Read Rebel Grey Page 27


  Meanwhile, at King Scarlet's gilded palace...

  Grey crept carefully through the courtyard. The guards outside the palace leaned on their guns or the walls bordering the opulent, stone building, looking bored and sleepy. They didn't notice him. They talked quietly to each other. Their voices were subdued, as though the atmosphere at the palace had taken a downward turn since the prince had disappeared. Every now and again, one of them laughed but the sound seemed to fade lifelessly into the charged air. Grey slipped around the side of the building and pulled open the servant's entrance door. He didn't walk inside. He flashed a light toward the steep, narrow stairs. He lifted the gun in his hand.

  If Saer was there, Grey was prepared to deal with him. Saer wasn't there. No one was there. The stairs were silent and empty.

  His heart thumped wildly in his chest as though it could hardly bear to see him through this new ordeal. It was the only way. He still had no idea what he was going to do. He didn't kid himself the empty stairwell meant it was safe for him in the palace. He wasn't safe anywhere, especially not here. No one would be safe until he could stop his father and take back the city.

  He crept through the darkened halls. It was late. The palace was asleep. If he could make it to his room, he could have time to think. He just needed to time figure out what he was going to do. He needed time to be ready to do it.

  There were guards in the corridor outside his bedroom. He hadn't once wondered what had happened to his two ubiquitous bodyguards. Sean and Errol were still outside his door, as though they expected him to emerge any moment, on his way to a night out in the city.

  He halted hastily and tried to duck back down the other way before they saw him, but Errol spotted him. "It's Dante." He sounded shocked. His voice rang out as though he'd shouted.

  Grey wasn't quick enough to escape them. Sean seized his arm. His expression was triumphant. It didn't bode well for the prince; he remembered enough to know he had not endeared himself to his bodyguards. "Your father will be very happy to see you, Dante."

  His heart fluttered. He could have aimed his gun at the bodyguards, but they would raise the alarm before he got a shot off, and he didn't think he had it in him to pull the trigger. He hadn't wanted them to know he was in the palace so quickly. Now they did. He would have to adjust. He was relieved, at least, that they didn't pat him down. If they took away his gun, he would have no way to protect himself or carry out his plan--whatever it turned out to be.

  They steered him firmly toward his father's office. They had never manhandled him before. He hadn't realized how strong they both were. He had been lucky before to have remained on their good sides. Or, at least, he had remained under their protection. They didn't seem interested in protecting him now. His father must have commanded Grey be brought before him the moment they caught sight of him.

  Sean rapped on the door. Scarlet's voice sounded gruff. "Enter."

  "Sir, the prince."

  Scarlet shot to his feet as Sean propelled Dante into the room. He didn't smile, but his handsome, angular face lit up. "Dante." He strode forward and folded Dante into a tight bear hug.

  Grey hugged him back warily. He didn't know what was happening.

  "I was so worried." Scarlet leaned back to hold him out at arm's length.

  "I'm sorry, Dad."

  "Where have you been?"

  "The outlands."


  He didn't realize he would say it until he did, and then he couldn't take it back. "I was kidnapped."

  Scarlet blinked in surprise. "Kidnapped? My god, Dante."

  For a moment, he didn't say anything else. Dante's heart thudded as he struggled to think of what to say next.

  Finally, his father asked, "Who did it?"

  He had anticipated this question, of course, but he still hadn't come up with an answer. His mind raced. "Some outlaws. They caught up with me outside a bar. They beat me up and took me to the outlands."

  Scarlet stepped forward and took Dante's chin in his hand. He looked closely at his face. "You do look as though you have been recently injured." He frowned. "Are you suggesting they let you go?"

  "No. They didn't. I escaped."

  Scarlet scowled. "How?"

  Grey shook his head. "It's hazy. I was drugged. Some of the bounty hunters crashed the base and destroyed it. I was able to escape in the chaos."

  "But how long ago was this?"

