Read Rebels Page 25

  Chapter 17 War Games

  Jasper climbed steeply to escape the planet’s atmosphere pushing his shuttles engines to deliver every last ounce of power, as the orbital command station loomed above them.

  “So what's the new assignment?” asked Angelica

  “Chief Propagandist on my new flagship Fury.” replied Jasper.

  “Don't you mean Malstrom's new flagship?”

  “No we're stealing it as soon as it drops out of hyperspace, going native, but don't worry we'll be ruthless in our application of the liturgy. There be plenty of action for you to spin.”

  “I see black ops, plausible deniability, sounds like fun.”

  Alice picked up an incoming broadcast and turned to Jasper. “I've got Wilkes on the line, says it urgent.”

  “Whatever it is, it can wait.” he snapped back. “Tell him to brief me when were back on the bridge and I want this shuttle turned around, prepped and ready to go as soon as we land, with all senior officers scheduled for transfer to the Fury on board.”

  Alice nodded and relayed his orders to Wilkes as they broke free of the planet’s atmosphere. Climbing steadily past the orbital weapons platforms they swung around to align themselves with the command stations main flight deck. It seemed Raynes had been busy purging the virus and restoring systems while they were gone. The docking web took control of the shuttle and guided them effortlessly back in. As they glided smoothly to a halt a deck crew rushed forward and were already at work refuelling and prepping the shuttle for launch before they their feet touched the deck.

  Navigation lights that ran the full length of the flight deck winked on and off in sequence. In fact the flight deck ran the entire length of the station with massive steel hanger doors at either end that could be closed or opened to space as needs dictated. Both doors were currently open enabling ships to be simultaneously launched from one end of the deck and retrieved from the other. Where the shimmering haze of a carefully modulated force field that allowed ships to pass while maintaining normal pressurisation of the flight deck could be seen. Large retractable platforms were built into the deck that could be dropped on massive hydraulic rams and quickly loaded with the stations fighter compliment stored in hangars beneath the main deck. They weaved their way around platforms edged in black and yellow chevrons, following a blue line that ran between them to the lift that would take them back to the bridge.

  No one spoke till they reached the lift.

  Alice turned to Jasper. “Wouldn't it make sense for Angelica to wait with the shuttle for the other senior officers if she’s transferring to the Fury?”

  Jasper smiled at Angelica. “It would be discourteous to leave such an attractive new crew member alone with the shuttle.” Angelica feigned a blush. “Besides if she going to be our ships propagandist, she needs to see and understand how we operate.”

  His cybernetic eye clicked and whirred with satisfaction as he observed the aura of jealousy around Alice at the prospect of a rival for his attentions. Angelica was harder to read. Like all propagandists she'd been genetically engineered to feign any number of emotions at will for maximum effect and be totally ruthless in the advancement of their given cause. He was going to have fun playing them off against one another.

  “I can't wait to see you in action.” said Angelica shooting a sly smile at Alice. “I've never been on the bridge of an orbital command before.”

  The lift deposited them on the command deck midway between his quarters and the bridge. Jasper turned smartly to the left and led them onto the bridge. As the steel blast doors slid back to admit them Alice turned to Angelica.

  “A word of advice the best way to progress on a ship like this is to know your place in the chain of command and stick to doing your job.”

  “Thanks.” said Angelica smiling sweetly. “But I wasn't planning on becoming the ships whore.”

  Jasper smiled as he took the bridge.

  “Commander on the deck.” barked Wilkes.

  Jasper settled into his leather chair on the commander’s dais. He was going to miss his old seat and wondered if he shouldn't have it transferred to the Fury for old time’s sake. Alice took control of the sensor stations and Wilkes shifted across to the right to oversee comms. Angelica took up a position behind his chair to the left and Jackson assumed a similar position on his right. He couldn't help but notice that the hapless lieutenant who was the perennial bringer of bad news was once again handling communications. He made a mental note to reassign him before he left.

  He turned to Wilkes. “Status report.”

  “Raynes has purged the virus and got all primary systems back on line, but we've lost the Angel-1 research facility. It was destroyed by an unknown force before we could recover the research team and data core. “

  Alice pleased to see the sensors were back on line zoomed in on the North Pole and brought up the facility on the overhead holographic display. “No survivors.”

  Jasper focused his cybernetic eye on the planet. The smouldering remains of the shuttle. The crater where the underground facility had been. The mangled machinery and corpses littering the snow and ice. Turning to Jackson quizzically, he honed his eye in on him looking for a reaction.

  Jackson his black goggles lodged as always on forehead shrugged his shoulders. “An unfortunate, but acceptable loss. I transmitted a data back-up to the Fury thirty minutes before we evacuated the base. My new research team on board have already started growing a replacement data core. A few months inconvenience nothing more. Still at least it appears to have validated the efficacy of the Z15E variant of the virus.”

