Read Real Vampires Know Size Matters Page 47

Page 47


  “No! I’m clean. I won’t have my fans think—”

  “Your fans know addiction is a struggle. They’ll feel for you. Understand that you’re trying but are only human. Ray can tell you that they stick by you when you relapse. ” I heard her curse Ray. Nothing new there.

  “Look. This will give me time to work with you, teach you what you need to know to be a successful vampire. I can introduce you to some experienced vamps who can help you deal with the daily grind of keeping a low profile. Some people who will be better mentors than I’ve been. ” I glanced at Rafe. “I know I’ve let you down or you never would have done something so stupid. ”

  “Stupid? I don’t appreciate that, Glory. ”

  I stared at my phone. “Shit. She just hung up on me. ” I slid the phone back into my pocket. “She’s at Danny’s. I think we’d better go over there. ”

  “Will it do any good?” Rafe jumped to his feet.

  “You’d better try something. Her career is circling the drain right now. Reps from her label have called me twice, wondering if she’s stable enough to make the next record. They have grounds for canceling her contract. ” Nate pulled out his phone again. “If I can assure them she’s on her way to rehab, we might have a shot at fixing this. ”

  “Okay, I’ll tell her that. ” I turned to Rafe. “Did you know she’s using Danny as her blood donor?”

  “No. That’s not good. I thought he knew better. ” Rafe jerked open the office door. “It can make him too weak to do his job. ”

  “They may be sleeping together too. I got a bit of a vibe about that before. ” I followed him out of the office.

  “Wouldn’t be the first time a guard and his employer got involved. Remember?” Rafe stalked across the dance floor. It was crowded and he had to weave around the dancers.

  “What’s going to happen if Sienna has to disappear right away?” I stopped him next to the bar.

  “You lose one of your lead singers? I have a suggestion. ” Miguel was right there, his smile predatory. “I saw the tabloids. ”

  “Not now, Cisneros. ” Rafe clearly wasn’t in the mood.

  “Just keep in mind, amigo, that you have a big night coming. Israel Caine singing alone? Okay. Maybe. But with a new singer? Even better. Gloriana has her little set, yes. But what if Angel were to step in for Sienna? She knows the songs and her voice is certainly up to the task. ”

  “Angel?” Rafe looked clueless.

  “Aggie. ” I had to give Miguel credit. He knew how to take advantage of a situation.

  “Talk to Caine about that. I’m going with Glory now to see what we can do about Sienna. ” Rafe took my elbow and marched me to the door. “Wait here. I’m pulling the car around. ” He strode off.

  “Too bad about the rock star. Can’t keep her mouth shut. ” Miguel stayed close while I waited by the door.

  “Yes, well, I’m going to set her straight on that. ” I didn’t like the way Miguel was almost enjoying this crisis.

  “You’d better. I’ve already had three calls, requesting hits on her. There is no wish among powerful vampires for our world to be exposed. ” He leaned against the brick wall, looking totally at ease discussing murder. “I told the clients I’d have to get back to them. ” His smile gave me chills. “It would be smart to wait anyway. There may be more. So far the contracts were from people who don’t speak to each other. I could accept them all and get paid for each one. I like that. ”

  “You wouldn’t. ” I hated how calm he was about this.

  “Why not? It’s a simple business deal. And this woman is endangering all of us. I might even be tempted to do it for free, except I won’t have to. ” His smile widened. “I think this vampire council the A-list here in Austin thinks so highly of would be quite happy if Ms. Star were to simply disappear one night. Don’t you? I’m sure they hate troublemakers. ”

  “I wouldn’t be happy. Leave her alone, Miguel. ” I poked him in his powerful chest. “She’s my responsibility. Let me handle her. ”

  “Seems to me you failed. She’s out of control. ” He grabbed my hand, squeezing just enough to make me bite my lip. “Shut her up, Glory, or I will. And I’ll make it look like an overdose. Entiendes?”

  “Yeah, I get you. Let me go or Rafe will jump out of that SUV that just pulled up and go shifter all over you. ” I jerked my hand away.

  “I’d like to see him try. I really would. ” Miguel stepped back inside the club.

  “What was that about?” Rafe asked as I slid into his car.

  “Nothing. Let’s go. I assume you know where Danny lives. ”

  “Yep, got it off his employee records. I accessed it and Google Maps from my phone. ” He gunned his motor. “I don’t like seeing you with Cisneros. ”

  “Too bad. He’s useful. I’m using him. ” I looked out at the passing houses. “Is it far?”

