Read Raven's Key: A Novel Page 21

  “Refined crude oil? Well I guess it’s better than drain cleaner.” Maeve snorted the second line. She felt instantly woozy, like she was going to throw up all of Marduk’s polished leather desk., “Shit, I’m not feeling very well. Did you just poison me?”

  “No, that’s a normal reaction for the first time you take the powder. You may feel like your gut is on fire. It either kills you or reveals the most beautiful things.”

  “No kidding.” Maeve dropped to floor, and curled up in the fetal position to elevate the intense pain in her stomach. She closed her eyes and felt the darkness envelop her.

  Chapter 51

  “Excellent, now we can begin.”

  Marduk went over to the altar where the objects were now glowing with a translucent light.

  “First we must call in the elementals from the various dimensions.”

  He placed a mixture of herbs into Iyash’s pipe and lit it. Maeve could smell the sweet aromatic smoke fill the room and carry her. As long as she focused on the sweet smell of the smoke the fire inside her stomach seemed to ease, but every time she tried to open her eyes to see what Marduk was up to, the fire returned with a new intensity.

  “Don’t fear it Maeve,” a voice inside of her said, “let it carry you.”

  But I’ve got to kill him before destroys the whole world. I don’t think I could keep living if he had his way with me. I’d fight him until he killed me.

  “We won’t let him hurt you Maeve,” the voice reassured her. “We need to show you something first. Follow the light.”

  What light ? All I see is darkness. All I feel is this fire inside, ready to consume me.

  “Look closer, stop fighting it,” the voice was calm and soft. “It’s there.”

  No it’s not. There’s nothing but blackness.

  Maeve could hear Marduk chanting in the background. As soon as she stopped focusing on his voice, a small pinprick of light appear in front of her in the darkness. The light started to grow in slow motion, like a time lapsed photograph, until Maeve could feel herself being drawn into it. After a few seconds, she was immersed in the light. She could feel the warmth of it inside her and all around her, like it was supporting her on all sides.

  “You need to make a choice. Continue to live your life the way you have, small and meek, full of fear and insecurity.” The voice now sounded closer. “Or accept our offer to be the most powerful woman in the world, the leader of this very unique planet.”

  What are you talking about? I’m in no position to make any choices right now. I’m dying on the floor in the office tower of the most powerful and dangerous narcissist in human history. Maeve felt the light fading. And you’re offering me a job I’m in no position to accept. But thanks for the offer.

  “All you need to do is take that black knife and plunge in deep into Marduk’s chest,” the voice was very loud now, “he needs to be killed.”

  I know. That’s exactly why I’m here. The Lyrians never mentioned that I was going to be drugged and raped though.

  “Unlike the Lyrians, we will help you, give you the strength you need to accomplish the deed.”

  What do you mean? How is that possible?

  “Take my hand Maeve.” A hand with three long fingers appeared in the darkness. “I want to show you something.”

  As soon as Maeve took the hand, she found herself in space looking down on the planet.

  “If you do not kill Marduk this is what’s going to happen.”

  Maeve watched as various small crafts buzzed in and out of high earth orbit, followed by fast pulses of light.

  It looks like those ships are dodging those bursts of light.

  “Exactly. Those are crude space based lasers. Your governments think they have protected themselves from the intergalactic alliance of alien intelligence that have been visiting your planet for centuries. What they don’t realize is that there is a more dangerous enemy that walks amongst them.”

  The scene changed and Maeve saw giant mushroom clouds erupting first in the upper atmosphere over the eastern hemisphere of the planet and then all over the world, like a chain reaction.

  “The high altitude bursts do not affect the surface of the earth with any form of destructive heat, over-pressure or radiation. They create a phenomenon called an Electro Magnetic Pulse, which in this instance is radiating out across Russian and China, collecting on power transmission lines and communication antennas. For a fraction of a second, the pulse will spike the power grid and receiving antennas with a huge surge of energy. This surge is so quick and great that it jumps across conventional surge protectors, lightning protection, and even open circuits where the power switches are turned off, burning out and rendering useless all sensitive electronics, computers and communication equipment.”

