Read Real Vampires Dont Wear Size Six Page 14

Chapter Fourteen

  "It's a good thing you know the owner. " Rafe grinned at me as he had one of his shifters squeeze a table into a corner of the balcony. "I wouldn't do this for anyone else. "

  "And I appreciate it. " I saw Jerry slip a tip to the man who put our spot together. "Thanks, Rafe. You sure it's okay if Penny just sits at the bar? It won't get Trey in trouble?"

  "No, he's one of my most reliable guys. And he has a break coming up. He seems into Penny, was really glad to see her. " Rafe quit smiling as Jerry put his arm around me. "I'll send you a waiter. Got to go. "

  "Appreciate the table, Valdez. " Jerry held out my chair.

  "Whatever makes Glory happy. " Rafe nodded and headed downstairs.

  "Gee, is it chilly in here?" I rubbed my arms.

  "You expect me to be friends with the man?" Jerry sat and moved close enough to lean against me. "Never happening. I did thank him. And I can keep you warm if you're really cold. Though the heat from all these mortals is getting to me. We'd better order some synthetic before I give in to my urges that you don't approve of. " He looked significantly at the next table where a rowdy group of men and women were obviously not on their first round of drinks. Definitely mortal and even tempting to me.

  I put my hand on Jerry's arm. "Yes, order something. I don't want to worry if you head to the men's room and are gone too long. " I glanced around the packed club and over the railing, where bodies positively seethed to the loud music. A band that had just hit the charts with their latest single was scheduled to perform in a few minutes and there was still a line at the door with people willing to pay for standing room.

  Jerry signaled a waitress just as I heard the hum of my cell phone vibrating in my purse on the table. I pulled it out, checked the caller ID, and grinned. "Guess who. " I answered the call. "Flo! Where are you?"

  "Ricardo and I just got back in town. Where are you? I want to tell you all about our honeymoon. " She laughed. "Well, not all about it. But we went to the most beautiful island. Stupendo!"

  "Jerry and I just got to N-V. " I looked around. I bet two more chairs could fit at our table. "Why don't you come over? The band should start in about thirty minutes. There's going to be dancing. "

  "On our way. I missed you, amiga. " Flo laughed. "Ricardo is frowning. Doesn't want to get dressed. As if he wore much of anything on that island. I'll get him there if I have to drag him by . . . Never mind. He is throwing on clothes. Ciao!"

  I was smiling as I turned to Jerry. "You heard?"

  "So Flo and Richard are back. Then maybe she can talk you out of this nonsense of helping Valdez with the demons. " Jerry had leaned in and spoke softly so that no one nearby could hear.

  "Don't start, please. Can't we just enjoy the night?" I touched his cheek. "When you order drinks get the kind with alcohol. I wouldn't mind a little buzz. " I looked up when one of Rafe's paranormal waitresses appeared at Jerry's elbow. He placed our order, then stood.

  "Fine. Let's dance. " The lights had dimmed and the song was a slow one. Jerry gave me a hungry look that made me wiggle in my chair. "I want to hold you. That dress is driving me crazy. I can't wait to see what you have or don't have on under it later. "

  "Good to know. " I smiled at him and held his hand as we walked downstairs. Earlier, I'd watched him get dressed in his dark trousers and white silk shirt. The open throat showed off his strong tanned chest. He looked pretty yummy himself and turned more than a few heads.

  Downstairs, I was happy to see Penny dancing with Trey. They held each other close and were obviously feeling some chemistry. Good for her. She needed a guy showing her some appreciation after the humiliating experience with Josh.

  Jerry and I danced to two songs before I felt a presence nearby. I turned and Flo grabbed me, dragging me off the dance floor. Richard and Jerry just shook their heads and followed us.

  "Tell me everything. " I laughed as Jerry went to find someone to bring us two more chairs.

  "Aye, Dio. My husband outdid himself. We went to this little island in the Pacific. We had our own private cabana, our love nest. Eh, Ricardo?" She held out her hand to Richard.

  Her tall husband looked more than pleased with himself. "It was that. I made sure Florence had some shopping close by too. I know my bride. "

  "Yes, the sweetest designer boutiques. " Flo ran a hand down her size-six body. "You like my dress? My shoes? I got them there. " She looked perfect in a copper silk sheath that hugged her curves and ended midthigh. Her heels were designer cages made of three kinds of metal. Only my friend could have walked in them and not fallen on her face.

