Read Real Vampires Know Size Matters Page 37

Page 37


  “Remember how crazed she was about gaining immortality again? Tonight she trashed Ian’s lab. One reason was because she’s still furious that Ian reneged on his promise to turn her. She’s been in a hurry to become vampire ever since she dropped out of the Siren system. So as soon as you gave her some cash, she must have arranged a meet for tonight. ”

  “How much do you think this guy charges? I didn’t give her that much. ” Sienna looked around wildly. “And what’s she thinking? You don’t recover from the change overnight. I can attest to that. We have obligations. Commitments. Shit!”

  “His fee will be pretty high. I have a feeling Aggie probably thought she could give him a down payment and he’d go ahead and make the change. Then she’d work off the rest with her usual fast talking and”—I glanced at the guys—“you know. ”

  “Rogues don’t take sex in payment, Glory. ” Rafe shook his head. “Aggie may be in trouble. If she did meet Miguel, I’m pretty sure of it. He was in N-V the other night. I warned him not to hang around. He’s bad news. He’s working for Lucky Carver now, collecting debts. When some of my paranormal customers or work crew see him, they take off. You don’t want to mess with Miguel. He’s a heavy-duty enforcer. ”

  “You think he’ll hurt her? When he realizes she can’t pay the whole freight?” Sienna dug in her purse when her phone blasted out a shrill tune. “Maybe this is her. I really am an easy touch. I bought her a phone too. She had it stuck in her bra. Said you do that sometimes, Glory. ”

  “When I shape-shift. Not all the time. ” I listened while Sienna answered. Obviously it was Ray again. Sienna told him she was on her way and didn’t mention that Aggie would be a no-show. “Call her now. See if she answers,” I said when Sienna hung up.

  “Good idea. ” She hit speed dial. “Aggie! Where are you? We’re worried sick. ” She listened for a while. “Yes, her too. ” She handed the phone to me.

  “This is Glory. Where are you, Aggie?”

  “Like you care. ” Her voice was hard. “I’m fine. Thanks for asking. Are my things in the alley?”

  “Yes, Rafe stuck everything in boxes. They’re by the back door. He was going to toss them out the window, but took pity on you. I’ll let him know you appreciate that. ”

  “Like hell. You both will pay for being so mean to me. Count on it. ”

  “I know who you’re with, Aggie. Not a good idea. ”

  “Fuck you. I can hang out with whoever I want to. Miguel and I have worked out a deal. None of your business, that’s for sure. I’ll send someone to pick up my stuff. There’d better not be anything missing. Tell Sienna I’ll meet her at N-V in a few minutes. ” She ended the call.

  “Well, I guess Aggie’s not a vampire yet. She’s meeting you at the club, Sienna. Let’s go. ” Then I noticed my mother still by the door into the shop. Pouting. “I’ll meet you there. ”

  “No need to hurry. Ray and I are going to practice first. You can work with him after that. ” Sienna sighed. “Aggie really was using me, wasn’t she?”

  “Afraid so. She’s pretty clever about figuring out angles. Just be on your guard. If she doesn’t work out singing backup, fire her. She’s not your responsibility and she does have a good voice. I’m sure she can find other work. ”

  “You’re right. I’m not thinking straight, being a vampire now and all. It’s a weird deal. Having to keep so many things secret. I hate it. ” She glanced at Danny. “He had to step between me and a couple of your customers tonight. My fangs were shooting down, sticking right out of my mouth. Embarrassing. But, God, their blood smelled so fine. ” She clutched my hand. “What would it hurt to drink from one now and then?”

  “Sienna, think. They’d freak if you came at them, fangs down. You and I need to get together and I’ll teach you how to wipe their minds. So if they do catch a glimpse of your vamp bloodlust, you can make them forget it. ” I smiled at Danny. “Good job, Danny. You saved her butt. ” He just shrugged, his own smile barely a grimace.

  “Yeah, we do need time together. Tonight was horrible. There’s so much I haven’t learned yet. The mirror thing. ” Sienna brushed at her hair. “Shit. It was insane the way I had to hop around your store to avoid the mirrors once I realized I didn’t show up. At. All. If a mortal had seen that . . . ” She swiped at a tear that ran down her cheek. “I’m a freak, Glory. How do you stand it?”

  “A freak who’ll live forever and look hot and young while doing it. ” I gave her a quick hug. “Come on, Sienna, look at the positives. Or try to anyway. Don’t most mortals have trouble with their singing voices when they get older? I know Ray worried about his. The weather affected it, smoke, lots of stuff. Not anymore. ”

  “You’re right. That part’s totally cool. But then I can’t stay in the spotlight like that indefinitely, can I? Not without telling the world what I am. ” She frowned when she pushed away from me. “If I could just come out of the closet, I’d be so on board with this. ” She squared her shoulders.

