Read Rebels Page 33

  Chapter 19 Aftermath

  In a discrete office off the main commercial hub of the space port Ford was sitting behind a polished oak desk in a sumptuous red leather chair. Opposite him sat the ambassador from Palmador. A respectable, youthful looking, man for his advancing years with distinguished grey hair and flint colour eyes. A neatly cropped beard helped to soften the somewhat angular lines of his jaw.

  He stood up and straightened out his flowing blue robe, neatly brocaded with a gold trim that he wore over a matching crisp blue suit and collarless white shirt. “It a pleasure doing business with you Guardian Ford.” he held out his hand.

  Ford stood up. He was wearing his eponymous cyberweave cloak with the hood cast back, but had replaced the battered combat armour of the rebellion, which hung on a stand behind them, with a plain black suit and simple white shirt. “It’s a pleasure to do business with you Ambassador Allen.” he removed his silver spectacles and placed them on the table. They'd recently been tinted to prevent people from being unnerved when he communed with Gaia. He took the ambassadors hand shaking it firmly. “I believe you should always look a man in the eye before sealing a deal so you know exactly who you’re dealing with.”

  Allen smiled. “In that case I hope you like what you see.”

  “Likewise.” said Ford. “It's a deal then, advanced medical tech in return for heavy equipment to assist us in the reconstruction effort planet side.”

  “Indeed, more than equitable, one can't help but wonder where you acquired it.”

  “The plants here have unique medicinal properties, it was one of the reasons Malstrom was keen to acquire the planet. That and as an advanced base for their expansion into this sector.”

  “We'd heard rumours of advanced military research after the battle of the three fleets, prototype ships and weapons being deployed.” Allen studied him intently looking for reaction.

  “Really?” said Ford in a shocked tone of disbelief. “It's amazing how quickly rumours can spread in a few weeks. We're still assessing the damage and getting the planetary defence grid back on-line, but you’re more than welcome to inspect the hulks we have stationed in orbit round the moon. We're hoping to salvage some to build a planetary defence force of our own and sell the rest for scrap if you’re interested?”

  Allen smiled and shook head. “No thanks we prefer to specialise in planet side construction, but I wouldn't be too quick to dispel the rumours if I were you, it's chaos out there. Half the indentured worlds are in revolt. Malstrom is collapsing and everyone wants a piece of their action. The Anterian flesh eaters have ventured into human space for the first time in over a century. Not to mention the reports of a mysterious ship prowling hyperspace.”

  Ford help up his hands. “I'm just a simple solider standing in till a civilian government can take over, but this I do know, now more than ever, we in the free world’s need to stand together.”

  Allen laughed. “I doubt very much there's anything simple about you. Good day Guardian Ford and may the solar winds bring you good fortune.”

  “As so they may you.” said Ford as Allen left the room.

  A few minutes later Bryson, followed by Carol, David, Lucy, Anna and Bryn filed into the room.

  “Take a seat.” said Ford gesturing to them to take one of the red leather seats set out in a crescent around the desk. He walked around to the front and leant with his back against the desk. “Is it me or were things simpler when we were fighting for our freedom?”

  A general mummer of agreement ran round the room.

  “We, Gaia and I, have a proposal. As you know Jasper is still out there and so are Gaia's sisters. We need to stop Jasper before he finds them.”

  “Well I for one would love to join you on another adventure.” said Bryson. “If you can find someone else willing to process thousands of POW's.”

  “So long as I don't have to go down any more mines.” added Bryn.

  “Then there's the small matter of a getting a ship.” said David

  “One that can take on the Fury.” added Carol.

  “I'm not leaving the Phoenix behind.” said Lucy. “You can find a new pilot otherwise and that’s final.”

  “And you'll need someone to look after you all.” said Anna.

  Ford laughed. “Do you know why I parked the hulks around the moon? It’s hollower than this planet, inside there is the mother of all shipyards and we're going to build a ship that’ll take down Jasper once and for all...


  The atmosphere was tense in the virtual boardroom of Malstrom. A heated discussion was taking place between the avatars ranged around the polished oak table. Henderson had adopted his usual virtual persona. The balding middle age man in the collarless, charcoal grey, pinstriped business suit. No one knew what he really looked like. He was standing alone and detached at the head of the table. His left hand was placed casually in his pocket, while he held a cigarette in his right, gazing out into the middle distance at some unseen horizon. He turned around suddenly as someone called his name.

  “Henderson, Henderson, get over here!” called a fat red faced man, in a Stetson, chewing a cigar.

  He smiled, it was a thin humourless smile. “You always did like the old Earth Texas oil baron look didn't you Senator Seymour? Strange isn't what we choose? All those nubile, virile character models available and we choose these.” he ran his right down his body and away from himself to emphasise his point. “It says a lot about who we really are.”

  Seymour took the cigar from his mouth. “Well this avatar says you’re finished, it’s time for you to stand down and for someone to step to up the plate who’s got what it takes to sort this mess out.”

  There were several mummers of agreement and nodding from around the room. Henderson took a long draw on his virtual cigarette and said nothing.

  “Hell, the company’s falling apart. The primary battle fleet is in ruins. Your man Jasper has stolen the Fury, you've lost Anobar, the ark and the Angel-1 research, half our indentured worlds are revolting, and Vesperon, Haldyne and Zodan are launching hostile take-over bids to annex our key assets. By any stretch of the imagination you’re a god-damn failure!” Senator Seymour was on his feet shouting.

  Henderson continued smiling, it was the sly dangerous smile of a predator about to strike, and flicked the nub end of his virtual cigarette onto the table and still he said nothing. A heavy silence hung around the room as they waited for him to respond. He pulled his trademark sliver cigarette case and lighter from his jacket. Took out a fresh cigarette and snapped the case shut tapping the cigarette on it three times before slipping it back into his jacket. He lit it up took a long slow draw and lent his head back exhaling a long plume of photons masquerading as smoke.

  At last he spoke. “And I suppose you’re the man Seymour?”

  “Damn right I am.”

  His nodding dogs around the table nodded vigorously in agreement.

  Henderson gave them all a long hard stare. “You disappoint me.” he slammed his photonic right hand on the table the cigarette pointing upwards between his fingers. “Look at Irene here the respectable middle-aged business woman agreeing with Seymour.” he straightened himself up and moved slowly around the table. “From what I hear your avatar may as well be a triple breasted whore from Voit.” he stopped behind the avatar of particularly fit and lithe young man and rested his hands on his shoulders. The photons mixed and merged making it impossible to see where one began and the other ended. “And as for our athletic young friend Vaughan here he hasn't seen the inside of a gym in years.” he lifted his hands off his shoulders and pointed to the far end of the table as the photons resolved themselves into separate images once more. “Look at you Kurt, the designer avatar dripping in jewellery, the only reason your supporting Seymour is because he offered to pay off your gambling debts.” he flicked the virtual cigarette into the air watching the photons spinning off it till it dissolved into nothing. “I think it’s time to activate plan B d
on't you?” he clicked his fingers and the avatars of Seymour and the others flicked and went out.

  An audible gasp went around the room as with a flourish of his hand Henderson conjured up a large rotating display above the table. “Plan B is the Brethren, as you have just seen they provide for the faithful and punish those who have been judged and found wanting. I think you'll find the terms of salvation more than reasonable.” he pointed to the rotating display. “You have twenty-four hours to pay the amount indicated here into this account here.” his avatar began to fade as he walked away from the table. Suddenly he stopped and turned around before vanishing completely from view. “I wouldn't leave it too long to find the path to salvation they know exactly where you all are.” and like the Cheshire cat he was gone leaving only a fading after image of his smile behind.