Read Real Vampires Live Large Page 43

Page 43


  “Sorry. ” He looked sad, yummy and way too easy to forgive. “Of course you’re desirable. ”

  “Good night, Richard. Get out of here before we do something we’ll both regret. ”

  Richard reached out and touched my hair. “I’m already regretting it. ” Then he turned and headed down the hall, still limping, torn pants flapping.

  I sagged against the doorframe for a moment, then went to give the dogs the all clear. Two hours until dawn. Maybe I ’d call Blade. The VV was still inside me in the form of a damp yearning that made my knees wobbly. This restless urge needed to go somewhere and Blade is my go-to guy. Always. Even an ocean and a continent away. And ain’t that a bitch?


  I woke up still feeling slightly hungover and frustrated. I hadn ’t called Blade after all. I ’d had just enough snap left in my overstimulated brain to figure out that wouldn’t be a good idea. Even long distance, he could read me way too well. It had been bad enough having to call Damian about another broken door. He ’d wanted explanations I wasn’t about to give. And what about Richard? Would I ever be able to face him again? Oh, God, could I have been a bigger slut?

  “Finally, you’re awake. ” Flo sat on the foot of my bed, disgustingly bright-eyed. “What happened last night? There’s powder everywhere and I can’t find the remote for the TV. ”

  “Richard and I had a party. Things got a little wild. ” I watched Flo’s face, checking to see if she might still have feelings for Richard. She just shrugged.

  “Richard and a party? What? Did he actually loosen up for a change?” Flo frowned down at a chipped nail.

  “Loose enough. ” I even said it with a straight face. “Richard’s a decent man. I respect him. ”

  Flo gave me a searching look. For once I didn’t want to spill my guts. She didn’t press me. A good thing since my anger was on simmer and rapidly coming to a boil.

  “Where’s the Fangtastic Simon sent you? I know you love the AB negative, but Richard doesn’t usually drink it and I doubt you could have finished it off by yourself in one night. ” She leaned closer. “Though you do look a little ragged around the edges. ”

  “Ragged? Like from a Fangtastic binge? Or maybe I just had a rough night. ” I leaped out of bed, glad I’d at least had the presence of mind to put on an old nightgown before I’d finally gone to sleep. Not that I’m overly modest—see previous night—but parading naked in front of my roomie with the cute figure wasn’t on my top ten list.

  “What are you talking about? Too much Fangtastic can’t hurt you. And Richard . . . Yes, he has a temper, but he wouldn’t—”

  Flo looked startled when I growled.

  “So says the resident expert on men. ” I stomped a circle around the bed to keep from venting all over her. Not her fault. Not her fault. She obviously didn’t have a clue what Simon had done. I took a calming breath and sat on the bed beside her.

  “No, Richard wouldn’t hurt me, not physically. But he pissed me off when he poured down the drain the Fangtastic Simon sent. I know he did the right thing, but it was hard to take at the time. ”

  “He poured it down the drain? Because he hates Simon?” Flo jumped up and stormed to the living room. “How could you let Richard do that? Simon was making a nice gesture. ”

  “Oh, yeah, really nice. Simon punched it up with a boat-load of that stuff he’s peddling. ” I headed to the kitchen and grabbed one of the bottles of O positive.

  “What? You had the Vampire Viagra?” Flo shook her head when I offered some of the cheap stuff.

  “Yes. ” I drank, fought off a gag—God, this was swill— then sat on the couch. “Where are the dogs?”

  “I asked Lacy to take them for a walk before we go to church. ” Flo sat on a chair across the room. “How did you like the VV?

  Wasn’t it wonderful? Did Richard try it too? I can’t get Simon to use it, but I think—”

  “Flo, stop. ” I took another swallow. I needed to do some kind of whammy on myself so I ’d think I was still drinking the wonderful stuff I’d had the night before. “Simon drugged me. I drank a bottle laced with VV and ended up attacking the nearest warm male body. ”

  “Richard. ” Flo settled back like this was going to be good. Regular roomie dish.

  “Yeah, Richard. ” I deliberately blocked Flo from reading my mind. I had some really homicidal urges toward her boyfriend in there. Not to mention the fact that I was close to wrapping my hands around Flo ’s elegant throat and throttling her for being so clueless.

  “Okay, I give. Did you like it? Wasn’t the rush fantastic? ” Flo grinned like the idiot she was turning out to be.

  “No. I felt like I was crawling out of my skin, for one thing. And it was more screaming frantic than rush. ” I sure wasn’t telling Flo that the only satisfaction I’d managed last night had come courtesy of my XTC 3000 vibrator.

