Read Rebels & Lies Page 63


  Paxton parked the van outside of the power plant. The team filed out on his command. Before he made his exit, he said a silent prayer. When he opened his eyes, the sight before him made him sick. That plant represented everything that he and his team were fighting against. The USR manufactured a drug to further increase their control over the population. Genetic control, population control, control over the individual. He breathed in and accessed the old killer once more. Could his old bones handle another fire fight?

  The team assembled behind the van. They had been waiting patiently for their leader to arrive. Paxton looked to each of them before he spoke. First was Ron Kilbourne, loyal to the end. Li, a meek person at heart, but with a will made of solid steel. His heart sank when he reached Krys. She was the constant encourager who always put the needs of others ahead of her own. If there was anyone who didn’t deserve the fate she faced, it was her. No matter, tonight she would help in the assurance that that fate wouldn’t be passed down to another.

  He looked to Kaspar last. Kaspar had every right to not be here right now. His mother’s killers were still at large, yet, he was sacrificing the one thing that drove him to this point. Was it for the greater good or something else? Maybe, for the first time, the kid learned something from what’s been going on around him.

  “Before we go in there,” Paxton said, having everyone’s full attention. “I just want to extend a personal thank you to each and every one of you. You’ve fought the good fight. I couldn’t give a shit what Danny said to us back there. We know what we’ve been fighting for. In light of this Intel, however, if there are any of you who wish to leave, you may do so. No one will look down upon you for so doing so. Just, go now, please.”

  No one left. The only thing that Paxton saw were focused eyes loyal to him and the mission. He looked down and smiled again. They had learned well. None of them would dare leave now. Paxton knew that.

  The smile went away. “Thank you, again. Here’s the game plan: Ron is going to blow those machines to hell. We are going to provide him with cover fire. This is going to be a dangerous one. We are going to raid a USR stronghold; one that they will not want to give away easily. Stick to your training, instincts, and to each other. Don’t get yourselves killed in there, understood?”

  “Yes, sir!” the team cried in unison.

  “Game faces,” Paxton said. The team retrieved their masks and put them on. “Look alive and stay sharp.”

  Kaspar rubbed at his mask to make sure it fit snug. He looked through the tinted eye holes at the building in front. The PSD gripped tight in his hands, he allowed himself to think of Mother one last time. Kaspar hoped that he was doing the right thing by her; letting her killers go free to pursue something greater. The team stayed low as they approached the building. Kaspar held up the rear.

  Up front, Paxton touched his ear piece, he ignored the static. “Robert, you there?”

  “Yeah,” Clarke replied through the static.

  “You got a good read on security?”

  “Sure do. I’m looking at the feeds right now. It looks like that lobby is crawling with tangos. It’s like they are expecting you guys.”

  “With what Danny told us, they probably are. How many?”

  “Ten, maybe twelve.”


  “You guys be careful in there,” Clarke said. “I just wish I could be out there with you tonight.”

  “I know,” Paxton replied. “Just keep our asses informed.”

  “I will.”

  “Over and out.”

  The team approached the main entrance. Paxton held up his hand for the team to stop. He looked down at his PSD hoping that it would keep him alive. After several deep breaths he prepared to brief his team.

  “Entrance is crawling with tangos,” Paxton said with a low tone. “When we take them out it should be smooth sailing. Check your weapons.”

  Kaspar looked down at the PSD. He switched the safety off, moved the fire rate to full automatic, and then yanked the chamber back. In front of him, Krys was saying a quiet prayer or something. He looked to the stars and thanked Mother for her wisdom. This was the right thing to do, he was sure of it now. He just hoped he didn’t end up dead for it.

  The damn static in Paxton’s ear made it hard to make out what Clarke was saying. Something about it was now or never. A couple of the guards had moved on to patrol other areas of the building. Paxton nodded his head. He held up his right hand with all five fingers extended. He folded his thumb in: four. Index finger: three. Middle finger: two. Ring finger: one.

  From the back, Kaspar kept his eyes on the baby finger. His breathing increased; his grip on the PSD tighter. This was no time to turn into a coward. Only the moment mattered: the seconds that would determine whether he lived or died. The speed of his trigger finger being faster than his enemies…

  Just drop that damn finger already, Kaspar thought. In front of him, Krys’s prayer grew in sound and intensity. He looked down one last time at the yellow fabric. He looked up just in time to see Paxton drop his baby finger.

  With his PSD shouldered, Paxton kicked in the front door. He took aim at one of the two Agents that guarded the door. A short, three round burst dropped his enemy. Before the second guard could get in a clean shot, he received the same fate. Paxton ran towards one of the stone pillars that ran from the marble floor to the ceiling. He pressed his back against it, ignoring the sound of the Agent’s rifles and the pieces of stone flying in the air.

  Kaspar followed in behind the others. Upon approach of the kicked in door, the deafening sound of gun fire caused a ring in his ears. When he entered he saw flashes from the guard’s automatics from the back. Gun smoke and flying stone filled the air. He took aim with his PSD and fired as he ran towards a wooden sign in desk. Once close enough, Kaspar slid the rest of the way feet first and took cover behind it.

