Read Real Vampires Live Large Page 21

Page 21


  “Greg. ” Richard still held me, trying to read my mind. “What’s his last name? I might know him. ” His hands tightened on my shoulders.

  Oops. I was definitely keeping my block up. Maybe he had heard of Greg. If the EVs were on Richard’s shit list, he’d obviously been investigating them and didn’t like what he’d discovered. Maybe I should ignore Flo’s advice and pump him for info. But the way he was freaking out, I figured he’d go nuts if I told him about the power issue. I just didn’t feel up to the drama. So I stepped back and Richard let me go.

  “Forget him. I let the vampire know I wasn’t interested in a rerun. I handled him. By myself. ” I began turning off lights. “I’m locking up. Do you want to go upstairs for a computer lesson?”

  “No. ” Richard followed me to the door, settling my shawl around my shoulders. His fingers lingered. “You look more than all right, Gloriana. Very sexy. If this mortal male didn’t try to jump you, he’s a eunuch. ”

  I turned and smiled at him. “Of course, he tried. But he just didn’t do it for me. ”

  “What or who does it for you, Glory?” Richard brushed his thumbs across my throat, which was suddenly dry as dust. I managed a laugh. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

  “Maybe I already do. ” Mr. Intensity actually grinned and stepped back. “Where are the dogs now?”

  “Still upstairs. I just stopped here for a minute, to check things out. ” I held up my hand. “And spare me another lecture. I’m not up for it. ” I locked the door, set the alarm, then looked up at the clear night sky. It was a beautiful night, just a few hours until dawn. I was free for a change and hated to go inside. I glanced at Richard and let him see that last thought.

  “Fine. You like to live dangerously. I can relate to that. And, of course, I’m glad you’re okay. ” He nodded toward the bike. “As you can see, the bike’s fixed. I was just testing it out. Don’t go inside. Go for a ride with me. In the hills. ”

  “I’d love that. I really don’t want to go in to all the doggy drama about how reckless I am. ”

  Richard pulled the scarf from around my neck and carefully tied my hair back at the nape of my neck. He studied me for a moment, his eyes gleaming in the light from Mugs and Muffins. “It was reckless. A mortal couldn’t protect you. And Westwood still has men out there. I encountered one earlier tonight here in the coffee shop. ”

  “Here? Right next door?” Westwood’s man calmly drinking coffee only a few feet away? Holy crap. “What was he planning to do?”

  “He had a can of spray paint and a wooden stake in his backpack. He was composing a message when I found him. ”

  “Nice. Probably something like, ‘Die, vampires’ across my new windows and freshly cleaned brick. ”

  “Yeah, something along those lines. ” Richard looked grim.

  Graffiti I could deal with, though it pissed me off. But the stake . . . I shuddered. Westwood had claimed to want to take me out himself, but that boast could have been designed to lull me into a false sense of security.

  “Now you see why I was worried about you. ” Richard gripped my elbow and urged me toward the bike. “Get on. ”

  “Wait. How did you handle the Westwood goon?”

  “You don’t want to know. ” He got on the bike and started it with a roar. No talk of helmets of course. Why bother? That healing vamp sleep could take care of any injury short of decapitation.

  I let his reticence slide for the moment. While I wasn’t exactly dressed for a bike ride, I didn’t want to miss the chance to feel the wind in my hair. My leather mini was cute, but tight. When I straddled the bike, I’d be showing some serious thigh. Chubby thigh at that.

  “Climb on carefully. The tail pipes get hot. ”

  “I’ve ridden on the back of a bike before. ” And I had, though it had been decades. And I’d loved it, feeling wild and free. What the heck. With more energy than grace, I managed to get on, then grabbed Richard’s firm middle. He took off with a roar and I leaned against him and held on tight.

  Austin’s in what Texans call the hill country. Some of those hills are right in town and very steep. The cold air felt great on my cheeks as we flew up and down, a windy roller-coaster ride. I rubbed my cheek against Richard’s strong back and probed his mind. He finally let me see how he’d dealt with the Westwood man. It wasn’t pretty. And Richard the former priest felt compelled to pray for forgiveness. He hadn’t intended to take a life, but when a man comes at you with a stake . . . I gave Richard a reassuring squeeze and whispered in his mind. “You did a good thing, Richard. Self-defense. If that man had a vamp detector, he could have staked me or Flo if he’d gotten away. ”

  He pulled to a stop on a hilltop. When he cut the engine, it was wonderfully quiet. Peaceful. Richard got off the motorcycle then held out his hand.

