Read Rebirth Page 8

Chapter Two

  Very early in the morning of January 12th

  The Starship Constellation

  Tom Parkinson was still at his desk working, even though it was one o`clock in the morning; he leant back in his chair and looked across at Special Agent Formby.

  "We haven`t got much to go on Joe, but I have told our computer of the definite Aldebran connection in this case, and also some information that came to me from an agent of mine out in deepest space. This coupled together with all other starship movements might just give us something to go on." As if his computer had been listening in, it chose this moment to flash a message up onto its screen.

  'A Church of the Universe colony starship, the Constellation, left space dock one hour ago; it is bound for the new world colony planet Persephone.

  The Aldebran space cruiser which left Aldebra yesterday is being tracked by the long range sensors, which the space fleet of Earth has put into space near to the borders of all systems thought of as a possible danger to Earth and its colonies. The space cruiser is keeping on a course that will take it towards the quadrant of space where the planets Persephone, New Earth and Orion are located.

  The likelihood that the Aldebran ship is heading towards the planet Orion is exceedingly small because the leader of the planet Aldebra, Quasar, must know that Tyler Burrows would have nothing to do with such a dictatorship as his, and there is nothing of importance on the new world colony planet New Earth.

  Recommendation: Get Agent Paul Divine to investigate this lead, he is on the Jovian moon, Ganymede; with him is Agent Charles Bragg.'

  "OK then Joe; that looks like a definite lead; let`s get Paul Divine and Charles Bragg onto that ship to investigate it." Tom Parkinson said brightly, looking over at Formby to see if he agreed.

  "Yes it appears to be our only lead for the moment; I think you and your computer could well be right, send in your two men and see if they have any luck." Special Agent Formby agreed at the same time as yawning for he was now very tired.

  "Me, I am home for my bed, I have a lot to do in the morning and I need my beauty sleep." Formby declared with yet another yawn.

  "I will also ask Admiral Fletcher to dispatch a space cruiser, Joe, to shadow the Constellation to ensure its safety in case the Aldebran ship is foolish enough to push things a little further, which they might if their agents are uncovered on board the Constellation.

  "And tomorrow morning, Tom, I will get my lads to run a check on all of the colonists and crew aboard the Constellation who joined the ship after the explosion. If there is anything to find, we will find it. Formby said getting up from his chair and leaving Parkinson`s plush office. Formby`s office in comparison to this one was no more than a broom cupboard.