  He wasn't entirely certain his father believed him. He soldiered on anyway. "A few days. I managed to get away, but I was in bad shape. I had to avoid being seen. I knew if anyone recognized me, I would be in worse trouble."

  Scarlet frowned as he thought about this. He sighed and flickered his hand across his forehead. "I am sorry this has happened to you, son. I did not mean for any of this to happen. If I had known, I would have stopped it."

  He sounded sincere. Grey had never seen him look so concerned—not since the day Elia died. The thought rose unbidden into his mind. He pushed it away. He hadn't expected this sort of reception from his father. He wasn't sure what he had expected, but it hadn't been...affection. He needed time to think about it. Could move against his father—could he do whatever he had to do to take over control of the city if he wasn't the one who had sent Saer after him? Could he betray a man who had never betrayed him? He still loved his father, would always love his father, no matter what he was.

  But, then, Dante's tenacious assassin worked for Scarlet, and Scarlet was very good at keeping up appearances.

  "I am so glad you are all right. I am relieved you made it home safely."

  "I'm sorry I worried you, Dad."

  Scarlet stepped forward and hugged him again. "You are home now." He leaned back to look at Grey sternly. Grey's stomach flipped. He knew that look. He had seen it in his dreams and in flashes of memory. "Can you tell me anything about the people who held you?"

  Grey sighed. "No. Not really. I was beaten up pretty badly. And I was drugged. I didn't see any faces."

  "Were they rebels?"

  "No. I don't think so. They were outlaws. They planned to hold me for ransom. I heard them talking about it."

  "Why didn't they?"

  "I don't know what they were waiting for. Perhaps they were waiting for the right time. I did not know their plan. I just heard bits and pieces. They kept me in a room with no windows."

  Scarlet's brow furrowed. "What about when you escaped? Do you remember where you were?"

  Grey shook his head. "No. Just somewhere the outlands. The streets all look the same. It's chaos out there. I just remember some old, burnt out houses all around me."

  "You were in a house?"

  "Yeah. In the basement. I crawled up the stairs and out the backdoor while they were fighting the hunters. I was lost for days. I slept in some empty houses on the way back to the city center. I spent most of the days trying to avoid the bands of outlaws. I finally made it to the edge of town. After that, I found my way home."

  "Why didn't you present yourself to the guards?"

  Grey sighed. "I was scared. I didn't know who was in on it."

  Scarlet scowled. "You think one of my people was in on it?" He looked so furious, Grey was almost frightened of him.

  "I-I'm not sure. I didn't know. Maybe. Someone knew where to find me that night."

  "Interesting. Did you see anyone you know?"

  He shook his head. "No. I was drinking."

  "You are always drinking."

  "Not anymore, Dad. I want to change. What's happened has changed me. It was terrible to be in that basement. I want to forget it and--become better."

  Scarlet considered him. "I am happy to hear it. I am glad you have finally seen things my way. A prince cannot go about acting like a spoiled schoolboy on a bender. You are expected to be a man of dignity. It is the only way you can take the reigns when I am gone or ready to retire. Does this mean you are prepared to begin working on my side? You are prepared to take an interest in matters
of the city?"

  Grey lifted his chin. "Yes, Dad."

  "Excellent. We will begin in the morning. Until then, go on to your room. I will send the medic to look you over. I want to make sure you are well."

  "I am well. I don't need a medic."

  "Do what your father says. I need to know you will do so from now on and that you will be on my side. Not defying me and making a spectacle of yourself."

  Grey lowered his head. "Yes, Dad."

  Scarlet strode to the door and opened it wide. He gestured Sean and Errol, who waited in the corridor like motionless sentries. "Gentleman, see my son to his room. And guard him."

  Grey looked at him in surprise. "Dad?"

  "I am inclined to trust you have decided to join me, but I intend to verify it. I can't have you falling back into your old patterns now that you are home."

  He nodded, but his stomach roiled. "Of course, Dad. Good night."

  "Good night, son. See you in the morning."