Read Ravenswynd Legends Page 11

  Chapter 9

  Let Me Count the Ways

  I found my way back into the ballroom where the band still played, now soft music. The tables had been cleared – except for beautiful bouquets of flowers and an amazing-looking assortment of desserts. I wandered around slowly, trying to remain inconspicuous, but still wanting at least some company for the duration of this thing. I thought of Count Whatever his name was, and considered him. Insipid as he presented himself, his lack of interest in me and in the party made him an appealing and safe choice.

  I spotted Fiona and Rufus, now changed back into their street clothes, dancing and laughing, and carrying on like lovebirds. Rufus did have the same red hair as Fiona’s, though it was straight and just below his collar. He was fair skinned, with a narrow nose and short red goatee. The way he looked at Fiona made it easy to see he was already in love with her. How incredible! He chose her! And she had been waiting for this for so long, knowing exactly what tonight’s outcome would be. I had to admit to myself that I was envious of what they had together.

  I strolled over to another doorway, opposite from the one I had come in, hoping to stay as far out of Rohan’s reach as possible. I had no idea where this door led, but we had been told to feel free to wander. Captain Amrita came to my mind then. What an interesting character. What was it that the Count had said in reference to her? His sister? Hmm, a vampire family. Were they born from female vampires then? I chuckled to myself remembering their tone. By the way they had been arguing earlier, it was apparent that even vampire siblings sometimes had disagreements. I supposed that she thought he should just get out there and dance while he, on the other hand, was determined to wait for his chosen one. Vampire drama. I sighed. Whatever. My thoughts were sarcastic and skeptical as I wandered around aimlessly.

  Pushing another door open, I found myself in a large informal study. The cozy fire burning bright in one corner and a few candles were all that illuminated the room. There were lounge chairs scattered about and on two of the walls oak shelves reached the ceiling, filled with hundreds of books: some of which looked to be rather ancient. Soft music drifted in from the other room and complimented the mesmerizing crackle of the fire. The scent of the sweet-burning candles reminded me of another fragrance which I hoped to enjoy tomorrow night - if tomorrow night would ever get here.

  I walked over to a large window and gazed outdoors. A pathway wound around the perimeter of a garden which was filled with all sorts of flowers, sculpted bushes and trees, and a small pond that had a short, cement wall around it. The entire pathway was lit with old-fashioned lantern stands, and here and there, couples walked leisurely along, some holding hands.

  I couldn’t help but feel conflicted about this whole situation. On the one hand, this appeared to be completely ridiculous: vampires and carefree humans mingling together, couples strolling along as though this was so completely normal. And the idea of what they called, “being chosen,” by having a Sign placed on you: how absurd. It was like I had entered the Twilight Zone. I sighed as my thoughts collided together. My mind wandered back to the possibility of immortality, being forever young and healthy, having someone care about me with a perfect and genuine love for all eternity - how tempting indeed. I drifted deeper into my daydream as I leaned closer to the window, peered out into the night and looked up. Millions of twinkling stars filled the black sky. I was instantly reminded of last night at the pub…and Emrys - wow, the way he looked into me. He certainly gave the impression that he was capable of a perfect and genuine love. Oh, flaming hell. I doubt if he’ll even show up tomorrow. If he does, and he truly meant all that he said to me –oh my God! Now there’s someone I’d like to be with for all eternity. I made a wish, whispering to myself, “Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might have this wish I wish tonight.” I took in a deep breath. “I wish Emrys and I could experience this kind of love like the Ravens seem to have, always and forever together, even if it means we both have to become like them.” I sighed with an audible wistfulness.

  All of a sudden it hit me! If I became a vampire, then I could change Emrys! I hadn’t finished reading the whole rulebook, but I was sure there were vampires who didn’t follow it completely anyway. No one obeyed all the rules all the time. I had to find someone to change me! It would be that simple. We would be together forever, if he agreed with my idea! Well, there could be a little problem convincing him, but it did seem as though his interest in me was serious. He had said something about only having eyes for me - I hadn’t imagined the way he had looked at me. That was it; my mind was made up. I knew I’d be able to count on Rohan if no one else was available. He already lusted after my neck. I would just have to make sure to stay away from him after I was turned. That thought repulsed me now. I had to remember this feeling later. All I need to do is keep my main goal in mind. I closed my eyes and whispered, “Emrys.”

