Read Real Vampires Dont Diet Page 9

Page 9


  Maybe I got a little carried away. And maybe this would complicate things, but who could resist? So, damn me, if I didn't lean into good old Nathan, who, have I mentioned, is really a looker in a tall, dark and well built way? Think Denzel a few decades ago. Yum. While I built my fantasy scenario, I kissed him and ran my hands down his body then settled in at his neck. Who was acting? I was really turned on by the AB neg.

  "Damn, Glory, this is" Nate gasped when I finally used my fangs. His eyes rolled back in his head and I figured the whole vampire experience was a little too much for him. No problem. I drew on him and felt the wonderful fresh taste burst into my mouth. I swear it was enough to bring tears to my eyes. Why had I denied myself this pleasure?

  And not only was the flavor delicious, but the surge of power made my whole body jolt with renewed energy. I literally had to shove my mouth away from Nathan before I drained him. I lay for a moment against his warm chest, relieved that his heart still beat strongly. Oh, God, but that had been dangerously wonderful. I finally raised my head and saw blood trickling down Nate's neck. I'd been so far gone, I'd even forgotten to lick the fang marks closed. I took care of that, then kissed his lips and pulled his hand off my boob.

  I patted his cheek and left him to sleep it off. I could tell he was okay, just a little, um, drained. I sauntered down the hall feeling pretty damned good. Valdez must have heard me coming because he met me at the top of the stairs. He trotted up to me, then almost sat on my foot. "Cheeks pink. And the look on your face Wow, Glory. Musta been good. "

  "I'll say. I forgot how great mortal blood can be. Nate passed out when I bit him. " I grinned. "But he won't remember it that way. "

  Valdez glanced at Ray's bedroom door. "Whatcha gonna do about Caine? Can't believe that a-hole showed those yahoos downstairs your tits last night. "

  "I wanted to kill him. " I couldn't meet Vs gleaming eyes. He'd been one of those "yahoos. "

  "Let me tell Blade what happened, and you won't have to. "

  "No. Ray and I had a freak meeting out on the lake last night. I'll tell you about it later. But I need Ray around to help with this situation. " I sighed, already coming down from my temporary high. "I'd better go see if I can help him now. "

  "Yeah, yeah. " Valdez shook his head. " I'll be at the bottom of the stairs. But I'll be waiting. I can't protect you if I don't know what the hells going on, you know. "

  "Yep, I know, pal. I need your help. I always do. " I slipped into the bedroom, closed and locked the door, then leaned against it, trying to recapture that high I'd had when I'd taken Nate's blood. I did still feel pumped and ready for anything. Good. Because Ray was awake and tapping on the bedside table. He looked frantic. Yeah, he would since he couldn't make a sound with his million dollar voice.

  Maybe you think I should be a little more sympathetic. Hey, I'd had a few adventures with alcohol myself back in the day. The fifties were big on martinis. I'd had some killer hangovers. Nights and nights of pain and suffering. But I did eventually come back, 100-percent recovery. Of course Ray couldn't wait. The voice thing. I sympathized. Really I did.

  "Okay, Ray, relax. I think I know what you need, and I've got it right here. " I sauntered over to the bed, prepared to make the most of my mission of mercy. Nate had said Ray wanted something more from me. Why not? Glory St. Clair is hot, hot, hot. I did a little hair toss. Wasted effort. Poor Ray was scribbling madly on the pad I'd found for him earlier. He held it up.

  "I know you need your voice back. I'm not one-hundred-percent sure this'll work, but I think if you feed from me again, it'll help. " So much for my sex-kitten act.

  Ray fell back on the bed, tossed the pad and pen aside and opened his arms. I knew that look. He figured he'd get a little more than blood with my donation. Ah, so maybe my sex kitten had been noticed after all. Meow!

  "Relax, Ray. This is all about the voice right now. Save your other moves for another time. I'll bet you're still hurting, aren't you?" Had to play hard to get, didn't I?

  He shook his head, then winced and mouthed the words. "Maybe a little. "

  "No guarantees, but never underestimate the healing powers of aged vampire blood. " I sat beside him and brushed my hair back to offer my neck. Suddenly I was flat on my back, staring up at a Ray I hardly recognized. This man snarled, bared his fangs, then pinned my arms over my head before he plunged his teeth into my neck.

  "Ow! Son of aRay! Ease up!" I jerked my arms free and grabbed his hair so I could flip us until he was under me. I couldn't have done it if he hadn't still been weak from alcohol poisoning. "Now drink like a civilized vampire, not an animal, and try not to rip out my throat. " I put my arms around him and held him close as I felt the pull of him drinking from me. Wow, I'd expected a little finesse, maybe a few nibbles before he sank his teeth into me. Instead I'd gotten a ferocious attack that still had me shaking.

