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  Ready for Sale

  By Shain Knowles

  Copyright 2011

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  Ready for Sale

  Beneath a half moon that was fading quickly from the summer night, John Maddux opened the front door to his small deli on the corner of Main and Fifth. He closed and dead-bolted the large glass door behind him before flicking the lights and the air conditioner on. The blast of cold air struck John’s face, instantly drying the big man’s eyes and sending a shiver down his spine. He laughed to himself before going about his usual opening procedures.

  After finishing the needed preparations ten minutes before opening, John made a sign that simply read HELP WANTED and hung it in the front window right beside MANAGER’S SPECIAL: JOHN’S MEATLOAF. He thought about Ralph, the bastard who’d left without notice last Tuesday and who was responsible for nearly a week of John having to work the whole shop alone. Damn that Ralph.

  John opened up right on time, and Mrs. Cumberland was waiting with a smile across her rosy round face. Her heels clanked loudly with each step she took. John watched her large hips shake back and forth with each click and wondered how those thin calves and skinny plastic heels held up under all that ass.

  “You have any fresh brisket? I need a good one. The kids are coming over this weekend and Phil and I are gonna barbeque for them.” She looked like a clown with all that makeup.

  “Sounds like fun. I got just the brisket for y’all.” He hurried behind the counter, looking at his feet, unwilling to look any longer at the overweight woman teetering on high heels she should have known she had no business wearing.

  The bell above the door rang just as John was taking payment from Mrs. Cumberland. In walked a young man in blue jeans, a nice green polo, and small round glasses with thick lenses which rested heavily across his thin face and magnified his blue eyes. After an exchange of goodbyes with Mrs. Cumberland that was much to long for John’s comfort, he greeted the young man, “How can I help ya?”

  “You hiring?” He pointed to the sign.

  John thought about Ralph again; he should have known Ralph was gonna screw him. He’d had bad dreams for several nights leading up to Ralph’s disappearing act. Not even having the decency to answer the phone after all John had done for him. He had after all given him a job, and after just three months had given him a raise. But just like those before him, Ralph quit without notice.

  “Yeah, sure…fill this out and then we’ll talk,” John handed the big-eyed man an application.

  Douglas Reeves filled out the front and back of the standard office supply store sold application and sat through the standardized interview John used to learn about prospective employees. Not that any of this mattered. John was tired of running the place alone six days a week. All John really needed to know was if the kid could work Saturdays. He had to work Saturdays. They were the busiest. Douglas said yes; he’d work every Saturday, “no problem.”

  “You’re hired. Be here at six a.m. tomorrow and wear rubber-soled shoes. The freezer can get slippery.”

  They shook hands and Douglas left. John’s day went by faster knowing he would have some help the next day. He didn’t even mind when a dirty bum came in and used his FOR CUSTOMERS ONLY restroom.

  That night John dreamt of Ralph. He saw the poor guy pleading for his life. The sky was red and Ralph shook and prayed on bent knees before a dark-cloaked figure who bellowed a laugh that sent shivers throughout John’s body as he watched the figure slice into Ralph’s flesh with a large sickle.

  John awoke, sweat soaking the bed and the sheet clinging to his exposed skin. He fought it, tossing about the bed trying to rid himself of any covering, unsure if he was alone or if he had truly awakened from his nightmare.

  The morning came too quick. John felt exhausted, but once Douglas showed up, his spirits picked up and he felt reinvigorated. Douglas learned quickly, and he had a natural way with the customers. He’s no Ralph yet, but he could be with time, John thought as he watched Douglas slicing ham for Ms. Jenkins.

  The day went by smoother than any had in the week since Ralph had quit, and John locked up, confident he would get a good night’s sleep. Douglas left repeating “six a.m.” He smiled and waved at John as he rounded the corner into the sun setting on the city. Yes, John you’ve done it again. You’ve found a great employee. You sure know how to pick ‘em, you sure do, John thought as he walked the two blocks home with a little skip in his step.

  That night John dreamt about the deli. About cutting brisket and steaks from whole cows in the freezer, and about Ralph’s tattooed arm being slowly sliced like ham, thin cut for sandwiches just like Ms. Jenkins likes it. He dreamt and slept straight through the night until his alarm woke him at five-fifteen. John felt great. He felt rested. Douglas was on time, looking wide awake and ready to work, and John beamed when he came in. You sure know how to pick ‘em. The day went by even smoother than the day before, Douglas showing he could retain what he had learned. John was able to spend three straight hours cutting meat in the freezer. He left smiling and patted Douglas on the shoulder, “You’re a natural, kid. I think you could really last at this.”

  “Thanks. See ya tomorrow sir.” Douglas waved and smiled.

