Read Real Vampires Hate Skinny Jeans Page 15

Page 15


  “Not in this lifetime. ” Rafe turned his back on her. “Glory, Blade and I want to talk to you. Come to my office. ”

  Jerry was right behind him. “Yes, we’ve got something for you there. ”

  “What is this, an intervention?” I was familiar with those, but not for myself. Well, not recently anyway. In Las Vegas, I’d needed one for my gambling problem. Back then Rafe had been in dog form as my bodyguard. He and a few vamp girlfriends had done the deed making me cut up my credit cards and sending me to a program when I’d lost control at the poker tables. I’d be forever grateful.

  “Do you need an intervention? Why are you still running around with that creature?” Jerry glanced from me to Alesa, who smirked like she knew a secret. “And what have you two been up to? Gambling?” He leaned close to whisper in my ear. “Ripping out throats in dark alleys?”

  “Jerry! No and hell no!” I put my hand on his chest then glanced at Rafe. Both of them looked so good to me. Safe havens. I was grateful for their strength, not to mention loyalty. And then there was the obvious… If I ever needed another twelve-step program it would probably be for a sexual addiction. These men were just about irresistible, each in his own way. Jerry had that rugged, battle-worn look that always made me want to soothe his hurts while he soothed mine. Then there was Rafe, who was 100 percent Latin lover.

  I indulged in a little fantasy about what could happen in Rafe’s office if these men really had reached some kind of truce. Oh, yeah. And I’d be in the middle. My cheeks felt warm, my thoughts well blocked, as we eased through the crowd to the door behind the stage.

  “She’s attached herself to me like a leech. Threatening my friends. I don’t know how to get rid of her. Any suggestions?” I saw the men exchange glances, for once in accord about something but silent until we got past the stage. The famous band on tap for the night had questions for Rafe about the venue. Then one of the guys recognized me from a party I’d attended with Ray. It would have been rude to just brush him off so I gave the man a Ray update. I was glad I could say Israel Caine was on the wagon and writing music again.

  Finally Jerry just grabbed my hand, pulled me into Rafe’s office, and slammed the door once Rafe slipped in behind me. The soundproofing there was impressive and we soaked in the sudden silence. It took me a minute to realize we weren’t alone.

  “Here’s our suggestion, Gloriana. ” Jerry gestured at the woman who sat on the corner of Rafe’s desk. Gorgeous. And a lot of her. When she stood, she hit over six feet in her platform tennis shoes. She had glorious golden red hair streaked with black and the iciest blue eyes I’d ever seen. Right now they examined me until I squirmed and wanted to check to see if a black bra strap was showing. Instead, I took a breath. Shifter.

  “Hello. Are you here to get Alesa off my back?” I smiled. “I’d be forever grateful. ”

  “No kidding. ” She didn’t smile back. Hmm. “Demons are after only one thing, Glory St. Clair. No matter what they tell you they want. You dumb enough to give one of them your soul?”

  That wiped the smile off my face. “No. ”

  “Ease up, Laurie. ” Rafe put his hand on my shoulder. Jerry had already laid his hand on my other one.

  “She’s got to get this straight right now. I can’t protect her if she’s running around with a demon sidekick like they’re friends or something. ” Laurie, since apparently that was her name, crossed her arms over her chest. It wasn’t a big bosom, but decent. The kind I’d like to have. So I could wear a blouse that buttoned up the front and I wouldn’t have to worry about it gapping open. You know what I mean?

  “Who the hell is this? It’s not like I have a choice, guys. Of course I don’t want to be near Alesa. But what can I do? She’s been making threats. How is this person supposed to protect me from a demon?” I knew what this was now. They’d hired another bodyguard for me. Hah! And Jerry wasn’t taking chances this time. A female bodyguard. He and Rafe had actually agreed to work together. I liked that, but not that they’d sneaked around and arranged this without consulting me.

  “Laurie Mehta. She’s a were-cat. Shifts into a Bengal tiger. ” Rafe grinned. “You should see it, Glory. Absolutely awesome. Nothing bigger on the cat grid. She can take out whatever comes after you. ”

  “Even a demon? Isn’t that why you’re hiring her?” I tapped my foot. “What can a were-cat do against a demon?”

  “More than you think. ” Laurie aimed those glacial eyes at me and I had to steel myself not to squirm. She had some real intensity going there. “I’ve trained with some of the best spiritualists in the business. Believe it or not I can shut your demoness down when she tries some of her crap. ” She smiled and polished her pale pink nails on her brown T-shirt. She wore a no-nonsense outfit of that plain T-shirt with drawstring khakis. I hated to tell her but, if she was going to run around with me, she was going to have to upgrade her look.