  I opened my eyes just as a dark figure passed behind me in the reflection of the glass. My first startled thought was that Rohan found me. With a loud gasp, I twisted around so fast that my head spun and I nearly blacked out. My knees began to buckle but I was caught before I hit the floor. My ribs were pressed tight, as though someone had just put a straitjacket on me – one that was plugged into a wall outlet, and then I realized the jacket was, in reality, arms. They wound around me holding me up. In the blur of events, all I saw was a black cape lined in red and a silver medallion which brushed up against my arm - heavy and hot. My rescuer pulled me around and sat me in a chair. Completely humiliated, I leaned forward covering my face with my hands.

  “Flaming hell,” I said between clenched teeth.

  “It’s quite alright, Elizabeth. Everything you’re feeling is entirely normal. Take a few deep breaths and relax. I shall return in one moment. Sit there and do not move.”

  This had to be the Count. I didn’t recall seeing anyone else in a black cape. I did as he instructed: blowing my breaths out slowly, trying to get my heart to calm down and return to a normal rhythm. I leaned back into the chair, kicked off my shoes, and curled my feet up under myself. Within a few moments, he returned with a glass of water. I snatched it from his hands, drank a few sips and then handed him the glass.

  “Thanks,” I said, finally glancing up.

  It was the Count. He still had his stupid mask on.

  “I realize you think this is so very unusual,” he was saying, “compared to all the tales and stories about vampires you have heard all your life. In time it will make perfect sense to you.”

  “Can I ask you a question?” I asked, all but ignoring his explanation.

  “Of course you may.”

  He corrected my imperfect English without missing a beat - this guy could be so irritating!

  “Can you turn anyone, or must it be only your...mate?” I flinched at the unromantic word.

  “The correct question is: Would I do it if I were asked?”

  “Okay, let me rephrase that,” I said, trying to ignore his irksome habit of ridiculing me. “If someone asked you to change them, and you knew she was not your future wife, or soul mate, or whatever - would you do it for them anyway?” I had to give it a try. At least up to this point, he hadn’t scared me like the creep, Rohan had.

  “I must be honest with you, Elizabeth. If I knew, without a doubt, the person was not to be my mate; I could not do it. Although it is not against the rules, it would go against everything within me. I have been assured that tonight’s Gathering will bring me my chosen mate, and I must remain visible at all times. There are plenty of others who have not chosen yet, who come here for exactly that reason.”

  “You mean someone like Rohan. He comes off as the type who wouldn’t follow those guidelines willingly even if he had put his Sign on another.” I hoped I wasn’t getting out of line with my suppositions.

  “You are very perceptive. The quality of
Rohan’s character has been in question for some time.” He stopped, and after looking around continued, “I should not say such things against one within my society, but he has just recently rejoined the Ravens and has yet to prove himself loyal to us.”

  “Rejoined? Where was he?” I asked, not all that interested in his answer.

  I was thinking: This particular vampire is easy to talk to, and didn’t have a one-track mind. Maybe I could convince him to make an exception this one time. Then I wouldn’t need to go crawling back to Rohan after being so abrupt with him.

  The way the Count moved his head made me think that without the mask, I would have caught him grimacing just before he answered.

  “It is an unpleasant story and I would not want to trouble or bore you with the details. The long and short of it is that Rohan left when his father...died, and he wandered as a rogue vampire for a good many years.”

  I couldn’t help wondering why he thought he could bore me, and just as quickly, the thought came to me: maybe he was bored with me.

  “Perhaps one day I shall give you the longer version of his story,” he added suddenly as if to halt the topic in its tracks.

  I noticed there was an air about him, something I hadn’t paid attention to earlier. He held himself in such a way that he seemed more than just tall: his posture was straight; his stature erect - even graceful - as a Michelangelo sculpture.

  “Well, should I assume you wouldn’t recommend asking Rohan to change me? I find myself leaning more and more toward thinking I would like to be turned.”

  “I cannot give you the answer. Only you can choose your own destiny.” He bristled again. I took his reaction as a strong dislike for Rohan.

  “Destiny... you mentioned earlier, this was your destiny - to be here tonight. Although I get the feeling you aren’t too happy with the circumstances. Am I correct?” I put my feet back down on the floor, slipped into my shoes and stood up.

