Read Real Vampires Hate Their Thighs Page 41

Page 41


  “This is the twenty-first century, Blade. You don’t sleep in a coffin or a cave anymore. So maybe it’s possible that MacDonald could have found a cure for the daylight problem. ” Ray let me go and actually had the stones to walk over to Jerry, close enough to get a face full of fist. “You’re prejudiced against him because of his name, but that doesn’t mean Ian isn’t some kind of genius who could have figured this thing out. ”

  Jerry smiled at Ray. That smile chilled me to my toes. “Fine. Rush out there and try MacDonald’s daylight drug. The sooner the better. Good luck to you. ”

  “Jerry!” I ran over to step between the two men. I knew an almost death threat when I heard one. “Ray, this daylight experiment will have to wait. We’ve already got more on our plate now than we can deal with. I’m afraid I committed you to something without asking about your schedule first. I need you to be here tomorrow night for the taping of the finale of Designed to Kill. It’ll be great media exposure for you. So can you please, please, please help me pick a winning gown for the red carpet?”

  “Of course he can. He’s well qualified to judge a fashion show. ” Jerry stuck his hands in his pockets. To look at him, you’d think he could judge one too. Tonight he wore designer jeans that had been scrubbed and bleached to a fine, worn look. Obviously more of Flo’s shopping handiwork because Jerry didn’t have a clue about style. He was more about comfort and tradition. Not that he ever looked shabby.

  Tonight even his T-shirt was trendy. It stretched over his broad shoulders, showing them off in fine form. He could have fit in with a rock band himself if I didn’t know he had the musical ability of a lump of coal. The thought made me smile. Until I saw Ray’s face flush and his muscles tense like he was about to lunge.

  “Stop it, Jerry. I know you’re trying to pick a fight and I won’t have it. ” I turned to Ray. “What do you say, Ray? This will be great publicity. You can imagine how excited Zia was when I pitched the idea. Please tell me you can fit it into your schedule. ” I took his arm. “You know I value your opinion on what looks good on me. ” I sent Jerry a mental message to please cut me a break here. “You too, Jerry, but this is part of the Grammy thing. I’m sure you understand. ”

  Jerry glowered, obviously not ready to concede anything.

  “Sure, Glory, whatever makes you happy. ” Ray slid his arm around my waist. “We also need to remind the public that we’re engaged. After the taping, you have to come with me to a couple of parties. The big-deal pre-Grammy blow-outs. One of them is thrown by my record label. It’s a command performance. ” He shot Jerry a superior smirk. “The tabloids have noticed we haven’t been seen together lately. Time to show them we’re still hot and heavy before the awards show. That we can’t keep our hands off of each other. ” He ran his hand down to pat my bottom.

  I don’t know who growled louder, Blade or Valdez. I eased Ray’s hand back up to my waist. “Thanks, Ray. They had a mirror set up. Couldn’t do that, could I? I had to distract the production crew so I offered you as a way to help make the decision. ” I looked at Jerry for signs he understood what I was up against here. Not a glimmer. He’d slipped on a mask of indifference. What? This time when Ray pulled me closer and nuzzled my neck, I didn’t stop him.

  “You can count on me, babe. Besides, I want to show off you and your new body. You look hot. I’m having a dress sent up from the boutique downstairs for the party tomorrow night. It’ll work for the show too. The clerk there said you tried it on, but didn’t buy it. ”

  “Ray, you shouldn’t do that. ” I’d tried on a ridiculously expensive cocktail dress for the hell of it, egged on by Flo. It was emerald green silk, short and flirty, with the kind of V-neck I loved and a belt to show off my new waistline.

  “It’s an investment, darlin’. It’ll look great on the tabloid covers. When you wear it, they won’t be able to say you’re springing the baby trap. ” He kissed my cheek.

  “No one reads that trash. ” Jerry strolled over to the couch and sat again. “Seems a waste of time to pretend to be lovers when Glory is dumping your sorry ass the day after the Grammys. ”

  “Is she? You sure of that?” Ray picked up my left hand where I still wore his ring, the diamond flashing in the light.

  “Millions do read the tabloids, Jerry, and it hurts me when I see those mean headlines. ” I smiled at Ray. “And, Ray, you know our plans. ”

  A knock on the door was a welcome interruption. “That’s got to be Trina. ”

  Valdez loped to the door. “Smells like her. Check through the peephole. ”

  I looked, then let her in. She was dressed in her usual running outfit.

