Read Real Vampires Have More to Love Page 39

Page 39


  “I don’t think so. ” Rafe moved in front of me and laid his hands on my shoulders. “I don’t trust those assholes. ”

  “It’s okay, Rafe. I’m going to do it. It’s the only way to keep my friends safe. But come along, keep an eye on everyone if it makes you feel better. ” I put my hands over his. “It would make me feel better. ”

  “I don’t get it. Why so cooperative with Simon all of a sudden?” Rafe didn’t release me, just gave me one of his probing and very intense looks.

  “I had time to think about it. Seriously, what choice do I have? And maybe I’ll get a paycheck at the end of this. ” I stepped back, and he released me. “I can’t live in fear, worried that he’ll hurt someone I love to try to coerce me. ”

  “Okay, I guess I see your point. But I sure as hell don’t have to like it. ” Rafe followed me to the back door. He pulled a key ring out of his pocket. “We’ll both keep our eyes wide open. Any sign of a double cross, that this is a trap to bring you down, and we’re out of there. ”

  “Seriously, Rafe, if Simon or Westwood wanted me dead, I’d be gone already. Out at the EV compound I was unconscious. The goddess there could have sucked me dry, and I couldn’t have done a damned thing about it. ”

  “You’re right. My fault. I never should have gone out there without backup. ” Rafe locked the door, set an alarm, then walked beside me around the building until we were on the sidewalk. It was really late now. This would have to be a quick trip.

  “Nothing is your fault. Simon and Westwood are the bad guys here. ” I stopped Rafe and gave him a quick kiss. “Please be careful. I can’t bear to see you hurt. Just watch and listen. Maybe we can learn something that can help us later. ”

  “I’m a man of action, Glory. ” Rafe put his hand behind my head and kissed me this time, his mouth hot, a claiming kiss.

  “Mmmm. A man of action. I can feel that. ” I held on to him.

  “Yeah, action. I told you he could bring it. ” Alesa sighed. “Takes me back. We once spent a solid week in bed. ”

  I shuddered. How creepy to think about Rafe and the slime sister inside me together. No, had to forget that. My plate was full enough with this video.

  “Let’s go. ” I grabbed his hand and dashed down the street. When we got to the shop, I could see my clerk inside reading a paperback book. No customers. Couldn’t worry about that now. Rafe and I ran to the alley and found Greg sitting on the hood of that ancient white car.

  “About time. What’s he doing here?” Greg jumped off the car.

  “I’m coming with her. You got a problem with that?” Rafe shoved Greg until he hit the bumper.

  “Naw. Knock yourself out. ” Greg smiled. “Glory, we’re shifting out of here. Keep up. Simon’s waiting. ” He whirled and, always a cliché, did the bat thing.

  Rafe and I were right behind him. We flew out and over rooftops until we left the city lights behind. We were headed toward a part of Lake Travis I recognized, so Simon and Westwood had figured out the approximate location. When we came to the edge of the lake behind some houses, we landed and shifted back into our human forms. Simon and several other men walked out of the woods nearby. Westwood carried a crossbow. I wanted to hurl.

  “What the hell?” Rafe jumped in front of me.

  “It’s a necessary prop. We also have wardrobe. ” Simon gestured, and a man brought out a video camera and tripod. Another carried a large suitcase. “We’re doing this right. ”

  “Then change locations. We’re too close to those houses. This is all wrong. ” I looked around. “We climbed out of the water on a strip of rocks and sand. No houses in sight. ”

  Simon frowned. “Kaplan, you and Bevis go up and look around. See if you can find a spot like that. ”

  “Right. ” Greg the bat and the suitcase guy took off.

  I turned to Westwood. “You pick this place?”

  “I didn’t remember a damned thing because I was shot, remember?” He looked defensive.

  “You’re supposed to be this great hunter. ” Rafe stayed close to me. “I’d think you’d have scouted out the area pretty well in advance. ”

  “No kidding. And how’d you even find me in the first place? You weren’t shot then. ” I was stalling. I really didn’t want any part of a play where I had to stand in front of a crossbow. To my relief Westwood laid it on the grass and looked around.

  “It was all spur of the moment. We missed the shot at Caine’s house but finally got word from my men on the water that you’d escaped that way. So we parked and walked in. We tracked you for miles. ” He looked up when Greg landed. “Find anything?”

  “Yeah. This way, just a hundred yards or so. Perfect spot. You can walk it. ” Greg led the way through the trees.