  "You look great. " I wondered what Flo would do if offered the chance to see herself in a mirror. What a temptation that would be. But Richard was a former priest and still very into the church. And Flo herself would be horrified that I'd been approached by the demons. She'd been the leader in the exorcism that had finally managed to get Alesa out of me.

  I was blocking my thoughts, of course, and glanced around. If Caryon or Spyte picked up on them, would they get the idea that Flo might be open to a deal with the Devil? No, no, no. I felt like making the sign of the cross or something but knew better than to let Flo see me upset.

  Flo just kept talking as the table was rearranged, more drinks were ordered and we all settled down. "We were close to entertainment too. I know you can't, but we went gambling and I won! This honeymoon was lucky for me. "

  "No, I can't gamble, can't even handle a nickel slot machine without trying to pour my life savings into it. " I sighed. I have this addiction. One of the reasons I'd left Las Vegas. It had taken twelve steps and years of paying off credit cards to break me of that dangerous habit.

  "Well, there were shows in the casinos too. Great entertainment. We had many choices of whatever we wanted to do. " Flo smiled and looked at Richard. "Not that we left the cabana all that often. "

  "Nice job. " Jerry slapped Richard on the back.

  "I have to say I highly recommend honeymoons. It seems to stimulate . . . " Richard looked up with relief when the waitress arrived with our drinks. "Anyway, if you and Glory want the name of the island. I'll e-mail it to you. "

  Jerry glanced at me. "It would be nice to get away for a while. Do that. "

  "You know I can't leave things here. Certainly not my business again. I already took one trip recently. That one to Los Angeles. " I looked up when I saw Penny approaching us. "Here comes someone I want you to meet, Flo. " I held out my hand. "Penny, this is my best bud, Florence da Vinci Main-waring and her husband Richard. Flo, this is Penny Patterson, a fledgling I'm mentoring for the council. "

  Richard and Jerry had jumped to their feet, forever gentlemen. Penny grinned at them. "Sit, please. I'm happy to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Mainwaring. I'm living in your old bedroom, Mrs. Mainwaring. Ruining it actually. "

  "What's this?" Flo looked at me. "And call us Florence and Richard. We may be old, centuries, you understand. " She glanced at the tables surrounding us and laughed. "Kidding. But we look young. No?"

  "Yes. " Penny was checking out Flo's jewelry, which had probably come from yet another boutique. The chunky necklace was obviously one of a kind and very expensive. "Young and very stylish. "

  "Thank you. I have made it my life's work. " Flo put her hand to her dark hair, swept into an updo to show off the matching earrings.

  "Trust me, she has. I have the bills to prove it. But I'm not complaining. I get to be seen with her. " Richard laughed. "Won't you join us?"

  "Well, thanks. But I really need to talk to my mentor. Glory, if you could come down to the employee break room with me for a minute? I hate to interrupt your party, but . . . " Penny squeezed her purse, crimping the leather.

  "No, I'll come with you. " I got up and grabbed my own purse. "Be right back. I'm so glad you came to me, Penny. " I sent Jerry a mental message to come after me if I was gone more than ten minutes. "See you soon. " I leaned down and hugged Flo, then Richard.
"So glad you're back. Off to mentor. " I gave them a wave, then followed Penny. She was obviously upset and this couldn't still be Josh, could it? She'd seemed to be having a good time with Trey.

  We hit the door of the employee break room and, with the band scheduled to start in a few minutes, it was empty. Penny collapsed on a gray sofa.

  "Jenny texted me a few minutes ago. Josh actually followed your orders. He went back to that party and told everyone I dumped him. She said the guys razzed him and he defended me. Declared I was beautiful and might even be the one for him. But he'd blown it, been a jerk. " She had tears in her eyes. "I just can't believe it. "

  I sat beside her. "Believe it. That's how the vampire whammy works. We can wipe out memories and plant new ones. Mortals are pretty much putty in our hands. We have tremendous power, Penny. " I squeezed her hand. "Are you thinking of taking Josh back?"

  "No. I can see now that a mortal and a vampire can't work. We're from two different worlds and I'd be too tempted to drink from him, then manipulate his mind. " She slumped against the cushions. "But imagine having a man you could make do whatever you wanted. "

  "That would be a first. " Penny and I exchanged wry smiles, woman to woman. "But I'm honest enough with myself to know I'd never be happy with a man I could push around. " I made a face. "So I get things like fistfights in my living room. "

  "And new furniture. " Penny laughed. "I'd say you do more than all right in the man department. You're my role model. " She nodded. "So I'm moving on. To Trey. He's got his own powers and we have fun. I can relax around him and don't have to worry about hiding my fangs. " Penny put her hand on my arm. "He asked me to go out with him after the club closes tonight. Some of the people who work here are having a party. I may not come home afterwards. Do you think I'd be safe if I, uh, died at his place? For the day?"

