Read Real Vampires Have Curves Page 41

Page 41

  "And this Kevlar really repels knives and arrows?" He moved closer to touch the fabric. "It's not heavy. I thought it would be thick. Like chain mail. "

  Valdez growled. "Valdez, stay by the door. That's an order. " My dog subsided with a sniff. "Kevlar heavy? No, but that's a common misconception. " Interesting. I think Damian had served his own time as a warrior. He had the same look of concentration Blade had gotten when he'd examined my first Kevlar bra. This one was higher in front and it made me feel very safe. Safe from stakes anyway. Damian had his hands on the Velcro.

  "Nope, that stays closed. What do you think? Is it too ugly for Flo?"

  Damian traced the fabric above my breasts. "I like more of a plunge, but it's the woman underneath that matters. Keeping your heart safe. That is beautiful. "

  Oh, gosh. Just when I'd figured Damian for an unredeemable jerk, he said something like that. Then his clever fingers stroked the bumps of my nipples.

  "Cool it, Damian. " I backed up and ignored the shivers he'd started. "Do you think you can get Flo to wear one of these?"

  "I'll try. Without the targets, of course. " He grinned, obviously happy he could make me back up. Not to mention, make my nipples stand at attention.

  "You need to wear one too. "

  He moved close again. "Ah, Gloriana. You do care. "

  "Vamp to vamp. We all should wear one as long as Westwood is using us for target practice. " I held up my hand. "Look, but don't touch again, Sabatini. If you want a vest made, I can give you my seamstress's number. Call her and she'll fix you up. "

  "Is Blade wearing one?" Damian actually backed off when I jerked my T-shirt over my head. A sore subject. Of course he wasn't. These macho males. Impossible.

  "Not yet. But he's thinking about it. " I grabbed my purse. "Let's hit the coffee shop. Ask around. Unless you've got other plans. "

  "My other plans would be carrying you to your bed and showing you some more screaming orgasms. For real, this time. " He gave me his patented "I'm too sexy for my fangs" look.

  "Then we're going downstairs. " I shoved past him and picked up Valdez's leash. "The three of us. "

  " She doesn't want you in her bedroom, Sabatini. " Valdez pressed himself against my legs while I clipped on the leash.

  "I can speak for myself, Valdez. " I opened the door. "Let's go. "

  Damian made an excuse and headed for parts unknown. He wasn't interested in any activity with me that didn't involve the mattress mambo. I've got rhythm and didn't doubt for a minute that I could dazzle Mr. Sabatini with some of my creative moves. But Damian was going to have to work a little, no, make that a lot, harder before he'd get on my dance card. Diana was behind the counter when I got downstairs. Valdez settled at his usual post right outside the door after he'd given me the all clear for the dash from the front door to the coffee shop. First the coffee shop, then the grocery store. I still had the keys to the hearse and a list of things Flo needed, including a new bottle of nail polish remover. I could definitely rationalize using Damian's spare car.

  "Hey, Glory. " Diana grabbed a can of Bloody Merry. "I was just going to take a break. "

  "Good. " I looked around. Only two customers, both mortals, sat at tables. One was reading the newspaper, the other stared at a laptop screen.

  "I'm here about the night Margie was"—I lowered my voice—"found out back. " Diana gulped her drink, then sat at a vacant table as far away from the customers as she could get. "Horrible. Poor Kenneth. "

  "I was thinking poor Margie. She was supposed to meet Kenneth here that night. Did you see her?" Diana stared down at her can. "Can't say that I did. "

  "Mind if I ask your customers if they saw her?"

  "Are you playing detective?" Diana looked grim, which was appropriate under the circumstances.

  "Blade and Kenneth are investigating, but I wanted to help. " I sat across from her. "I still think Richard Mainwaring might have done it. "

  "Any proof?" Diana asked the question I'd been asking myself for days.

  "No. " I shook my head. "But who besides another vampire would know Margie was one?"

  "There are plenty of supernaturals who hang out around here who would have no trouble spotting a vamp. Shifters, werecats, a few others that I've gotten vibes from. " Diana set down her can. "Some are pretty edgy but Margie wasn't the kind of vamp who made enemies. Not like Trevor who probably got careless, drank from the wrong person, place or thing, and didn't bother to cover his tracks. "

  "It does seem likely that the same person staked both Trevor and Margie. " A fact that just confused the issue as far as I was concerned. "Did Trevor and Margie know each other?"

  "Sure. They'd both been in Austin a while. Been to Damian's annual Halloween parties. "

  "Speaking of, are you going this year?" Nothing like going from death to party talk. I've never claimed to be Miss Sensitivity.

