Read Rape Day Wednesday Page 1

Rape Day Wednesday


  Lon R Maisttison

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  Rape Day Wednesday

  Copyrighted © 2015 by Lon R. Maisttison



  The Air Rescue Story

  It all began in the 1980’s when Air Rescue started-up a helicopter rescue business. The company’s main line of business was transporting medical patients from hospitals, picking up people at car accident sites, taking people off ships at sea and basically specialized in air pickups of all kinds. Accident rescues were Air Rescue’s most profitable business for years, their bread and butter, so to speak, and they were very good at this line of work. Business was good.

  In 1985, a commando unit was created from an idea of one of the aircrew personnel who had a background in Special Forces. He took it upon himself to do a little freelance work, and went on a mission to rescue a businessman kidnapped in South America. He successfully rescued the businessman being held by drug lords and received a nice reward payment from the man’s company for doing a good job. The commando unit later became known as Air Rescue Special Forces.

  By the 1990’s, Air Rescue Special Forces were a well established, successful, paramilitary-for-hire business. Commandos were used extensively in special rescue operations, especially during the Beirut Civil War, to save kidnapped victims for large sums of money. One of the heroes of that period of time was “Jimmy West” who was so successful in sneaking into and out of Beirut that Jimmy’s paid fee increased to one million dollars per mission and he became known as “the stealth warrior" for his nighttime rescue tactics.

  Bio: Jimmy West - joined Air Rescue Special Forces in 1986 after being discharged from the U.S. Army Special Forces. During Jimmy’s 19 + year Army career, he had spent several years in Japan where he trained with a monk; a real 19th century ninja in the mountains of Iga Province in Japan. The monk trained Jimmy in Ninjutsu, the ancient art of stealth, and taught him to be a ninja; a shadow warrior who specializes in blending into his surroundings, the art of non-detection and avoidance. Since Jimmy is an American National, having a career in a paramilitary organization presented legal problems for him living in the United States. So, Jimmy eventually took up residence in a Mediterranean villa in the small beautiful town of Port de Soller, Mallorca.

  The Creation of Global Rescuer

  It was in 1988, when Air Rescue started contemplating business expansion. They wanted to get into the multi-million dollar rescues. Commandos like Jimmy West could only do so much in cloak and dagger based rescues. So, Air Rescue conceived the idea of the ship / gunship combination to support their rescues. The world was exploding around the globe and Air Rescue wanted a piece of the action and saw a need for a ship that could carry muscle i.e. The gunship.

  Even though Air Rescue was a successful million dollar company, their business thoughts were in practical terms and they simply didn’t have the money to support the construction of a new ship. But, Air Rescue also realized that in a gun battle up against a host country’s military during a rescue, they would be out gunned in a fight and their ship wouldn’t last five minutes. So, they conceived the idea of a clandestine ship (a Ghost Ship) based on secrecy, stealth, and deception. Basically, what Air Rescue wanted for rescues was a ship that could disappear or disguise itself. Air Rescue figured if Jimmy could be so successful in cloak and dagger, clandestine work, why couldn’t Air Rescue modify a ship to operate in deception i.e. Cargo, tanker, or cruise ship mode of operation.

  The deception idea would be based on pop up display props and picture projection (hologram displays) systems to display containers, cars or other various cargo items to make the ship look like some form of cargo or even cruise ship. Pictures of the ocean could also be displayed to mask the ship against the sea for semi-stealth. But, at no time would the flight deck runway be visible to the public, because that would give away the true mission of the ship.

  Building Global Rescuer

  In 1990, a cruise ship sailed out of Miami harbor and caught fire and everybody had to abandon ship. The ship was a total loss in the eyes of the insurance company and they were going nuts trying to sell the burnt out ship.

  Air Rescue inspected the ship and found that it was in good shape and the engines were just fine and so were the forward 50 cabins and staterooms from the smokestack to the front of the ship.

