Read Rashnar Page 1


  (A Kantura World Book 1)

  Cover Art by Robert M. Yelverton

  Copyright 2011 by Robert M. Yelverton

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold. If you would like to share this book with another person, please do. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1 - Jack

  Chapter 2 - Phillip

  Chapter 3 - Tracy

  Chapter 4 - Rashnar

  Chapter 5 - The Journey Begins

  Chapter 6 - Eastward Bound

  Chapter 7 - Southerly Directions

  Chapter - Rhind


  Jack, Phillip, and Tracy. Three teens living in different parts of the US never having met or even know of each other's lives. Each with their own problems, challenges, and abilities. Soon they will be thrown together on a different realm. A realm where a troubled world under siege is called Kantura. The challenges they faced on their world are petty compared to the life and death challenges on Kantura. Can they learn to work together in time to save Kantura and in turn save their own world?

  WARNING!!! This Book is a CLIFF HANGER!! It is written in the style of many book series. It will leave you hanging at a critical junction! But do not worry; I will not leave you hanging forever. Krae (book 2) is already in the works. Krae, coming around mid/end of July 2011, Krae will be priced at $2.99.


  Chapter 1: Jack

  ** The Park **

  "... your listening to WVLK in the little town of Mashborn, Florida. It is a balmy day hitting 76 degrees already..."

  Sighing the young man pulled the earbuds out, abruptly cutting off the DJ that was about to go into the news on the Walkman he was wearing. Living in a small town all his life did not have many perks, unless you called knowing everyone a perk. He did love it; well it was more like a love/hate relationship. But one day he was going to escape the bonds of it small town life.

  He carried his frame of about 5’ 8” well while jogging through the park. His sandy-blonde hair was cut to just above his shoulders and right above the ears. He was in training for the high schools cross-country team. He was stocky, muscular, and fast. He just wanted to keep training to give him that edge that could be the difference between a win, or settling for second place.

  The park was a nice grassy area with little copses of trees here and there to provide shade for the walkers and the joggers. Under the trees sat tables with benches. Sitting at these were what Jack called to himself the “park dwellers”. They were mainly older men who loved to play chess, checkers, or just hang around and shoot the breeze. As long as the day was nice they would always be there. Along the jogging path were the benches that gave the joggers a chance for a breather, or for the casual walker a place to just sit and enjoy the day.

  “Hey Jack! Hold up a minute!” Another teen was calling toward the jogging young man. Charles was running to catch up to Jack. He was different from Jack as he was about 6’ 2” and what you could say as being on the thin side. His hair though was also a sandy-blonde but there the likeness ended. He wore his hair much longer than Jacks, parted in the middle it came down below the shoulders, almost long enough to put into a ponytail if he wanted to. Charles was the reason that Jack got all the extra training in that he could. At last years big event track meet it had been him to beat out Jack by less than five feet. Jack had to settle for second place. It was great that they went to the same high school so their team took first and second place, but that did not change the fact that he had been in second and not first. Jack slowed his pace to a walk and allowed Charles to catch up.

  “I see that you are putting in more distance training than I am this year. Does it really bother you that much still?”

  “Not really, I just want you to eat my dust this year,” Jack grinned at Charles. “I want to see the look on your face when you are huffing and puffing at the end when I haven’t even broken a sweat.”

  “That will be the day when cows fly and birds moo,” Charles grinned back. “Hey, you going to the dance tonight?”

  Laughingly Jack said, “Well you better prepare for the shock of a life time because this year the cows will be flying high and those birds will be mooing so loud that people had better have their ear plugs with them.”

  “No way, not in a million years. But what about the dance? You coming or cowering at home?”

  They had been walking down the path just joking around and gone a pretty good distance without them even realizing it.

  “Don’t worry your pretty little head off. I’ll be there, after all I can’t have you stealing all the girls now can I?” Jack looked off wistfully thinking about the dance, for earlier that week he had asked Julia to the dance and she had said yes. That was a shocker, since she was considered one of the best looking girls in the school. He could not wait.

  “Well I got to take off and go now. Be very careful about those flying cows. After all, you just might get squished by one when they all come down. Just like I’m going to squash you like a bug this year too.” Charles said as he laughed and took off in the opposite direction and soon faded out of sight as he went sprinting around the bend.

  Jack picked up his speed again and once again was jogging along one of the trails. He was thinking ahead to the race just knowing that the win would be his this year. He had worked way to hard for the win not to be his. What was weird though was that he was willing to let Charles take first in all the other meets leading up to the big one. But on the day of the big one he would kick in his jets with the after burners smoking. He smiled at the thought and continued on through the park. He finished up with his five-mile work out coming out of the final loop that meets back at the gate that marked the entrance to the park.

