Read Ravenswynd Legends Page 13

  Chapter 11

  Winds of Change

  Emrys took my hand and we followed Rufus up to the second floor, taking the main staircase on the left side of the foyer. At the landing, I glanced over my shoulder to the other side just as Constance came out of the door. She nodded to me with a sweet smile and went down the stairs. It seemed ages ago, and yet it was only hours since she dressed me as Scarlett O’Hara.

  We went down a long hallway, turned left and stopped at an elevator. The surface of the gold door was polished smooth and shiny, like a mirror. Well, there’s one myth that’s wrong, I thought, observing our reflections. I glanced down as we stepped into the pocket-sized compartment, noting the deep red of the carpet. We were silent as the door slid shut. Closing us in like a coffin! The scent of blood became so blazing obvious I could almost taste its metallic flavor. I didn’t mind the smell and wasn’t usually upset by the sight of blood, but I knew that this particular scent was my best friend. Fiona’s blood! Her actual life force drained out! I couldn’t help but wonder if all that remained of her was what emanated from Rufus. My nerves had started to unravel and I couldn’t stop tapping my foot as we huddled together. The crowded space made me claustrophobic.

  Why is it taking so damn long to reach our floor? Real panic started creeping in, along with shallow, uneven breaths. Sensing the increasing level of my anxiety, Emrys wrapped his arm around me, pulling me close, trying to hide the look of concern on his face. I supposed that our very destiny rested entirely on my state of mind, and he aimed to keep me not only safe, but also sane.

  He spoke up, breaking my erratic thoughts. “You may be curious how Rufus and I are related?”

  In actuality, it had not crossed my mind and I realized at once his attempt to create a diversion.

  “My father and his were brothers. Perhaps you also observed the similarity between Rufus and Larkin? They are half-brothers.” He squeezed me closer and continued, “Think about it, sweet Elizabeth. Once we are married, you and your friend Fiona will be related as well!”

  He succeeded. All I could think about now was how this chain of relationships could make my best friend of all time become my...what would she be? My cousin-in-law? I’d have to sit and write all the names down to figure it out, but I decided to just take him at his word for now. I nodded, but said nothing.

  The elevator car lurched to a stop, giving me a momentary light-headed queasiness. As the door opened, it occurred to me that I hadn’t even noticed if we had gone up or down. Not that it mattered much - unless I needed to find my way out once I completely freaked out and ran for my life. But at this moment, I couldn’t move my legs. They were heavy, as though the red carpeting had turned to quicksand. With a gentle hand, Emrys pulled me through the door.

  We walked down a few more corridors, and with each step, I became more unnerved. No amount of deep breathing could ward off the shock of seeing the last hallway; dimly lit with elaborate sconces and wax candles creating an aura of moving shadows. The candles gave off the scent of spicy cinnamon, convincing me the strong fragrance had been chosen in hopes of keeping the smell of blood at bay. But the most disturbing aspect of this hallway was that each room we passed had a padlock on the outside of the door.

  I had now entered the scene in the scary movie where the audience screams at the heroine to go back; but of course, she continues in her stupidity and goes on looking for all the hidden monsters and ghouls. I took in a long, slow breath, still trying to calm myself, not sure of what to expect next, or how I’d handle it. Would Fiona look dead? Would she be even paler? Would she have the need for blood immediately, or does this craving come later....? So many things flashed through my mind I couldn’t catch my breath; gasping for air, I nearly blacked out from lack of oxygen.

  Emrys stopped short, turned in a flash, and stood right in front of me, clasping my hands. “I promise to explain everything to you before we begin. You have nothing to worry about, and Fiona is fine. Trust me, my sweet Elizabeth.”

  Not only was his voice soft and reassuring, but the minute I looked at him I knew he spoke truthfully. There was absolutely no deception in his eyes. He showed me the depth of his love with just a glance. The breathlessness ended. His words and his touch calmed me, and I breathed easier. Nodding at him with gratitude, I said, “Okay.”