  “Seriously, Glory, don’t you want to at least do the stairs?” She was panting. “I did them, but I can do a few more if you want to change. I bet it gives you another five pounds. ”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. ” Jerry shut the hall door behind her. “You’re quite thin enough, Gloriana. ”

  Ray stepped close to my other side. “Are you kidding me? If all she has to do is a few flights of stairs, why wouldn’t she? Her big night’s coming up. When is she going to be on TV all over the world again?” He looked down at my butt, then up at my face. “Five more pounds and you’ll have the tabloids printing that mean Israel Caine has been starving you. ” He grinned and winked. “And your cheekbones! Baby, you’re looking more like a supermodel every night. ”

  Okay, I have to admit that would be a dream come true. “I’m doing it. Sit down, Trina. Ray, would you get her a bottle of water from the minibar? I’ll be out in a minute. ” I headed for the bedroom to change.

  “Gloriana, you’re mad. You do realize this weight will come back when you’re off whatever MacDonald’s been giving you, don’t you?” Jerry followed me into the bedroom and shut the door.

  “Thanks for reminding me. ” I turned on him. “You don’t think I’m haunted by that very thought? Hell, Jerry, for the first time in my life I feel thin! Like I have control over my body. ” I grabbed my shorts and T-shirt from the dresser. “What do you know about it? You’ve got all the muscles you’ll ever need. And you don’t have an ounce of fat on you. But I’m not like that. ” I jerked off my sweater and threw it on the bed.

  “This is your fault, you know. I really didn’t have a clue what I was getting into when I agreed to let you turn me. I’d have lost the weight first if I’d known. ” I unhooked my bra, ignoring Jerry’s growl. Interest or indignation at the way my words had jabbed him? At the moment I didn’t care. I picked the sports bra out of the drawer and slipped it over my breasts. Thank God it was looser now, only mildly viselike.

  “I’m sorry if you’re having regrets. But it’s way too late for them. Besides, you know I’ve always thought your figure was perfect. ” Jerry moved close to run his thumb over one abused nipple. “Now, what the hell is that thing you’re binding yourself with?” He tried to slip it up to look at my breasts again. “It’s too tight. ”

  “Oh, no, you don’t. I’m going to exercise. It’s a sports bra, keeps me from jiggling. ” I swatted away his hand and peeled off my skinny jeans. They were still tight and five fewer pounds would make them slide on easily. Oh, yeah.

  “I like it when you jiggle. ” He sat on the side of the bed and watched me step into my shorts.

  I’d just sat beside him to put on my socks and running shoes when his cell phone rang.

  “Yes? What did you find out? Really? All right, I’ll see what I can do. Thank you. ” He slapped the phone shut.

  “Was that Richard?” I tied the first shoe.

  “Yes. ”

  “Well? Did he get the test results on the stuff in the syringe?” I stopped, scared to hear what he’d say.

  “Yes, it was some kind of vitamin compound. Virtually harmless. Fact is, I don’t know what the hell it would do for a vampire. ” Jerry frowned.

  “See? I knew it!” I pulled on the other shoe and tied
it. “Ian’s a genius. He works with chemicals. Maybe vitamins would help us and we just don’t know it. Your hatred for him is irrational, Jerry. It’s based on an ancient feud that should have been settled a long time ago. ” I realized that had probably not been the smart thing to say.

  “Gloriana, I don’t appreciate that. ” Jerry followed me when I got up and walked to the door. “Our quarrel with the MacDonalds is based on wrongs they have done us that you know nothing about. ”

  “Anything in the last century or two?” I held up my hand when I could tell he was probably going to start trotting out cattle-stealing misdemeanors. “No, forget I asked. Just tell me if you have one shred of proof that this MacDonald is the villain you claim?” I waited before I turned the knob. Ray and Valdez could probably hear through the door. Only mortal Trina would be unaware of our conversation.

  “Not yet. But I want you to give me your bedtime supplement. The one that’s causing your nightmares and sleep problems. Richard can have that analyzed as well. ” Jerry put his hands on either side of my head when I leaned against the door. “I’m convinced you could have died today, Gloriana, if I hadn’t provided you with a daytime bodyguard. ”

  I looked up at him, knowing what he said was true. I put my hands on his chest and felt the heartbeat that had been with me for so long. Slow but steady.

  “I guess you’re right, Jerry. No, I know you’re right. But I can’t give you all of the supplement. Let me pour a small sample into an empty water bottle. ” I touched his frown. “I need to take it, Jer. Or I won’t lose that last bit of weight. ”

  “Damn it to hell, Gloriana. This is ridiculous. ”

  “No, what you mean is I am ridiculous. I get that. You don’t get me. Too bad. This is important to me. I’m doing it. Take it or leave it. Small sample. What’s it going to be?”