Read Real Vampires Live Large Page 13

Page 13


  I couldn’t argue. And Jerry was at his best in fierce warrior mode. “Be careful. Westwood’s going to be surrounded by stakehappy goons, you know. ”

  “That doesn’t mean he might not have left some men here. To finish what he started. ” Jerry pulled me into his arms and rested his cheek on my hair. Tears filled my eyes. Vampires were supposed to live forever, especially this one.

  “Don’t worry about us. Now I’ve got two guard dogs. ” I looked up with a watery smile. “But if Will gets into Flo’s shoe collection, I may be down to one again before you get back. ”

  “You won’t just stay here while I’m gone?”

  “No, I need to get back to my own place. You know how I am about my stuff. ” I’m a nester with a capital N.

  “Of course. And Florence will be coming back as well? ” Jerry likes Flo, everyone does. And she’s pretty powerful. If she wasn’t too involved with her lover du jour, she’d be bodyguard number three. Do you get the idea that I’m regarded here as Glory the helpless? My own fault. I’m afraid to shape-shift. Spend most of my waking hours trying to blend by acting more mortal than the average human being.

  But I’ve been changing since I moved to Texas. I’m surrounded by powerful vamps and shifters who know all kinds of neat tricks. I’m determined to start using some of my latent power. I bet I’ve stored a ton of it since 1604. There was a knock. Jerry kissed my cheek, then got up and opened the door. Mara stood in the hall, positively humming with impatience.

  “We should go now, Jeremiah. Once we get to Namibia, we’ve got to find a safe place to sleep before dawn. ”

  “All arranged, Mara. I sent a man over yesterday. He called a half hour ago. My shipment arrived. He picked it up at the airport and found us appropriate lodging. ”

  Jerry must have shipped his clothes, Fangtastic and other stuff that he saw as essential for an all -out war with Westwood. Vampires don’t exactly make reservations on Continental. He and Mara would shape-shift into hawks or some other bird and fly with preternatural speed from here. Mere mortals wouldn’t even be able to see them. The two vamps would be in Africa before dawn.

  Jerry jumped when I used my own warp speed, newly learned of course, to slip behind him and wrap my arms around his waist. He put his hands over mine.

  “I’ll be down in five minutes, Mara. Feed the dogs, why don’t you?”

  “I tried. Valdez is happy with just about anything, but Will is complaining that his eggs were dry and his toast burned. ” Mara wrinkled her perfect nose. “Like I should know how to cook. What are servants for, I ask you?”

  I sure didn’t comment on that. Servants? Yeah, right. “He’d better get used to takeout and microwave meals while he’s with me. ”

  “Jeremiah, maybe you should let Will change into human form so he can cook for himself. ” Mara stared at my hands on Jerry’s stomach. Or was she enjoying the view? Jerry’s chest was a sight I sure never got tired of. I gently raked my nails over the hair arrowing into his waistband. Her eyes narrowed. Poor Mara, with the famous vamp libido and no man in her life. I actually felt the urge to fix her up. Maybe when she got back from Africa. Unless she finagled her way into Jerry’s bed over there. My hands became claws and Jerry grabbed them.

  “Impossible. Glory’s going to have her hands full handling Will as a dog. ” Jerry’s hands tightened over mine. “I know what your brother’s like. But he’s fierce in a fight. And I trust him to stick by Glory’s side. ”

  “For a price, of course. ” Mara made a face. “Whatever. Perhaps Will and Gloriana will suit very well. ” She gave me the old Glory’s a slut look.

  “Good-bye, Mara. Now leave us alone. ” I slipped my fingers into Jerry’s waistband. Mara grimaced. “I’ll be downstairs. Five minutes, Jeremiah. ” She headed down the hall. Only a vampire like Mara would dress for a transatlantic flight in a black leather mini and high-heeled Gucci boots to match. The woman did love her Gucci. The shape-shifting deal is pretty awesome. Whatever you’re wearing when you change, that’s what you have on when you go humanoid again. I have no idea what physics or whatever you call it are involved. But I ’ve seen it work. Many times. I just don’t trust myself not to screw it up. How would you like to be stuck as a bird or dog or something equally gross?

  “You’re crushing the wind out of me, lass. ” Jerry didn’t sound like he minded.

  “Yeah, right. ” But I eased up and turned him around to face me. “Kiss me good-bye and make it a good one. ”

  Jerry smiled and ran his hands over my body. I’d been naked in the bed and I was still naked. Not that I’d let Mara see me like that. She’d never made a secret of the fact that she thought I was fat. Skinny bitch. So I’d been hiding behind Jerry. He didn’t mind my generous curves.