  He took a step or two back, turned slightly to the side and glanced out of the window.

  “I suppose you will leave me now to find someone suitable to turn you?” he asked, avoiding my question completely.

  “Well, I’d much prefer it if you would do it for me, but...”

  He swooped around and headed straight toward me so fast that I lost my balance and reeled backwards. His speed made the cape billow out, bringing with it a beautiful, haunting scent. It was instantaneous. One second he stood at the window and the next he was in front of me, catching me by my arms, sending strange electrical energy all through me. I closed my eyes thinking that this was it: he was about to attack. I pulled free of him and flung myself back onto the chair, crouching, shrinking my neck down inside of my shoulders.

  “Wait!” I shouted.

  “Elizabeth!” he called. “Look at me.” It was the first time he used a normal voice all night.

  I was afraid to look. What if his fangs were out, sharp and set to pounce? I didn’t know if I was ready for this yet.

  “Why?” I squeaked, scrunching my eyes tighter, holding my neck.

  “Did you just ask me to turn you?” He sounded rather cool and collected now, and I started to relax. Still not moving - just breathing, and making up my mind.

  Was this my destiny? It only took seconds, but I thought about my sister and our lives. For the first time, I understood that we both needed to become more independent of each other, and I could make decisions without her, just as she had begun to do without me. It would be okay; everything would be just fine. I thought of Fiona. For all I knew, she was already changed by now. I even thought about my mother who, quite possibly, knew something about my destiny when she gave me my middle name. Amarande: immortal.

  I took in a deep breath, gathered all the nerve I had into one mouthful, and said, “Yes!”

  “Please, say it again,” he asked with a calm urgency.

  “I want you to change me tonight,” I said, feeling bold, and easing my eyes open. I looked up at him. He stood directly in front of me, took my hand and pulled me to my feet. The electricity was powerful now. His touch sent shock waves up my arm and into my chest. The feeling of dizziness came back and my legs became weak and lifeless, but I wanted to keep my wits about me. I refused to let the numbness buckle me down this time. The Count looked straight at me, still in his mask.

  “Elizabeth, I would be honored. Please help me off with this beastly thing.” His hand went up to the mask and he said, “I would love to kiss you.”

  Kiss me? What does kissing have to do with taking all of my blood? I thought about the damn pamphlet again. Wait. What?

  I reached up with my free hand and lifted it off of his chin, then pulled it up and over his face. Seeing. Recognizing! The strong chin, those hard candy lips, chiseled nose and yes, finally - his eyes. His dark unfathomable eyes! Eyes that seemed to tell me how much he loved me already. Eyes that saw everything about me, that told me he’d never leave me. I couldn’t breathe or move or think or speak. Almost voiceless, I could only whisper, “Emrys.”

  His eyes poured love - liquid into mine, and in that swift moment of time, the world as I knew it was swept away as if by a flood - gone forever. There was no going back. I had now become a willing prisoner to his eyes; eyes that I wanted – no, needed to behold forever. They were enough to sustain me - to give me enough boldness and courage to allow my very life to end.

  He pulled me into his arms, holding me close. Electric bliss traveled through some mystical circuitry - from Emrys to me, looping back, again and again. The hair on my arms stood on end as the charges crackled all around us. I was literally in shock - in all aspects of the word. He loosened his embrace and looked at me as if checking to see if I was okay. I assumed he didn’t want to overwhelm me with his amazing touch.

  Admittedly dazed, I had opened my mouth to say, “Your hair...”

  But he had already started to untie the ribbon that held it back, hidden under the cape. Free and falling, his midnight hair flowed out all around us like a silk canopy. I reached up and let my fingers glide through its full length, its vitality and smoothness so soft and real. Funny, I didn’t know till then how much I had wanted to touch his hair. Emrys! I couldn’t get over it. It was Emrys, and he was a vampire! He had been here the whole time. And I had been his chosen one - the one he’d waited for all night. As my fingers slid down to the ends of his hair, I caught sight of his medallion, the size and color of a silver dollar bearing a silhouette of a black raven with a ruby for its eye. The raven was encircled by the engraved words: Tha gliocas an ceann an fhitich.

  He answered my unspoken question, “There is wisdom in a Raven’s head.”

