Read Rangatira Page 23

  This novel was simply a short story until Geoff Walker and Witi Ihimaera talked me into something much more ambitious, so to them I send many thanks. Many thanks also to the editorial team at Penguin – Jeremy Sherlock and Catherine O’Loughlin – and to my expert editor, John Huria.

  As ever, I’m profoundly indebted to Tom Moody, who helped so much with this project – from taking photographs to searching through microfilm newspapers to scrambling with me up hills in Northland and along the banks of the Thames in London. He has lived for the past nine years with my obsession with Paratene’s life and times. Without his encouragement I wouldn’t have begun this book, or finished it.

  For their love and unwavering support, I thank my parents, Kiri and Deborah Morris, to whom this novel is dedicated, with much affection.


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  Copyright © Paula Morris, 2011

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  ISBN: 978-1-74253-221-9



  Paula Morris, Rangatira



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