Read Real Vampires Dont Diet Page 56

Page 56


  "Do that. " Simon turned to gaze at the water again. "There. Running lights. Looks like someone's taking a boat out now. It would be a nice change to have a boat for pleasure cruises. Gloriana, do you and Ray enjoy the water?" Simon turned and smiled at me.

  Damn. What was going on here? No singing. No storm and Simon making small talk. I remembered my blocking techniques and began a quick count of the buttons open on Greg's shirt. Ray came to my rescue, leaving Sienna at the piano and slinging an arm around my shoulders.

  "Glory isn't much for the water, Simon, but I've got a great little cigarette boat with a powerful motor. Right now isn't a good time, with so many guests here, but some night we'll have to go out and take a ride. " He leaned down and kissed my lips.

  "What's up?" He whispered this in my ear.

  "Not a clue. "

  Will walked up behind me with a beautiful blonde on his arm. "Hi, everybody, look who I found stranded down the driveway. This is Aggie. "

  Ray and I gawked. No way. Long blond hair. Legs!

  Simon came forward and his nose twitched. "Charming. I swear I can't quite place" He extended his hand. "Simon Destiny. "

  "Will's told me about you, Mr. Destiny. " Aggie smiled, her bright white teeth perfect. She had on a sparkly blue minidress that matched her eyes. "Sorry, but he warned me not to shake your hand. Hope you're not offended. "

  "Not at all, my dear. Just proves you're wise as well as beautiful. "

  Sienna jumped up from the piano. "I swear, Glory, is there no end to the number of hot guys you have around here?" She smiled when Luke threw his arm around her. "Do you think the roads have cleared yet? Luke wants to take me home for a nightcap. " I shuddered, figuring Sienna's juice would be Lukes nightcap of choice. We had to put a stop to this.

  "Sienna, the storm was pretty bad. " Nathan walked up to her and risked his life by pulling her away from Luke. "I bet it'll be another twenty-four hours before you can drive across that road. You'll have to spend the night here again. " Aggie held on to Will. "He's right. I don't think the water's gone down yet. " Her cute little nose quivered and she nodded at Luke. "But your guy there can take you right over it, can't you, fella?"

  "What does she mean, Luke?" Sienna looked puzzled.

  "Pay no attention to her. " Luke's smile had a glacier's warmth when he looked at Aggie.

  "But I don't get it. How did all these people get here then?" Sienna looked around the crowded room. "Ray?" Ray shook his head. "Guess there's no help for it this time, Glory. Who's going to do the honors?"

  "Please, let me. " Luke looked into Sienna's eyes, and she was instantly very still. "What shall I have her remember?"

  "That we had a hell of a party, of course. " Ray smiled at me and glanced at Aggie. "And lived to tell about it. " Before I had time to bask in the truth of that statement, there was a loud knocking on the front door. Ah, maybe the council had finally arrived. Though now that Aggie was in human form did that mean Casanova, Maurice and his sidekick were now enjoying Circe's hospitality? I prayed it was true, bitterly disappointed, though, that Simon was back on the outside deck, still talking real estate with Greg.

  Since Brittany and Valdez were practically shadowing Simon, Will finally remembered his bodyguard duties and rushed to answer the door. Barry stood there, waving a handful of newspapers.

  "Wow. Am I missing a party or what?" He came in and looked around, rushing to give Sienna, who was happily enjoying the party again, an air kiss. "Ray, Glory, why didn't you tell me you went to the island last weekend? This is the second scoop you let me miss. Ray, I'm your publicist, bud. You've got to keep me in the loop. " He threw the papers on the coffee table.

  "We didn't go to the island. " Ray picked up a paper, then frowned and turned toward the deck. "Damn it, Simon, what the hell is the meaning of this?"

  "What is it, Ray?" Simon walked back inside and took the paper from Ray's hand. "Son of a bitch. " I grabbed a paper, then wished I could take the lot and hold them to a candle. Maybe start a fire in the stone fireplace. Drac and Benny shared a copy with the front page in full color. Their glances at me, then at Jerry and Ray were sly, but they were smart enough not to say anything.

  "What is it, Glory?" Sienna peered over my shoulder. "Ooo. That doesn't look like the island. " She looked over at Jerry. "They fought over you?" She patted my arm. "Wow. "

  Wow. No, more like ow. There was a picture of Jerry and Ray hitting each other. Rolling in the sand, trying to kill each other. But my favorite was a shot of topless me pulling myself out of the pool with Ray behind me and Jerry in front of me. Nice. They'd blurred my nipples. Big blurs. 'Course I looked like I was wearing fuzzy pom-poms. Hell.

