Read Rape Day Wednesday Page 3

  "Roger Captain."

  Three hours later, "Captain! "Skyspy has just switched to auto-landing sequencer and is on final approach to the runway."

  "Roger," replies the Captain.

  Beep, Beep, Beep goes the alarm on the Skyspy remote control console….Skyspy has just reached the outer marker and will be landing in 30 seconds.

  Skyspy aircraft are robots and will automatically lower the landing gear and land per commands from Global Rescuer’s main supercomputer.

  As the wheels touch down on the flight deck, the prop changes pitch to slow down the aircraft. Once the landing phase is complete, operational functions are returned to the controller.

  The launch officer walks up to the aircraft and waves to the TV camera, so the controller sitting at the console in the battle room can see him and follow him off the flight deck.

  The controller rev's up the jet engine until the aircraft starts moving and follows the flight operations crewmember over to the elevator and shutdown the engine.

  "Ok Captain, we have just recovered Skyspy from its mission."

  "Roger," replies the Captain.

  "Comm.'s get Frank on the Satellite-phone please."

  "Roger Captain."

  A few minutes pass, "Captain, Frank's on the Satellite-phone."

  "Thanks" as he picked up his telephone.

  "Hi Frank," says the Captain.

  "Good afternoon, Captain."

  "Frank, we have just successfully flown a 2000 mile mission with Skyspy."

  "Great," states Frank.

  "The pictures we got are despicable. In fact, some of the female staff was sickened by what they saw."

  "So the letter is true…the women are raped on Wednesday."

  "Yes, Frank, from what we have seen today, it appears to be true."

  "Okay Captain, are we in agreement to execute the mission."

  "Yes," replies the Captain "and I have a whole staff of operators who saw the pictures and want to go with Jimmy and help him."

  "You tell them, they will be playing a big part in the mission."

  "Okay Captain, Jimmy, Ralph and Roy will be in Mogadishu on Saturday."

  "I am leaving it in your hands Captain, go for it."

  "Roger Frank as they hang up."

  The Captain shouts out into the Battle Room. "Okay, everybody, we are on a mission. We are going to go get them. We are in a secure lock down, no more phone calls."

  "Yay"…"Yay"…"Yay" can be heard thought out the Battle Room.


  Mogadishu Airport, Somalia

  "Hi Jimmy" as he looked up to see Ralph and Roy strolling up to him. "We saw your airplane land and decided to find you."

  "Hi guys," replies Jimmy.

  "Jimmy, I am sorry to hear about Mary," states Ralph, "me too," seconds Roy. "She was a nice girl and didn't deserve to be treated like that. She was only there to help those poor people."

  "Yes, I know," says Jimmy, "I really don't know what to think about that terrible place. It blows my mind just thinking about it."

  "I bet," exclaims Ralph.

  "Have either of you contacted the ship."

  "No," replied Ralph, "we have been waiting for you. I think we are the only ones flying in to catch the ship as all the others are already on-board."

  "I have a radio with me" as Ralph pulled out a small transceiver from his carry-on luggage.

  "Since, we are all here, I'll call them."

  He keyed the mike, "Global Rescuer."

  After about 30 seconds wait…"roger, this is Global Rescuer."

  "Global Rescuer, this is Ralph, identity code: Yank, Yank, Romeo, Alpha Alpha, Romeo, one, one."

  "Roger Ralph…Are you guys at the airport?"

  "Roger Global Rescuer, it's Ralph, Roy and Jimmy for pickup."

  "Roger Ralph."

  "Thunderbrit has told us to tell you guys to catch a taxi over to the private jet terminal, which is on the other side of the airport and she will pick you guys up in about 45 minutes."

  "Roger Global Rescuer, tell Thunderbrit, we are on our way to the private jet side of the airport right now."

  "Ralph out."

  "Global Rescuer out."

  "Come on guys, we need to catch a taxi to the other side of the airport."

  "Okay, let's go."

  We collected our bags and headed for the taxi rank located just outside of the front entrance door of the main terminal.