  Air Rescue had been looking for a ship to buy, but the companies wanted a fortune for them. But, one of their engineers, who took a look at the ship, sat down over lunch and drew out a plan on a napkin of how simple it would be to adopt the ship to what they wanted. So, Air Rescue made a ridiculous offer and five days later the insurance company accepted it. Air Rescue put a skeleton crew on-board ship and sailed it to a harbor in India, where they had all three burnt out decks cut out to make a large hanger. A steel floor was laid down and over the top of the hanger was installed a steel flight deck and elevator to the hanger. The other damaged decks were made into storage rooms except for a large room behind the bridge where the battle room was constructed.

  The battle room is a unique control room that is somewhat like the command and control center you see on a starship in the movies. Like most ships, the bridge on the cruise ship was left pretty much intact much like any other ship’s bridge. But, directly behind the bridge and down the stairs begins the battle room, and this sets Global Rescuer apart from any other ship. The battle room begins behind the stairs with the cubical rooms that are set aside for the Skyspy and Remote Control Device. These rooms control up to eight Skyspy recon aircraft and fast attack gunships when en-route to a target. Just in front of the stairs is located the Air Traffic Control, Radar and Comm.’s stations with information and picture collection displays that are used to fly the gunships. Just past these positions, and in the center of the room, is located the Captain's chair next to the Science Officer’s chair and she runs the battle room. Facing the Captain and Science Officer are display consoles that control weapon systems used to protect the ship and activate weapons on the fast attack gunships. Against the wall behind the consoles are very large display screens, that displays maps, radar pictures, pictures from skyspy, close circuit TV pictures from the flight deck, signals and analysis displays, and anything else that the Captain and Science Officer needs to make a decision. Around the room are extra chairs and desks for guests for meets with the Captain and Science Officer. Behind the Captain's and Science Officer’s great room is located the Signals and Intelligence room and their purpose is to collect signals and evaluate.

  Next deck down and directly under the battle room is located the Air Conditioned Electronics Room, which houses the three mini-supercomputers. These three computers control the entire ship, and all command and control consoles and displays. It’s the brains of the ship.

  During the ships reconfiguration, all the other decks and 50 cabins / staterooms forward from the battle room were left intact with some becoming crew and guest quarters.

  Once the cruise ship completed its reconfiguration and sea trials, and Air Rescue signed off on the ship; it became known as Global Rescuer. At any given time, Global Rescuer would carry four Fast Attack gunships, two rescue helicopters, and when needed, one little bird.

  One month later, Global Rescuer left India and started its maiden cruise to the Mediterranean by way of the Suez Canal. It was on this voyage that Global Rescuer encountered a cruise ship in distress in the Gulf of Aden also known as "Pirates Alley and helped rescue them from pirates.

  The English newspapers were going crazy speculating about the cruise ship story and especially who owned the advanced helicopter gunship, because no country was claiming responsibility. So, when the
newspapers couldn't print facts, they invented fictitious stories which fueled more fictitious stories. It was these wild stories followed by other secret missions carried out by the ship known as Global Rescuer that led to the stories becoming known as the "Global Rescuer Stories."


  Rape Day Wednesday

  "Rape Day Wednesday" is the continuing story in the series of secret missions of Air Rescue and its ship - Global Rescuer and based on the books "The Story of Air Rescue "and "The Saga of Global Rescuer."

  This action - adventure story, fifth ebook of Air Rescue Stories, is about the exploits of Jimmy West and the crew of Global Rescuer and the report filed titled: "Rape Day Wednesday."


  Note from the Author

  This ebook has been unquestionably the most difficult research project that I have ever done for any story. The theme of the story is rape and sadly, certain parts of the story are based on facts. The living conditions that women endure in certain parts of Somalia can only be described as despicable.


  The Story begins in Harrogate, England

  It was 9:00 AM in the morning, when Frank arrives at his office at Air Rescues HQ located on the second floor of the Montpellier Antiques Shop at # 5 Montpellier Mew, Harrogate.