  "If he were a vampire, I'd say no problem. But a shifter wouldn't have the precautions you need. To keep out the daylight. I'm not about to tell you how to run your love life. " I patted her hand. "If you're ready to go there, have at it, but you'd better ask him to get you home before dawn. Just to be on the safe side. "

  "Yes, I guess you're right. " Penny frowned. "Why's this vampire thing have to be so complicated?"

  "Just is. And maybe Trey's been around long enough to know how to take care of a vampire during daylight hours. " I knew a rebound when I saw it but then again Penny had never really had a relationship with Josh, just a couple of dates. If getting close to Trey made her feel better, so be it. "But why take that chance?"

  "You're right. And we may not . . . Well, I'll see what happens. " Penny put her purse down beside her and looked me straight in the eyes. "Glory, the real reason I asked you down here is that Jenny's on her way. I texted her that I was at N-V and could probably get her and her date in. She was all over it and insisted she was coming to join me. " Penny lost her nerve and looked away.

  "Penny, what are you thinking?" I grabbed her shoulders and made her face me again.

  "I'm thinking it's time I told her the truth. About what I am. See if she wants to join the club. " Penny's eyes filled. Oh, great. Here came the waterworks.

  "Not tonight. You've got the date with Trey to look forward to. Telling her now would totally screw that up. Put the Jenny thing off. Maybe tell her tomorrow night. Ask her over after the rats are gone. Better yet, after you get settled in with your job with Ian. And after the semester ends. Doesn't she have final exams coming up?" I was trotting out every delay tactic I could come up with.

  "Oh, gosh, you're right. I totally spaced on that. With the lab closed, I'm out of the loop at school. And there's the dinner with Mom and Dad. Jenny would never be able to keep this kind of secret from them. " Penny sagged against the sofa cushions. "Wow. Thanks for talking me down, Glory. It's just that Jen and I have been so close all our lives and I hate to see us grow apart like this with a monster secret between us. "

  I kept my opinion to myself. Which was that a "close" sister would have helped Penny look a heck of a lot better than the Penny who'd arrived on my doorstep. And it wasn't as if my fledgling didn't want to look good. She'd taken every bit of my wardrobe advice to heart and had been thrilled with the way she'd attracted male attention since then. Made me wonder why the perfect Jenny hadn't steered her sister along the same path.

  "Fine. So you can introduce Jenny to Trey tonight. Won't that be a rush? He's cute. On top of Josh's big confession, it's become obvious that you're turning into a regular femme fatale. " I grinned at her. "And you can always whammy her again if Jenny sees something she shouldn't here. " I got up. "I need to get back to my friends. Are you okay now?"

  "Guess so. " Penny grabbed her purse. "I want to watch the band. It's starting soon and I need to get with Trey and arrange for Jen and her date to get in. " She jumped up and hugged me. "Thanks for talking me off the ledge, Glory. I get so overwhelmed sometimes. You know?"

  I patted her back. "Sure I do. " I thought about the demons and how pressured I felt. "I really do. One word of advice. Don't go to the bathroom with Jenny. No reflection in those mirrors and wouldn't that raise questions? And of course there will be a bunch of other mortals in there too. Not only will you have the mirror thing to explain but - "

  "Bloodlust. " Penny made a face. "I'm doing better. Honest. The bartender is a vamp and he's been pumping me full of synthetic. He's cute too. If this thing with Trey doesn't work out . . . " She opened her purse and pulled out a cocktail napkin. "He gave me his number. " She grinned. "What is it with these paranormals? Don't they notice the junk in my trunk?"

  I laughed. "Lucky for us, a lot of them are ancient and have that old-time love of a well-rounded woman. And I don't mean a woman with a lot of interests. " I hooked arms with her. "Now get out of here, have fun, but be careful. I'll want a full report tomorrow night. "

  "Thanks, Glory. " She opened the door, then took off.

  I was feeling really ancient myself as I walked out of the room and ran straight into Rafe.

