Read Real Vampires Have More to Love Page 64

Page 64


  “Florence told me we have a chance to rid you of this demon. I can’t let you live like this. ” He exchanged frosty looks with Rafe. “So here I am. ”

  Flo clapped her hands. “Yes, it is wonderful, isn’t it, Glory? So many people love you. Viola said that for this to work, we must use all the love we can bring together. Friends, lovers. ” She ignored Jerry’s growl and Rafe’s move that had Richard suddenly standing between the two men. She covered my shoulders in a shawl like her own.

  “I wish I could have found more of your friends, but I didn’t think you wanted to close your shop. Lacy is working, and Erin didn’t answer her phone. ” Flo shook her head. “Damian should be here. I know he loves you like a brother, but he has disappeared again. Council business, I think. ” She settled a gaudy heart pendant over my head.

  “Gee, Flo, this isn’t your usual fashion statement. ” I couldn’t help noticing her own diamond and ruby heart pendant and matching earrings.

  “Viola sold it to me. It has a secret compartment with special herbs inside. Ricardo, bring in the bags from the kitchen. ” She leaned closer. “My husband doesn’t know, but she did a ceremony. Powerful stuff to a goddess. Put it next to your own heart. ”

  “Florence, are you sure about this?” Richard was back and handed Flo two bags of Cheetos.

  “What are you doing, Flo?” I gasped as she ripped open the bags and started flinging Cheetos into the air.

  “You love these things. Am I right?” Flo scattered cheese puffs on the floor around me. “We have the people, the things, and we will have the music. Before we are done, that demon bitch will think she is one inch away from the heavenly gates. She will run straight down to hell to get away from such a lovefest. ” Flo beamed at me.

  “Anyone ever tell you your bud there is nuttier than the snack aisle at Wally World?” Alesa snickered. “Nice shoes, though. ”

  I looked down. Sure enough, Flo’s red pumps had hearts on them.

  “Freddy and Derek would be here, but they’d already left for Houston. A little road trip. ” CiCi squeezed my hand. “But you know they love you, don’t you?”

  “Sure, CiCi, thanks for coming. ” I smiled at Flo and Richard. “You two are amazing, breaking up your honeymoon for me. ”

  “Ricardo would not go with me to see Viola. ” Flo sniffed. “He doesn’t approve of her. ”

  “Voodoo. ” Richard held a Bible. “I’ll go along with this because of the love angle, but if Flo brings out a doll with stick pins, I’m out of it. ”

  “Ricardo, you are stereotyping. Shame on you. ” Flo pulled a CD from the tote and stuck it in the player. “Now we need to surround Glory with love. Rafael, you will hold one of her hands. ”

  Rafe had been ominously quiet since Jerry had come into the room. Now he grabbed my hand, his stare warning Jerry not to try to interfere.

  “Of course I love Glory, she knows that. ” He plucked one of the Cheetos out of my hair with his other hand. “I would do anything to keep her from getting hurt. Anything. ” His eyes swept over Jerry, eyes hard with the promise of dire consequences if Jerry did anything else to cause me pain.

  “Perfetto. ” Flo beamed and pulled a silent Jerry to my other side. “And you, Jeremiah, will hold her other hand. You did tell me that you still love our Glory. Am I right?” Her eyes darted from me to Jerry, and she licked her lips. Flo? Nervous?

  “I think Gloriana knows that I have always loved her. Some centuries more than others. ” Jerry gripped my hand and looked down at me.

  My eyes filled with tears. “Jerry. ”

  “I’ll do whatever necessary to keep her safe from the fires of hell and their spawn. ” He gave Rafe the force of his gaze now, then looked at Flo. “Let’s get this done. ”

  “Fine. Ricardo, you put your hand on Glory’s shoulder, just there, and use the Bible, it cannot hurt. ” Flo bustled around, placing CiCi and deciding where she would stand. Then she picked up the remote so she could turn on the CD player.

  “This is so lame it isn’t funny. ” Alesa cackled. “‘I am your lady’? Yeah, right. Which man is it, Glory? You’ve got two to choose from. Of course you know I’d keep both. ”

  I wasn’t listening to her. I was letting the music and the warmth from the bodies around me heal my wounded soul. Celine Dion’s pure voice soared, and I looked at Flo. How had I ever found such a loyal friend? Her eyes were damp. And her husband beside her? He murmured prayers for me, crossing himself as he prayed. They believed in my goodness even when I wasn’t so sure I had any decency left in me.

  I turned to Rafe. He stared at me, willing me to look at him. I sent him a mental message that I did love him, as a friend that I would always treasure. He got it. He realized he could either have me as a friend or distance himself. But the lover thing wasn’t going to work for us. I saw a flash of his pain before he quickly hid it behind a firm jaw and a solemn expression. I wondered if he believed me. So far he’d been in denial, sure he could still win me away from Jerry.