  Why are you showing me this, Maeve could feel the shivers running down her spine, what does it have to do with me killing Marduk?

  “The confusion created by the disruption of the communication network is considerable. It allows for the next attack to take place unimpeded. The resulting nuclear attack on Russia and China produces about one hundred million casualties due to the effects of the blast and high exposure to radiation, ” the voice continued, “during the next two years another five hundred million people starve to death, bringing the total casualties to about six hundred million, or approximately fifty percent of the population. During this protracted combination nuclear-conventional war, various governments become involved and also employ chemical and biological warfare in the various theaters to eliminate resistance in key areas.”

  Is this world war three you’re showing me?

  “Marduk’s objective is not to completely destroy the world, but to take control of as many aspects of human society as possible and install his new world order. This is the end of the world and the beginning of the new earth-consciousness Maeve. He has developed a very sophisticated directed-energy stealth nuclear device that will deliver the first pulse I showed you. It is capable of evading all of the anti-ballistic missile shields installed currently on the planet. After that first pulse, he then will unleash a barrage of his conventional nuclear arsenal. He controls the government and the military here.

  Years of financing military operations and manipulating the timelines and minds of elected officials. The resulting nuclear war will not go as he plans. It will be much more destructive and the resulting radiation much harder to clean up than he anticipates. In effect, this war will thrown your species back thousands of years in social and technological development.”

  Maeve felt something heavy on top of her all of a sudden, like she was being crushed.

  “You must kill him. There is no other choice. We will look after you.”

  The voice trailed away as the vision of the planet disappeared. Maeve was once again in the darkness, with the searing pain in her stomach.

  She opened her eyes and saw Marduk’s face peering down on her, his naked body pressed against her.

  “You’ve finally decided to join me.” There was a distant, glazed look in his eyes. “I hope you had a nice trip. Now it’s time to undress you and have some fun.”

  “No.” Maeve tried to push Marduk off of her but he was too heavy. “I can’t let you!”

  Chapter 52

  “I hope you guys have a plan.” Raven led them back inside the office tower and into the elevator. “Or is this a spontaneous, see what happens kind of thing?”

  “We thought we could talk some sense into this dude.” Paul couldn’t figure out whether he was scared to death or just really excited. “You know, have a frank conversation about options other than sending the whole world into darkness.”

  “Iyash can tell you what it’s like to talk to this guy,” joked Raven. “Most of the time the only voice Marduk likes to hear is his own.”

  “What happened to you grandfather, we were really worried?” George put his hand on Iyash’s shoulder. “It’s nice to have you back.”

  “It’s a lo
ng story, hopefully I’ll have a chance to tell you some day.”

  The elevator door opened and they all piled out into Marduk’s reception room. Shelly was sitting behind her desk, still flipping through the phone book.

  “Mr. Corvus, is there something wrong with the package I gave you?” Shelly looked at Raven a little confused. “Should I call Mr. Marduk and let him know you’re here?”

  “Everything is fine Shelly, I just need you to you open the door and let me into the boss’ office.” Raven smiled at Shelly. “I’ve got some guests here who want to see him.”

  “I’ll buzz him and let him know you are here.” Shelly picked up her phone. “He did ask me not to bother him this afternoon.”

  “You see, we want to surprise him.” Raven reached across the desk and took the phone away from Shelly, placing it back on the receiver. “Just open the door for me.”

  “I can’t do that.” Shelly stuttered. “I’ve been given really strict instructions not to let anyone in this afternoon. He’s busy with clients for the rest of the day.”

  “That’s ok, you don’t have to let us in.” Raven reached under the phone and pressed a small button. “We’ll let ourselves in. ”Don’t bother trying to call security.” He slipped a small knife out of his pocket and cut the phone line.

  “Lets go!” Paul ran over to the large mahogany door and turned the shiny brass handle. “We’ve got to help Maeve.”