  "Oh, hey, I was hoping I'd get a chance to see you without your lord and master. " Rafe looked me over with an appreciative smile. "You look amazing tonight. New dress?"

  "Yes, Penny and I hit the mall. And thanks. But not for the lord and master slam. You know that wasn't nice. " I backed up, pressed against the wall when Rafe moved close to let a group of giggling college students go past on their way to the ladies' room.

  "You let Blade get away with that possessive crap, so I figured you got off to it. " Rafe didn't move back now that the hall was clear, just stayed in my space.

  "No, but some battles just aren't worth fighting. " I put my hand on his chest with the intention of pushing him away.

  "I get that, I so get that. " He dug in his jeans pocket. "Here, I have something that belongs to you. Taking it was stupid. I realized that after the fact. It was something Blade would do. "

  I looked down and saw the vial Ian had given me. "What? You stole this out of my apartment?"

  "Yeah. Protecting you from yourself. " Rafe made a face. "I said it was stupid. But you know how I feel about Ian's shit. You had bad side effects from his diet drug. Remember?"

  "Sure I do. But good ones from his daylight thing. It worked and it was amazing, my glimpse of the sun was longer than Ian's clients usually get. Still, it was too short for the cost. " I sighed. "I can't believe you took this, Rafe. What were you thinking?"

  "Wasn't. It was me doing the bodyguard gig. Can't seem to drop the act, you know?" He gave me a rueful smile. "Now I'm giving it back, but I'd like to know what in the hell it's for. Come on, Glory. What is that drug going to do for you? And you said Penny has a vial too. You're actually condoning your fledgling taking Ian's drug? Wonder what the council would say about that. " Rafe stared at me with a mixture of accusation, concern and, okay, a bit of a threat.

  "You going to rat me out? Oh, cute, rat, yeah, I should sue the damned council for sticking me with a fledgling who bri
ngs home fifty-three freaking rats. " I glared at Rafe. "I can't believe you'd do that, Rafe. Seriously. "

  "No, I'm not going to tell anyone what you're up to. But I wish you'd confide in me. Let me be around when you take whatever this is. In case there's fallout. " Rafe was all concern now, his hand on my shoulder.

  "I appreciate your protective instincts. I do. " I felt the steam go right out of me. "But Penny's a scientist and Ian is offering her a job. I don't think he'd be poisoning her. Right?" I waited for Rafe's reluctant nod. "So just trust me now and back off. " The truth was I knew I was probably taking a chance with this drug of Ian's. We did have a history and Rafe had been a witness to the side effects Ian's concoctions could have on me. But for the chance to enjoy real food and sit around eating with mortals, like I was part of a family . . . Something inside me just couldn't turn down that opportunity.

  "Backing off. " He held out his hands and took two steps away from me. "Do what you want. You have my number. If this goes down poorly, though, I hope you'll call me. " He shook his head. "Yeah, I'm a fucking glutton for punishment. " He turned and I knew he'd be gone in a moment.

  I blinked back tears and grabbed his arm. "Stop. "

  He looked down at my hand. "Why?"

  "You're just being a good friend. Don't think I don't appreciate it. It's just - " I sniffed.

  "That you're going to do whatever the hell you want to do. " Rafe shook his head. "I hope you don't regret it. "

  "Me too. I, uh, thanks for caring. " I let him go when a waiter called his name from the end of the hall.

  He said something over his shoulder, then rubbed his thumb over my cheek. "Yes, I care. But it would be better for us both if I didn't. " He gave me a crooked grin, then strode off down the hall.

  I took a shaky breath, stuffed the vial into my purse, then pulled out my compact. I hated to think that he was right. Where would I be if Rafe suddenly didn't give a damn what I did? Could I be indifferent to him? Not a chance in the world. I looked down the hall but he'd disappeared into the crowd. I opened the compact, figuring the best I could do right now was repair the damage the last few moments had done to my makeup. I sure wasn't going to solve any of my major issues standing here.

  "Gloriana St. Clair. What are you doing?"

  I glanced up from powdering my shiny nose. Flo gaped at me from a few feet away.

  "Uh, fixing my face. " I snapped the compact shut.

  "I saw you look into the mirror and wipe lipstick off the corner of your mouth. Like you could see it. " Flo grabbed the compact, opened it and stared into the mirror. "Pah! No magic there. " She held it up to me and gasped. "No, I don't believe it. " She waved it in front of me, then in front of her, back and forth five or six times, testing it.