  We finally reached the door. Rufus pulled out a brass key from his pocket and after fumbling for a moment, he unlocked the padlock. As he did, Emrys whispered in my ear, “We must remember to keep our voices low. Fiona may be a little disoriented, but her senses will be magnified. Loud noises could hurt her ears - just as bright light will burn her eyes. It will take a few hours for this heightened sensitivity to dissipate, and then she should feel normal. Of course, our normal is quite different than yours,” he added, squeezing my hand and sending another flow of electricity up my arm. With slow and measured steps we slipped into the darkened room.

  It took a while for my sight to adjust to the low lighting. Finally, I spotted Fiona lying on a giant bed surrounded by beautiful pillows and quilts. One lonely candle flickered across the room on a round table. Standing next to the candle was a large glass decanter, and beside that - a beautiful crystal goblet marked with the remnants of what could have been red wine, although I knew it wasn’t. Another shiver shot through my body. Taking soft steps, we made our way closer to the bed, and Rufus sat down on the edge nearest Fiona.

  He took her hand and spoke in a whisper, “Dearest Fiona, I have returned and brought your friend, Elizabeth.”

  My eyes fully adjusted to the room; Fiona appeared to be sleeping peacefully. Her eyes were closed and her cheeks looked flushed. I couldn’t tell for sure, but she also seemed to be thinner, and she had a healthy glow to her - which completely confused me altogether. Wow! I certainly wouldn’t mind losing a few pounds myself. This seemed one sure and easy way to accomplish that task! I sensed, more than saw, a smile creep over Emrys’ face.

  Fiona’s eyes fluttered a little and then she eased them open, shielding them with a hand as though in bright sunlight. She gave Rufus a loving smile, and then looked past him to where I stood.

  “Come close, Lizzy I won’t bite,” she whispered with a slight giggle.

  Her grin lasted only for a moment, and then she closed her eyes with a thin grimace. Even in the midst of her transformation, which apparently caused her some pain, she still tried to make me laugh. I chuckled to myself. My sweet, silly Fiona: always the comedian.

  Emrys released my hand, and I took Rufus’s place on the edge of the bed. They stood behind me whispering, though I couldn’t make out a single word.

  “Hi, Fiona.” Seeing her cringe made me realize I must have spoken too loud. Quickly, with a much lower voice, I said, “Sorry, I forgot. How do you feel, sweetie?”

  “Mostly wonderful, but just a little tired. It didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would. Oh Lizzy, when you go through the transforming, you dream the most beautiful and fantastical dreams!”

  Her voice was so low I had to bend closer to hear her. She groped for my hand, and for the first time in all the years of knowing my redheaded, pale, freckled friend, not only was she warm to the touch - she felt quite electrified! She sent nearly the same voltage through me as Emrys did. I turned to look at Emrys, the familiar furrow in my brows, and he bent to answer my unspoken question. He whispered close to my ear sending waves of goose bumps down my neck.

  “Quite normal. Newlings – which are recently turned vampires, are known to be capable of the same phenomenon as those who have recently experienced the Signatus. Once her transformation is complete, her electromagnetic energy will decrease, though it will never completely leave. Surely, you must have noticed this in meeting several other Ravens this evening.”

  Of course! All the Ravens had that electrical phenomenon when I touched them! Then I remembered the evening in the pub - even Emrys’ hair had
given me a slight jolt when all it did was brush over my skin with the lightness of a feather.

  I turned back to face the new vampire that still held my hand - ever so gently. I was just glad this force didn’t really hurt. I had almost gotten used to it, and especially enjoyed the exhilarating sensation when it came from Emrys’ electrifying touch.

  Fiona smiled at me then and asked in a whisper, “Are you ready yet, Lizzy? Rufus has told me all about you and Emrys. How awesome! We will be able to stay friends for all eternity!”

  Her eyes blinked open for one second, and she licked her lips. Rufus went to the table and, from the decanter he poured the red liquid into the goblet. Blood? He brought it to the other side of the bed and helped her to sit up straight.

  “Here you are, my dear. You need more sustenance for the transformation to be complete.” He put the glass to her lips.