  The door swung open and Paul rushed inside, followed closely by George and Iyash. Raven trailed behind them reluctantly. Shelly sat at her desk shocked at what just happened.

  Marduk’s office was dark. The faint flickering of candlelight cast large shadows on the walls that seemed to dance, and tumble into each other.

  “Get off of her you swine.” Paul saw Marduk lying on top of Maeve on the floor in the middle of the office. “Before I call the cops and have you arrested.”

  “Paul, the knife, get the knife,” gasped Maeve. “It’s on the alter.”

  “What the hell are you doing here?” Marduk turned around stunned. “How did you get in?”

  “We let ourselves in.”

  Paul tried to deliver a kick to dislodge Marduk off of Maeve, but it missed.

  Maeve managed to successfully pushed Marduk off her when he was momentarily distracted by dodging Paul’s kick.

  “The knife Paul, the knife, it’s behind you on the alter,” yelled Maeve. “Quick!”

  Paul turned around to grab the knife, but he was too late. Iyash already had it in his hand and was on top of Marduk.

  “We can’t let you carry out your plan.” Iyash plunged the dagger deep into Marduk’s chest. “We have to stop you and this is the only way.”

  “You’re supposed to be dead old man.” Marduk tried to push Iyash off of him but was too weak. Blood started to slowly trickle out his nose. “It doesn’t matter. The dagger is useless. You can’t kill me, stupid old man. One drop of the water of Shambala and I’m immortal. Nothing can touch me now. Not you, not the council, not the Annunaki.”

  “Impossible.” George was helping Iyash pin Marduk to the floor. “It was all a ruse, a ploy to trap you.”

  “You should know by now that those sacred items hold real power.” Marduk quit struggling. “If you let me go we can all work together. The council is useless. It has no power. The Annunaki control them. They’re the real threat, the ones you should be worried about.”

  “He’s evil, don’t listen to him.” Maeve was leaning heavily on Marduk’s desk, “He’s going to blow the world to smithereens. He thinks he can control it but he’s so over his head this time. We have to kill him. It’s the only way.”

  “Let’s bring him to the council and let them decide.” Raven stepped out of the shadows. “Haven’t we done enough of their dirty work already? Who wants to have the blood of a man on his hands anyways. Even if he’s evil, it’s still blood and I’ve shed enough blood in my life.”

  “The shape shifter is right. Take me to the council, it’s your only option,” pleaded Marduk. “We can use my nuclear device to destroy the Annunaki once and for all. They’re controlling everything. They need to be stopped.”

  “It could work. Maybe he’s right,” said George.

  “It’ll never work, this man cannot be trusted.” Iyash raised the dagger, ready to plunge it into Marduk’s chest a second time. “Maeve’s right, we have to kill him.”

  “Wait, I have an idea,” Paul rushed over to where Iyash and George were holding Marduk down, with the small bone vial in his hands. If he’s telling the truth, then three drops of this and you die a most horrible death, right?”

  “That’s right,” answered Raven. “But if he’s completed the ceremony, there should only be one drop left. One drop for the sacred earth, one drop for Maeve and one drop for Marduk. Do we really want to risk giving him a second drop and giving him that gift of awareness?”

  “What if he didn’t give Maeve a drop,” Paul knelt down beside Marduk, “then there would be two drops left.”

  “Did he give you any of this Maeve,” asked George.

  “I can’t remember, he made me snort some black powder first and that totally blacked me out.” Maeve could feel the dryness of her mouth. “I am super thirsty.”

  “It won’t work,” cried Marduk. “There isn’t enough water left.”

  “Only one way to find out.”

  Paul forced Marduk’s mouth open and tipped the vial over. One small drop of water fell into his mouth. Paul tapped the vile, waiting for a second drop to come out.