  The same group of students surged out of the bathroom again and I pulled Flo into that empty break room.

  "Come here. Let me explain. " I really didn't want to, but what choice did I have?

  "Jeremiah got up to come see about you, but I insisted it was a woman's matter so I came instead. And I find this!" Flo staggered over to the couch and collapsed. "You tell me. How did you get a reflection, Glory?"

  "Uh, well, I - " I stammered, not sure where to start.

  "Let me, dear girl. " Caryon shimmered into view, Spyte by his side. The room filled with a cloud of sweetness that tonight had a hint of cinnamon.

  "You like? We followed you to the mall, Glory. They make those giant cinnamon rolls. They smell sooo delicious. It does give us a little something extra, don't you think? To add a little flavoring?" Spyte settled next to Flo on the couch. "Picked up a few souls while we were there. Those crafty creatures who man the carts. Very eager to make a deal for extra profits, don't you know. " He smiled at Flo, showing her his mouthful of fangs.

  "Get away from me, you hell creature!" She jumped up and grabbed my arm. "Glory, what are they doing here?"

  "They are the ones who gave me my reflection. They're trying to persuade me to do Lucifer's work. To get me to harvest souls for him. "

  "Hah! You are barking up the wrong tree stump here, you creatures from the black lagoon! You monsters from the depths of wherever!" Flo clutched me to her bosom, so overwrought she wrinkled her dress. "You cannot have my BFF. Go back where you came from. Roast your skinny asses somewhere else. " Flo's eyes were shining and she actually stomped her foot, her metal shoe rattling.

  "Now, Florence, is that any way to talk to someone who could make your own dreams come true?" Caryon's voice was smooth as butter melting over a stack of pancakes.

  I eased away from Flo and looked into her eyes. "Careful now, Flo. Don't listen to him. He's going to give you his sales pitch. " I gasped when I felt a sucker punch in the stomach. I looked down. Nothing there, but Spyte blew on his fist, like maybe he'd done it with the power of his thoughts. As if a little pain could stop me. But he sent me a mental message to watch my mouth or I could be a statue in a heartbeat. Okay, I got that.

  "Sales pitch? I have resisted the best saleswomen in the world, you dung-heap dweller!" Flo stalked up to Caryon and had the nerve to poke him in his chest with a copper-lacquered nail. "I have listened to them claim I looked good in chiffon poofs. Hah! You think I didn't know better? Poofs on my butt? 'Try them,' they said. 'Exquisite. ' Unloading last year's rejects. I see through that. And I see through you. "

  "But I see through you, dear lady. " Caryon ignored Flo's finger stabbing and grinned at me. "Such spirit. Such fire. She will soon be Lucifer's favorite. "

  I started to say something but Spyte hit me again, a real stomach burner, and I gasped, breathless and speechless.

  "Oh, yes, all your dreams will come true, dear lady. " Caryon sighed. "Just think for a minute. "

  "What are you talking about? I have everything I ever dreamed of. A wonderful husband, a new house with the most magnificent closet - " Flo grabbed my arm. "Glory, I didn't tell you. While we were gone, Ricardo had the bedroom next to the master made into this closet. It is a dream. All organized and filled with my things. Magnifico!"

  "Yes, Glory, you really should see it. " Spyte danced around the room, finally landing right in front of Flo. "It even has a three-way mirror at one end. So the lady of the house can see herself from every angle. " He pulled a face. "Except the designer didn't know that this lady can't see a damned thing, can she, Florence?"

  "What a shame. " Caryon studied the polish on his brown wingtip shoes. His suit was a cream silk, his tie a brown, peach and silver work of art. "And that meant you left the house tonight with a thread dangling loose on the back of your skirt. "

  "No!" Flo twisted, trying to see what Cary was talking about. "Glory, look, is there . . . ?"

  "How do you know what's in her house?" Suddenly I was allowed to speak.

  "Basic research, Glory dear. " Cary inspected his perfectly manicured nails. "I can describe the homes of all of your nearest and dearest. Right down to whether their toilet paper rolls over or under. "

  "Glory, please. Is there a thread?" Flo grabbed my arm.

  This time my stomach heaved without Spyte's help. Demons spying on all my friends? Flo's nails dug into my skin so I glanced and, sure enough, a thread stuck out from the center back seam.

  "Yes. " I sighed. "Sorry, Flo. I can't pull it or it might damage the fabric, make it pucker. "

  "I am not perfetto!" Her eyes filled.