  "Calm down, Ray. I know what your voice means to you. But, damn it, you hurt me again like that and I'll throw you across the room. Just so we're clear. " I braced myself, ready to pull Ray off of me if he went too far, tried to take too much. I had to be able to function when all was said and done. Sure he was desperate. And probably saying every prayer he knew that this would work for him. I was praying for him too. But I wasn't willing to die for him.

  Gradually his movements became less frantic, and I closed my eyes and relaxed into the rhythm. Now, though, I became aware of his hard body against mine and the way we were lying tangled together like lovers. I'd been in a similar position with Nathan just minutes before, but somehow, with Ray, I was way more distracted by every place we touchedbare legs, chest against chest, his hips pressing into mine and the way his hand cradled the back of my neck. Ray carefully licked the punctures closed, his tongue making me shudder.

  "Want to go for best two out of three, vamp girl? I think I could flip you now that I've got juice. " I slapped his arm. "This wasn't a game, Ray. How do you feel?" He'd spoken in my mind. "Try to talk. Out loud. See what happens. "

  He touched my throat. "Sorry. Too rough. You okay?" His voice was raspy. But he could speak. We grinned at each other.

  "I'm a freakin' miracle worker, but you attack me like that again and I'll hand you your ass on a platter, vamp boy!' I yawned and stretched. "

  "Did I take too much?" Ray sat up.

  "I'd have stopped you before I let you do that. I'm okay. I fed from your buddy Nate before I came in here. So I'd be in top form. "

  "You and Nate? How'd go?" Ray's voice was getting stronger, but still just a whisper.

  "I'll never tell. " I sat up and leaned against the headboard. "How're we going to go vamp hunting with Sienna Star underfoot?"

  "Problem. Hotel. Tell Nate. Later. " Ray sighed. "Voice not right. "

  "Sorry. " I really was. This was a hard way for Ray to learn that he just couldn't drink alcohol. "How does your body feel?"

  "Better. " Ray rubbed his forehead. "But still hurts. "

  "I'll feed you again later. Hopefully that will help. I'm trying to dilute that poison in your system. Stay up here. We don't want to start a panic with the band. But I need to go down and talk to Will. You realize we're going to have to go out to the EV

  stronghold if we want to deliver Simon to Aggie. "


  How indeed. Maybe going after Simon Destiny was foolish. But I saw this as a golden opportunity to rid the paranormal community of one of the worst excuses for a vampire to ever show a fang. So I was determined to try. Muscle wouldn't do it. The King of the Energy Vampires was way too powerful and the demon he worked for too scary for us to just bull our way in and drag the leader out with us. No, it was going to take some pretty clever maneuvering. We had to lure Simon away from the safety of his lair.

  "Simon's bored. He told me that much when I saw him last. " And hadn't that been a treat? For some reason Simon had actually expressed an interest in hooking up with me. Not that I t
ake that as a compliment. The guy's just about as gross as Aggie. Has this unusual talent, though. He can make himself look like your heart's desire. If he decides to, of course. He hadn't bothered when I'd seen him last. "Maybe we can use his boredom to our advantage. "

  "Also has drugs. Go out there. Try some. Together. " Naughty smile. Ray knew the Energy Vampires were famous for their Vampire Viagra. It enhances sexual pleasure for male and female vampires. Trust me, no male vamp I've ever met had ED

  issues. The VV is strictly to ramp up the pleasure. Think wild monkey sex for hours on end. I never said it was a bad thing. Except for loss of control and, of course, the fact that it costs the earth.

  "I guess we could go out there and pretend to want to try some. Together. " I threw Ray one of my own naughty smiles then crawled out of bed.

  The doorknob rattled and there was banging on the door.

  "Gloriana, baby! Are you in there with Ray? Let me in. "

  Chapter Five

  Nathan. Calling me baby. I checked out Ray's reaction. He'd closed his eyes again. That headache. I hurried to the door.

  "Nathan, be quiet. Ray's still hurting. What do you want?"

  Nathan slid his arm around my waist and planted a big wet one on my lips. "You, baby. I dreamed"

  "Let's take this outside. Let Ray rest. " I started to pull Nathan out the door.

  "Wait!" Ray's voice was barely a whisper, but Nathan was already halfway across the room.

  "Man! You can talk. Not a hundred percent, but I heard you! Glory, sweetheart, you did it. " He grabbed me and tried to kiss me again, but I dodged away.

  "It's the vampire blood. Thanks to your donation, Ray's a little better, but I'm afraid it'll take more than once to do the trick. " I grabbed Nathan's hand and was about to get him out the door again when I saw Ray's eyes narrow on his friend.