  “I can see it all now, it’s so clear.” Marduk laughed. “My plan was doomed to fail right from the beginning. I was set up by those bastards. I knew it. They were able to manipulate the timeline to feed me information. Ingenious. What was I thinking? All the harm I’ve done, all the pain and suffering. Cultivating all that darkness and amplifying it out across earth-consciousness. I could have done so much good, there was so much potential for greatness without the fear and insecurity. Give me the last drop. Kill me. I can’t bear to see anymore.”

  “There isn’t anything left.” Paul tapped the vial once more and nothing came out.

  “Yes there is. The last drop is always the hardest to get, let me suck it out, it’s the only way.”

  Paul placed the vial in Marduk’s mouth. As soon as he started to suck on the vial, a loud, high pitch otherworldly sound filled the room. After a few seconds the sound stopped and Marduk spit the vial out of his mouth.

  “Love is the only way,” he gasped, “the only way. Hold the light – keep the ceremonies alive. Don’t let the Annunaki fool you..”

  Marduk’s body started to convulse violently. Blood oozed out of his eyes and nose, while his lips turned blue. Iyash and George tried to hold him down, but the convulsions were too intense, and Marduk’s skin started to burn their hands.

  “Move away from him, I think he’s going to spontaneously combust.” Raven helped Maeve move away from Marduk’s decaying body and back into her clothes. “All those years of taking the black powder has changed his blood chemistry, anything is possible.”

  “But we’ve got to make sure he’s fully dead.” Paul moved away from the body with Iyash and George, “We can’t chance it.”

  “I can assure you he’s dead, look at him.”

  Marduk’s body was decomposing at a fast rate. The skin was melting off of his body, but there was no mess on the floor, or even a smell. Raven started to lead Maeve out the door.

  “He’s being eaten alive by the dimensional soul suckers. Now we’ve got to get Maeve back home before the cops show up. I bet Shelly figured out her cell phone still worked and called security.”

  “I’m not leaving without my objects.” Iyash took his pipe and bag off of Marduk’s alter. “I’ve been waiting for these for a long time.”

  “We should take the other objects too.” George placed the amulet and clay flute carefully into his bag and collected the bone vial from the ground. “It’s our
responsibility to ensure that these are returned to the council for ceremony.”

  “How are we going to get back to Maeve’s apartment,” asked Paul.

  “Through that door,” both Iyash and George put their arms around Paul and led him out of Marduk’s office, “just walk through that door.”

  Through the open door, Paul could see three police officers coming out of the elevator into the reception area, their guns drawn and pointing directly at him.

  Chapter 53

  “Coon here.” Detective Coon flipped his cell phone open.

  “Detective. Do you have a report on our suspect?” Felisa Bast was starting to get impatient. “We’ve got a lot riding on this.”

  “I’ve made some significant progress. No suspect yet but I’ve tracked down the museum curator and you wouldn’t believe the story she told me!” Coon smiled at Susan, who was sitting across from him. “She’s had contact with our suspect.”

  “I knew it! He’s there isn’t he?” Felisa interrupted Coon before he could finish.

  “Not quite. But get this. Apparently our suspect is part bird, a raven to be exact – who travels inter-dimensionally and is competing against,” Coon flipped through his notebook, “ a Council of Light. Any of this make sense to you?”

  “Let Bast Security worry about the details Detective. I want you to focus on apprehending our suspect.”

  “That’s what I’m trying to do here. Not sure if I’m equipped to deal with an inter-dimensional shape shifter though. Maybe you’ve got some tips for me?”

  “Focus on the task Detective and stop daydreaming about bikini-clad women on a beach in Mexico. If your commander finds out that you fell asleep on a high-profile stakeout I could ruin your career.”

  “Understood.” Coon was shocked. How could she know he fell asleep in the cruiser? ” So what’s our next step?”

  “Did the Curator mention where our suspect was?”

  “No. Just that he disappeared with a young women early this morning.”

  “Curious. Who was this women?”

  “Her name is Maeve Finn.”

  A high-pitched noise filled the room all of a sudden creating static on Coon’s phone.