  “Perhaps we should allow everyone to think you perished along with your team, the research and the data core?” suggested Angelica. “That way you can continue your research unhindered by outside interference. I'll start work on an obituary if you like.”

  Jackson nodded and smiled politely. “Plausible deniability, I like it.”

  Jasper waved his hand dismissively to indicate his approval, as he noticed Wilkes sub-dermal implant glistening under his skin. “What now?”

  “We're picking up a looping transmission planet side, repeating at regular intervals.” he turned to the hapless lieutenant. “Put it on screen.”

  The man nodded and projected it onto the overhead holographic display.

  Ford's face filled a good portion of the screen. His hood was down revealing his closely cut grey hair and neatly trimmed goatee. Even with his trade mark silver glasses in place they could see his deep blue eyes burned with a fierce intensity. He appeared to be standing on one of the landing pads on the upper tiers of the space port. Behind him they could see Bryson marshalling a line of prisoner’s, hands on heads in Malstrom combat armour, past a sleek looking craft that resembled a drop-ship of some unknown design.

  “Interesting.” said Angelica studying his eyes. “It’s almost as if he's a gestalt entity.”

  Jasper focused his cybernetic eye on the planet once more and zoomed in on the space port seeking out Ford, but was rebuffed by a force similar to the one he had encountered before, when probing the subterranean complex beneath the planet. He turned to Jackson. “Looks like he found the ark.”

  Jackson slipped his goggles over eyes and inspected the projection of Ford before nodding.

  “This is Guardian Ford of liberated Anobar.” said the head above them. “The resistance has assumed control of the spaceport, New Hope, Paradise, the Yaddle Mountain Range Mines, and all major settlements and facilities across the planet. We are declaring an immediate ceasefire to facilitate the peaceful surrender of all remaining Malstrom forces. Lay down your weapons and you will not be harmed. You will be accorded full POW status. Resist and you will be met with deadly force”

  The image changed to show prisoners being escorted into the Paradise prison complex to be processed, before flicking back to Ford.

  “Cowards.” Alice spat the word out of her mouth.

  “To the weak nothing, as it was meant to be
.” added Angelica.

  “This is Guardian Ford of liberated…”

  “Kill that damn transmission, I’ve heard enough!” Jasper barked at the hapless lieutenant before turning to gunnery control. “Well what are you waiting for? He’s given you a list of targets I want them all destroyed, now, starting with the space port.”

  “Aye, Sir” the gunnery sergeant turned to his team and started giving orders, bringing numerous plasma, beam, particle weapons and missile batteries to bear on multiple targets. They looked on as the overhead holodisplay brought up a sensor image of the planet. The deck vibrating under them as the dissipating waves of residual energy from multiple platforms recoiled out through space and a series of explosions lit up the planet.

  “Report.” demanded Jasper.

  “All targets intact.” said Alice. “But we’ve lost five more orbital platforms. Two destroyed three heavily damaged. They appear to have some sort of deflector gird that's reflecting weapons fire back at us.”

  Suddenly the sensors went blank and Ford materialised on the bridge. The two security guards standing by the bridge doors immediately opened fire with their pistols. Bolts of energy ripping through Fords body into the bulkhead behind him killing a technician who had the misfortune to be in the way. Ford smiled as he watched the bolts of energy pass harmlessly through him.

  “Ceasefire.” Jasper snapped holding his hand up and gesturing to them to stop firing. “Even Ford’s not dumb enough to appear on my bridge in person. It’s a projection of some sort.” he added as an afterthought. His wetware enhanced cybernetic implant clearly showed that this ghost on his bridge, no matter how real it appeared, had no aura.

  “Ceasefire, never thought I’d hear you utter those words, is that an offer?” said Ford looking casually around the bridge before his eye caught Angelica. “I’ve seen you on the news haven’t I? Remind me to get your autograph when we meet in person. I’ll give you a guided tour of the Paradise prison complex later.”

  “Enough!” roared Jasper pulling himself out of his seat and eyeballing Fords avatar.

  Fords Avatar smiled and cocked its head to one side examining his cybernetic eye. “How is the eye these days? It looks like you’ve had an upgrade.” he cast a sideways glance at Jackson. “You should be careful there’s some dodgy software on the market.”

  “If you’ve got a point to make then make it, otherwise get the hell off my bridge.”

  “The point? The point is it’s over, you’ve lost, Malstrom’s lost. We’ve taken our planet back and we’re keeping it.”

  “Nice thought.” said Alice catching Fords eye. “Try to keep hold of it, but we may have to disappoint you.” she turned to Jasper. “We have a wormhole forming on the port side of the planet.”