  We walked up to the first taxi in line at the taxi rank and climbed in the taxi… "Take us to the private jet terminal," asked Roy.

  "Yes Sir," he answers.

  The trip over to the other side of the airfield only took 10 minutes. But, the driver drove like a mad man, weaving in and out of traffic, and passing everything on the road like theirs no tomorrow. I think going on this mission is going to be less stressful than riding with this crazy driver.

  We paid the taxi driver and walked in the entrance door of the private jet terminal lounge and sat down to wait on Thurderbrit.

  It was about a 30 minute wait, when we heard the sound of a helicopter landing just outside of the building.

  In a few minutes, the door opened and in walked Thunderbrit.

  "Hey guys."

  "Hi Thunderbrit!" Everybody muttered.

  Thunderbrit sat down beside Jimmy, "I am sorry to hear about Mary," she replied as she gave him a hug and kiss. "I know you two were good friends."

  "Thanks Thunderbrit," replied Jimmy.

  Thunderbrit continued, "I think, we really need to solve this guy's problem. We all are invited to a meeting with the Captain tomorrow. Global Rescuer has been doing a ton of research on this bunch and the Captain wants to lay out a game plan."

  "Sounds good to us," states Jimmy and the other two seconded the comment.

  "Okay guys, we all ready to fly out to the ship."

  "Yep," they all replied as everybody got up and picked up their bags.

  Thunderbrit led the way out the terminal door, with all of us following, to the helicopter parked in a larger area of the parking lot.

  We all piled into the helicopter and took off heading out to sea to Global Rescuer located off the coast of Cadale, northeast of Mogadishu.

  We have been flying now for about 40 minutes and can see Global Rescuer in the distance. Thunderbrit flew the helicopter in pass the stealth displays that disguises the ship’s identity and landed in parking area # 1. We all disembarked the helicopter and took our bags upstairs and checked into our suites that had been setup for us. Waiting in each of our suites was a note from the Captain, inviting each of us to a meeting in the conference room at 10:00 AM, just off the battle room. There we would be updated on the latest Intel about the Village of Coato, the renegade troops and our attack plan.

  I got up at 9:00 AM and had breakfast with Thunderbrit and Lightning in the chow hall. Thunderbrit told me during breakfast, that she and Lightning had flown several scouting missions and had found a real good landing spot about a half mile from the village.

  At a few minutes before 10:00 AM, Thunderbrit, Lightning and myself walked up to the meeting room together for the presentation by the Captain.

  "Good morning everybody," replied the Captain.

  "Good morning," answers everyone to the Captain. "I trust all of you had a good night's sleep."

  "Okay, everybody, we have been flying Skyspy recon mission's everyday since Sunday when the ship got into good range of the village. So, here's what we know about the Village of Coato."

  The lights dimmed as the projector came on showing the Village of Coato.

  "Okay folks, these are the pictures taken from Skyspy last Wednesday."

  "In our first picture, we can see a village with about 25 mud huts dotted around a road that passes right through the village. Here, we see several huts together, which we believe to be some form of community center or storage huts for food and or supplies for the villagers."

  "In our second slide, the time is about 9:00 AM and here c
omes two trucks escorted by an open military vehicle driving into the village. We believe it to be the general in the open vehicle."

  "In our third slide, we can see about a dozen troops running around each village hut pulling out every female for rape. I picked this picture for this presentation, because all of the others are so disgusting that I wouldn't present them."

  "And finally, it's about 11:00 AM and we can see the vehicles leaving the village."

  "Jimmy, I have made up a package of pictures for your commando team, so you guys can study them."

  "Okay Captain," replies Jimmy.

  "I have had my analysis team study all the pictures, plus all the information that Thunderbrit and Lightning has gathered about the landing zone. We think, this is the best plan of attack and over the next day or two, we are going to go over them step by step."

  "The Captain brought up the final picture which showed a view of the village and the landing zone about a half mile down the road."