  She took the goblet and peeked over the rim as she sipped. With each swallow, her face literally became more alive; her eyes looked clearer, her cheeks more flushed, and her whole face less pale. Even her strength increased as she still held my hand and squeezed it tighter now. She handed Rufus the empty goblet, and gave him a sweet thank-you. He leaned down and kissed her forehead, then returned the glass to the table. Fiona took a large cleansing breath, and I stood, staying next to the bed.

  “I feel much better now.” Her voice was stronger, louder.

  “It is quite a privilege to witness this part of the transition, Elizabeth,” Emrys said, now standing behind me. He placed his hands on my shoulders and continued - his voice low. “Most of the time it is only the two who are involved in the process. I think your Fiona must love you very much to want you included on this special occasion.” He gave a quick chuckle and added, “And yes, it is blood - Rufus’ blood.”

  He patted my arm, calming my shiver. I leaned back a bit enjoying his touch and savoring his beautiful musky-sweet scent. I wondered if he had ever witnessed the transformation process before, or if he had turned anyone himself. A part of me felt a little jealous thinking about it.

  “Only once,” he whispered, leaning close to my ear.

  It didn’t make any sense why I would be jealous. This is what vampires are supposed to do: dine on the blood of humans, right? And it seemed to be obvious - he had been around a long time. But this felt so intimate: being with someone as they literally died, bringing them back from the dead, as it were, and watching them grow stronger and stronger. And then I remembered the other thing they said could happen. The thing Larkin had warned us about: new vampires could become so uninhibited that they’d end up being intimate with their maker. The thought of it made me weak, and I slid down onto the edge of the bed again.

  My sudden change in position had caused Emrys’ hands to fall from my shoulders, but in one swift movement he dropped down to his knees to be eye level with me.

  Shaking his head and grasping my hands, he gazed into my eyes. “No, that did not happen,” he said with a new intensity.

  I smiled then, more at ease, finding relief in his words and his gaze. I turned to Fiona, and she gave me an understanding grin. It had become obvious that Rufus already told her of Emrys’ ability to read my thoughts. I smiled again, this time trying to hide my slight embarrassment.

  “Can Rufus read your thoughts as well?” I asked her.

  “No. But he told me all about Emrys: who he is in this society, how far back his blood line goes, and how his father was the Vampire Regent before him.”

  Fiona sat up straighter, smoothing her bright red curls. It seemed every part of her had become more alive than when she was human - even her hair was shinier than ever.

  Then, her words sunk in: Vampire Regent. That title must mean something more than the position I had thought he held. Emrys had mentioned a few things in passing regarding his status within this society and how he had to be a good example and such. I would have to ask him about it later. For now, Fiona was about to stand up and walk in her new vampire body for the very first time.

  “Let me help you, my dear.” Rufus took her hand in his as she let her legs slide over the edge of the bed. “Take it slow. You may not know your own strength, and you may make yourself dizzy at first.”

  As she stood, I took my place next to Emrys and held his hand, instantly feeling the crackling current. Fiona faced Rufus, leaned straight into him and kissed him. I squeezed Emrys’ live-wire hand and glanced up at him, smiling with delight.

  “Fiona got exactly what she wanted tonight,” I whispered. “She told me this would happen and now it has. She looks fantastic and so happy!”

  The elated couple turned and looked at us. Fiona spoke first, “Will you both be our witnesses at our wedding?” Her eyes were on me, bright and hopeful.

  I was thrilled to find there would be a ceremony and nodded my head, altogether excited.

  “Yes!” I called out with a wide-eyed grin.

  “Elizabeth, before you can be a witness, you must first be turned yourself. Only Ravens can be witness for Ravens,” Emrys said, with a note of regret in his voice. “I am sorry you were not aware of this fact.”

  “Was that information in the damn rulebook too?” I wondered aloud, shaking my head. “There is so much I still don’t know or understand. I’m so sorry, Fiona. Would you wait for me?” The electrical impulses through my hand became stronger when I spoke these words. I needed to release his hand before mine caught fire from the intensity of it, yet I couldn’t bring myself to let go. I was so drawn to the unexpected pleasure of it. It was unreal.

