Read Ravenswynd Legends Page 24

  Chapter 15

  Simple Twist of Fate

  When I woke up, I did hear music. It seemed to be far off in the distance. Thinking back to my dreams I no longer wondered why they called this transformation process the quickening. My senses were more acute. I felt renovated, invigorated. It seemed the blood flowing through me was electrified and alive. A cool breeze brought with it a new scent that reminded me of burning candles. Still afraid to open my eyes, I kept them closed and just listened. It sounded like the band that had played for the ball - dance music. I heard footsteps and envisioned the moment when I could open my eyes completely and see my beloved dark-haired beauty of a man.

  “Emrys, will it be much longer?” I whispered.

  “Shh.” He placed his finger on my mouth bringing with it a tiny flow of electrical pulses, and he repeated, “Shh.”

  The bed moved as he sat down next to me. I reached out for him, half sitting up, waiting for my last dose of blood. He put his hand on my forehead, gently pushing my head back into the pillow, placing the cloth back on my eyes. He ran his warm hand down to the hem of my slip, brushing my thigh lightly while pushing the slip up toward my waist. Though his touch sent goose bumps up and down my legs as he rubbed my thighs; I wondered what had happened to his steadfast resolve to wait until after our ceremony. Now I understood what Larkin meant. There was no way I could refuse Emrys even if I wanted to; with my heightened awareness, my extreme sensitivity to touch, taste, smell and sound - it would be impossible to stop him.

  My skin began to glow with anticipation as he moved his hand from my thighs and caressed me with a light tickle, first on my arms and then in places I’d never been touched before. I kept my eyes closed as he brushed his hand over my breast, and then drew the straps of my slip down over my shoulders. Exposed and anxious, I managed to let the excitement of the moment excuse my newfound willingness to allow him to continue. I reasoned that the sheerness of my slip hadn’t left much to the imagination anyway. And besides, we would be together forever!

  He tugged at my slip, pulling it down, and I eased myself up as he took it off completely. He then stripped off my panties, leaving me completely exposed. I kept thinking that it would be better if I was further into my transformation and I could look into his eyes. And then I wondered why he wasn’t kissing me…or saying a word. But he never responded to any of my thoughts… too focused on his next move?

  I felt the bed move again, and when he eased himself down on top of me, I thought he seemed to be moving too fast; what about the gentle petting, cuddling, and kissing? And when he started spreading my legs with his knee, and something sharp scraped my inner thigh, I knew something wasn’t quite right. He still had his clothes on - that had to be a zipper jabbing my leg. Why would he do this? I took a chance and opened an eye, at the same time lifting a corner of the cloth from my face.

  No! This is not happening! God no! Horrified beyond belief, every fiber of my being screamed out in terror when I saw his hair. It was not long flowing, black hair. I saw no adoring eyes gazing at me. No sweet words of love, tenderness or delight at all. Is this real, or could I be dreaming; having a nightmare? This was not my Emrys! These eyes blazed copper and this hair was light brown. The hair of Rohan - the eyes of Rohan! A small sinister smile crept over his face as he saw my terrified look, and before I could scream he covered my mouth with his hand. Panic set in as I realized I’d never be able to fight him off. I wriggled and yanked trying desperately to get out from under him, but to no avail. He was heavier and stronger than me. I’d never succeed in moving him by myself. He had smashed his hand down on my mouth making it difficult for me to breathe, and his body - heavy on my chest didn’t help matters. Scared to death; every part of my body screamed out in pain. Seeing his leer of anticipation made me think he had actually turned into that ugly, evil clown.

  “Come on, Scarlett, you know you want it.” His deep grating voice echoed in my ears. He didn’t even have the decency to whisper, knowing full well what I had been going through, how sensitive my ears still were.

  “I’m the one you really want to be with forever,” he threatened. “We both knew that all evening. Now that Emrys has done all the preliminary work, I’ll just claim you for my own; though it is a shame I missed out on your tastiness. I’m sure you would have been delicious too.” He moved his head between my breasts and started licking and nibbling at me.

  Tears burned my eyes. He eased the pressure of his hand over my mouth a bit, and promised, “If you scream, I will give you even more pain than you can imagine.” His tone told me he meant it. He let my face go and I let out a sorry whimper. My throat was parched and my whole body hurt. I needed more blood, but he didn’t care about that; in his delusion, his one goal was self-serving.

  Then he tried to kiss me. I turned my head from side to side trying to avoid his mouth. At first I thought about only Emrys, and how I wanted to keep fighting Rohan off, but it only seemed to egg him on more. I felt something else against my thigh then, and I was sure it would only be a few more moments until he took from me what he wanted most, the thing I had saved for Emrys all these years.