  "Wouldn't miss it. " Diana smiled. "You have to go. Damian throws an amazing party. And there's always a surprise. "

  "What kind of surprise?" If it involved mind control, I was so not going there.

  "Last year Damian had a magician saw him in half. I was hoping it was permanent, but no such luck. " She sighed. "But the year before he brought in wonderful flamenco dancers and a guitarist from Spain. Fabulous. "

  "Somehow it doesn't seem right to party hearty so soon after Margie…"

  Diana shrugged. "It's what we do, Glory. Life goes on. "

  "Or not. " I couldn't shake the feeling that I should do something.

  "Come on, Glory. Lighten up. Margie wouldn't expect anything else. " Diana patted my hand. "Besides, you'd only met her once. Why the fixation?"

  "She was killed right behind our shops, Di. I'd be stupid not to be a little fixated with figuring out who did it and why. Knowledge is power and can help keep us safe. "

  "Good point. Okay then. Maybe Westwood does the cross thing too. "

  "I doubt it. He's really into hunting with his bow and arrows. " I studied Diana's pale arms above her black bustier. "Your wound ever give you problems?"

  "Nope. As you can see, it's as if it never happened. " Diana smiled. "Vamps rule. We help each other. That's why I don't think another vamp would kill his own. "

  "Are you kidding me? Get real, Di. Vamps love, hate and get even if we're crossed. And with abilities that make us a hell of a lot more lethal than mere mortals. " Abilities that, short of shape-shifting, I was working on in my spare time.

  "You're right, Glory. " Diana sipped her drink. "Kenneth's supposed to come by tonight. The poor guy's really lost without Margie. When he gets here, I'll ask about Margie's relationship with Mainwaring. I agree Mainwaring does seem a little intense. "

  "See? I'm not crazy. Margie knew Richard from Paris. She might go with him willingly. And because he thinks we're demons from hell, he killed her. "

  "That's quite a stretch. " Diana put down her can. "Margie was a nice woman who just happened to be vampire, not a demon from hell or anywhere near there. I've known plenty of reckless vamps who deserve a stake more than she did. "

  "I give up then. " Like Damian had said. Back to square one. "So I guess Richard's probably not the killer. Flo says not. Damian says not. " I glanced toward the door. "Even Valdez says Richard didn't do it. "

  "Well, if the dog vouches for him…" Diana got up. " Someone took her out and they're still out there somewhere. You got on your Kevlar under that T-shirt?"

  "Yep. I'd be crazy to go out without it. But…" I looked down. "It's not exactly a Wonderbra, is it?"

  "Nothing can make you fiat chested, Glory, but your curves aren't curving. "

  "You mean I look lumpy, dumpy and fat. Thanks for the reality check. " When you can't see yourself in a mirror, you can pretend you're hot stuff even if you're not. Hey, I look down, I see cleavage. That's hot, isn't it? But I avoid looking at my backside. You know why.

  "Hey, reality right now, honey, is we we
ar whatever keeps us safe. I've got my own vest in back. To change into before I go outside. " Diana stretched. "Back to the computer. Payroll. I'll be in the back if you need me. "

  "Thanks. " I got up too, but it only took a minute to find out that present customers hadn't been in Mugs and Muffins the night Margie was killed.

  "I think I'm wasting my time, Valdez. No one knows anything about anyone. " I picked up his leash. "Let's hit the grocery store now. "

  " Can we call reinforcements?" He trotted along beside me. " You know they won't let me inside unless you want to do the blind thing again. "

  "Sure. I'll drive up, park, hop out and then go blind. " We were in the alley now, the hearse just a few feet away. "Not going to happen. I'm okay to go to the store. "

  Valdez stopped suddenly and looked around. He morphed into attack mode. " Get behind the car. Now. "

  "Oh, God!" I ran to crouch between the hearse and my dead Suburban. "Come here, Valdez. What are you doing?" Sure I had on my Kevlar, but I didn't want to test it up close and personal right now. Not ever if truth be told. Valdez growled then barked frantically. " Stay down!" He darted toward the end of the alley.

  "I am down. What is it?" I hoped this was one of his cat frenzies and not because he'd smelled olive wood. More really ferocious barking. Anyone who didn't back off in the face of that had a death wish. Or a really lethal method of defense. I unlocked the passenger door, crawled into the car and began honking the horn frantically. Wait. Had that been a yelp? I quit pounding the horn and listened. Silence. I rolled down the window an inch.