  "Of course you're not. How can you be when you can't ever see the total picture?" Caryon smiled, never letting his true ugly nature show. "Look at me. I'm wearing a custom-tailored Italian suit. My suit, my tie, every part of my outfit is perfectly fitted and coordinated. And, of course, my hair is just right. I hate to tell you, but the back of your updo is a giant don't. " This time his smile showed just a hint of fang.

  "What? Glory?" Flo put frantic fingers to the back of her hair.

  "Okay, Cary, cut it out. When she got here, her hair was fine. You obviously messed with it. " I cou
ld see that, yes, he'd done a number on her hair, turning it into a rat's nest. "Relax, Flo, you can fix it. "

  "Stop torturing me. " Flo's lips quivered. "I will never help a demon. I am good. My husband is a saint. There is no way I can work for the Devil. Go away. "

  "Of course. No problem. " Spyte pointed at the full-length mirror on the back of the door and Flo shrieked.

  Suddenly, she could see herself, from head to toe. "Mio Dio. Is it me, Glory?"

  "Yes, Flo. " I glared at Spyte. "What's up? Why are you doing this? I told you to leave my friends alone. "

  "And we obey you because?" Spyte laughed. "Come on, this one looks like an easy takedown. "

  Flo was busy with her purse, reapplying her lipstick, fussing with her eyebrows and straightening her hair. She leaned closer to inspect her skin.

  "Flo, honey, step away from the mirror. " I walked up behind her and grasped her shoulders.

  "Look at us, Glory. " She smiled at our reflections. "We are beautiful, no?"

  "Yes, you are, anyway. But this is the Devil's handiwork. These guys are trying to lure you over to the dark side. What would Richard say?" I tried to pull her back but she wasn't budging and she ignored what I'd said completely.

  "I think I look old. Do you have any idea how many hundreds of years it has been since I've seen myself? I had forgotten . . . " She leaned forward, peering intently at her teeth, her fangs. "This is not good. I must get some of those whitening strips, I think. "

  "Flo, listen to me. This is a slippery slope. " I looked around but Cary and Spyte had disappeared, obviously sure that they'd laid the groundwork. I was afraid they were right.

  "You must come to my house. See my new closet. After the band and the dancing. " She finally dragged her eyes from the mirror. "See, the diavolos are gone. It is a little gift. I don't know why they are toying with me and I don't care. If they can see through me, they must know I am not going to do anything for them. Ever. But, in the meantime, they gave both of us a reflection. We can enjoy it and not feel guilty. " She grinned and bounced on her weird metal shoes. "I am happy. We will go to my house and see ourselves in the three-way mirror. Just wait. "

  I followed Flo upstairs, amazed that she could chatter with the men and fool even her husband into thinking that everything was normal. Demons never did anything without expecting payback. If Flo thought she could just enjoy her reflection and not suffer for it? Well, I could tell her there was no way in hell that was happening.

  It took some doing, but we got the guys settled into Richard's man cave in front of his big-screen TV and a car race before Flo and I headed upstairs to see her closet. This was the first time I'd been to Flo and Richard's new house and I was impressed. It was obviously expensive, on a hilltop with a spectacular view of the lights of the city.

  "Damian found it for us. You know my brother owns houses everywhere in Austin. He sold it to Ricardo for a good price. " Flo was practically running as she headed upstairs. "This is the master bedroom. " She threw open double doors. A king-size bed dominated the large space. There was a terrace and balcony off the bedroom to take advantage of that view, but I could see automatic blackout drapes that would close at sunrise.

  "It's gorgeous. " I wasn't lying. The cream and gold room was decorated with fine antiques, and an Oriental rug covered most of the hardwood floor. My fingers itched to touch some of the lacquered boxes that rested on the long dresser, not to mention the jade and ivory carvings displayed in a tall shelving unit.

  "The pretty pieces from the Orient are Ricardo's. He's collected for centuries. One of his hobbies. I had no idea when I married him that he had so much in storage. " Flo threw this information over her shoulder as she hurried to another set of double doors. "There's a decadent bathroom over there with a Jacuzzi tub, steam shower, you name it, and a closet I gave to Richard. " She sighed and paused for dramatic effect. "But this is mine, all mine. " She threw open the doors.

  My jaw dropped. What had obviously been a good-size bedroom was now a walk-in closet painted in shades of cream and turquoise. It had shelves for purses and shoes with racks for dresses, pants and blouses. A dozen drawers were closed but labeled and I could see that she had many for lingerie, scarves and belts.

