well, we can't have you running six miles without proper undergarments. We'll need to procure new PT uniforms and whatnots before we continue. I guess we need to eat and then head over to HQ."

  "I think I need to stop in and visit Dr. Booth too."

  "You're sick?"

  "I'm not sure. I'm having some weird cramps."

  "You’re going to have pain from running and the weight training. You're up to a hundred sit-ups."

  Avon stared at the ground and closed her eyes. She mumbled barely above a whisper, "That’s not what I’m talking about. It's a female thing."

  Jeremy did not know how to reply. This was not something he was trained for. This was not something he ever had to deal with before. He felt his jaw tighten. "Aren’t all the female Cadets on hormones to stop that?"

  "I’ve never had a need. I've never had my ..." Avon paused in embarrassment. "Dr. Booth says it's because I’ve always been too thin; something about no body fat."

  "So we need to get you to the doctor and buy clothes?"

  "I guess so."

  Avon found some clothing which fit a little looser and at seven o'clock she called Dr. Booth. She explained her situation and he agreed to see her without an appointment. After a light breakfast, the three climbed into the General's transport and headed to Lorain City and ICE Headquarters.

  As soon as Avon walked into Dr. Booth's waiting room, with Iramy and Jeremy in tow, Dr. Booth's receptionist jumped up. "I'll inform Colonel Booth you've arrived," she advised Avon. "He'll see you next. It shouldn't be more than fifteen minutes."

  Jeremy stood in the middle of the waiting room, in his uniform, in shock. "Does the ICE Flight Surgeon always drop everything when you show up?"

  Avon had contemplated for a few moments before she replied. Dr. Booth had always been her doctor. She couldn't remember being cared for by anyone else. "Yes," she replied and then sat down next to Iramy.

  Wrapping her arm around her lower abdomen, Avon leaned forward and tried to stifle her painful groan. "Does it always hurt like this?" she whispered to Iramy. "Sometimes," Iramy replied softly and wrapped her arm around Avon's shoulder to comfort her.

  Twelve minutes later Dr. Booth opened the door to his exam room. Avon tried to feign a smile. She failed. Booth nodded to Iramy. "Bring her back."

  Avon gingerly stood and walked slowly towards the exam room. Booth's eyes went wide seeing the changes Avon's body had gone through and in such a short period of time. He had seen her only three weeks ago at the ICE party. The once anorexic girl had put on weight. Her body had transformed to one suitable for her age. She had quickly blossomed into a woman.

  Booth closed the door once Avon and Iramy were inside. "How many pounds have you put on in the last three weeks?"

  "I'm not sure. But I'm eating a lot and I'm running every day."

  "Are you doing weight training too?"


  "You're body is changing so fast. While you have very little body fat, your hormone levels are fighting to keep up. You are about to have your first menses."

  Avon closed her eyes and tried not to cry. "Not now. I'm supposed to be training. A female cadet isn't supposed to have her period. My body is in enough pain. I don't need cramps on top of it."

  "I'm sorry Avon," Dr. Booth stately sincerely. "I can't give you the shot until you've gone through a complete cycle. It's why I didn't give it to you before. You're going to have an interesting week."

  "Great!" Avon snapped. "Cramps and PT. This week is going to suck."

  Dr. Booth chuckled softly. "No PT this week."

  Avon laughed sarcastically. "Oh, like Captain Hanson is going to believe that."

  "I'll talk to him," Booth offered. "But I have to say, you look great. I know Hanson is pushing you hard but in the long run it will be worth it. Some day you're going to be a huge asset to ICE. In the meantime, let me get you a care package to take with you; some toiletries and something for the pain. I'll stop by the house in about five or six days and give you your hormone shot. Move around as much as possible and soak in a hot tub of water. It will help relax the muscles. Iramy will instruct you on the use of the toiletries."

  "What about the mood swings?" Iramy asked.

  "I understand your concern," Booth chuckled. "But she needs to experience this so she'll appreciate being a woman."

  "That's cruel," Iramy sneered.

  "Not really. You've been through it. Billions of women before her have been through it. She needs to be able to empathize with them."

  "I'm right here," Avon snapped. "Quit talking about me like I'm not in the room. And what about the tenderness in my breasts? They're swollen and the pain is unbearable. Even walking they hurt."

  "My wife and daughter swear by sports bras when it is their time of the month. The clothing store downstairs carries them."

  Avon growled. "I'm going to need a whole new wardrobe."

  "I wouldn't buy too much. Get what you need. I'm sure you'll need all new uniforms this fall. ICE will pay for it. Anything you buy today is out of your pocket," Booth reminded her.

  While Dr. Booth's nurse was gathering the items for Avon's care package, Dr. Booth was busy talking to Jeremy. "You need to give her the next week off from training and you may want to put some space, physical space, between the two of you."

  "But she's supposed to be training."

  "I understand but her body is changing, too fast and emotionally she is going to be a mess. Trust me I know. I live with two women. I know when to run and hide with my tail between my legs. I'm no fool."

  Avon gave Dr. Booth a goodbye hug and the three left. It was a short elevator ride down to the ICE clothing store. Jeremy stood as far away from Avon as possible. Iramy laughed as she saw the fear in Jeremy's eyes. It was if he was watching and waiting for Avon to transform into an alien monster and attack.

  Entering the clothing store, Avon went straight for the sports bras. Jeremy blushed with embarrassment and quickly looked away. Shopping for evening gowns was bad enough, but undergarments were out of his comfort zone. "This isn't what I signed up for," he growled and then walked away.

  Iramy helped Avon pick out some new sweatpants and t-shirts. "I'll grab a couple pair of cargo pants, just in case. What color do you want?"

  "It doesn't matter," Avon snapped.

  "Sweetie, I know this is hard on you. Most girls your age has already done this six dozen times. Still you have to try not to snap at everyone."

  "I'm sorry. Really I am. I hurt
. I feel like I'm about to be possessed by a demon. I don't feel in control of my own body."

  "That's normal. You're normal. When we get back home, I'll get you a ton of chocolate and some caffeine. It always helps me. Now try these on," Iramy instructed. "You'll want them a little loose but not too much. You may need them again, later."

  Avon nodded and went into the dressing room. Iramy selected three pairs of navy cargo pants for herself and grabbed some other essentials for Avon, socks, a belt, and a few shirts.

  "Lunch?" Iramy suggested as they paid for their purchases.

  "I just want to go home," Avon replied as civil as she could muster. "I'm tired."