  Jerry. I sighed and turned to him. As if he sensed my gaze, he stared down at me. So much between us. He was easy to read after all our years together. I asked him in my mind if he was with Mara now. He let me know he’d sent her on her way, sorry that he’d used her to hurt me. I could almost pity Mara. Almost. I sent Jerry yet another apology, yet another groveling message asking for another chance. Silence.

  It didn’t take words to know that Jerry wasn’t ready to forgive me yet, that the pain was too fresh and the wound to his pride too deep. The miracle was that he still seemed to love me, even when I wasn’t very lovable. He’d proved it by coming here and clasping my hand in his.

  The music was reaching a crescendo. “I am your lady and you are my man. ” I let the truth of that message show in my eyes as I kept staring at Jerry. The power of love. Hands on me were warm with it as love poured into me. The heart amulet heated against my breast, and Alesa screamed.

  “Lucifer, save me! I can’t stand this!” She sobbed, and I felt her writhe inside me. I gasped at the pain, and the amulet got hotter. I tightened my hold on Jerry and Rafe, and the others gripped my shoulders as if sensing that something was finally happening. It was all I could do to stand as Alesa kicked and clawed, vile curses making my ears ring and my head pound.

  Clear notes shimmered in the air as Celine came to her soaring conclusion. I shivered as I felt a chill, so welcome after weeks of hellish heat.

  Alesa wailed and sobbed. “Lucifer, by all the fires of the damned, if you ever cared for me, get me the hell out of here!”

  And suddenly, with a rippling tear that almost knocked me to my knees, I was free. I knew it. I felt empty, wonderfully, totally empty. Nobody home but Glory. The last notes faded away. Flo hit the off button on the remote, and everyone stared at me.

  “Gloriana?” Jerry drew me toward him. “Are you all right?”

  I couldn’t speak for a moment, gasping as I leaned against him. Finally I looked up and touched the now cool amulet between my breasts.

  “She’s gone, Jerry. We finally did it. We drove Alesa out with the power of love. ” I laughed and hugged him, then Flo grabbed me.

  “You did it, Flo. You are a genius, a hero!” I hugged her, and we both shed a few tears. There was laughter and more hugs all around before I collapsed on the couch, suddenly completely drained.

  “Glory, you need to rest. Obviously this was hard on you. ” Flo shooed CiCi toward the door, dragging Richard with her. “We have left a mess, I’m afraid, my friend. ”

  “No problem, I’ll clean it later. Totally worth it. ” I smiled at Flo and threw her a kiss. There were crushed Cheetos everywhere, and the place reeked of roses and smoke since Flo had blown out the candles. I could deal with that. I was so relieved to be rid of Alesa, I felt giddy if weak in the knees.

  “I still say it wouldn’t have worked without the Bible and the prayers. ”

  “I’m sure you’re right, Richard. ” I sighed and leaned back. “God’s love is powerful too. Am I right, Flo?” I sent her a mental message to be smart.

  “Yes, indeed. ” Flo kissed Richard’s cheek. “We’re going to our real honeymoon now. See you in a few weeks. ” She glanced at Rafe, who’d stepped over to the couch and put his hand on my shoulder. “Rafael, you coming?”

  “Yes. I’ll be at the club if you need me, Glory. ”

  “Right. Thanks, Rafe. ” I smiled at him and squeezed his hand.

  Rafe gave Blade a warning look, then followed them out the door.

  “Are you leaving too?” I saw Jerry lean next to that door as if he was thinking about it. “I wish you would stay. As a friend. I still feel a little shaky. What if she comes back?”

  He shut the door and walked over to sit beside me on the couch. “What did she say when she left?”

  “She called on Lucifer to get her the hell out of me. ” I smiled. “Flo was right. The lovefest was too much for her. ”

  “Guess we’d better make sure you keep that love alive, then. ” Jerry picked up my hand. “This is hard for me, Gloriana. ”

  “God, Jerry, I know. I am so, so sorry. And grateful that you came tonight. I know you probably didn’t want to. ”

  “I couldn’t stay away. I’d never see you hurt, no matter how you hurt me. ” He squeezed my hand.

  “Could have fooled me. Mara at the wedding?” I got up and walked over to my DVD player.

  “A flesh wound only. Now if I’d shagged her . . . ” He watched me sift through my movies.

  “You didn’t?” I held up a DVD.

  “No. ”

  “Wouldn’t have blamed you if you did. ” I sighed. “I know that what I did was wrong. I admit I love Rafe, as a friend. And that I’ve been attracted to him. ”

  I saw Jerry frown, his body stiffen.