  "Good morning Frank" as he passes June’s desk and enters his office.

  "Good morning, June," replies Frank. June is Frank's secretary of eight years.

  "Frank! The post is on your desk," she replies.

  "Thanks June," replies Frank.

  There, lying in the post is a hand written envelope, obviously a personal letter.

  At first, Frank puts the letter aside, looking at other mail, but the letter again catches his attention and he opened it.

  The first thing that catches his attention is the one dollar bill attached to the letter.

  After a few minutes of reading the letter, tears appear in Frank's eyes and he has a hard time finishing the letter.


  Dear Air Rescue

  I am Jackie Cots, a nurse for an International Medical Rescue in Somalia. I am writing this letter on behalf of Aisha Hulow, a Somalia woman who lives in the Village of Coato. The lady wants me to tell you about the death of Mary Johnson, who was attacked by soldiers in her medical clinic, repeatedly raped, then shot and left for dead. When the soldiers left, Aisha dragged Mary into her hut where she died several hours later in her arms. Her dying words were to tell Jimmy West, that she still loved him and had never forgotten him.

  Please find attached a one dollar bill. The lady insists on me sending you the only thing of wealth, she owns. She hopes that you can help her hire someone who can save her little village from these soldiers. It appears that every Wednesday morning, a Renegade General Madid allows his soldiers to come into the village and rape all the women and girls as a treat for loyalty.

  Please pass on this letter to Jimmy West.

  Yours truly,

  Jackie Cots for Aisha Hulow


  Frank sat at his desk for several minutes staring at the letter with tears running down his cheek. Mary had worked for Frank in the office, running errands, filling in for Frank's secretary June when she was sick or on vacation. So, Frank knew Mary, quite well. This is how Mary and Jimmy became best friends / lovers through the Air Rescue office and Frank's next major problem, telling Jimmy of Mary's death.

  "Shit!" Frank replied to himself as he shook his head in disbelief.

  "Why, why, why," he muttered over and over again to himself.

  "Why did she have to go to that terrible place?"

  Frank reached over and picked up the telephone and called Margaret, his wife.

  Ring ring, ring ring goes the telephone at Studley Road.

  "Good morning, the James residence," replied Margaret.

  "Margaret, this is Frank."

  "Yes, Frank."

  His voice distorted, "Margaret, I have some bad news to tell you. Mary Johnson is dead," said Frank

  "Oh dear," she replied.

  "How did she die?"

  "It appears from the letter I just received that she was shot in Somalia. But, that's only half of it. It appears that she was repeatedly raped by soldiers before they shot her."

  "Oh shit," said Margaret.

  "But, here's my problem. In the letter, Mary's last dying words were she still loved Jimmy and she had never forgotten him."

  "How heartbreaking for Jimmy, replies Margaret."

  "To be honest with you, I don't know how I am going to tell him."

  "I am getting in the car right now and will be in the office in a few minutes."

  "Okay," says Frank as they hang up.

  Ten minutes later, Margaret shows up at the Air Rescue office.

  "Hi Margaret," replies June as she walked into Frank's office and sat down.

  "Read this" as Frank hands Margaret the letter.

  Margaret read the letter as she sat there in her chair with tears streaming down her face.

  "Wow," she said. "I can see why you are so perplexed as to how to tell Jimmy. Just think how he's going to take it. He's going to want to go get the asshole."

  "That's the other problem," said Frank.

  "Yes," replies Margaret, "he's capable of doing it."

  "Frank! How about letting me call Jimmy and tell him about Mary's death and tell him we have a letter that he needs to read. I'll tell him, he needs to come to Harrogate as soon as possible."

  "That sounds good to me," says Frank.

  Margaret takes a couple of deep breaths and picks up the telephone and calls Jimmy.

  Ring ring, ring ring goes the telephone in Mallorca.

  "Jimmy West."