  I thought about not struggling and pretending to enjoy myself, hoping to stall the inevitable, even going so far as to kiss him back. But all the while my mind raced with thoughts of Emrys and how he was supposed to be the one. And then I remembered Emrys’ ability to hear my thoughts! If only I could hold Rohan at bay long enough, I’d have a chance. I relaxed, pretending to give up.

  “You could at least try to be gentle, you know. My skin is on fire,” I whispered. I lay there, keeping my arms flat at my sides, stifling another whimper.

  “Just as I thought - you will be mine, pretty little Scarlett. You can’t resist me, can you?” Rohan oozed in a triumphant snicker, as he tried to kiss me again.

  Could he really be this dense? I turned my head to the side and his mouth went to my neck. I needed to concentrate on my thoughts now: Emrys! Emrys come quickly! I need you, now! I’m being attacked! Please help me, save me from Rohan!

  I repeated this thought over and over while Rohan’s hands kept groping and fumbling at me, his lips still searching. Overwhelmed with disgust, I didn’t know how much longer this could go on; it already felt like an eternity. Again and again, I mentally shouted the same words, desperately calling out to Emrys.

  The burning in my eyes was so intense, I had to keep them closed, but I heard my attacker clumsily undoing his zipper. My God, Emrys! Hurry! Rohan’s exposed hot skin now pressed against my leg. Emrys! I stiffened up again, trying to avoid his attempt to push my legs farther apart. He rose up a moment and said, “Come on, relax, Scarlett. It will only hurt for a minute. Trust me.”

  It was only seconds before it would be too late, and I’d lose myself to Rohan. Just then, I heard the key turning in the locked door. I pushed frantically, holding him away from my cringing body, willing my legs to close, and opened my eyes. It was then that I realized he hadn’t heard the door opening, or Emrys’ footsteps; he still hadn’t stopped trying. He looked at me, puzzled that I now pushed at him with all my strength, instead of lying there like a dead fish.

  “What? Come on, Scarlett. Quit teasing me now. You know...”

  Before he had a chance to finish his sentence, Emrys yanked him by his hair, pulling him straight up off of the bed. It had happened so fast and with such force that the very air around his body sucked up like a noisy vacuum, almost pulling me along with him. Emrys flung Rohan as if he were a rag doll. He hit the floor hard with a bone-crushing thud, and slid across the room. He had barely enough time to pull up his pants before Emrys stomped over to him. The look of shock and astonishment on his face only compelled Emrys to move even faster. My eyes were burning, and I closed them momentarily as I pulled the covers over my exposed, and now, chilled body.

  “She wanted it, man!” Rohan shouted. “Ask her! She didn’t e
ven fight!”

  I opened my eyes just in time to see Rohan’s body bouncing off the wall, cracking the plaster and sending white pieces of chalk-dust flying everywhere. Emrys reached him before he was able to stand back up, and grasping his shirt with one hand, threw him up against another wall. This time a mirror shattered. Shards of glass arrowed across the room. My ears felt like someone had rammed pieces of glass into them. And my eyes were on fire, I had to close them again.

  I heard a loud whack - the sound of a sharp swift blow to the jaw, a body hitting the floor, and a moment later heavy footsteps - running away. I ventured a peek, and saw the back of Emrys’ black cape billowing behind him as he chased Rohan up the stairs, the golden threads glistening in the candle light. I had to shut my eyes again then, and lay my head back on the pillow. My whole body ached; my head throbbed; my eyes watered; my ears buzzed, and I thought for sure I’d vomit.

  I heard a door close in the distance and realized it was the door to the balcony. The cool breeze had now ended. Through the closed door, muffled shouting flew back and forth - harsh, angry, threatening words. I wondered if Emrys would kill him, and shuddered at the thought, but at the moment, I’d gladly murder him myself. Rohan was as despicable as his father; in this case the old cliché was a good fit - the acorn didn’t fall far from the tree.

  A few minutes later, the door opened and slammed shut again - a loud click confirming that it was now locked. I knew then that I had left it unlocked. I curled up and began to weep. It was no one’s fault but my own, and I was sure Emrys would blame me for what had happened. This was not a good way to begin eternity, and I felt horrible. My skin still hurt, my eyes still burned - as much from the light as from the tears - and my head still pounded. Emrys’ steps came closer, and he touched my shoulder as I lay with the covers wrapped tightly around myself holding out the air and the light - hiding from the world.

  I waited for his anger to come, not moving, not breathing. I would take it and deal with it. After all, it was my fault.

  “Elizabeth?” His voice came soft, not angry; concerned, not harsh.

  I pulled the covers off my head and held them under my chin, keeping my eyes closed, not speaking.

  “Here, you must finish You will feel better soon.”

