Read Real Vampires Hate Skinny Jeans Page 51

Page 51


  “We can both help her. ” Rafe smiled. “She has no idea what she’s in for now that I hold her note. I’m going to be looking at her books, making sure she pays off the rest of Lucky’s loan ASAP. The sooner all ties with that bitch are broken, the better. ”

  “Good. ” I glanced at a clock on his wall. “I need to go. I’m heading over to see Ian now. ”

  “Why?” Rafe opened the office door and the loud music after the quiet in the well-insulated office was a shock. But the steady beat made me want to dance. At least Achelous hadn’t managed to kill my love for music.

  “I want to get a few things off my chest. Yes, he helped me find out what I was. But he also lied to me about a few things. ” I walked toward the front door, Rafe by my side.

  “Be careful. How are you getting to Scotland?”

  “Ray’s chartering a plane for me. Can you believe it?” I said it like it was no big deal but Diana’s words were haunting me. Only whores asked their lovers for money. I hadn’t asked. But what was the difference, really? I’d accepted quickly enough when it had been offered. Like I usually did. Money, favors, bodyguards. Rafe was staring at me, probing my thoughts and coming up empty. I kept a carefree smile on my face though it was becoming harder and harder to do.

  Rafe shook his head. “Are you sure you don’t have us all under some kind of spell, Glory? I swear the things you get men to do for you boggles my mind. ”

  “Yeah. It’s nuts, isn’t it? But Ray insisted. He hopes, I think, that Blade will slam the castle door in my face. And it might happen. ” I managed a shrug, like my entire future happiness didn’t hang in the balance.

  Rafe leaned against the door frame. He cocked an eyebrow. “A charter flight is a little steep for a ‘friend’ to pay for. Or is there more going on now?”

  “Never mind. ” My face was hot. “Got to go. ”

  “No, you don’t. ” Rafe examined me closely. “Shit, you did it. Finally slept with him, didn’t you?”

  “Can you blame me? The guy’s like my fantasy man, Rafe!” Yes, I sounded defensive.

  “The surprise was that it took you so long. ” Rafe had a rueful grin. “Come on, Glory. The guy pursued you hard and fast. I knew how you felt about him. You were a fangirl. A total groupie. ”

  “Oh, yeah. ” I flushed again. “I’m sorry. ” I squeezed his arm, hating the way he looked so serious standing there. “Guess I’d better go. Bye. ” He didn’t say another word as I hurried out the door.

  When I got outside, I stopped and took a minute. Rafe. I would never have a better friend and I hoped he could find someone to make him happy so I didn’t feel so guilty…

  “Get over here before my guy drags you by your hair. ” The voice came out of the dark alley next to the club.

  “I thought you had a date. ” I strolled over to where Lucky and her two henchmen waited. “Aren’t you going to be late?”

  “I believe in making a man wait for me. It gives me an edge. ” Lucky raised a coral-painted nail. “Now let me tell you something, Miss Thing. You think you’re all that with your statue trick but I’m serving notice. I’ve had feelers out to find a way around that. I’m taking you down. You hear me? No one messes with Lucky Carver and gets away with it. ”

  “I’m shaking. ” I raised my hands and did mocking jazz hands.

  “You should be. ” Lucky jabbed her fingernail into my chest before I saw it coming. “Bitch. You owe me. We had a contract and I want it honored. ”

  I was all set to vanish out of there, when I felt an arm around my neck. Damn, her vampire bodyguard had been too quick for me. Aggie had warned me that you couldn’t dematerialize if someone anchored you in place with a touch.

  “You really don’t want to do that, chica. ” He growled it in my ear, his voice low and slightly accented. Hispanic. Probably one of the vamps who’d immigrated here from Mexico. That explained his dark good looks.

  “Yes, I do. ” I focused on Lucky. I could still turn her into a statue.

  “Freeze her and I’ll tear your pretty head off. Can’t heal from that, can you?” He chuckled then tightened his grip until I heard a bone crack in my neck.

  “How do you like that, Glory?” Lucky strutted around me in a victory lap, her glee adding a bounce to her step. “Miguel, you are even better than advertised. ” She slid a fingernail down his bicep.

  “Touch me again, Miss Lucky, and I’ll let her go. You would make a fine statue, I think. ” Miguel’s deep voice sent shivers through me and stopped Lucky in her tracks.

  “Well, I guess I understand our relationship now. ” She jerked her hand back. “Kill her? Or not? Hmm. ” She tapped her fingernail against her fangs, brought down by her excitement. “Consequences would be a bitch. ”

  “Damn right. There’s the council here for one. They’d hunt you down and terminate you for ordering the hit. ” My voice came out hoarse as I tried to find some wiggle room, but Miguel wasn’t about to ease his grip on me. “And, Miguel, you’d be toast too. Burned and crispy in the morning sun. ”

  “Doubt it. I wouldn’t be here. ” His cheek brushed my hair.