  John dreamt about pushing beef, pork, and Ralph through the grinder one at a time before wrapping each in its own white paper gently taped closed and ready for sale. Another full night’s rest. John whistled the whole two blocks to open up his deli, with a smile that caused both of his dimples to sink in until they reached their deepest depth.

  Douglas was five minutes late, but he apologized before John could say anything. He had dealt with Ralph’s late arrivals for weeks. John just smiled and said it was all right. He told Douglas that he should just punch in and start cleaning the glass on the display case. Douglas did as he was told and another day went by. John went home, wearing his smile dimples showing he sure could pick ‘em.

  The dream came again, so vivid John could smell the blood splashing against his face shield as he used a large cleaver to cut hunks of flesh from the backside of Ralph for roasting. The carcass of his ex-employee hung from a hook between two whole cows skinned prepared to be butchered. John wrapped each freshly cut roast in white paper…ready for sale.

  The days went by and the nights were filled with restful sleep and sweet dreams of cutting meat in the freezer. John loved it at the deli. Douglas had gotten so good at the job John would leave him in charge of the store once a week while he went to the movies. John watched films about cops and lovers while Douglas sliced and sold meats to customers. John knew as he went home each night he sure knew how to pick ‘em.

  “Hey John, we’re almost out of the Manager’s Special meatloaf and I think Mrs. Cumberland said she’d be in tomorrow for five of ‘em for her church dinner,” Douglas spoke as he walked in fifteen minutes late. As a matter of fact, he had been late everyday in the last week, but John had yet to say anything because he could deal with it as long as he had his movies and sleep-filled nights.

  “I will make some more this afternoon.” John really couldn’t remember the last time he had made meatloaf, maybe the week before Ralph went missing?

  That night John dreamt he was at the deli grinding the last of Ralph into plain white paper wrapped, ready
for sale. He awoke before the alarm for the first time in months. John made it to the shop with a smaller smile and feeling a little under the weather.

  Douglas was late again. A whole half-hour and he did not even acknowledge it, just punched in and went into the freezer without saying a word to John. John felt the muscles tighten in his shoulders. His head flushed and felt heavy. Douglas emerged from the freezer holding six meatloaves wrapped in white paper labeled READY FOR SALE.

  “Wow boss…you were busy last night, eh?”

  “What ya blabbering about?”

  “All the meatloaves you made last night? When we left there were only five back there for Mrs. Cumberland. Now we have twenty or so.” Douglas laid the wrapped loaves in the slot in the display case marked MANAGER’S SPECIAL.

  “Oh, I guess I couldn’t sleep,” John was really not sure, but thinking about it hurt his head. He turned away from Douglas and began recounting the money for the cash register.

  “Cool…we should be good for a week or so.”

  They worked, John speaking little and feeling the day drag by like every minute had to be pulled up hill before it could pass. Douglas left without saying a word. John walked home dragging his feet staring at the ground, exhausted and not wanting to make eye contact with any passersby.

  John did not dream about the deli. He had nightmares of Douglas falling onto swords of knights on horseback, and woke several times throughout the night sweating and breathing heavily.

  Douglas came in late, and John said little. He was so tired. At noon, John went home for a nap, telling Douglas he was going to the movies. He did not want to alarm the boy; he needed him to take care of his deli while he rested.

  John collapsed onto the bed and fell fast asleep just moments after closing his eyes. He dreamt he was at the deli with Douglas. It was midday and Douglas asked about a movie. John said it was great, and then asked if he could help him in the freezer. John closed the door behind them as they entered the freezer; it closed with a slurp of suction as it sealed itself shut.

  “Whatta we need to do?” Douglas asked shivering, blowing smoke out with each breath.

  “Can you pick up one of those legs of lamb from the floor over there?” John asked, grasping a cleaver just out of sight of Douglas.

  “Sure,” Douglas bent down exposing the back of his head to John.

  With a quick strike, John brought the cleaver down with enough force to split Douglas’s head. One more whack to ensure death and John awoke, sticking to the sheets. The clock said it was two a.m. He had slept and dreamt for hours. John fell back to sleep until his alarm woke him again.

  Douglas was a no-show. After the second day of Douglas’ absence, John re-hung the HELP WANTED sign. Greg Simmons came in the very next day; he was interviewed and hired.

  John liked Greg all right even if he wasn’t as fast a learner as Douglas had been. But he was nice enough, and the regulars liked him all right. John began sleeping full nights again after Greg caught on.

  John dreamt about the deli and grinding meat for meatloaf from beef, pork and Douglas…ready for sale. You sure know how to pick ‘em. John smiled every day and slept great each night.