  Jasper smiled as Fords avatar vanished. “Be seeing you.”

  “Incoming transmission, putting it on the main display.” said the hapless lieutenant on comms.

  Jasper groaned inwardly, this man was his very own personal Jonah, a bearer of bad news.

  A fat balding man with a hooked nose and watery grey eyes in a dark navy two piece uniform, bedecked in gold braid and medals with pips running down each shoulder to signifying his rank, greeted them. “This is Admiral Whillans of the flagship ‘Hades’ of the third fleet we're here to lay claim to this system on behalf of the Vesperon Corporation. You are ordered to stand down and prepare to be boarded.”

  “Rumours of our demise have been greatly exaggerated Admiral, this system and all its assets belong to Malstrom.”

  “That’s not what they’re saying planet side.” said Whillans activating a recording of Fords message. “I won’t offer you surrender terms again.”

  “Very generous of you I’m sure, now withdraw or be destroyed.” he ran his finger across his throat gesturing to them to cut the signal.

  “Second wormhole forming on the starboard side of the planet this time.” Alice informed them.

  “Put them on screen.” Jasper said before his personal ‘Jonah’ had a chance to speak.

  A young man, he looked far too young to be a commander of any description, dressed in a plain single piece khaki suit appeared, lounging casually in his seat on the bridge. His long black hair was tied back in a ponytail and threaded through the back of a khaki baseball cap emblazoned with three gold stars to signify his rank. He had deep blue eyes and a rather square jaw studded with the stubble of a deep five o’clock shadow. “Good day Commander.” he said casually inspecting the back of his right hand and brushing something off it. “I hope I haven’t caught you at a bad time, but I’m Komandant Nolan of the flagship Hyperion of the fifth fleet. We’re here to assimilate this system on behalf of the Haldyne Collective. Now if you could be so kind as to stand down your weapons and prepare to be boarded.”

  “Well much as I’m tempted by your generous offer.” sneered Jasper. “I’m afraid you’ll have to join the queue as your second or is the third person to lay claim to this system today.” he gesture to Wilkes to hold the line. “Have they seen each other yet?”

  Alice shook her head. “No both fleets are in each other’s blind spot on opposite sides of the planet”

  “Good, Hail Admiral Whillans and put them both on an open channel.”

  He waited for Alice to hail Whillans before continuing. “Gentlemen, allow me to do the introductions. Admiral Whillans this is Komandant Nolan here to claim the system on behalf of the Haldyne Collective and Komandant Nolan this Admiral Whillans here to claim the system on behalf of the Vesperon Corporation.”

  Admiral Whillans was the first to respond. “The Vesperon Corporation has prior claim to this system and under the terms of the Galois Treaty section twelve, sub-section seven, paragraphs three and four you are required to withdraw.”

  “So sue me.” drawled Nolan.

  “Gentleman, I’m afraid you’ll have to continue this discussion off my bridge.” he motioned to Wilkes to kill the signal. “That should buy us some time, neither can risk moving against us for fear of leaving themselves open to the other.”

  “Hades is launching fighters.” said Alice. “It looks like they’re going after the Hyperion. Both fleets’ cruisers are moving to engage. Hyperion is launching fighters too.”

  Jasper turned to Jackson. “I’ve bought us some time can you get us past Fords shields?”

  Jackson nodded. “I’m working on it, but we’ll need the Fury. They seem to be drawing on a power source deep within the planet. It’s unlike anything we’ve seen before, but the weapons we have on her can do it.”

  “More wormholes forming.” interrupted Alice. “Directly ahead of us, it’s the primary battle fleet.”

  “Hail them.” said Jasper.

  “They’re not responding.” said Wilkes.

  “Goliath and Prometheus are launching fighters, the fleet is splitting, the first battle group is going after Hyperion and the second is targeting Hades, all vessels are engaging.” said Alice. “Haldyne and Vesperon are breaking off and targeting Malstrom vessels. We’re hot, multiple sensor locks and incoming fire detected.”

  “All stations open fire, engage at will bring the orbital platforms to bear.” screamed Jasper.

  Alice punched up the main display and they watched as a Haldyne cruiser that had strayed too close to the planet was ripped apart. A beam weapon cutting through its hull rupturing its reactor core. The deck shuddered as rail cannons discharged hundreds of rounds ripping through the fighters that zipped over the hull blasting their defences. Turrets exploded, shattered lifeless fighters bounced off their hull and back into space. A volley of missiles smashed into the orbital platform that had destroyed the cruiser sending it spinning out of control till it crashed into another platform destroying them both in a mini supernova. Knocking out any fighter unfortunate enough to get caught in the electromagnetic pulse it triggered. They watched the lights on a battleship from the first battle group flicker and go out, caught in a cross-fire between two Haldyne cruisers and a Vesperon destr
oyer, as a massive explosion broke its back.