  “I’m sure I can wait as long as Rufus is here with me. His strength empowers me. It’s like we were always meant to be together, and now that we finally are, nothing can stop us.”

  She was so radiant, so happy. A feeling of impatience started growing in me now, wanting what she had, and yet as I realized what I was about to say, my stomach lurched within reminding me of the cost of my decision.

  I turned to Emrys and after a short hesitation, said, “Well, my immortal one, where can we go for some privacy?” I said it. Out-loud. It was too late to take it back.

  “Are you sure you are ready?” His face was alight with eager anticipation.

  As suddenly as the impatience for my new life had come upon me, all the weeds of doubt I had been having took root again. I had never made a decision that would have so much impact, or be as final as this one. My life was so deeply intertwined with Melinda’s. How can I alone decide something that would affect both of us so permanently? But how could I live without Emrys? I knew I couldn’t.

  “Yes, I am.” I nodded, pretending to be brave and telling myself: if Fiona can do this, so can I.

  Fiona leapt across the whole bed to get to me, not realizing at first the speed she now possessed, and gave me a warm hug. Up close as we were, I could see the two little red marks on the side of her neck. She caught me glancing at her new scars and put her hand over the bite marks.

  “I kid you not, Lizzy, it didn’t hurt. It was quite pleasurable in a macabre sort of way.” She took a quick glance at Rufus, but wasn’t successful at hiding her impish grin. “It’s so hard to explain, but you’ll see. Send for me when you’re finished transforming. Alright?”

  All of a sudden an overwhelming feeling of concern loomed over me, like dark shadows hovering in the corner, just beyond eyesight. Would I chicken out at the last moment?

  “Sure.” I said without pausing, hoping to hide the nervousness in my voice.

  We said our good-byes and left them alone, never once letting our hands free from the other’s grasp; we were glued together with a magnetic force stronger than the North Pole. Walking down a hallway that veered to the left, I admired how the candle light bounced off the narrow walls causing Emrys’ hair to glow with iridescent dark blue streaks. As we took a sharp turn to the right, we nearly collided with Rohan and a young woman. I let out a startled gasp,
jolted out of my preoccupation with Emrys. I felt the tension in his hand, but he maintained his composure, as I now had come to anticipate.

  Inspecting this new young face that I had nearly run into, I thought she seemed too young to be at the gathering. She smiled at me, but her smile seemed contrived. Instantly, I discerned she was older – much older. My sixth sense had perked up again; I knew she was a vampire.

  I didn’t actually look back at Emrys, but I perceived that he nodded his head in their direction, always maintaining his dignified demeanor. The woman’s laughter sounded forced and uneasy, and she chirped a quick hello after taking note of Emrys. I couldn’t seem to speak a word but managed a slight smile.

  Rohan responded to Emrys with a quick and cold, unfriendly nod, and then gave me a sharp, hostile glare. It would have been better if he had simply ignored our presence. I wasn’t sure if he felt anger toward me for putting him off, or if he was jealous that I’d chosen Emrys, or if my imagination had run amok. Needless to say, after we passed the hellacious couple and were farther down the hall, I was able to breathe once again.

  With a heavy sigh, I said, “That guy gives me the creeps. What is it about him?”

  Emrys didn’t answer immediately. Instead, he waited until we had entered the elevator and after he had pushed the button for the top floor.

  “Do you recall when I told you earlier, this was a long story?” he asked.

  “Yes, but now I’m even more curious. Every time we run into him he looks at us like he hates us. At least he acts like he hates me.”

  “It is not you he despises, my lovely one; it is me and all that I am.”

  With a soft touch, he pushed my hair behind my shoulder and bent to kiss my neck, sending smooth velvet volts through me.

  “How on earth could anyone hate you?” I whispered through the velvet. It was the oddest feeling, vacillating between common human conversation and some incredible weightless universe where cosmic waves swept over us.

  Like a mild winter storm, he put his lips on my neck, letting the tips of his teeth and tongue touch with an intense lightness. I lost myself for a moment, until he stood up straight and became more serious. Back on earth once again. What had we been talking about?