  With extreme gentleness, Emrys brushed my hair back and kissed my neck ever so lightly. His moist lips ignited a thousand tiny tingling sparks on my bare skin that nearly set me ablaze. He then lifted my chin with his finger, bringing my face to his face, and bending down, he kissed my mouth. I was right: his lips were candy - cherry candy, and they melted soft and warm on mine in a long and deliberate, amorous moment. Time stood still; eternity became tangible.

  He pulled back, his eyes dancing.

  “I thought you would never ask.” His voice partly scolded, but I also heard notes of deep relief.

  “What happens now?” I asked, feeling flushed and somewhat out of breath. “How do we do this? And when?”

  “All you have to do is say the word, and let me know when you are ready.”

  “I should go find Melinda and Fiona to tell them our plans first.” I was excited but not quite ready. I needed to share this with them first. And a part of me wanted to put off the inevitable, at least for a little while.

  “As you wish.”

  His voice was velvety soft, his lips invitingly sweet, and his eyes continued to make my heart react in a disorderly outburst of flutters. I could barely think straight. I hoped this was not a dream. He kissed
me again - slow, sweet cherry kisses. I still wasn’t used to the constant current of energy flowing through me, and it seemed to intensify at every point of contact: from my lips to my cheekbone, to my ear, to my neck. My neck! A sudden twinge of panic stabbed at me with the reality of my decision. Or did I just feel some teeth?

  “I have so many questions for you, Emrys.” I spoke on impulse – an obvious attempt at stalling. Although resigned to my decision, the seriousness of it made me a tad overanxious. Much like those uneasy moments before takeoff - too late to back down - committed to the flight but, oh please let me make it to my destiny in one piece!

  “Yes, you do. I expected that,” he said in a soft voice, showing me he understood my worries.

  Clasping my hand in his, he led me to a brocaded, indigo chaise lounge. “You want to know about the other night at the pub. I knew you would be there that first evening, and I only hoped to see you up close.” Emrys and I settled onto the chaise, sitting close but facing each other. “I had to see it and feel it before I could believe it was true.”

  “What was true?”

  “Sibelle – she has been right about everything she told me: she knew your hair color,” he stroked my hair, “your eye color,” using a tender touch he outlined my eyebrow with a finger, “and even your last name.” Emrys paused and closed his eyes for a moment. He took in a deep breath of air, as if inhaling the scent of Rose. “Sibelle is our prophetess,” he continued, his eyes meeting mine again. “She delivered many messages to me: she said when I went to the city called Providence I would meet my mate, and my mate would choose me alone, and that we both had been chosen from birth.”

  Somehow when he said mate, it was incredibly romantic, and it made me smile as I listened to him. A steady stream of calmness washed over me from the sound of his voice.

  “Being chosen from birth is rare, Elizabeth, but when we are attuned to the forces which guide us, we adhere to the calling. So you see - the Veinvedia showed her this truth.

  “Your mother knew while she carried you. She had attended one of the gatherings that I missed, but she could not become one of us because she had recently found herself to be with child.”

  “What? My mother?” I tried to picture her at a gala like this.

  “Your father was also tied to our brethren. The Rose family was among some of our best allies.” He inhaled me again as he leaned toward me, his lips on my cheek, kissing. He made me feel like a beautiful rose.

  “When we heard about their plane crash, we knew it was not an accident.”

  I pulled back a little. “Not an accident? What do you mean?”

  “Let me just say: some people will do anything to prevent the creation of new vampires. Even if it means ridding the earth of those whose only crime is that they aspire to turn.”

  “My parents were murdered?” My heart started to pound as I tried to make sense of his revelation. “How do you know all of this?” I asked.

  Emrys sat straighter, no longer leaning toward me, and sighed. “I should have saved my story for another time. I can see how upsetting this is for you, and I apologize. Let me explain something, Elizabeth. The world is full of evil beings. Some are human and some are not. But please believe me when I say this. I have also lost my parents, and I do understand how you feel.”

  “So my mother and father would be Ravens, if not for the fact that my mother was already pregnant?” I asked, with my head starting to spin.

  “I do believe the original plan was for your father to be turned first, to then have a child - a hybrid, who is automatically sealed for change, and then to turn your mother.”

  “Wow! And did you know about all of this before you chose me?” I asked.