  “Admiral of the fleet Donaldson is on the comm.” said Wilkes. “He’s demanding to know why we haven’t launched our fighters yet.”

  “Are the senior crew on the shuttle and ready to go.” asked Jasper.

  Wilkes nodded. “Everyone apart from those on the bridge.”

  Jasper took the comm. “Donaldson I’m assuming command of the Fury immediately. My fighters will be escorting me and my senior crew over shortly, tell its captain to stand down.”

  “Go to hell Jasper, were in the middle of a fire fight.” said Donaldson and cut the comm.

  “Tell Raynes to get himself on the shuttle. Wilkes, Alice, Jackson, Angelica, your with me were taking the Fury now. Launch all the fighters, we’ll fight our way on board if we have to.”

  As they filed off the bridge he turned to the lieutenant on communications. “What’s your name?”

  “Moradi, Sir.”

  “Congratulations on your promotion Moradi, you have the bridge, try not to blow it up before we leave.” Said Jasper as the steel blast doors closed behind them and they ran to the lift.

  Minutes later they were racing towards the Fury as their escorting fighters blew everything out of their path. The Fury had been held back from the battle so by the time they reached her they were well outside the battle zone making docking easy. As their fighter escort peeled off to re-join the battle Jasper and his team were escorted off the flight deck and taken to the bridge by a full security detail.

  “Nothing like warm welcome.” said Alice.

  “I think these fine upstanding men should be congratulated on taking the security of this ship so seriously.” said Angelica turning to Jasper. “I’m sure their new captain will be more than happy to reward them for their dedication to their duties.”

  “I’m here to assume command, stand aside captain.” said Jasper as the silver titanium doors slid smoothly aside and they entered the nerve centre of the ship.

  The bridge was at the very heart of the vessel with layer upon layer of heavy ablative armour, blast doors, bulkheads and multiple regenerative shields between it and the vacuum of space. There were three chairs on the central dais. The highest in the centre was for the captain, the others were dynamically assignable as mission needs or personal preferences dictated. Other than that it was a fairly standard Malstrom layout. Sensors to the left, communications to the right. Forward of and slightly below them running from left to right was navigation, weapons and flight deck controls, with an additional weapons station for the Armageddon Array. Behind the Captain's dais, were the silver titanium doors that sealed off the bridge from the rest of the ship, and to their left were ranged the engineering stations and to their right the science stations.

  “This is highly irregular Commander, abandoning your post in battle.” said Captain Vaccaro pulling up the Orbital Command Station on screen. It was taking heavy damage and several sections had decompressed. There was another explosive decompression as they watched and it began to slowly spin out of control breaking up as it went. “I'm minded to put you all in the brig pending a court martial for dereliction of duty.”

  The captains lifeless body fell to the deck as Alice fired a single shot to the head, stunning the crew momentarily.

  Jasper seized his opportunity and stepping over Vaccaro’s body mounted the dais and took the captain’s chair. “Anyone care to join their former captain?”

  Angelica stepped forward. “No mercy or compassion for the weak, only the spoils of victory for the strong, as it was meant to be.” repeating the liturgy over and over, encouraging the crew to join in, as they assumed control of the key stations on the bridge. Jasper gestured to Angelica and Jackson to join him on his dais, Angelica took the seat on his left Jackson the one on his right.

  “Raynes has relieved the chief engineer sir. I’m pleased to report all your command staff in post.” said Wilkes.

  Jasper gestured to the security detail that had brought them to the bridge to remove their former captains body and dispose of it.

  Alice took stock of the battle. “Planetary defences and orbital command have been disabled. Vesperon have lost two cruisers and a battleship. Haldyne a cruiser and a destroyer. First battle group a cruiser and a battleship. Second battle group is down two cruisers and a destroyer.”

  “Deploy the Armageddon Array and bring us within range of the planet.” order Jasper. “Power up all weapons and prep fighters for launch, frag anything that comes near us, it’s time to see what this ship can do.”

  The outer shell of the bulbous housing under the Fury's bow slid smoothly back into the hull as the Armageddon Array was lowered into its firing position and locked into place. Three massive modified rails cannons, like a tripod tipped on its side, held three large glowing crystals around the outer edge of the arrays main reflector dish. Each rail fed synchronised energy pluses from the reactor cores to the crystals which in turn were focused on the reflector. When fully charged the crystals could be discharged into the reflector creating a devastatingly powerful energy beam capable of ripping through almost anything and splitting entire planets apart.

  As the crystals began to charge they turned and accelerated towards Anobar.