Read Real Vampires Get Lucky Page 34

Page 34


  "Of course we're all going, but Caine's going to have to feed first. " Richard looked from Flo to me. "Glory, tell him what you want him to do, including feed from you, then snap him out of it. Only aged vampire blood will make him strong enough to get through tonight. "

  So I told Ray that he would introduce me as his new girlfriend. That he would do his concert as planned and that he would come back to the apartment with me before sunrise. Then I told him to snap out of it.

  The horn honked downstairs as Ray rubbed his eyes and looked around. "Well, who's this?"

  "I'm Florence da Vinci, a huge fan, Ray. " Flo put her hand on his chest, practically drooling. "And Glory's roommate. "

  "You're not . . . "

  "Vampire?" Flo smiled, showing the fangs she was so proud of. "Of course, darling. " She waved her hand toward Richard. "All of us here are except Valdez, of course. He's something else special. " She blew my dog a kiss. "Welcome. "

  "Yeah, right. I still say this is all bullshit. " Ray looked at Valdez. "Or am I allowed to say that?"

  "I'll let you know when you screw up, man. "

  The horn honked again. "I've got to go. " Ray tried to stand, but fell back again. "What the hell's wrong with me?"

  "You're weak. You need to feed. The synthetic you had can't give you enough energy to make it through the concert tonight. " I smiled slightly. "Flo and I really are huge fans. We've watched your videos and seen how you sing, dance and move all over the stage. You have to be in top form. There's only one thing that can give you the boost you need to give that kind of performance. "

  "So what is it? Give it to me. Quit wasting time. I'm running late. " Ray tried to get up again. No go. "Hurry. I've never canceled a gig yet and I'm not going to tonight. "

  "You have to drink from another vampire. Here. " I pushed back my hair and offered my neck. No way was I going to settle for an impersonal wrist. Ray's lips on my skin, his fangs sinking into my jugular. I shivered just thinking about it.

  "Wait. I'm older than you are, Glory. My blood is much richer. " Flo grabbed Ray's arm and wrenched him toward her. She tossed back her long black hair and offered her own ivory neck.

  "Excuse me? Who found him in her bed tonight?" I gave Flo a cold look. She might be my best friend, but best friends don't poach.

  "I know every word on his Reunion album and you know that was the one that didn't even go platinum. "

  "Cat fight. Richard, you want to put a bag of popcorn in the microwave?" Valdez settled in front of the couch. "Think they'll start ripping each other's clothes off?"

  "We can only hope. "

  Flo and I glared at the men, then at each other.

  "Lucky gave him to me. "

  "How do you know?"

  "She left me a letter. "

  "Let me see. "

  "You always said you couldn't read. "

  "I lied. "

  "Ladies, I can't do this. "

  I pried Flo's nails out of my right wrist. Ouch. "Listen, Ray, if you're worried you can't perform, I'll be glad to show you how. " Flo snarled. "You insult his manhood? Israel will never drink from you now. " She gave him a high-voltage, full-fang smile. "Don't worry, Israel. Your instincts will take over. Come closer. Breathe in the scent of my very old, very rich blood. You will want to drink from me. Your fangs will descend and you will need to taste me. It's a natural thing, you'll see. " Richard made a low rumbling sound, and I wondered if it was just going to be Flo and me in this fight.

  "No, seriously. I can't do it. No way. No how. "

  We both stared at Ray.

  "Why can't you drink from us?" I noticed Ray had gotten even paler and seemed on the verge of passing out again.

  "I'm a vegetarian. "


  "This is ridiculous. " Richard pulled back the coffee table and sat on it, facing Israel. He grabbed Ray's chin. "Look at me, Caine. " Bright blue eyes stared into bright blue eyes. Richard put his wrist up to Ray's lips. "Drink. " Ray opened his mouth, his pretty new fangs descended and he latched on.

  "Isn't he amazing?" Flo's eyelashes fluttered, and I figured she'd talked Lucky out of some of her tear-proof mascara.

  "Israel?" I looked at him swallowing as fast as he could. There went the commitment to avoiding all things from animals.

  "No, my darling Richard. " She reached out to run her fingers through his white blond hair. "My man. " He gave her a hungry look. "And don't you forget it. "

  Downstairs all hell was breaking loose. Pounding on the front door, yelling and now sirens coming down Sixth Street.