  He smelled masculine with a spicy scent that I would remember if I met it in the dark again. I could feel his hard body pressed against mine and figured he was a good ten inches taller than I was and solid muscle. I might be able to outwit him but he obviously had skills. I’d been so proud of my new Siren status, but a clever vamp could still take me down if I wasn’t careful. I was truly trapped, my only option to think healing thoughts for my throat.

  “Yes, I guess you would disappear, Miguel, you were hard enough to track down. ” Lucky frowned. “I’m well-known, my business easy to find. It’s a nuisance looking over my shoulder all the time. ”

  “And it would be a shame to close this territory for you, Miss Lucky. ” Nice that he didn’t seem too worried about taking me out. Guess it was true—I had no Siren magic working my wiles on men.

  “True enough. And then there’s Glory’s fan club. All those men she’s enthralled with her Siren ways. They’d be after me for revenge too, I’m afraid. What a nuisance. Not that you couldn’t handle them, Miguel. ” Lucky sighed. “But let this be a lesson for you, Glory. Your new power isn’t a match for a strong and fast vampire who knows what you can do and is prepared to deal with it. ” She smiled at Miguel. “And I can afford to hire the best. ”

  “I’m releasing you now, chica. Will you behave? I must warn you, this freeze thing of yours—I know how to take it off your victims. So don’t bother doing it to Miss Lucky. And I will stay behind you, I think. As a precaution. Entiendes?” Miguel slowly eased the pressure off my throat and I coughed, then reached up to rub my neck. Unfortunately Miguel kept his hand on my shoulder like the bastard knew I would disappear if he let me go entirely.

  “Yes, I get it. Score one for you, Lucky. ” Oh, how I wanted to put Lucky in her place. Her gloating was getting to me and I felt my temper rise. Miguel squeezed my shoulder.

  “Don’t. ”

  “Miguel can read through any mind blocking too, Glory. Just like you can. Isn’t that a bitch?” Lucky laughed then and turned her back on me.

  “Wait!” I shrugged off Miguel’s hand, surprised when he let me. “I want you out of Austin, Lucky. Forget that so-called contract. You got your down payment back in a timely manner. Our deal is null and void. How do you like that legalese? Why not go back to New York and your homies, where people appreciate your style? Here? We don’t like you and we don’t want to do business with you. That scene with Rafe should have convinced you of that. ”

  Lucky stopped and turned around. “You are one straight-up bitch, you know that?” She smoothed down her black cocktail dress, a little much for Sixth Street but mouth watering, and actually smiled. “I swear we could be friends if I didn’t hate you so damned much. I admire a woman who can stand up to me. ”

  “Yeah, well, you know
why I won’t ever be your friend. ”

  “I know. And I’m getting really tired of Texas, if you want to know the truth. So as soon as I get with the handsome Scottish doctor, I’m ditching this place. Maybe I’ll leave Miguel here as my rep. I still have loans out that need collecting and he seems to have a natural talent for intimidation. A wonderful skill, don’t you agree?” Lucky smiled and nodded at him. Yes, he was still way too close at my back.

  “Of course, Miss Lucky. I would be happy to be of service. ” Miguel had a cadence to his speech that was almost charming. Too bad his power surrounded me and I wanted to run from him as fast as I could manage.

  “Intimidation. Yeah, he has that, in spades. Adiós, Lucky. If I never see you again, it will be too soon. And here’s a parting gift. Your Siren blood isn’t worth shit. If Ian tells you otherwise? He’s lying to you just to get in your pants. But then he wouldn’t have to do that, would he? You’re much too easy for him to bother. ” I rubbed my sore neck again, even though I was sure it was already healing courtesy of the synthetic blood I’d just downed at Rafe’s club.

  “Now who’s the liar? What do you say, Miguel? Is she telling the truth or not?” Lucky stalked up to me like she was about to slap me silly. I hoped she tried.

  “No lies, Miss Lucky. This one has powers, you do not. ” Miguel didn’t sound sorry about it either.

  “Well. ” Lucky just stood there, obviously frustrated. “At least I can afford to buy good help. Good-bye, Glory. ” Lucky turned on her Louboutin pumps that I would love to own. Did she travel with a hairdresser? The way her dark red hair tumbled to her shoulders was too perfectly artless. I grinned at the thought of her shifter wielding a round brush and a blow dryer. Why not? I knew better than to stereotype.