  "Okay Jimmy, this picture is for your team. Our analysis team thinks that if Thunderbrit and Lightning land here and let you guys out, it will take you about 30 minutes slowly walking along the road to the village. If you hide out in these huts as the Captain pointed to them. This would put you in a good position to ambush these guys. Now, while the team is ambushing the trucks. We will have three fast attacks just out of sound range, flying around in a circle, just waiting to come in. On the top deck, I'll have two Gunrunner robot gunships waiting to take off, so if we get lucky and all his troops show up just outside of the village, we will get them too."

  "So far Jimmy, what do you think about the plan."

  "I think you have good plan Captain."

  "I suggest we all take a hand full of candy bars and hard food with us, because whoever is in those huts is going to be scared shitless when they see us."

  "Good idea," replies the Captain. "Food is scarce around these villages, that way, they will know we are not there to hurt them.…Good idea."

  "Okay, we plan on implementing this mission on Wednesday. In the mean time, we have two days to work out all the bugs. We have setup some cardboard cutouts in the hanger bay for you guys to practice on."

  "Anyone have any comments. Everybody happy, replies the Captain as he looks around the room. Okay, you guys have your work cut out for you, lets do it."

  For two solid days, all Ralph, Roy, Art, James and myself did was train in our mock village based on Skyspy pictures. The Captain had huts built out of cardboard; the trucks were aircraft mules with cardboard shells and cut out human figures to represent the renegade troops.

  And when we were not practicing in the village, we were either in the ships gun range practicing shooting or in the gym working out to keep us in the best physical condition.

  One afternoon, Thunderbrit and Lightning flew the commando team to a secluded area on the mainland and we practiced a drop and pickup. This practice gave Thunderbrit and Lightning the experience in finding the landing zone, which will be done at night using night vision.

  But, while the commando team was training, the fast attack crews were busy studying Skyspy pictures to familiarize themselves with how the convoy moved & parked and the type of equipment such as trucks, tanks, ant-aircraft & missile defenses. That knowledge enabled the fast attack gunship team to figure out how to attack them if they made the mistake and parked in the open and unprotected.


  It was 2:00 AM in the morning when we reported to the battle room where the Captain briefed us on the latest intelligence from Skyspy aircraft.

  "Okay, everybody. There is really nothing to report. Skyspy has been watching the general's village round the clock since Sunday. This morning, the general and his troop are on the move in their village and we suspect they are getting ready to head to the Village of Coato. So, we will keep you posted if things change and we feel that the mission needs to be stopped."

  "Any questions? Anybody have any concerns?" As the Captain looked around at everybody.

  "Okay, if no-one has any objections, let's do it and all of you take care. Jimmy, Ralph, Roy, Art and James, you guys be especially careful on the ground. Take this guy out fast and don't pussy foot around….take care guys."

  "Roger," we all commented.

  "Okay Thunderbrit and Lightning lead the way," commands Jimmy as the commando team followed them up topside to the helicopter.

  The team loaded into the helicopter with Thunderbrit and Lightning as the girls checked over the helicopter and readied it for flight.

  "Global Rescuer, we are ready for take-off."

  "Roger Thunderbrit, you are clear to go."

  "Roger, airborne and switching to night vision."

  "Roger on the night vision."

  To us in the back of the helicopter, it was darker than the ace of spades for the hour and half trip to the village. We all just sat back and enjoyed the ride, because there was nothing else to do except catnap.

  The closer we got to the village, the more chatter we could hear coming from Thunderbrit and Lightning trying to find the landing zone in the dark using GPS and night vision.

  "Okay Thunderbrit, GPS has us at 3 degrees 0' 12.1824" by 43 degrees 49' 47.8416".

  "Skyspy! This is Lightning, can you see us."

  "Roger Lightning, you guys are in the drop zone."


  Lightning studied her map and then turned on her night vision glasses.

  "Okay…. I see the little road going through the village in the distance…. There are the two huts at the beginning of the village as Lightning raised her night vision glasses and looks at the map of the village.

  "Okay Thunderbrit, I agree with GPS, we are in the drop zone."

  "Roger" as Thunderbrit flew the helicopter in for a landing.