  Flo had made a beeline for the three-way mirror at the end of the room. It was flanked by large windows with their own blackout drapes.

  "Look at me. Ah, scissors. " She pulled out a shallow drawer filled with every kind of manicure accessory and found a pair of sharp scissors. "Will you cut off the thread? Carefully, of course. I have to go back to the men wearing this same dress. "

  "Sure. Stand still. " I said this because Flo was so hyped on adrenaline, she was practically vibrating. I clipped the offending thread, then handed her the scissors. "This closet is the most amazing thing I've ever seen. "

  "Isn't it? You see why I love Ricardo so much? He understands me and indulges my passions. " She winked at me. "All of them. "

  "You are very lucky. " I unzipped her when she gestured for me to. "What now?"

  "I've got to see myself in . . . " She began going through her racks. "Oh, which one first? My wedding dress. The most special night of my life. " She blinked as tears filled her eyes. "No, what if I think I could have done better? This? I wore it to a coronation. No, no, I'd better hurry. What if they take this away?" She began flipping through dresses, becoming almost manic until she tried holding a few up in front of the mirror.

  "This color! What was I thinking?" She crammed the dress into a small trash can but I rescued it. Definitely could sell it in the shop.

  "I did the same thing, Flo. Gold. Not my color. " I settled on a zebra-print velvet bench in the middle of the room. "Take a breath and try something on. " I had to admit, seeing my tiny friend running around in a bra and bikini panties was depressing. She was so totally unaware of her body. And why not? From where I sat, it was perfect.

  "You are right. Calm, must stay calm. " She patted her cheeks and sat at the built-in vanity. "Makeup. I should never wear a coral blush again. Rose or pink, I think. " She turned from the mirror to me. "This is a wonderful thing. This reflection. "

  My stomach sank. "No, Flo, it's an evil thing. From the Devil. Demons gave it to you and they can take it away. " My throat started to close. "Uh, try on a dress. " This came out as a croak.

  "Yes. One I bought last week. Those clerks. " Flo made a hand gesture as she jumped up and dug into her dress section one more time. "They will say anything to make a sale. "

  "Well, thanks a lot. I'm a clerk too, you know. I've been known to tell the truth and lose a sale. " My voice was back. I guess as long as I didn't dis the demons, I was good to go. Flo stopped with the dress in her hand and gazed at herself in her underwear.

  "Aye de mi. What is this?" She looked down and grabbed the skin at her waist. "I am fat!"

  "Don't cry to me. " I laughed. "Honey, if that little bit is fat, then I'm an elephant. " I shook my head. "Just put on the dress. I'm sure Richard doesn't complain about your waistline. "

  "No, of course not. He's not stupid. But what does he know?" She stepped into the dress and backed up to me so I could zip her up. She turned and faced the mirror. "I knew it. I hate it. The print makes my butt look huge. "

  I'd glanced at the price tag still hanging from it. I didn't know what currency they'd been using, but it obviously wasn't cheap.

  "First, your butt isn't huge and couldn't look that way if you tried. And, second, that blue is really your color. Third? No one is going to be focusing on your butt with the front dipping that low between your boobs. "

  "True. I do have good breasts. " Flo turned this way and that. "I still can't believe I can see myself. This is amazing. " She turned to me. "How about you, Glory? Don't you love it?"

  "Not so much. Because I know with demons, there's always payback. " I jumped when Caryon and Spyte suddenly appeared in front of me.

  "So glad you brought that up,
Glory. " Cary waved his hand and Flo's reflection vanished. "Playtime is over, pay time is here. "

  "What? No!" Flo ran up to the mirror and patted it, finally pressing her nose against the glass. "What have you done?" She whirled and glared at the demons. "Get out of here. If my husband smells demons in this house, he will get out his holy water. "

  "She's right. " I frowned at Spyte, who was picking through Flo's blouse collection and had settled on a bright yellow one with green trim. "And Richard's is the real deal. It really hurt Alesa. What would Lucifer say if you were sent back in a steaming pile and landed right in his lap?"