  "Interesting snaps, Glory, Ray. " Aggie waved a paper at me. "I can see how stressed you were over my little problem. " I ignored her. Easy to do when I got a look at Jerry's face. He didn't bother to pick up a paper. He didn't have to with Aggie and Will holding their copy up just a foot away. Great headline on that one: "Rocky Romance for Rock Star Romeo. " Lily took her newly found father's arm. "Looks like you were getting the best of him in that fight. But then" She studied me, then Ray. "Never mind. I know better than to ask about your love life when mine's a suckfest. " Drac glared at her. "Hey, I heard that. What's wrong with our love life? I treat you right, don't I?" Lily smiled. "Sure, when we're not dodging mobs with stakes. "

  This had Barry scratching his head. "I wouldn't mind someone throwing a steak at me. Make mine medium rare. But, hey, if this isn't the island, Ray, where is it?"

  "A resort not far from here. Owned by this guy. " Ray nodded toward Simon then snatched the paper from him again. "Supposed to have tight security. That's why we went there. Simon? I'm waiting for an explanation. " Ray crumpled the paper in his hand.

  "I'm sorry, Ray. All I can say is that we have security cameras. Tina must have seen the footage and used some of it to capture some stills and do this. " Simon said something to the third EV who'd come with him. That man stepped out into the dark and disappeared. "She will be dealt with. "

  "Wait. " I rushed out to the deck. "You're not going to, uh"I glanced back at the mortals in the crowd"you know. "

  "Why do you care what I do with Tina? Do you see how she's humiliated you, Gloriana? And ignored myyes, Rayvery tight security requirements. " Simon's hands were fisted and he narrowed his gaze on the picture I held in my hand. "I will not tolerate this. "

  "Wait a damned minute, Destiny. Don't make Tina the fall girl here. What the hell were 'security cameras' doing in the sunlight rooms? You got them in the shower stalls too?" Ray proved he was hero material by getting right in Simon's face. I was scared for him, moving in close and holding on to his arm. I was flanked by Valdez and Brittany, but even then knew we were fighting a losing battle if Simon used some of his Energy Vamp superpowers.

  "Ray? Honey?" I tugged on his arm. He needed to give Simon some space.

  "No, Glory, I've got to say this. We assumed we were alone. Simon invaded our privacy. " Ray threw down his paper. "This really pisses me off. What do you do with the videos you take in there, Simon? Work a little blackmail scam if you catch someone doing something they wouldn't want to go public?"

  I held my breath, waiting for Simon to blast Ray with one of his EV special effects. Believe me, he has some bad stuff in his bag of tricks and could blow Ray, me and our backup crew off the deck with a look or a gesture. Simon looked around the room. What saved us, I guess, is that there were several potential clients inside, including Dracula and his buddies, who he probably didn't want to alienate. I figure he could care less what Jerry, Flo, Richard or I thought. Ray, though, he'd wanted to pull into his EV spiderweb.

  "Let's go somewhere else to discuss this, Ray. I can explain. " Simon put his hand on Ray's shoulder and tried to capture his gaze. Ray was too smart for him. Even stepped away from his touch, dragging me with him. Believe me, I was happy to go.

  "I'm no
t interested in discussing this right now. Glory and I have other guests. Mortals I need to tend to. " He nodded toward Barry who was gawking at this byplay.

  "Glory, who's Tina?" Barry whispered. "What does Ray mean? Mortal?" I looked at Richard and he stepped in and put Barry under the whammy. Could this get any messier?

  "Hopefully another time, then. And I assure you the person responsible will pay for this. " Simon turned toward Greg. "Kaplan, get our capes. We're leaving. "

  "Simon, don't hurt Tina. " I don't know why I was so worried about the twit. Maybe because I have this irrational need to preserve human life. Okay, I'm a softie.

  "I'll hold off her punishment until I calm down. Will that satisfy you, Gloriana?" Simon pulled his cape around his shoulders when Greg handed it to him.

  "No, I mean, you don't have to be mad to put someone on your demon's energy-sucking machine, do you?" I glanced down at the picture of me topless again. Oh, God, could I look any worse? Sure. Tina could have picked a butt shot as I'd climbed out of the pool. I took a little solace in the fact that those double Ds were perky and that some women paid big bucks for breasts that size.

  Another headline caught my eye"Titty Wars. " Flo grinned and winked at me. I would not giggle, especially with Tina's fate hanging in the balance.

  "You're right, Gloriana. Using Tina's energy would be a fitting punishment. If I take too much? C'est la vie. Thank you for the suggestion. " Simon turned as if to leave.

  "No, wait!" I darted in front of him. "Don't do it. Just wipe her memories of loving Ray. Make her back into an ordinary woman with the kind of simple existence of someone who goes to a job she hates and lives with her mother. Put her like she was before, except without the Israel Caine obsession. That's the best punishment, Simon. Make her ordinary. Boring. Dull. " Simon shuddered. "I can't imagine anything worse. " He looked at Ray, who nodded as if this would work for him too. "Very well. Consider it done. Though I have to admit she was an interesting plaything for a while. " Simon swept around me, shifted into a bat and flew into the night.