  "Jimmy, this is Margaret in Harrogate."

  "Hi Margaret! How you doing? How's Frank?"

  "We are both okay, Jimmy, but I am calling with bad news."

  There is a pause …."Okay."

  "You better sit down Jimmy."

  "Okay! I am sitting."

  "Jimmy!" A pause in Margaret's voice…."Mary Johnson is dead."

  "Oh man," he replied.

  "How did she die?"

  "I don't want to tell you," says Margaret.

  "It’s okay, Margaret… Tell me!"

  "She was shot by soldiers in her clinic."

  Silence…I mean dead silence.

  After a couple of minutes, "Jimmy, I need for you to come to Harrogate. We have a letter here and you need to read it."

  "Is it that bad," asks Jimmy?

  "Yep," replies Margaret, "Jimmy trust me, you need to come to Harrogate."

  "Let me just say, Frank asked me to call you, he couldn't do it. So, I came over to the office to call you."

  "Oh man," Jimmy says again.

  "Okay, I'll see if I can get a flight this afternoon, if not tomorrow."

  "Okay Jimmy, we will see you later" and they hang up.

  Frank looked at Margaret, "how did he take it?"

  "I could tell in his voice, he was upset."

  Five minutes later and the telephone rings.

  June answers the telephone, says a few words and hangs up.

  "Frank / Margaret! Jimmy will be here at 3:00 PM."

  "Thanks June."


  It was 3:00 PM when Jimmy arrived at the Air Rescue office in Harrogate. He had caught the 12.50 PM Jet2 flight from Palma, Mallorca to Leeds Bradford Airport and rented a Euro car to drive to Harrogate. As always, Jimmy parked his car in Frank's parking space in the alley behind the Antiques shop and walked in the back entrance to the building. Margaret and Frank were sitting in Frank's office waiting for Jimmy to come through the office door at 3:00 PM.

  "Hi June" as Jimmy walked in the door.

  June stood up and gave Jimmy a big hug and a kiss on the cheek as Jimmy kissed her.

  Margaret was standing there in the office doorway, waiting for her turn to hug and kiss Jimmy and even Frank gave Jimmy a hug, "good to see you old friend."<
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  "Come here Jimmy," replies Margaret "and sit down beside me, your going to need it."

  "How serious is the letter?" Replied Jimmy.

  "Serious," says Margaret…."Serious."

  Jimmy sat down in the chair next to Margaret, and she looked into his eyes and said, I know you still have feelings for Mary as Margaret gave him the letter.

  It was less than a minute and tears appeared in Jimmy's eyes.

  "Man, why did she have to go to that place. I did everything I could in trying to talk her out of going to that horrible place, but she wanted to help the Somalia people, especially the women who are so repressed."

  "Now, General Madid, what can you say about him. He is guilty of every crime known to man: genocide, mass murder, rape and barbaric pillage of civilian villages, you name it. The list of people who want to kill him is a mile long. The boy is unbelievable."

  Bio: Jimmy and Mary had lived together in England for several years and at one point, contemplated marriage and a family, once Mary completed nursing school in Leeds. Time passed after nurses’ training and Mary decided she would like to do humanitarian work with fellow nurses she trained with from various countries, including Somilia. So, the romance finished and they parted as friends with Jimmy moving to Mallorca and Mary going to Somilia with International Medical Rescue as a nurse.

  Jimmy just shook his head…. "Unbelievable," he muttered.

  "All she wanted to do is help them. That's it."

  "Unbelievable," he replied again as Jimmy looked at the letter.

  But, what attracted Jimmy's attention was the one dollar bill as he kept looking at it and the letter.

  "Those poor people," replied Jimmy… "Those poor people."

  Jimmy just shook his head in disbelief.

  "Frank, can I have this letter."

  "Yes," says Frank. "Let me make a few copies of it. Margaret and I want a copy."

  Frank took the letter and handed it to June, who made a few copies of it.