  “Thank you, Gloriana. I knew what I did was necessary. But it never gets easy. ”

  I hopped off with even less finesse than I’d got on with. “I understand, Richard. And I’m grateful. ” I turned and looked at the lights of the city spread out below us. “It’s a beautiful night. Let’s try to forget vamp hunters and enjoy the view. ”

  “I’m enjoying the view. ” Richard put his arm around me, his eyes on the swells of plump breasts above my bustier. Hey, showing cleavage is in style. Compared to some of the stars on the TV shows I watch, I was dressed like a nun. Nope, not even thinking about the fact that Richard had once been a priest.

  “Out there, Richard. Aren’t the lights beautiful?” We both took a minute to just appreciate the skyline of Austin. Okay, so I also appreciated the vibe between us. I’d had a hellacious night. First biting an innocent mortal, a nice guy, when I really didn’t want to be that kind of user vampire. Then Greg Kaplan had cornered me. Oops. I’d almost forgotten to block Richard. He just looked at me, all dangerous male and intensity.

  “I’m attracted to you, Gloriana. ” He brushed my hair back from my cheeks. “I think we could be good together. ”

  Wow. Talk about a subject change. His fingers were rough on my skin, but I couldn ’t deny that the chemistry so missing with firefighter Steve, was definitely alive and well here. Hey, a kiss couldn ’t hurt. I pulled his head down and planted one on him. It quickly turned into him planting one on me.

  Oh, my. Oh, crap. This could definitely lead to a whole lot more. Could I do this? What about Blade? Forget Blade. Richard cupped my breast and I realized the naughty girl had escaped from my bustier.

  He bent his head to trace my nipple, his fangs brushing the tip over and over until I moaned and held his head to me. Damn, but he was good at this. He eased me down on the ground. A rock stuck me right between my shoulder blades. I moaned louder, pain this time.

  “Richard. ” I shoved at him.

  “What? Am I moving too fast for you, Glory?” He looked up, his fangs gleaming in the moonlight.

  “No, I mean, yes, I mean, rock!” I sat up and threw the damn boulder across the clearing. Which gave me time to think. What was I doing here making out with Richard?

  “Relax, Glory. Just lie back and look at the stars. ” Richard pulled off his jacket and spread it out behind me. Stargazing? I let him ease me back and sighed at the beauty of the star -dusted night sky. “I’m sorry, Richard. ” I grabbed his hand when it roamed up my thigh. “This is moving too fast for me. ”

  Richard stared down at me. “I get it. You’ve been with Blade. I’ve been with Florence. But unless you’re exclusive . . . ”

  “That’s not it. Or maybe it is. ” I tucked both breasts back into my top. “Anyway, it’s close to dawn and the dogs will be going nuts. I need to get home. ”

  Richard stood and pulled me to my feet.

  “Another night. ” Richard kissed me, but it was quickly obvious to me, anyway, that the moment had passed. I’d remembered a few things about him, he’d probably remembered a few things about me. Maybe someday we’d bo
th be ready for something more. His kiss deepened. I held onto him, appreciating his broad shoulders, the slow glide of his tongue against mine. Maybe someday


  A bird sang and I jumped and quickly scanned the area. If it was a certain blackbird . . . But sometimes a bird is just a bird and a reminder that false dawn had come, warning us that we were running out of time. Hey, there would be other nights. Richard smiled, obviously getting the message loud and clear.

  I got back on the bike and we spoiled the quiet night with the roar of the Harley. I held on as we zoomed down the hills toward home. The sky was getting lighter by the minute. By the time I got home, I ’d literally have to jump into bed. At my door, I offered Richard my couch, but he took one look at my sulking dogs and assured me he’d make it home in time. I was tempted to go with, especially when Valdez quit sulking and started lecturing.

  "Opening night. Finally. ” I looked around. Except for the sheet that Flo had insisted stay in front of the back wall until the

  “unveiling,” things looked good. Better than they had before the fire actually.

  “We throw open the doors at midnight. Right?” Lacy was pumped and, even though she was usually my day manager, she’d insisted on being here for this.

  “Right. ” A knock on the door signaled some early birds. Valdez and Will gave a token bark, but they were still sulking about my night without them. They settled back down on either side of the door, two frowning, furry foo dogs.

  “It’s CiCi, Frederick and Derek. ” I let them in and swapped hugs all around. The Countess Cecilia von Repsdorf and her son had been great friends of mine for years. Since I ’d moved to Austin, they’d practically adopted me. Derek, Freddy’s partner, worked in the shop some nights. They were all vampires, of course.

  CiCi had consigned some beautiful pieces from her vast collection of what her son called junk. She ’d been furious that most of her porcelain and art glass pieces had been destroyed in the fire. Fortunately, a trip to her attic had refilled the shelves and we were good to go. But if Westwood ever crossed her path, she’d vowed to end up wearing his eyeteeth.