  “But Richard is a wonderful lover. ” Flo had the grace to look embarrassed. “I know I said he wasn’t, but I lied. I was mad at him, for being so much more into his business than he was into me. ”

  “Yes, he’s very intense and still hung up on some of his priestly vows. ”

  Flo laughed. “He’s not celibate, Glory. If he told you that, honey, maybe you just don’t do it for him. ”

  I paused a moment for a little bitter reflection. Could that be why I’d lost last night’s battle? No, I’d definitely gotten to the guy. He’d struggled with his decision not to take me. I leaned forward. “I know he’s not celibate, Flo, but he has principles. ”

  “Principles? What do you mean?”

  “That he wouldn’t take advantage of a woman under the influence. Even if that woman did everything but chain him down and force herself on him. ”

  “The chains are in my closet, you should have used them. ” Flo giggled. “Sorry, I couldn’t resist. You should see your face. ”

  “Yeah. Hand me a mirror. ” I picked up the bottle of Fangtastic and drained it. I’d just let my roommate see how pathetic I was.

  “So Richard played hard to get. ” Flo shrugged. “Not surprising now that I think about it. But what happened to the rest of the Fangtastic Simon sent you? Surely not all of it was laced with the VV. That stuff costs the earth. ”

  “Then your lover was extremely generous. ” Or didn’t want to take a chance that I wouldn’t sample his drug. He’d probably hoped I’d get hooked and beg him to take my power. Become one of the drones Flo had mentioned. Simon must really be in a power crunch to go to so much trouble. “Richard and I dumped it all out. Maybe it didn’t all have the VV in it, but I wasn’t about to take the chance. Richard even threw away the empty bottles. The man’s obviously not into recycling. ”

  “You should have saved it, Glory. For when Blade comes home. I bet he would enjoy it. He’s not the prude Richard obviously has become. ”

  I took about a nanosecond to think about the combination of Blade and the VV. “Forget it. Blade and I don’t need it, Flo. And, last I heard, you didn’t need help in that department either. ”

  “It’s not that I need it. But if I enjoy something new, where’s the harm?”

  “The harm?” I grappled with the question. “The harm comes when you take people against their will. Drug them without their knowledge. ” Okay, now I was on a roll. “Dangle seeing daylight in front of an ancient vampire, take his or her money, then watch the vamp fry when the sun comes up. ”

  “Bah. You’ve been listening to Richard. I have seen none of that with Simon. You should come see for yourself. I told you he wants to meet you. ”

  “He wants to meet me so he can drain my power. Even you admit I’m loaded with it. ”

  “I can see we’re wasting our time discussing this, Glory. We don’t agree. I move on. ” Flo crossed her legs. “How do you like my new outfit?” She wore a black wool pencil skirt and black and white sweater that I hadn’t seen before. I decided I m
ight as well “move on” too. “New? It’s cute. Did Simon take you shopping?” I’d gotten the impression the EVs were practically hermits. I couldn’t imagine Simon strolling through a mall with his girlfriend. If Simon did go out with Flo, Richard might have a chance to launch an attack. Of course we’d have to get Flo out of the way first.

  “No. Simon doesn’t go out much. Typical man. Hates shopping. But he insisted I order something online, then he paid for express shipping. He really is generous. ”

  So much for the mall theory. “Generous? I thought it was a cheap shot, trying to drug me like that. ”

  “But didn’t you like the Vamp Viagra? I mean, it makes you feel . . . amazing. ” Flo ran her hands over her breasts. “Very hot. ”

  I tried to analyze just how I’d felt the night before. Mainly I’d been out of control. Damian had complained about the same thing. Richard too once he’d had it in his system after barely tasting me. It obviously took iron will to not have sex once you were into the VV. Iron. Oh, boy, speaking of iron . . . Richard had been incredibly hard. Side effect? Or was that typical for him? No assist from VV needed.

  “You’re getting a dreamy look, Glory. I think something did happen with Richard last night. Maybe you’re cranky because you feel guilty. Taking a lover while Blade is away. Just blame it on the VV and move on. ” Flo bent down to pluck a white dog hair from her skirt. “Will sheds all the time. You should brush him. ”

  “Move on. That’s always your philosophy, Florence. ” I saw that I’d upset her. “Look, I’m sorry. I’m hungover. Too much VV

  and not enough action. And I wouldn’t brush Will on a bet. He’s been shifting into human form. ”

  “Oh?” Flo looked interested. “Is he handsome?”