  “Sounds like bragging to me. I’ve never seen anyone have any effect on Alesa except for an ex-priest. And even he couldn’t do it alone. ” I shook my head. “Come on, guys. Why are you wasting your money?”

  “First, it’s not a waste. You’re determined to have business with MacDonald, Gloriana, and Laurie can be present for every minute of your visits with him. ” Jerry smiled his approval of the were-cat. “Second, if she can control Alesa, then I will definitely feel better about your being around her. I stopped by your shop earlier and Erin said you’d disappeared with the demon. I sure as hell couldn’t find you. ”

  “Yes, I’ll tell you about that later. Something really cool happened. ” I heard the excitement in my voice. Uh-oh. Cool and Alesa together? Was I being pulled over to the dark side? No, it was the power I was excited about. Alesa had just called it to my attention.

  I saw Laurie whispering with Rafe. They would make a nice couple. If nothing else I should encourage that. Let Rafe go and he could move on to someone he could be happy with. He smiled at something she said. Yes, a were-cat would be a good mate for him. I wanted to slap myself in the head. Mate? When Alesa was supposedly carrying his child?

  “Glory?” Rafe stood in front of me. “You can’t be alone with Alesa all the time. She’s dangerous. We both know that. ” He looked over his shoulder to where Jerry was giving me a “Do this, Gloriana” stare.

  “Yes, though the apartment is getting pretty crowded. ” I took Rafe’s hand. “I know you mean well and I am freakedout by having Alesa around. She’s been kicked out of the hotel. Apparently she started a fire there today. Probably on purpose. So I’m going to let her sleep on the couch. Where will Laurie sack out?”

  “Don’t worry about me. I’m used to the bodyguard gig. Won’t be the first time I’ve bedded down on the floor. ” Laurie nodded at Jerry. “Now the demon’s living with her. Seems I hired on just in time. ”

  “No kidding. Gloriana, why are you allowing that?” Jerry put his arm around me.

  “I didn’t feel like I had a choice. For some reason Alesa is determined to stay with me. She can hurt my friends, hurt me. Shit, she’s literally hell on wheels. And we need to keep an eye on her until we know if she’s carrying Rafe’s child. ” I looked at Laurie. “Seriously? You think you can handle her? And squeeze into an overcrowded apartment?”

  “It’s what I’m paid to do. And as long as you have plenty of meat and a bathtub, I’ll be fine. I do like my soaks. Which I can do during the day while you sleep. ”

  “Uh, yeah. I can manage that. ” I didn’t want to picture a Bengal tiger tearing into sides of beef then soaking in a tub to get the blood off. Weird. But then my life was one long episode of “Weird Gloriana. ”

  “I’ve got the meat deliveries all arranged, Gloriana. They’ll happen during your death sleep. Won’t disturb you at all. ” Jerry dragged me toward the door. “Now let’s go upstairs and explain to our friends why you came into the club with a demon. ”

  “Aw, Jer, did they all sm
ell Alesa?” I dreaded the scene.

  “Of course. Richard was on his feet with a crucifix as soon as you hit the door. ” Jerry sighed. “Coming, Laurie?”

  “On the clock right now, Jerry. ” Laurie smiled. “Relax, Glory. I’ve got your back. This demon will no longer be a problem. Guaranteed. ”

  I smiled back. Guaranteed? Either Laurie had serious skills or she was terrifyingly overconfident. Either way, Alesa versus the tiger? I wanted a front-row seat for that party.

  “Glory, Aggie called me tonight. About shoe shopping. You promised her we’d go together?” Flo made a little face. “Why didn’t you warn me?”

  “I’m sorry. Too much on my mind. ” I looked over the railing and saw Alesa dancing with a man who had also embraced the black leather philosophy. She threw back her head and laughed as they shook their butts to the beat. The band was kicking it into high gear and the floor was packed. I felt ancient, sitting up there watching. But the mood for dancing like a wild thing had left me as soon as I’d seen Richard’s frowning disapproval.

  “I can see that you’re upset. ” Flo put her hand on mine. “It’s all right, mia amica. We will go shopping with the Siren. Whatever you want. I hate this demon thing. And don’t mind Ricardo. He is worried about me. But I promised him not to get near the she-devil. You won’t bring her to the mall, will you?” Flo clutched my hand. “Swear it!”

  “Relax, Flo. I won’t. Cross my heart. ” I knew Flo was scared of what would happen if Alesa tried to persuade her to sell her soul to Lucifer. Flo had almost caved once. Because she wanted to see her own reflection. It drove her nuts that I could see mine and she couldn’t see hers. She’d gotten a glimpse of her reflection when a pair of demons had made a run at her soul. Then they’d snatched the mirror trick away. Only Flo’s absolute devotion to her very devout husband had helped her resist hell’s diabolical promises. Hey, she figured she was going to live forever anyway.