  “Not too. What’s with the attitude?” Rafe glanced at me.

  “No attitude, I’m just taking Mel’s advice. Focusing on my goals. Miguel’s a scary dude. Sometimes it’s handy to have one on call, that’s all. You have your own business to run, Rafe. You don’t have to always be available to take care of mine. ” I realized we were stopping already. “He lives here?” It was a nice home, almost an estate with the size of the grounds around it.

  “In an apartment over the garage out back. We’ll leave the car on the street. I’m afraid if we let them hear us coming they might take off. Danny’s no fool, though he certainly acted like one when he let Sienna shoot off her mouth on the radio. By now he’ll have realized we’ll try to shut Sienna down. ” Rafe pocketed his keys and helped me out of the car.

  “You think he knew what she was going to say during the interview?”

  “I hope not. Surely he would have told you or me what was coming or stopped her himself. Shifters also fly under the radar you know. This isn’t cool for any of us. ” Rafe led the way toward a stone three-car garage with a second-story apartment above it. “Looked like there’s an entrance on the right. ”

  We slipped quietly up the stairs then listened. There was a TV going and the murmur of voices. Finally, I just knocked. Someone immediately cut off the television and there was complete silence.


  “Come on, Sienna, Danny. We know you’re in there. Answer the door. ” I knew I sounded insistent. “Please? We just want to talk. ”

  “Who’s with you?” Sienna’s voice.

  “Just Rafe. Can we come in?” I jiggled the doorknob. Locked of course. “You know either of us could break the door down. Don’t make it come to that. I’m sure Danny has a security deposit he doesn’t want to lose. ”

  Finally we heard the door unlock. Sienna opened it, Danny’s arm around her. “What do you want? I said all I’m going to on the phone. ”

  “Can we sit down and you listen to me for a few minutes?” I didn’t wait for permission, just stepped inside. Rafe stood in front of the door. I guess he wanted to make sure they didn’t make a break for it. Smart.

  “If you’re going to call me stupid again, save it. ” Sienna glared at me.

  “I’m sorry. I was upset. But I don’t think you realize what danger you’re in. ” I walked over and sat on the couch. “Sit and let me explain. ”

  “I’ll stand. I told you, I’m not pretending I’m back on drugs. I worked too hard to get clean. ” She crossed her arms over her chest and leaned back against Danny. Clearly their relationship was more intimate than just a bodyguard and his client. Fast work.

  “How else are you going to explain that what you said to the deejay wasn’t true?” I leaned forward, totally serious. “Because you have to retract your statements, Sin. Your life depends on it. ”

  “You’re exaggerating. No one would try to kill me over this. ” She looked away, unwilling to meet my eyes.

  “Yes, they would. I talked to a hit man tonight. He’s a
lready received calls. Requests to take you out. You’ll be dead in days unless you make sure no one believes your tales of fangs and blood drinking. ”

  “You know a hit man?” Sienna looked bewildered as she finally sat beside me.

  “Is that all you got out of that? I’m serious, Sienna. Your record label is ready to dump you. Ranting about vampires to the media on a national broadcast made you a liability. ” I grabbed her arm. “And I’m going to tell you something and trust you will not repeat it. There’s an executive with your label who’s a vamp. He could very well be one of the clients that hit man heard from. When people start looking for vampires? They find them. He’s an important man who can’t afford close scrutiny. Threaten his business and you’re expendable, Sienna. ”

  “What? Someone from my label? Who?” Sienna couldn’t have looked more startled.

  “You think I’d trust you with that information?” I laughed. I guess it was a good thing Sienna and Ray weren’t on speaking terms or she’d already know who it was. “Honey, you’ve gone way past getting me to share any more confidences with you. Now assure me that you’re ready to check yourself into the vampire version of rehab. Nate can handle a public statement for you. It’s the only way to keep that career you’re so proud of. And your life. ”

  To my complete astonishment, she didn’t even take time to think about it. Instead she got a mulish look on her face that I’d never seen before. Didn’t she believe me?

  “No. Figure out something else. I simply can’t say I’m doing drugs again. ” She reached out and Danny moved close to take her hand. “And there’s the concert on Halloween. I won’t miss it. I honor my commitments. ”