  ** At Home **

  Walking briskly he turned himself toward home. He slowly went from a brisk walk to a normal walking pace to finish up his cool down period. Walking did not take that long since it was only about a half mile to his home. That was another thing that he loved about where he lived since he had started doing cross country is that the park and his home were pretty close together. Turning up the driveway he went past his 1982 Nissan Pulsar. It was not much to look at with it’s dented front quarter panel and bad paint job, but it transported him around town and that was what mattered. Man how he had worked hard and saved to get it, but it was all his free and clear.

  He had worked hard for the past few summers for his Dad. Go figure, a Blacksmith in this day and age. But he guessed as long as there were horses that needed to be shoed and tools that needed mending a Blacksmith would always be in demand. The outlying farms around the town gave his dad plenty of work. A really cool side job was that his dad was also a sword smith. His Dad was really good at making swords and had even sold a few that were commissioned in some movies. Heck, he even had a few nice pieces that he had done himself.

  The family was not rolling in cash, but it paid the bills and then a little extra. He could only imagine what it would be like to be rich and not have to do all that. Sighing he looked at the house. It was OK for a house. The white paint was flaking here and there. The roof didn't leak, so being rained on in the house was no worry. It
had two bedrooms, one for him and one for his parents. The worse thing about the house was that there was only one bathroom. That could be a pain in the butt even if there was only the three of them. Going to his room he grabbed a clean pair of shorts and a tee shirt so he could take his shower. As he passed the kitchen he heard his mom humming a tune that he did not recognize. Poking his head in the kitchen he called out, "Hi Mom, dinner smells good. I hoped you cooked a lot because I'm pretty hungry. Just finished up my run and that burns a lot of calories that need replacing.”

  “Well I hope you don’t mind macaroni and cheese with hot dogs cut up into them. I was running a little late today getting home from work so I had to just throw something together real fast. I knew you had that dance tonight but still wanted you to eat something before going.”

  “Mom, right now I could eat anything, so even skunk cabbage would smell good.”

  Laughing and wiping her mousy brown hair she gave Jack a smile. Then she turned her hazel eyes back to the pasta and stirred so the bottom would not burn. Cutting her eyes sideways she noticed Jack still standing there and grinning at her so she turned and made a shooing motion with her hands and said, "Hurry and take your shower so your dinner will not get cold before you eat it. Macaroni and cheese is awful when it gets cold."

  “Yeah, yeah mom,” he said pretending to be grumpy at the thought of being hurried away from the kitchen. He was glad that his family got along and could have a great time together. He wondered if that would be true if they were rich. Probably not he thought. From what he saw on TV the rich were often so involved with themselves that they lived in separate worlds from each other. Each with their own things to do and hardly ever seeing each other. Stepping into the small bathroom he hopped into the shower. When he was finished with his shower he rubbed the mirror over the sink to clear off the fog. Grabbing his razor he shaved. Not that there was much to shave but he wanted to look his best for Julia tonight. Throwing on his tee shirt and shorts he headed for the kitchen. Mom had already set his plate at the kitchen table and was off in the living room listening to the five o’clock news. Plopping into a kitchen chair he wolfed down his food and took his dishes to the sink, washed them and put them in the dish drain to dry.

  Walking into the living room he asked, “Where’s dad? Shouldn’t he be home by now?”

  “Oh", his mother said. "He has to work late again. I never knew there could be such a call for a Blacksmith.”

  Jack said, “Well it certainly adds to the money it brings in." With that, he headed to the bedroom to get ready for the dance. He was going to take a little extra time gussying up so he would look extra nice for Julia.

  His mom looked up from the news and looked him up and down with a scrutinizing look. Chuckling to herself she put in, “I think you should wear the deep blue dress that you have and maybe your gold dangling earrings to compliment your dress.”

  “But mom don’t you think I should also wear my red high heeled spikes?” Jack gave her his best serious look.

  “I don’t know Jackie, that may be going a little bit over board. You may want to save them for a better time. Just wear your black flats so it will be easier to dance the night away.”

  Just then they heard a harrumphing sound from the doorway into the living room. There stood Jack's dad Mark looking in at the two of them. Looking at him you could really tell that Jack was his son; Jack was almost a carbon copy of his dad, just a shorter version. Deciding to play along he remarked,

  "No, I think Jackie is right. The red high heeled spikes would look just stunning at the dance. That is if he doesn't fall and break his neck."

  With that everyone burst into laughter. His dad then tried to get a stern look on his face but just couldn't manage it. He broke into laughter again. “Oh, to come home to my…my…(snickering) my dear June and my loving daughter.

  “Honey, I thought that you were pulling in some extra work tonight. How long have you been standing there anyway?”

  “Long enough to be able to join in on this conversation,” he replied. Then added, “Jack I am going to need your help again this weekend. I am really snowed under and you are coming along great as an apprentice.” Mark looked at Jack and then at the clock. “Jack, you need to scoot if you are to get there on time.”