  Behind the desk, Kaspar moved the stock of the PSD to his shoulder. He forced himself to move from safety to help the others. His upper body moved up from behind the desk. He scanned his eyes wildly as he looked for a target. There was a guard at the back who fired at someone else. Kaspar took aim and squeezed on the trigger. Six rounds spit out. He took cover before confirming his kill.

  Paxton kept his cover behind the pillar. Bullets continued to tear through the stone structure. He pivoted right and found an enemy. The Agent just stood, scared shitless, his head moved around without aim. Paxton almost felt bad when he squeezed the trigger. The three rounds tore through the Agent’s chest. He dropped. Paxton pivoted back.

  Krys peered through the safety of the pillar she used. Out of the corner of her eye was an Agent sprinting to a new position. She moved her gun and aimed a few inches ahead of the runner. She pulled the trigger. Four rounds tore through the Agent. Krys moved back.

  Kilbourne fired at a rapid pace; the pillar behind him used only when he needed a reload. He shifted his body from left to right, the red bag over his shoulder swung around with each move. To his right he took aim at an Agent behind a computer desk. To his left he hit another Agent who pivoted out from behind a pillar. The PSD went dry. In a quick motion, his back rested against the stone, he grabbed a fresh clip from his flak jacket and reloaded.

  Li moved from pillar to pillar firing away with his PSD. He moved left and saw an Agent pop out of cover. The Agent took an automatic burst to the chest then a round to the head. Right beside the Agent was another one who was delivered the same fate. Li made a run for the pillar in front of him. After running full speed he slid on the slick floor for it. An Agent with a shotgun moved towards his direction. Li aimed and pulled the trigger. Nothing but clicks. A squeeze of the trigger and buckshot tore through Li’s armor.

  The scene unfolded in front of Paxton. “Yung!”

  The Agent pumped the shotgun and fired again. Paxton moved back to safety. Shattered stone flew in every direction.

  Kaspar saw the Agent with the sho
tgun. After he took careful aim with the PSD he squeezed the trigger. A full automatic burst exploded the Agent’s armor. He looked left and delivered another automatic burst into another Agent.

  Krys came out of hiding. She ran fast towards her fallen comrade. She flung the PSD over her shoulder then reached down for her P99. With her right arm in full extension she reached down for Li.

  “Krys,” Paxton yelled. “Get back!”

  He stopped his order. An Agent came out with a clean shot on Krys. Paxton delivered a three round burst into the chest. Then sent another burst to the head.

  The sound of a door opening came from the back. Three more Agents, P90’s shouldered, started to fire away. Paxton eyed them. He sent several short bursts their way. The PSD started to click. Back behind the safety of cover, he reached for another clip.

  Krys fired her pistol at one of the Agents. The Agent backed off to find cover. With all of her strength, Krys drug Li to the pillar beside them by his collar. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw an Agent poke his head out. She sent a 9MM round through it.

  The scene unfolded in front of Kaspar. He moved his head up and the thing he feared most happened. He froze. Everything seemed to move in slow motion. Paxton shouted inaudible commands like he was yelling underwater. He watched Krys reload her pistol then looked right to see Kilbourne take out another one. Is this what his world had come to? Is this what it took to be free?

  Kaspar saw a flash from the distance. The bullet was stopped only by the wooden desk. Splinters of the wood bounced off the dark lenses. Snapped back into reality, Kaspar aimed his PSD towards the source of the flash. The full automatic burst tore through the Agent’s chest. Kaspar dropped back down behind the desk.

  “That’s all of them for now.” Clarke said through the radio. “But get back there and set those charges. Reinforcements are on their way.”

  “Let’s get moving!” Paxton ordered.

  Paxton looked over to see Krys sitting behind Li. She had his head rested on her chest. Paxton could see that Li still drew breath. Li reached up to rip his mask off to make the breathing easier. He struggled to breathe still; his face had gone pale. His lips shook as he tried to speak.

  The old veteran put his index finger over his lips. He reached down and took hold of Li’s right hand. With what strength was left, his fallen comrade squeezed back. Paxton had seen death far too many times during his days as a Marine and now as a rebel leader. Seeing comrades, no brothers, die never got easier.

  “You did good,” Paxton said. “You can go now with honor.”

  “G—go on,” Li whispered. “I’ve got this room covered. Any USR t—try to come through here and they’re to—ast.”

  “Yung,” Krys started to say.

  “I j—just need to get into a good f—firing position.”

  Krys reached down. She moved Li sideways and allowed him to rest his back against a pillar. Li had a clear shot at the front door. Paxton picked up the PSD from the floor as Krys grabbed a clip from Li’s flak jacket. Paxton handed it to her. She reloaded the gun; Li reached up and took hold of it. He moved the gun up to aim it at the door.

  Several seconds later the PSD crashed to the floor.