  He must have held the goblet, and even though there was no tone of anger or harshness in his voice, what seemed to be missing felt equally disturbing to me. He used no endearing words. He didn’t call me by any familiar pet names. I was hurt and saddened.

  When I sat up to drink, the cover fell down around my middle, but it didn’t matter. I had already ruined everything; I had let myself be exposed to the evil Rohan. Emrys would be angry for some time. And when you have eternity; that could be a freaking long time. I kept my eyes closed while I drank, trying not to think of anything, certainly not what had just transpired. I thought about my sister, about Fiona, and about my dreams, forcing out any and all thoughts of Rohan. Drinking strengthened me and I felt the color in my face returning. My throbbing head turned to a dull ache, and my eyes were finally soothed.

  I peeked out between my eyelashes. The dark silhouette before me slowly came into view, the light behind him casting an eerie aura around his head. I blinked a few times to clear my vision, and finally his face was visible. No smile, no welcome back, just a vacant look. Although he seemed to be looking at me I sensed emptiness, almost as though he was trying not to see me. I could take no more and I began to cry again. I had forgotten that vampires could cry, but my eyes and cheeks were wet, reminding me of the truth of it. I had brought all my emotions along with me to my vampire life, to my eternity. Then I remembered Ambrose, and his sadness at losing his wife. No matter what you tried to change in this world, there would always be sorrow. It must be a part of the world we reside in no matter what type of creature we are. Perhaps without it, we would never understand or appreciate joy.

  A frown crossed Emrys’ face, a deep line forming between his brows. I tried to read him. He had reacted to my tears, but why didn’t he comfort me then?

  We both started to speak at the same time:

  “I’m so sorry I left you alone,” he said.

  “I’m sorry I left the door unlocked,” I said.

  I lifted the sheet to wipe my tears, partially covering myself in the process. For one moment, the tenderness in his eyes returned, but when I dropped the sheet again, the vacant stare was back. Was I that hideous?

  I looked down at myself. Everything still looked the same. My skin was the same ivory; there were no bruises or scars, nothing unusual; unless you took into consideration the fact that I was half-naked. Suddenly, I felt not only exposed, but also embarrassed and shy, and pulled the covers up to my chin with a gasp.

  Emrys let out a loud sigh. “Are you alright? Did he hurt you?”

  “I’m fine! Thanks for asking,” I sobbed. “I was beginning to think you didn’t care!” I knew that rang out rather sarcastic, even bitchy.

  “Why on earth would you think that?” he said, surprised and offended.

  “Well, for one, you haven’t called me anything but my formal name, you can barely look at me, and you can’t even bring yourself to touch me,” I sniveled, still hurting.

  He instantly returned to his normal, loving, deeply intense self.

  “I have been waiting to see your reaction, to hear your thoughts, and I still do not know if...”

  “What?” I questioned.

  “Your mind is a whirl of messages, random thoughts of my memories, thoughts of Melinda, Fiona, your own insecurities and anger. I am not getting a clear view on what happened here tonight. I do not know how to react to you, and I am afraid to touch you. You must realize I have been trying not to look upon you with lust. You have made this quite difficult for me.” He sounded as confused as I felt now.

  “What do you mean you’re afraid to touch me?”

  “Elizabeth, you know the rules! I must see to it that you finish transforming. That is my responsibility to you as your maker, but I ...”

  “Emrys, stop.” I interrupted him, finally realizing what he had been going through. It all made sense now, the vacant look, the formal speech, the lack of physical touch.

  I tried to clear my mind then, to help him see what happened after I woke up, thinking he was still here, remembering every detail all the way up until he returned and rescued me. “It did not happen.”

  “No?” he said closing his eyes for a moment. I wished I could read his thoughts, but he made them clear when suddenly, and with much relief in his voice, he repeated my words.

  An eye-blink later, he held me in his arms, kissing me all over my face. His tears of happiness mingled with my own now as he embraced me.

  “Thank you,” he whispered in my ear, “thank you for waiting for me, for calling to me, for not letting him....” he choked on the last word.

  “How could I not think of you? You put your sign on me. I have been yours since that moment in time. I felt you drawing me without words, pulling me, beckoning me to you all this time. I’ve saved myself for you and you alone, Emrys. Surely you remember Sibelle’s prophecy! It appears you haven’t trusted your own instincts, my love. Don’t you remember the ending words of that prophecy? It was most truly correct: Trust your instincts, and two shall be- As one- for all eternity. Now kiss me and tell me you love me, and look at me while you say it. I have missed your eyes.”

  “You know I love you, my dear, sweet, immortal, Elizabeth, and I would love to kiss you.”

  He kissed me then, and he held me close for a long moment. When he pulled back and looked lovingly into my eyes, I knew my Emrys was back.