  "That should do it; we've got to go. " I could see Ray's cheeks were pink. I hated to admit it, but Richard obviously had a lot more power than I did. "Give him his marching orders, Richard, and let's get out of here. " Richard grabbed Ray's face again. "Caine. You're done. Now we go downstairs. You're going with your new girlfriend and her friends. You'll perform your concert as usual, then come back to Glory's place. Understand?"

  "Yes. Glory?"

  "I'm right here, Ray. " I reached out and pulled Ray to his feet. Bare feet. Silk boxers. T-shirt. This would be fun. We had to go downstairs and open the door; by now his people and probably a crowd had gathered outside. Hopefully the paparazzi hadn't gotten wind of the fact that Israel Caine was in the building. And the sirens had pulled to a stop right in front, if the strobe lights flashing around the edges of the drapes were any indication.

  "Just go, Glory. And be careful. I'll be here when you get back. " Valdez was obviously peeved that he'd be left out of the action, but there was no way to get him into a rock concert inside the Irwin Center on the University of Texas campus. So we all trooped down the stairs. And stopped to take a steadying breath. Israel was now lucid and cursing everything from stubbing his toe to freaks who thought they were vampires. He wasn't exactly acting like my lover. But that would have to change once the door opened.

  "Calm down, Ray. Work with us here. "

  "Okay. I get it. Now get this. Here's how we handle things. Glory, you're my new flavor of the month. " He shook his head at the look on my face. "Sorry, babe, but that's what the tabloids call them. I don't. I just play along. I don't have time to explain now. Just stay close to me backstage. Don't get in the way. All of you keep your cell phones off or you'll have hell to pay. Nathan Burke's my right-hand man and my best friend. Obey him. " He turned to Flo and Richard. "What are your names?"

  "Florence da Vinci and Richard Mainwaring. " Flo was hanging on to Richard, still torn between rock-star lust and vampire lust. Right now Richard was winning, but I had a feeling once Ray started to sing, the pendulum would swing the other way.

  "Da Vinci. " Ray managed a smile. "Cool stage name. You a singer?"

  "No, an artist. " Flo eased up on Richard's arm.

  "Can you quit flirting long enough to remember there's danger out there and we're backup for Gloriana and for you, Caine? Until you understand your new life, we're sticking with you. Got it?" Richard gave Ray another intense look.

  "Yeah, sure. But I have my own security force. We know how to handle rabid fans, threats, you name it. "

  "If Richard named it, we'd be here all night. Right now I'm afraid your security force is getting ready to pull out a battering ram. We can't stall any longer. Brace yourself. " I punched in the code and threw open the door.

  "Ray! What the hell's going on with you, man? You realize how close we're cutting it? Are you all right?" A black man who looked like he'd stepped out of the pages of Maxim ran into the foyer and grabbed Ray's shoulders. "How'd you end up here? And what the hell happened to your clothes?"

  "Long story, Nate. We'll make it. We always do. Am I right?" Ray reached around his friend and slammed the door in the faces of several people, including at least one cop, who were trying to see inside. "You bring me something to wear?"

  "Sure, it's in the limo. " Nathan looked us over with what was obviously
a strained smile. "These your new friends?"

  "Yeah. Sorry to disappear on you, buddy. My cell phone didn't make it with me when we decided to come to Glory's place. And then I was pretty busy if you know what I mean. " Ray threw his arm around me and squeezed. "This is Glory St. Clair, my new lady. I want her close backstage during the concert. Let her friends, Florence and Richard hang out too. Arrange passes for them. " It said something for Ray's love life that Nathan didn't even blink, just pulled out his phone.

  "Buster out there?"

  "Sure. "

  "Call him first and have him bring me a pair of jeans. I'm not going out in that crowd in my shorts. " Nathan grinned. "Wouldn't be the first time. " Then he was talking on his cell. In less than two minutes, there were three short knocks, and I punched in the code so Nathan could open the door again and grab a pair of jeans. Ray stepped into them then looked at me. It was obvious from the noise that quite a crowd had gathered around the limo.

  "Okay, Glory, you ever been hounded by paparazzi before?"

  "Can't say I have. " Or wanted to be. But to have my picture taken with Israel Caine? Flo and I made a silent bet. First one to giggle bought the other a pair of D&G sandals from the Nordstrom's spring catalog. I would not giggle. But I felt giddy as a teenager.

  "The secret is to keep smiling and keep moving. If you try to hide, you'll look stupid. My guys are used to this and will run interference for us, like a flying wedge in football. Just stay by my side and, before you know it, we'll be inside the limo and on our way. Whatever you do, don't stop. We're already late. "