  "Okay Thunderbrit…There are the rocks, we threw out the other day to mark the spot."

  "Okay guys, yelled Lightning into the back of the helicopter, we are in the drop zone. The village is directly ahead of us…..Good luck."

  Thunderbrit sat down the helicopter, "okay guys," she yelled over the rotor blade noise, "it’s time to get out and walk."

  "Thanks for the ride," we all shouted as we each jumped out of the helicopter and kneeled down in the little dirt road.

  "Okay Thunderbrit, we are clear" I yelled to her in her little side window and she took off again heading back to the ship.

  There in the middle of the road; we all just waited for our eyes to adjust to the darkness in the moonlight while at the same time, looked and listen for any human activity. It's now 3:30 AM and we are currently a half mile from the village and can see the outline of the huts of the village in the distance.

  After a few minutes waiting, I asked, “Are you guys ready.”

  "Roger," they all replied as we all got up together and started walking towards the village, being as quiet as possible, while we looked and listen for human activity.

  It took us 15 minutes of slow walking to reach the outer limits of the village. We all studied the little map of the village and identified the location of each hut per our Skyspy map. In our training, we had even selected what hut we were going to hide in, based on where the troops have parked their trucks previously. That way, they will be surrounded and in a triangle crossfire.

  "Okay guys, take care and don't scare the ladies too much," replied Jimmy as we all chuckled.

  "Okay Jimmy," they all answered.

  "Roger," says Jimmy as we all split up and headed for our assigned hut.

  It's approaching 4:00 AM and still dark as hell as I made my way over to the hut that I am to be in during the ambush.

  I slipped up to the hut and looked all around and it was all quiet, nothing was stirring. I pulled back the blanket that covered the doorway and slipped into the hut. With me, I carried two side arms, an AK -47, a backpack of food & water and a satchel containing several rounds of RPG rockets and a shoulder-launched RPG (Rocket - Propelled - Grenade) over my shoulder.
  As I entered, I turned on a small light strapped to on my head so I could see who or what was in the hut.

  Holy shit! Did that place go crazy?

  This poor woman just about shit a brick as she scooted up in the corner of her hut, pulling her kids up close to her. She was grunting and groaning, then, she stared jabbering in her Somalia language, scared to death of me.

  I held my hand out and said to her in her Somalia language,

  "I won't hurt you. It's okay. I won't hurt you."

  Man, she didn't want any part of that. She was still jabbered and raising holy hell.

  I took my backpack off and reached into the bag and pulled out some food bars.

  She looked at me, then she looked at the food bars.

  Again, I said to her again in her Somalia language. "It’s ok, I won't hurt you." Then, she started to quieten down a little bit. The key was food.

  Then from across the room, a little boy stood up and slowly walked over to me, looking at the food bar and acting like he wanted some of it. He walked up to me unafraid and didn't have a care in the world. He was not even remotely scared of me.

  I tore off the paper wrapper and broke off a piece and gave it to him. But, it seemed like he didn't know what to do with it, so I took his hand and pushed it up to his mouth and he bit off a piece.

  Man, his eyes got real big and he ate it in seconds and I gave him the rest of the food bar and he gobbled it down, looking for more.

  From across the room, the woman spoke to me in very poor broken English. "That is the nicest thing that anyone has ever done for him."

  I said, "is he one of your children."

  "No," she replied, "he is the boy who has no-one. The soldiers killed his family months ago. He stays with whoever has extra food for him. Last night, I had some spare food left over after feeding my kids and I gave it to him so he stayed with me. But, for the most part, he stays with various other women in the village, whoever can give him spare food."

  I opened my bag and took out some bottled water and said to her… "here"… "This may help you" and I handed her my backpack full of food.

  She looked in the bag at the food and her eyes got real big and then I saw a smile on her face.

  I said, "don't worry, you are safe, so you and your kids can go back to sleep. I am just going to rest here by the front entrance for a while."

  "Okay," she replied.

  She looked at me for several minutes, then said…."Who are you."

  I said, "I am a soldier who is just traveling through the area and I needed a place to rest."