  “Coming out of the closet is never happening. You know that, don’t you?” I stared into her eyes, willing her to take me seriously.

  “Yeah, yeah. I know. The big bad council wouldn’t like it. ” She tossed her hair and, for a moment, looked just like Aggie at her defiant worst. “Well, I’ve got to run. Did I tell you Danny’s teaching me how to shape-shift? We’ve already done it a few times. It’s majorly cool. We’re going to fly to N-V right now. See ya there later. ” She smiled. “Watch. ” She shifted into a bat. Cliché. Danny, in sympathy I guess, did the same and they took off.

  “I need to spend more time with her. Her attitude needs adjusting. ” I sighed and glanced at my mother again.

  “Yeah, I noticed that. ” Rafe followed me to the back door. “But, as usual, you’ve got a lot going on. Like this. ”

  “You’re too softhearted, Gloriana. ” My mother took me by the shoulders. “What do you care if that Aggravation lives or dies, freezes in her underpants or gets drained dry? Toughen up, darling. ”

  “I know, Mother. I’m a disgrace to a goddess from Olympus. Perhaps you should just wash your hands of me. ” I kissed her cheek. This made her gasp and her eyes watered.

  “Darling! Come inside. Try on just one more dress. I must see you in the black velvet. ”

  “All right. Just one more. ” I stroked it with a fingertip. “You know, Mother, if there’s one thing I’ve learned about men in my years on Earth, it’s that they love to feel something soft. Pushes their ‘on’ button. ”

  “Ah, my dear, you are my daughter, aren’t you?” She actually pulled a hanky out of her clutch. “That dress just might be the one. Try it and see. I have the most cunning shoe and handbag collection too. I’ll fetch it while you get dressed. ”

  Rafe stepped closer as soon as my mother disappeared. “You’re right. We’re suckers for anything soft. Soft material, soft skin. ” He touched my cheek. “Soft heart. Total turn-ons. But be careful, Blondie. Aggie isn’t to be trusted and I’m afraid I put your mother in the same category as that Siren. Manipulators. Beware. That’s all I’m sayin’. ”

  “Yeah, I hear you. ” I sighed and leaned against his hand for just a moment. Tempting. And off-limits. I took the dress into the bathroom and pulled it on. Perfect. Yes, the others were spectacular in their own ways, but this dress fit the mood for the songs I’d chosen. I imagined myself onstage, spotlight hitting the black velvet, beads sparkling and Ray at the keyboard. It would be a night I’d never forget.

  I shivered. What did they say? Like someone had walked over my grave.

  • • •

  When I got to N-V, the first person I saw, leaning against the bar, was Miguel. My memory of him was pretty vivid. For one thing, he’d been one of the most powerful vamps I’d ever met. I’d just learned how to freeze people when I’d run up against him. He’d assured me he knew how to thaw them out. Which made me wonder exactly what else he could be besi
des a vampire. Demon? Or, now that I knew that gods and goddesses had “accidents” aka children, could he have a little Olympus blood in him like I did?

  Rafe was furious and went toward Miguel ready for a confrontation. I stopped him with a hand on his back.

  “Stop and think. If he’s with Aggie, I want to find out what their deal is. You throw him out and we’ll learn zilch. ”

  “I told him to stay out of here. ” Rafe nodded toward the bathrooms. Sure enough, one of his waiters was headed for the break room, his head turned so Miguel couldn’t see it. Debt issues? “He’s bad for business. ”

  “Let me talk to him. ” I rubbed Rafe’s back. “Maybe he’ll agree to wait in the practice room. ”

  “This is my place, Glory. And he’s dangerous. I don’t want you anywhere near him. ” Rafe grabbed my hand. “Why don’t you wait in the practice room?”

  “I can handle him, Rafe. Let me do this. You can watch us from over here. If he does something you don’t like, come help me. And he’s drinking, running up a bar tab. Can you really afford to turn away another paying customer?” I saw Miguel smiling at us from across the room. Obviously he had heard every word and thought we were hilarious. For thinking that I could handle him or that either of us could? I didn’t wait for Rafe to answer me, just headed over. The music was loud and had a sexy beat. I found myself strutting to it, shoulders back, hips swaying. Miguel’s smile got broader and he raised his glass to me then downed his drink in a single swallow.

  “Chica. Looking good. Can I buy you a drink?” He pulled out the bar stool next to him.

  “Sure. I’ll have whatever you’re having. ” I settled on the stool. I still wore all black under my red leather jacket. I slipped off the leather and let Miguel see that my black sweater had a low neckline. He noticed with a slow smile.