  When we came out into a clearing, I shuddered. If this wasn’t the same spot, it was damned close. I remembered that night too well. We’d had to swim for our lives, leaving Ray’s house burning to the ground after Westwood and his men had shot flaming arrows into it. Ray, Valdez and I had climbed out of the freezing lake thinking we were finally safe, only to face Westwood’s hellacious crossbow.

  “This is perfect. ” Westwood looked at me. “Check out Glory’s face. I’m right, aren’t I? This is like the place where you plugged me. ”

  “Lay off, Westwood. ” Rafe shoved Westwood back when he got too close to me. “Can’t you see this is upsetting her?”

  “Aw, poor little vampire. Having a flashback?” He smiled and aimed the crossbow right at my heart.

  That did it. Something snapped, and I pushed Rafe aside. Before Westwood had time to react, I’d snatched that crossbow and flung it into the lake where it landed with a splash.

  “You son of a bitch! You aim that thing at me again, and I’ll stuff it down your throat. ” I was shaking, but I wasn’t backing down. I swallowed, the urges to throw up or scream both fighting for first place.

  “Damn it! We need that weapon for the video. Simon?” Westwood didn’t even have sense enough to know I was on the edge of doing something I really wasn’t going to regret.

  “Kaplan, jump into the lake and retrieve the bow. ” Simon actually looked amused. “Gloriana, calm down. We’re just acting here. Westwood isn’t going to hurt you. ”

  “Damn right he’s not. ” Rafe tried to put his arm around me, but I wasn’t having it. I brushed him off, my focus on Westwood and his smirk. It was the damned superior look of a man who still thought he was the great hunter. No fang necklace, but I remembered it. Could imagine it hanging around his neck. Trophies from vampires he’d killed like they were animals and not people who had friends and lovers who would grieve for them forever. A tear slid down my cheek, and I angrily knocked it away with my fist.

  “Westwood, we need her cooperation. Try to get along with Gloriana. ” Simon obviously issued an order this time.

  “Don’t be ridiculous. ” Westwood glared at me. “I’m not making nice with this bitch. She’s done nothing but insult me. And now she’s acting like she’s got all these tender feelings. ” He curled his lip. “I’m not buying it. Come on, Glory, you tellin’ me I was the first guy you killed?”

  I heard Rafe growl but ignored him as I leaped for Westwood’s throat. Fangs down, hands wrapped around his scrawny neck, I heard him squeak as I lifted him off the ground. Rafe was at my back, holding off Simon’s men, but he didn’t interfere.

  “Hell no, Brent. I’ve killed men. So many I’ve lost count. You’re just the first one who didn’t stay dead. ” I tightened my grip and heard him wheeze. One more minute and I was going to finish him, twist off his head and toss it into the lake like I’d done his crossbow. Damned if I wasn’t.

  “Simon, help me. She’s going to kill me. Look at her eyes. They, they’re glowing. ” Westwood gasped again. “Red!”


  “You really want to do this, Glory? Simon can be a bad enemy. I’m with you no
matter what. You need my demonic powers, you’ve got ’em. ” Rafe’s voice was inside my head as I squeezed Westwood’s neck, watched his face go dark and his eyes pop.

  “No! The price is too high, you said. ” God, but I wanted this worm dead and lying at my feet.

  “Listen to him, Glory. Even if you get out of here alive, you’ll regret it. If I lose this man’s fortune, I’ll make sure everyone you love or ever have loved will die. ” Simon’s voice was in my head now too, cold and determined.

  “He can’t get away with what he’s done. ” I couldn’t let go, but I didn’t squeeze harder either. If Rafe asked for hell’s aid, what would it cost him? Red eyes. Oh, God. What would it cost us?

  “He won’t. As soon as his money is mine, he’ll pay in other ways. ” Simon gave an unearthly chuckle. “He’ll wish he’d died tonight before my goddess gets through with him. ”

  “You swear? On your goddess?”

  “Yes. I swear on her soul. I’ll make sure Westwood regrets taking a fang from a single vampire. ” Simon sounded convincing, and I believed him. I also believed Westwood hadn’t heard any of this.

  I let go and stepped back. Westwood collapsed on the grass, grabbing his crushed windpipe. I was sure he’d curse me but not without some serious healing first.

  “Take off. We’ll start filming here tomorrow night, midnight,” Simon said, as a soaked Greg, moss dangling from his shoulder, emerged from the lake with the crossbow. Aggie would have loved the look and been all over him.

  “Damned thing sank to the bottom. Next time you want to make a point, Glory, throw it into the woods. ” He sloshed over and dropped it on the ground. “I hate water. ”

  “Yeah? Join the club. ” I turned to Rafe. “Let’s go. ”