  "Don't think you want Richard interfering, do you, Florence?" Cary strolled up to her and plucked at her dress with a black claw. "You'd never see your reflection again. "

  "What do you want?" Flo glanced at Spyte. "Get away from my clothes. "

  "You have exquisite taste. Lucifer would love you. " Spyte giggled as he threw her blouse up in the air, then ripped it apart with his claws. "I do so hope you do the right thing. "

  "I told you to leave my friends alone!" I started to jump up but, wouldn't you know, Cary waved his hand in my direction and I was stuck on the bench, solid as a rock. When I tried to scream, my mouth was sealed shut. Oh, man, did I hate this. Now I was going to have to just sit and pray that Flo had the will to resist what these demons had to offer.

  "Ignore Glory, Florence. " Cary pulled an envelope out of his pocket. "Now, here's all you have to do to keep that reflection you're so fond of. " He pulled out a piece of expensive paper and the envelope disappeared while a red pen appeared in his other hand.

  "What is it?" Flo glanced back behind her, to make sure her reflection was still gone. Her hands were trembling and not just because Spyte had moved on to her dresses and was humming "Come on, Baby, Light my Fire" as he pulled out a red number. He held it up, then shook his head. In seconds it was full of blackened holes and lying on the floor with wisps of smoke curling up from it.

  "Just sign this little contract giving your soul to Lucifer and your reflection will be restored. " Caryon smiled, showing all his fangs this time. "No biggie. You're immortal. What difference does it make where you go when you die? If you ever do. Hmmm?"

  "I, I can't. My Ricardo. He would never forgive me. " Flo cringed when Spyte pulled open a drawer and began ripping his way through silk panties. "Make him stop. Why is he doing that?"

  "Spyte, bad boy. You're upsetting our Florence. And she's on the verge - "

  "Out of my house!" The roar made the crystal chandelier in the center of the closet rattle. Richard held his Bible in front of him and wore a crucifix around his neck.

  "Spoilsport. " Cary whirled and let his true and hideous scaly snout show. "I'd refuse but I have other business else-where and this was getting boring. Come, Spyte. "

  "Aw, I was having fun. " Spyte blinked. "Here's a parting gift, Florence, to keep us in your heart. " He grinned, then disappeared along with Cary. Suddenly the air was filled with flying insects.

  "Moths! Mio Dio! They will devour my silks, my wools! Ricardo, do something!" Flo collapsed in his arms, tears running down her face.

  I leaned over, feeling sick, like maybe I could throw up. "Glory, are you okay?" Jerry sat beside me and put his arm around me.

  "No, I did this. Got them interested in Flo. "

  "Yes, you did. You'd better leave. " Richard still held Flo but he was staring at me. "Darling, calm down. I'll call an exterminator. Surely they can't do that much damage. "

  Flo jerked away from him, grabbed a leather bag and started swatting at the hundreds of moths. This just made them dive into her clothes to hide. "This is too cruel. I can't bear to watch. " She threw herself on Richard again and buried her face in his shirt, sobbing.

  "I'm sorry. I didn't mean . . . " I wiped the tears off my cheeks.

  "Glory!" Flo pulled away from Richard and held out her hands to me. "I don't blame you. I am weak. I never should have listened for even a minute. "

  "They're clever, Flo. And Richard is right, I got you noticed. " I stood, my legs rubbery, and leaned against Jerry. "We're going. I'm sorry for this . . . " I waved my hand, batting at the moths that had ventured out again. I felt some on my hair and brushed them away.

  "Not your fault, amiga. " Flo frowned when he tried to stop her and finally stepped away from Richard to hug me. "I will call you tomorrow. "

  "I won't hold you to that. Just save your clothes. I'm so, so sorry. " I noticed Richard didn't say anything. Jerry was quiet too as he led me out of the house and to his SUV. It wasn't until we were driving back down the hills and toward his house that he finally spoke.

  "What did we walk in on?"

  "The demons were trying to get Flo to sign away her soul. " I took a shaky breath. "I swear, if you two hadn't intervened, I was afraid she was going to go for it. "

  "This demon shit has got to end, Glory. " Jerry reached over and took my hand.

  "You think I don't want it to?" I sighed.

  "This all goes back to Valdez. " Jerry squeezed my hand.

  "I'm still helping him, Jer. Besides, I don't think they'd let me back out now anyway. They seem to be having too much fun at my expense. " I sighed and looked out the window at the dark night. "Take me home. I need to make sure Penny gets in all right. "

  "Fine. " He took his hand back to the steering wheel.

  I decided that it was past time for me to make some things clear with Jerry and this was one of them. Yes, I hated the demon thing, but I was going to have to resolve it myself. End of story. I just hoped none of my friends ended up as collateral damage.