  “I’d like to do more than kiss you, lass, but five minutes wouldn ’t be nearly enough. I’d—” He leaned down and whispered graphic details of what he’d like to do. The list was long, maybe an hour’s worth. And I felt heat pooling between my thighs.

  “I love it when you talk dirty. Mara can wait. ” I dragged his lips to mine and gave him a kiss guaranteed to curl his toes. I whispered some interesting variations on his earlier suggestions in his mind. He growled and grabbed my ass like he’d never let go. But he did. Let go, that is.

  “We’ve got to leave now or we won’t beat the sun to land-fall. ”

  I sighed and gave him a final hug. “Be careful. And come back as quick as you can. ”

  “Always. ” Jerry gave me a hard kiss, then strode out of the room. I flopped on the bed and stared dry-eyed at the ceiling. There was a scratching at the door and I dove under the covers. Until Blade came back, it was flannel nightgowns for me.

  “Come in. ” Two dogs, one trailing a lime green Prada sandal by its broken strap, came in with concerned looks. Valdez jumped on the bed. “You okay?”

  “Yeah. ” I buried my fingers in his fur. The bed dipped and I figured Will had jumped up on the bed too. Valdez growled and gave him a head butt that sent Will crashing into the nightstand. A brass lamp wobbled then hit the floor.

  “Easy there, my canine cohort. I’m only guarding our mistress. ”

  “You can guard her from the floor, asshole. ” Valdez had obviously decided to be top dog. Which was fine with me. The way Will said mistress made my fangs swell and I had a real strong urge to rip his head off and stuff it up his . . . you know. Good. Anger beat the hell out of all the other emotions that I was set to wallow in.

  “He’s right, Will. And you touch even one strap on any of my shoes and you’ll get generic canned dog food for the duration. ” I almost laughed at the expression on Will’s furry face.

  “Makes me wonder if I’ve landed in hell. ” Will stalked over to the door and lay across the threshold. Valdez snorted. “Drama queen. ”

  “Queen? Queen?”

  Who knew a dog could hit high C? I closed my eyes as the insults flew back and forth. All I could think about was Blade, flying over a dark, cold ocean.


  "This is where we’re going to live?” Will poked his head into the kitchen. “I liked Blade’s place better. State of the art. This is pathetic. Electric stove. Don’t you know gas is the way to go?”

  “Get over it, Emeril. You’re not going to be cooking here and neither is Glory if you don’t shape up. ” Valdez took his top dog role seriously. He looked around and chuffed. “Still smells a little funky in here, but it’s good to be home. ”

  “Yes, it is. ” I collapsed on the couch and wrinkled my nose. A restoration company had been through the place and what I smelled wasn’t so much smoke as disinfectant used with a liberal hand. Too liberal. I immediately had a headache.

  “What’s wrong, Glory?” Valdez put his head on my knee. “Is that vamp trying to communicate again? Bad news if he can get at you here. ”

  “No. Just the cleaning stuff. ” But the other headaches
hadn’t stopped. When we were outside, I still heard someone calling my name. There was a knock on the door and both dogs jumped up and growled.

  “Who is it?” I got up and looked through the peephole. No one should have been able to get inside without buzzing from downstairs. But then someone might have let this one in, since he’d been a regular visitor until a few weeks ago.

  “Mainwaring. Let me in. ”

  Orders. I felt my usual resistance, then remembered that I owed this guy a debt the size of Montana.

  “Sure. Come in. ” I flipped back the dead bolts and flung open my new door. “Thanks for not knocking the door down. I’m not sure how many Damian is willing to pay for. ” Mainwaring brushed past me.

  “Is Florence here?”

  “No. She’s moving back in tomorrow. Something about dry cleaning that won ’t be ready. She wants to move everything at once. ”

  “Right. Not that she’ll actually pick up anything herself. ” Richard stared down at Will. “I don’t know this one. ”

  “Will Kilpatrick, Mara’s brother. You know Mara MacTavish. ”

  “Yes. The grieving widow. ”

  “Hey. Where’s your respect?” Will showed some teeth, but one steely look from Mainwaring and he shut his mouth.

  “I have great respect for Mrs. MacTavish. ” Richard nodded at Valdez. “But I wonder what you’re doing here and why you’re not comforting your sister. ”

  “My sister’s in Africa, with Blade. Hellbent on revenge. ” Will sat down next to the door. “I’m on assignment. Guard duty. ”

  Richard looked at me. “Two dogs? What’s the story? Doesn’t Blade trust you with a real bodyguard?”

  I wanted to smack his handsome face. “He trusts me. He just doesn’t trust men not to fall in lust with me and drive me crazy with their unwanted advances. ” I gave him a head toss. “I’m irresistible. ”