  “I knew about the situation, but I did not put it all together at first, that you were their daughter. It is plain to see that your mother had plans for you long before I knew who you were.”

  I shook my head. Not so much in disbelief, but more so in a mixed feeling of wonder and reflection. All the ‘what-ifs’ that went through my mind at warp speed were enough to drive me crazy.

  “So I’m here because of a choice my parents made, more or less.” I stated my question as a matter of fact, not really wanting an answer. “And you have chosen me.”

  Emrys took my hand in his and leaned closer again.

  “Yes, my sweet Elizabeth,” he said, whispering so close to my ear that his breath sent chills down my neck. “You have been chosen to be immortal from before your birth.”

  “And you?” I asked with a shiver.

  He faced me again, holding me with his eyes. “I transitioned before the gatherings began. With me, it is familial.” I was right: a vampire family. “My family name, Bertrand, means bright raven - from where our society gets its name. Emrys, as you know,” he gave me a quick smile, “means immortal.”

  I hadn’t mentioned that I had looked up our names the other day, but it was apparent he already knew. He squeezed my hand in his, his thumb gently kneading back and forth.

  “I know my sweet one. I know everything.”

  “Can you read everyone’s mind? Or am I the only one?”

  His smile warmed me like a soft blanket. “Only yours.”

  I had a sudden thought, but wasn’t sure if I should ask. “What is it?” he asked quickly.

  “Well, if you do know everything about me, as you say, then can you explain why I have felt so strange lately? Things haven’t been normal ever since Fiona asked me to come to the party. I’ve been having dizzy spells. I even fainted a few times and I am usually steady on my feet. Does that have anything to do with all this?” I asked with a wave of my hand.

  “It has to do with me.” His smile turned playful. “The physical force you have been feeling has drawn you to me. Every time I was in the general vicinity, you felt the strongest pull.”

  “And then I’d faint dead away?” I sat there stunned for a moment, recollecting all the times, all the places when I had experienced them. “So,” I said, struggling to take this in. “You were there all those times, but I...”

  His lips on mine stopped me. Perhaps I had been reminiscing too long for him because the kisses came on strong and passionate. I was swept away like a whirlwind of fire, and embraced the storm of infinite possibilities. He was a thousand volts of electricity; I became a violent tempest – spinning like a windstorm, and together we became a unified force – white hot, yet frozen on the edge of eternity. Heartbeats like hurricanes. Time and space would have no boundaries as we thundered toward infinity.

  We both reeled back for air, almost laughing. Either I was invigorated by all the negative ions we had just created, or that was pure joy. And Emrys – his eyes flashed as bright as lightning! The sheer force of his presence was majestic.

  “Emrys,” was all I could say.

  But somehow speech had not eluded him. “Being chosen,” he was saying to me through my euphoria, “like you and I are, is most rare. You from birth; I from the Raven lineage. It only happens every few centuries. I have never seen this type of match in my own time, but I am told it is exceptionally strong. Surely you must feel it.”

  I nodded. “I do, I really do!” It was more than just strong; it was more powerful than anything I’d ever experienced in my life. It was full-blown mystical.

  He smiled and said, “I, too, had been skeptical like you first were. Sibelle gave me a riddle that I had to solve before I could look for you. I humored her and came to America, though I believed her prophetical powers had gone awry. I first saw you at the pub about five months ago.” His eyes were afire with me. “I felt the same electrical power surge through me that you feel when we touch.”

  “Just by looking at me?” I marveled.

  “Yes,” he chuckled. “Just by looking at you. This ‘electrical charge’ will weaken somewhat after you transition, but will never go completely away.” He touched my cheek with a soft ten
derness. “I have never loved anyone as I do you, my sweet, beautiful, lovely, Elizabeth.”

  His words brought tears to my eyes. His love for me held so much strength and depth. His presence radiated such commanding warmth, safeness, sureness. And then I knew: I was home. Nodding slowly, I looked up into those beautiful, dark, adoring eyes.

  Incredible as it seemed with everything happening so fast, I had to say it. I put a hand on his cheek and whispered, “I feel exactly the same…I love you too, Emrys - my immortal one.”

  I couldn’t believe I’d just said those words out loud! I was in complete control and knew that this was not a dream. Amazing myself once again, I truly believed what I was saying, absolutely certain this was what I wanted, and altogether aware that this was the night I would die.