  “I told you the story of my mother and father: how she was defiled by another Raven, and then - my father killed him.”

  Emrys blinked twice, as though he desperately needed to maintain his composure. He took a deep breath and pressed the red stop button on the silver panel, bringing us to a jerky and abrupt stop.

  “Yes.” I nodded, now feeling his pain, and not sure I wanted to hear the whole story.

  He took his time, and with a slowness that showed extreme emotional anguish, leaving long pauses between each sentence he stated:

  “Idris was the vampire who defiled my mother...

  “Rohan is the son of Idris...

  “My father, Ambrose…killed Rohan’s father…”

  I thought about this for a few moments, and as the full extent of this revelation came to me, I was engulfed with a sudden numbing dread. Frozen with horror, icy chills sent me into a shivering frenzy. This can’t be true!

  Shaking my head back and forth, I said, “No!” I did not want to believe it.

  “Rohan and Amrita have the same father?”

  Emrys’ nod was barely visible.

  A myriad of thoughts flashed through my mind. It all began to make more sense now. Rohan hated the son of his father’s killer. No wonder he seemed so pissed off. And, to make matters worse, his half-sister was noticeably close to Emrys, his enemy. Ah!

  “They have the same father,” Emrys finally responded aloud, “but they are not at all alike.”

  But perhaps this explains the dark undercurrent that comes out in Amrita’s appearance. Poor girl!

  “Rohan was newly-turned when his father, Idris, decided he wanted to take my father’s place as Regent,” Emrys said, ignoring my impression of his sister. “When another male vampire decides he wants to be the leader, he can challenge the Regent to a fight. If he wins, he becomes the new leader. Idris lost the battle. And in his anger and humiliation, he decided to take the next best thing away from my father: the woman he loved.” Emrys’ jaw tightened; a small indication of the composure he apparently was still determined to maintain. “Then, my father killed Idris.”

  I didn’t know what to say, except, “I am so sorry, Emrys.”

  “Rohan was devastated when his father was killed.” He continued faster now, like he wanted the story to be over with. “He could not understand the rest of the Ravens siding with my father, the true Regent. Rohan eventually left, and was gone for over sixty years before any of us heard from him again.”

  I then asked the obvious question. I had wondered about this since he first told me his father had killed a vampire.

  “How exactly does one kill a vampire?”

  “Decapitation,” he said in a sober tone, as he pressed the button to resume our ascent.

  My hand went up to my own neck involuntarily, and I held my throat, swallowing down a dry chilling shiver as the elevator hitched into action once again. It was plain to see, Emrys was finished with his story for now. But I still had so many questions to ask him. I decided to wait until we were settled in the room.

  The elevator doors opened, and we stepped out into a small foyer. Emrys unlocked a door, and we walked into an enormous suite. It was nearly as large as the ballroom, but sectioned off into various sitting areas, and in the far corner I spotted a massive bed with a brilliant white satin comforter and pillows. Near the bed was a wide spiral staircase. Emrys guided me to a cozy corner, complete with sofas, lounge chairs and a fireplace, and we sat on a soft pecan-colored love seat. With all his never-ending affectionate caresses, I understood his reason for choosing the smaller of the two sofas.

  “What a lovely room!” I said, looking around as we sat close together. And just as I spoke, the weight of my impending decision settled heavily on me again. Yes, a lovely room for a - what was that word Fiona had used? - Macabre? A lovely room for a macabre event.

  Emrys nodded but never took his eyes off of me. He knew my next question before I asked, and I guessed he had to gear himself up to answer. He gave me a thin smile.

  “What ever happened to your father?” I asked in part to bide my time, but also because I truly wanted to know everything about Emrys.

  “I do not know where he is now,” he had started to answer just before I finished asking. It was obvious he would continue to accommodate my hesitations, though I sensed sorrow in his voice as he continued. “When I was old enough and had the proper training, he saw to it that I was turned. This had been my mother’s last wish before he sent her away - it was the one promise to her he managed to keep. Then a short time later he left us as well. I presumed he could not bear to be around any longer. Our existence reminded him too much of my mother.”