  “Oh shoot! Your right! I do need to get going. I'll swing by the shop to help you after I finish my run Saturday morning.” He turned and made a mad dash for his bedroom. Since tonight was just a dance and not prom night he picked out a nice pair of jeans and a good looking shirt and threw them on. Grabbing his socks and tennis shoes and putting them on he was ready to go. Picking his keys off the dresser he headed for the front door.

  “Night mom and dad,” he called to them as he was going through the door heading for his car.

  “Be home by eleven." His dad said. Turning to June he remarked, "Why the school decided to have this dance on a school night is beyond me. When I was growing up they only had them on Friday nights.” Turning around briefly Jack replied, “Can’t I make it twelve”.

  “Last I checked eleven meant eleven.”

  ** Disappointing Dance **

  Sighing Jack opened his car door and got in. Turning the key the starter made its sound that it sometimes made. That lovely grinding sound he hated to hear. Man, I have to get that fixed one of these days he thought to himself. Turning the key again the engine caught and soon he was cruising down the road heading for the school where the dance should have already begun. At least the school started the dance earlier than Friday night dances so there was plenty of time to mingle and dance. He would have listened to the radio but that didn't work either. Once again Jack thought to himself. I have really got to get that fixed also. Pulling into the school lot he noticed a lot of cars already there. Oh well, better late than never.

  “Jackie my boy, I see that you are fashionably late again. Just like you will be at the finish line,” Charles said who had been waiting in the doorway for Jack.

  “Of course I am, you know you have to be to make an entrance. Is Julia here yet?”

  “Yup, but I think that she was pulling your leg by telling you yes last week. She’s in there with her old boyfriend John. It looks like her and John are back together again for the billionth time. If they were any closer together dancing they would look like one person.”

  Jacks jaw dropped open before he realized that it had. “Wouldn’t you know it? You’d think that she would have learned by now. All the guy does is mess around on her once he’s got her back. By tomorrow he’s going to be with Jill, Janey, Betty, or any one of them. Heck, maybe all of them at once.” He could never understand what she saw in the guy. He was never going to change. After all why would he if he knows that all he has to do is snap his fingers and there would be Julia by his side again.

  Shrugging Charles said, “Oh well easy come easy go. Jack why did you even ask her? Do you enjoy setting yourself up like a stooge or something? You had to have known that this was coming. When a dance is here who else does he want at his side but Julia? Also who always comes running to his side? Julia.”

  Being bummed out Jack did not really enjoy the dance no matter what Charles did and his other buddies did to try and cheer him up. He just could not drag himself out of the funk he was in. He was also dreading tomorrow at school because he knew that John would be giving it his best effort to make Jack feel even more miserable. Thank goodness it would be Friday. He decided to go ahead and leave the dance early so that John could not get an early start on him.

  ** Thats Life **

  Jack used the back door to sneak into the house so his mom and dad would not ask any embarrassing questions about why he was home so early. Quietly he went into his bedroom and lay on his bed to read, and then he would sneak out the back door again and come in through the front door. Right at eleven that is what he did. Jack told them he was tired and went directly to his bedroom for the second time in one night. Then he got ready for bed and lay down and went into
a troubled sleep.

  “Something’s coming Jack, we need your help.”

  With a bolt Jack sat up in his bed looking around he saw no one and laid back down thinking it was a dream. Nothing more woke him up that night. Sharply at six, his alarm clock went off waking him. Groggily he got dressed for school and went out to the kitchen to grab some breakfast.

  “How was the dance last night? You went by so fast that we didn’t get a chance to ask you,” his mom asked?

  “It was ok,” Jack replied and turned back to his bowl of cereal. His mom knew when not to ask any more questions so she left Jack alone.

  Jack finished his breakfast and left for school. He needed to get there early so he could finish his homework from the day before that didn't get done last night. Going to study hall he did that. By then it was about time for the bell to ring so he went on to his first period class. He went through the day mechanically taking notes when he should but not participating in answering any questions. During lunch Charles once again tried to raise Jacks spirits. But between the dance and being woke up by the voice last night (he was starting to believe that maybe he did hear something) he was out of luck. Finally Charles gave up and walked away allowing Jack to sit there, pick at his food and mope. Jack also ignored John’s constant ribbing at every chance he got. When the last bell finally rang, he was free to go home.

  Reaching the student parking lot he got in his car and started it with no problem this time. On his way home he suddenly decided to detour and go by the park. Maybe turning a few laps in would make him feel better. If nothing else he could put his mind in neutral while jogging and just forget everything for a while. It turned out that twice around the park did improve his outlook on life. It usually did. Also he got to looking forward to helping his dad tomorrow. He was going to do something that he was good at - putting the edges on a few swords and honing them. He was also going to try his hand at some decorative etching. He would also be checking them for balance by hand. Something that he was very good at. Feeling much better he hopped back in his car and headed for home.