  I felt the need to switch subjects; this was just too sad a story. My God! Was there ever any happiness in this family?

  “Was it your father who did it - changed you into a Raven?”

  “No. I chose the woman who was in charge of Amrita: Tansy. She is a loving and kind-hearted woman. She moved to another society decades ago, although she still visits our home in England. She kept her promise to my mother and stayed until Amrita was raised, and transitioned.”

  “Who....?” Again, he knew what I was about to ask, when he smiled and interrupted me saying, “Amrita was the one person I turned.”

  I was relieved then, knowing now that the only time Emrys had bitten a human was when his sister asked him. At the same time, I remembered what Larkin had said about inhibitions during this period and wondered about how they managed that.

  I raised my hand up to his beautiful long, silky, hair and stroked his head - running my fingers through to the ends, enjoying every single tingle of static I felt. My eyes met
his as I waited to hear the rest.

  “I kept Amrita locked up during her transformation and until she was strong enough to stand on her own and take care of herself, and for good reason. It takes longer and is a much more difficult transition for hybrids than for humans. From the time she met and married Larkin, she has not stopped thanking me for keeping her pure and safe, so grateful she hadn’t ended up with another. If only Larkin could realize how very much she loves him. He tends to worry that my sister will fall out of love with him, and be drawn to another. That will never happen,” he said with confidence, shaking his head.

  “So you know her deepest feelings,” I stated.

  “I am not able to read her thoughts, but I could always read her face. Turning her has caused us to become even closer than we already were.”

  I thought about my sister then and felt a heavy blanket of sadness. I threw my arms around Emrys, clinging to him as tight as possible. My fingers and arms tangled in his hair hanging far down his back. “I’m going to miss her so much,” I choked, no longer able to hold back the tears.

  “I know, my love, my Elizabeth. I know.” His voice came soft and tender.

  Losing my sister would be the most difficult thing I had to face. I knew I’d be grateful for Fiona’s friendship, and there was Amrita, and no doubt, many others I had yet to meet. But no one could ever take the place of my twin. How would I live my life without her in it at all, let alone an eternity? Being more independent from each other wasn’t a bad thing, but trying to imagine never seeing her again – that bordered on the insane. Flaming hell! How can I do this? I wept even harder.

  “In time the pain will ease. I promise I will make you happy, Elizabeth. My love for you is profound,” he whispered into my hair, caressing me. “Do not give up hope. Perhaps your sister will change her mind. The evening is still young.”

  He continued to hold me close for a long time, and then he pulled back, and using the softest of touches, wiped the tears off of my cheeks. He kissed my eyes, my cheeks, and then my mouth. The electrifying sensation was intense. I felt my whole body fill with it so strongly; the air surrounding us crackled. Searching deep into my eyes, he pierced my heart and soul, and I knew without a doubt that, somehow, everything would be all right.

  “I love you, Elizabeth. You belong with me,” he said, with even more passion.

  “I know.” I nodded my head as he continued to peer into my eyes. “I love you too.”

  He pulled me into his arms again and I felt his mouth go to my neck – kissing; velvety, tender kisses, tasting me with his tongue. Every now and then I felt his teeth as he pulled the skin softly into his mouth. I took a long deep breath waiting for the initial bite, but nothing happened.

  I pulled back, examining his face. He gazed at me, hunting for my question.

  “What’re you waiting for, Emrys?” I asked, feeling a new braveness welling up.

  “Dear, sweet, Elizabeth. Preparations need to be made. Your transformation will be far different from the scenes depicted in the movies. I must prepare myself first so you can receive your initial dose of my life force. You must drink of my blood right after I drink yours. Without it, you would die - permanently. I cannot lose you.” His voice matched the anguished look on his face.

  I thought I saw a shudder run through him. There was so much that I still did not understand, but at least for now, I felt like I knew what to expect next: before he could drain me, he’d have to take some of his own blood. I relaxed in his arms again, breathing a temporary sigh of relief. Now all I had to do was stay brave and wait for him to prepare things. I had to quit stalling and asking so many questions. This, I feared, would be easier said than done.